View Javadoc
1   /*
2    *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    *  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   *  limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import java.nio.charset.Charset;
29  import java.util.ArrayList;
30  import java.util.HashSet;
31  import java.util.List;
32  import java.util.Set;
33  import java.util.TimeZone;
34  import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
35  import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import;
40  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.pack200.Codec;
41  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.pack200.Pack200Exception;
42  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.Attribute;
43  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.CPClass;
44  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.CPField;
45  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.CPMethod;
46  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.CPUTF8;
47  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.ClassConstantPool;
48  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.ClassFile;
49  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.ClassFileEntry;
50  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.InnerClassesAttribute;
51  import org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.SourceFileAttribute;
52  import;
54  /**
55   * A Pack200 archive consists of one or more segments. Each segment is stand-alone, in the sense that every segment has the magic number header; thus, every
56   * segment is also a valid archive. However, it is possible to combine (non-GZipped) archives into a single large archive by concatenation alone. Thus, all the
57   * hard work in unpacking an archive falls to understanding a segment.
58   *
59   * The first component of a segment is the header; this contains (amongst other things) the expected counts of constant pool entries, which in turn defines how
60   * many values need to be read from the stream. Because values are variable width (see {@link Codec}), it is not possible to calculate the start of the next
61   * segment, although one of the header values does hint at the size of the segment if non-zero, which can be used for buffering purposes.
62   *
63   * Note that this does not perform any buffering of the input stream; each value will be read on a byte-by-byte basis. It does not perform GZip decompression
64   * automatically; both of these are expected to be done by the caller if the stream has the magic header for GZip streams ({@link GZIPInputStream#GZIP_MAGIC}).
65   * In any case, if GZip decompression is being performed the input stream will be buffered at a higher level, and thus this can read on a byte-oriented basis.
66   */
67  public class Segment {
69      public static final int LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE = 2;
71      public static final int LOG_LEVEL_STANDARD = 1;
73      public static final int LOG_LEVEL_QUIET = 0;
75      private SegmentHeader header;
77      private CpBands cpBands;
79      private AttrDefinitionBands attrDefinitionBands;
81      private IcBands icBands;
83      private ClassBands classBands;
85      private BcBands bcBands;
87      private FileBands fileBands;
89      private boolean overrideDeflateHint;
91      private boolean deflateHint;
93      private boolean doPreRead;
95      private int logLevel;
97      private PrintWriter logStream;
99      private byte[][] classFilesContents;
101     private boolean[] fileDeflate;
103     private boolean[] fileIsClass;
105     private InputStream internalBuffer;
107     private ClassFile buildClassFile(final int classNum) {
108         final ClassFile classFile = new ClassFile();
109         final int[] major = classBands.getClassVersionMajor();
110         final int[] minor = classBands.getClassVersionMinor();
111         if (major != null) {
112             classFile.major = major[classNum];
113             classFile.minor = minor[classNum];
114         } else {
115             classFile.major = header.getDefaultClassMajorVersion();
116             classFile.minor = header.getDefaultClassMinorVersion();
117         }
118         // build constant pool
119         final ClassConstantPool cp = classFile.pool;
120         final int fullNameIndexInCpClass = classBands.getClassThisInts()[classNum];
121         final String fullName = cpBands.getCpClass()[fullNameIndexInCpClass];
122         // SourceFile attribute
123         int i = fullName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1; // if lastIndexOf==-1, then
124         // -1+1=0, so str.substring(0)
125         // == str
127         // Get the source file attribute
128         final List<Attribute> classAttributes = classBands.getClassAttributes()[classNum];
129         SourceFileAttribute sourceFileAttribute = null;
130         for (final Attribute classAttribute : classAttributes) {
131             if (classAttribute.isSourceFileAttribute()) {
132                 sourceFileAttribute = (SourceFileAttribute) classAttribute;
133             }
134         }
136         if (sourceFileAttribute == null) {
137             // If we don't have a source file attribute yet, we need
138             // to infer it from the class.
