Apache Commons logo Commons Collections

Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
6597 0 0 28 99.6% 26.92 s

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.apache.commons.collections4.set 450 0 0 0 100% 0.449 s
org.apache.commons.collections4 574 0 0 0 100% 3.759 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.map 1530 0 0 0 100% 11.76 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.sequence 4 0 0 0 100% 0.416 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.splitmap 4 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.functors 30 0 0 0 100% 0.062 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.keyvalue 41 0 0 0 100% 0.068 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.queue 208 0 0 1 99.5% 0.137 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.collection 224 0 0 0 100% 1.312 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.properties 119 0 0 6 95.0% 0.392 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.multimap 212 0 0 19 91.0% 2.618 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.bloomfilter 429 0 0 0 100% 2.318 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.bidimap 555 0 0 2 99.6% 1.279 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.bag 497 0 0 0 100% 0.322 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.multiset 201 0 0 0 100% 0.145 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.iterators 536 0 0 0 100% 0.395 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.comparators 102 0 0 0 100% 0.282 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.list 718 0 0 0 100% 0.874 s
org.apache.commons.collections4.trie 163 0 0 0 100% 0.311 s

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
MapBackedSetTest 29 0 0 0 100% 0.036 s
TransformedSetTest 31 0 0 0 100% 0.025 s
TransformedSortedSetTest 31 0 0 0 100% 0.038 s
PredicatedSortedSetTest 33 0 0 0 100% 0.045 s
TransformedNavigableSetTest 31 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s
UnmodifiableNavigableSetTest 32 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s
CompositeSetTest 37 0 0 0 100% 0.058 s
PredicatedNavigableSetTest 33 0 0 0 100% 0.038 s
MapBackedSet2Test 30 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
UnmodifiableSetTest 31 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
ListOrderedSet2Test 32 0 0 0 100% 0.013 s
PredicatedSetTest 32 0 0 0 100% 0.025 s
UnmodifiableSortedSetTest 32 0 0 0 100% 0.024 s
ListOrderedSetTest 36 0 0 0 100% 0.028 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SplitMapUtilsTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.032 s
IterableUtilsTest 19 0 0 0 100% 0.023 s
ArrayUtilsTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
TrieUtilsTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
SetUtilsTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.195 s
IteratorUtilsTest 48 0 0 0 100% 2.642 s
ListUtilsTest 25 0 0 0 100% 0.032 s
CollectionUtilsTest 160 0 0 0 100% 0.174 s
TransformerUtilsTest 18 0 0 0 100% 0.104 s
MapUtilsTest 65 0 0 0 100% 0.138 s
ComparatorUtilsTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.025 s
PredicateUtilsTest 65 0 0 0 100% 0.146 s
QueueUtilsTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
MultiMapUtilsTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.036 s
FactoryUtilsTest 16 0 0 0 100% 0.018 s
FluentIterableTest 26 0 0 0 100% 0.038 s
ArrayStackTest 62 0 0 0 100% 0.030 s
MultiSetUtilsTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.013 s
ClosureUtilsTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.019 s
EnumerationUtilsTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
BagUtilsTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.046 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
LazyMapTest 52 0 0 0 100% 0.029 s
PredicatedSortedMapTest 54 0 0 0 100% 0.038 s
UnmodifiableOrderedMapTest 56 0 0 0 100% 0.072 s
HashedMapTest 53 0 0 0 100% 0.031 s
ReferenceIdentityMapTest 54 0 0 0 100% 0.147 s
ListOrderedMapTest 67 0 0 0 100% 0.053 s
FixedSizeMapTest 50 0 0 0 100% 0.035 s
FixedSizeSortedMapTest 50 0 0 0 100% 0.050 s
ReferenceMapTest 55 0 0 0 100% 0.216 s
DefaultedMapTest 54 0 0 0 100% 0.039 s
MultiKeyMapTest 62 0 0 0 100% 0.050 s
LazySortedMapTest 53 0 0 0 100% 0.049 s
CaseInsensitiveMapTest 56 0 0 0 100% 0.036 s
ListOrderedMap2Test 58 0 0 0 100% 0.052 s
MultiValueMapTest 36 0 0 0 100% 0.026 s
PredicatedMapTest 52 0 0 0 100% 0.043 s
StaticBucketMapTest 53 0 0 0 100% 0.123 s
LRUMapTest 70 0 0 0 100% 4.100 s
UnmodifiableSortedMapTest 55 0 0 0 100% 0.045 s
Flat3MapTest 95 0 0 0 100% 0.128 s
UnmodifiableMapTest 52 0 0 0 100% 0.061 s
SingletonMapTest 57 0 0 0 100% 0.054 s
LinkedMapTest 62 0 0 0 100% 0.059 s
TransformedMapTest 53 0 0 0 100% 0.039 s
CompositeMapTest 58 0 0 0 100% 0.070 s
PassiveExpiringMapTest 60 0 0 0 100% 6.077 s
TransformedSortedMapTest 53 0 0 0 100% 0.042 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SequencesComparatorTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.416 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
TransformedSplitMapTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
EqualPredicateTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.003 s
AllPredicateTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.026 s
ComparatorPredicateTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.006 s
NullPredicateTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
CatchAndRethrowClosureTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.023 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
DefaultKeyValueTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
UnmodifiableMapEntryTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.016 s
TiedMapEntryTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s
DefaultMapEntryTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
MultiKeyTest 18 0 0 0 100% 0.031 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
TransformedQueueTest 38 0 0 0 100% 0.019 s
CircularFifoQueueTest 55 0 0 0 100% 0.048 s
PredicatedQueueTest 38 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
UnmodifiableQueueTest 40 0 0 0 100% 0.027 s
SynchronizedQueueTest 37 0 0 1 97.3% 0.022 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
CompositeCollectionTest 45 0 0 0 100% 0.227 s