139             final AttributeLayout SOURCE_FILE = attrDefinitionBands.getAttributeDefinitionMap().getAttributeLayout(AttributeLayout.ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_FILE,
140                     AttributeLayout.CONTEXT_CLASS);
141             if (SOURCE_FILE.matches(classBands.getRawClassFlags()[classNum])) {
142                 int firstDollar = -1;
143                 for (int index = 0; index < fullName.length(); index++) {
144                     if (fullName.charAt(index) <= '$') {
145                         firstDollar = index;
146                     }
147                 }
148                 String fileName;
150                 if (firstDollar > -1 && i <= firstDollar) {
151                     fileName = fullName.substring(i, firstDollar) + ".java";
152                 } else {
153                     fileName = fullName.substring(i) + ".java";
154                 }
155                 sourceFileAttribute = new SourceFileAttribute(cpBands.cpUTF8Value(fileName, false));
156                 classFile.attributes = new Attribute[] { (Attribute) cp.add(sourceFileAttribute) };
157             } else {
158                 classFile.attributes = new Attribute[] {};
159             }
160         } else {
161             classFile.attributes = new Attribute[] { (Attribute) cp.add(sourceFileAttribute) };
162         }
164         // If we see any class attributes, add them to the class's attributes
165         // that will
166         // be written out. Keep SourceFileAttributes out since we just
167         // did them above.
168         final List<Attribute> classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute = new ArrayList<>(classAttributes.size());
169         for (int index = 0; index < classAttributes.size(); index++) {
170             final Attribute attrib = classAttributes.get(index);
171             if (!attrib.isSourceFileAttribute()) {
172                 classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute.add(attrib);
173             }
174         }
175         final Attribute[] originalAttributes = classFile.attributes;
176         classFile.attributes = new Attribute[originalAttributes.length + classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute.size()];
177         System.arraycopy(originalAttributes, 0, classFile.attributes, 0, originalAttributes.length);
178         for (int index = 0; index < classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute.size(); index++) {
179             final Attribute attrib = classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute.get(index);
180             cp.add(attrib);
181             classFile.attributes[originalAttributes.length + index] = attrib;
182         }
184         // this/superclass
185         final ClassFileEntry cfThis = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(fullNameIndexInCpClass));
186         final ClassFileEntry cfSuper = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(classBands.getClassSuperInts()[classNum]));
187         // add interfaces
188         final ClassFileEntry[] cfInterfaces = new ClassFileEntry[classBands.getClassInterfacesInts()[classNum].length];
189         for (i = 0; i < cfInterfaces.length; i++) {
190             cfInterfaces[i] = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(classBands.getClassInterfacesInts()[classNum][i]));
191         }
192         // add fields
193         final ClassFileEntry[] cfFields = new ClassFileEntry[classBands.getClassFieldCount()[classNum]];
194         // fieldDescr and fieldFlags used to create this
195         for (i = 0; i < cfFields.length; i++) {
196             final int descriptorIndex = classBands.getFieldDescrInts()[classNum][i];
197             final int nameIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorNameInts()[descriptorIndex];
198             final int typeIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorTypeInts()[descriptorIndex];
199             final CPUTF8 name = cpBands.cpUTF8Value(nameIndex);
200             final CPUTF8 descriptor = cpBands.cpSignatureValue(typeIndex);
201             cfFields[i] = cp.add(new CPField(name, descriptor, classBands.getFieldFlags()[classNum][i], classBands.getFieldAttributes()[classNum][i]));
202         }
203         // add methods
204         final ClassFileEntry[] cfMethods = new ClassFileEntry[classBands.getClassMethodCount()[classNum]];
205         // methodDescr and methodFlags used to create this
206         for (i = 0; i < cfMethods.length; i++) {
207             final int descriptorIndex = classBands.getMethodDescrInts()[classNum][i];
208             final int nameIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorNameInts()[descriptorIndex];
209             final int typeIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorTypeInts()[descriptorIndex];
210             final CPUTF8 name = cpBands.cpUTF8Value(nameIndex);
211             final CPUTF8 descriptor = cpBands.cpSignatureValue(typeIndex);
212             cfMethods[i] = cp.add(new CPMethod(name, descriptor, classBands.getMethodFlags()[classNum][i], classBands.getMethodAttributes()[classNum][i]));
213         }
214         cp.addNestedEntries();
216         // add inner class attribute (if required)
217         boolean addInnerClassesAttr = false;
218         final IcTuple[] icLocal = getClassBands().getIcLocal()[classNum];
219         final boolean icLocalSent = icLocal != null;
220         final InnerClassesAttribute innerClassesAttribute = new InnerClassesAttribute("InnerClasses");
221         final IcTuple[] icRelevant = getIcBands().getRelevantIcTuples(fullName, cp);
222         final List<IcTuple> ic_stored = computeIcStored(icLocal, icRelevant);
223         for (final IcTuple icStored : ic_stored) {
224             final int innerClassIndex = icStored.thisClassIndex();
225             final int outerClassIndex = icStored.outerClassIndex();
226             final int simpleClassNameIndex = icStored.simpleClassNameIndex();
228             final String innerClassString = icStored.thisClassString();
229             final String outerClassString = icStored.outerClassString();
230             final String simpleClassName = icStored.simpleClassName();
232             CPUTF8 innerName = null;
233             CPClass outerClass = null;
235             final CPClass innerClass = innerClassIndex != -1 ? cpBands.cpClassValue(innerClassIndex) : cpBands.cpClassValue(innerClassString);
236             if (!icStored.isAnonymous()) {
237                 innerName = simpleClassNameIndex != -1 ? cpBands.cpUTF8Value(simpleClassNameIndex) : cpBands.cpUTF8Value(simpleClassName);
238             }
240             if (icStored.isMember()) {
241                 outerClass = outerClassIndex != -1 ? cpBands.cpClassValue(outerClassIndex) : cpBands.cpClassValue(outerClassString);
242             }
243             final int flags = icStored.F;
244             innerClassesAttribute.addInnerClassesEntry(innerClass, outerClass, innerName, flags);
245             addInnerClassesAttr = true;
246         }
247         // If ic_local is sent, and it's empty, don't add
248         // the inner classes attribute.
249         if (icLocalSent && icLocal.length == 0) {
250             addInnerClassesAttr = false;
251         }
253         // If ic_local is not sent and ic_relevant is empty,
254         // don't add the inner class attribute.
255         if (!icLocalSent && icRelevant.length == 0) {
256             addInnerClassesAttr = false;
257         }
259         if (addInnerClassesAttr) {
260             // Need to add the InnerClasses attribute to the
261             // existing classFile attributes.
262             final Attribute[] originalAttrs = classFile.attributes;
263             final Attribute[] newAttrs = new Attribute[originalAttrs.length + 1];
264             System.arraycopy(originalAttrs, 0, newAttrs, 0, originalAttrs.length);
265             newAttrs[newAttrs.length - 1] = innerClassesAttribute;
266             classFile.attributes = newAttrs;
267             cp.addWithNestedEntries(innerClassesAttribute);
268         }
269         // sort CP according to cp_All
270         cp.resolve(this);
271         // NOTE the indexOf is only valid after the cp.resolve()
272         // build up remainder of file
273         classFile.accessFlags = (int) classBands.getClassFlags()[classNum];
274         classFile.thisClass = cp.indexOf(cfThis);
275         classFile.superClass = cp.indexOf(cfSuper);
276         // TODO placate format of file for writing purposes
277         classFile.interfaces = new int[cfInterfaces.length];
278         for (i = 0; i < cfInterfaces.length; i++) {
279             classFile.interfaces[i] = cp.indexOf(cfInterfaces[i]);
280         }
281         classFile.fields = cfFields;
282         classFile.methods = cfMethods;
283         return classFile;
284     }
286     /**
287      * Given an ic_local and an ic_relevant, use them to calculate what should be added as ic_stored.
288      *
289      * @param icLocal    IcTuple[] array of local transmitted tuples
290      * @param icRelevant IcTuple[] array of relevant tuples
291      * @return List of tuples to be stored. If ic_local is null or empty, the values returned may not be correct. The caller will have to determine if this is
292      *         the case.
293      */
294     private List<IcTuple> computeIcStored(final IcTuple[] icLocal, final IcTuple[] icRelevant) {
295         final List<IcTuple> result = new ArrayList<>(icRelevant.length);
296         final List<IcTuple> duplicates = new ArrayList<>(icRelevant.length);
297         final Set<IcTuple> isInResult = new HashSet<>(icRelevant.length);
299         // need to compute:
300         // result = ic_local XOR ic_relevant
302         // add ic_local
303         if (icLocal != null) {
304             for (final IcTuple element : icLocal) {
305                 if (isInResult.add(element)) {
306                     result.add(element);
307                 }
308             }
309         }
311         // add ic_relevant
312         for (final IcTuple element : icRelevant) {
313             if (isInResult.add(element)) {
314                 result.add(element);
315             } else {
316                 duplicates.add(element);
317             }
318         }
320         // eliminate "duplicates"
321         duplicates.forEach(result::remove);
323         return result;
324     }
326     protected AttrDefinitionBands getAttrDefinitionBands() {
327         return attrDefinitionBands;
328     }
330     protected ClassBands getClassBands() {
331         return classBands;
332     }
334     public SegmentConstantPool getConstantPool() {
335         return cpBands.getConstantPool();
336     }
338     protected CpBands getCpBands() {
339         return cpBands;
340     }
342     protected IcBands getIcBands() {
343         return icBands;
344     }
346     public SegmentHeader getSegmentHeader() {
347         return header;
348     }
350     public void log(final int logLevel, final String message) {
351         if (this.logLevel >= logLevel) {
352             logStream.println(message);
353         }
354     }
356     /**
357      * Override the archive's deflate hint with the given boolean
358      *
359      * @param deflateHint the deflate hint to use
360      */
361     public void overrideDeflateHint(final boolean deflateHint) {
362         this.overrideDeflateHint = true;
363         this.deflateHint = deflateHint;
364     }
366     /**
367      * This performs the actual work of parsing against a non-static instance of Segment. This method is intended to run concurrently for multiple segments.
368      *
369      * @throws IOException      if a problem occurs during reading from the underlying stream
370      * @throws Pack200Exception if a problem occurs with an unexpected value or unsupported codec
371      */
372     private void parseSegment() throws IOException, Pack200Exception {
374         header.unpack();
375         cpBands.unpack();
376         attrDefinitionBands.unpack();
377         icBands.unpack();
378         classBands.unpack();
379         bcBands.unpack();
380         fileBands.unpack();
382         int classNum = 0;
383         final int numberOfFiles = header.getNumberOfFiles();
384         final String[] fileName = fileBands.getFileName();
385         final int[] fileOptions = fileBands.getFileOptions();
386         final SegmentOptions options = header.getOptions();
388         classFilesContents = new byte[numberOfFiles][];
389         fileDeflate = new boolean[numberOfFiles];
390         fileIsClass = new boolean[numberOfFiles];
392         final ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
393         final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);
395         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFiles; i++) {
396             String name = fileName[i];
398             final boolean nameIsEmpty = name == null || name.isEmpty();
399             final boolean isClass = (fileOptions[i] & 2) == 2 || nameIsEmpty;
400             if (isClass && nameIsEmpty) {
401                 name = cpBands.getCpClass()[classBands.getClassThisInts()[classNum]] + ".class";
402                 fileName[i] = name;
403             }
405             if (!overrideDeflateHint) {
406                 fileDeflate[i] = (fileOptions[i] & 1) == 1 || options.shouldDeflate();
407             } else {
408                 fileDeflate[i] = deflateHint;
409             }
411             fileIsClass[i] = isClass;
413             if (isClass) {
414                 final ClassFile classFile = buildClassFile(classNum);
415                 classFile.write(dos);
416                 dos.flush();
418                 classFilesContents[classNum] = bos.toByteArray();
419                 bos.reset();
421                 classNum++;
422             }
423         }
424     }
426     /**
427      * This performs reading the data from the stream into non-static instance of Segment. After the completion of this method stream can be freed.
428      *
429      * @param in the input stream to read from
430      * @throws IOException      if a problem occurs during reading from the underlying stream
431      * @throws Pack200Exception if a problem occurs with an unexpected value or unsupported codec
432      */
433     private void readSegment(final InputStream in) throws IOException, Pack200Exception {
434         log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "-------");
435         cpBands = new CpBands(this);
437         attrDefinitionBands = new AttrDefinitionBands(this);
439         icBands = new IcBands(this);
441         classBands = new ClassBands(this);
443         bcBands = new BcBands(this);
445         fileBands = new FileBands(this);
448         fileBands.processFileBits();
449     }
451     public void setLogLevel(final int logLevel) {
452         this.logLevel = logLevel;
453     }
455     public void setLogStream(final OutputStream logStream) {
456         this.logStream = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(logStream, Charset.defaultCharset()), false);
457     }
459     public void setPreRead(final boolean value) {
460         doPreRead = value;
461     }
463     /**
464      * Unpacks a packed stream (either .pack. or .pack.gz) into a corresponding JarOuputStream.
465      *
466      * @param inputStream  a packed input stream, preferably a {@link BoundedInputStream}.
467      * @param out output stream.
468      * @throws Pack200Exception if there is a problem unpacking
469      * @throws IOException      if there is a problem with I/O during unpacking
470      */
471     public void unpack(final InputStream inputStream, final JarOutputStream out) throws IOException, Pack200Exception {
472         unpackRead(inputStream);
473         unpackProcess();
474         unpackWrite(out);
475     }
477     void unpackProcess() throws IOException, Pack200Exception {
478         if (internalBuffer != null) {
479             readSegment(internalBuffer);
480         }
481         parseSegment();
482     }
484     /*
485      * Package-private accessors for unpacking stages
486      */
487     void unpackRead(final InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, Pack200Exception {
488         @SuppressWarnings("resource")
489         final InputStream in = Pack200UnpackerAdapter.newBoundedInputStream(inputStream);
491         header = new SegmentHeader(this);
494         final int size = (int) header.getArchiveSize() - header.getArchiveSizeOffset();
496         if (doPreRead && header.getArchiveSize() != 0) {
497             final byte[] data = new byte[size];
498   ;
499             internalBuffer = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
500         } else {
501             readSegment(in);
502         }
503     }
505     void unpackWrite(final JarOutputStream out) throws IOException {
506         writeJar(out);
507         if (logStream != null) {
508             logStream.close();
509         }
510     }
512     /**
513      * Writes the segment to an output stream. The output stream should be pre-buffered for efficiency. Also takes the same input stream for reading, since the
514      * file bits may not be loaded and thus just copied from one stream to another. Doesn't close the output stream when finished, in case there are more
515      * entries (e.g. further segments) to be written.
516      *
517      * @param out the JarOutputStream to write data to
518      * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading or writing to the streams
519      */
520     public void writeJar(final JarOutputStream out) throws IOException {
521         final String[] fileName = fileBands.getFileName();
522         final int[] fileModtime = fileBands.getFileModtime();
523         final long[] fileSize = fileBands.getFileSize();
524         final byte[][] fileBits = fileBands.getFileBits();
526         // now write the files out
527         int classNum = 0;
528         final int numberOfFiles = header.getNumberOfFiles();
529         final long archiveModtime = header.getArchiveModtime();
531         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFiles; i++) {
532             final String name = fileName[i];
533             // For Pack200 archives, modtime is in seconds
534             // from the epoch. JarEntries need it to be in
535             // milliseconds from the epoch.
536             // Even though we're adding two longs and multiplying
537             // by 1000, we won't overflow because both longs are
538             // always under 2^32.
539             final long modtime = 1000 * (archiveModtime + fileModtime[i]);
540             final boolean deflate = fileDeflate[i];
542             final JarEntry entry = new JarEntry(name);
543             if (deflate) {
544                 entry.setMethod(ZipEntry.DEFLATED);
545             } else {
546                 entry.setMethod(ZipEntry.STORED);
547                 final CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
548                 if (fileIsClass[i]) {
549                     crc.update(classFilesContents[classNum]);
550                     entry.setSize(classFilesContents[classNum].length);
551                 } else {
552                     crc.update(fileBits[i]);
553                     entry.setSize(fileSize[i]);
554                 }
555                 entry.setCrc(crc.getValue());
556             }
557             // On Windows at least, need to correct for timezone
558             entry.setTime(modtime - TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset());
559             out.putNextEntry(entry);
561             // write to output stream
562             if (fileIsClass[i]) {
563                 entry.setSize(classFilesContents[classNum].length);
564                 out.write(classFilesContents[classNum]);
565                 classNum++;
566             } else {
567                 entry.setSize(fileSize[i]);
568                 out.write(fileBits[i]);
569             }
570         }
571     }
573 }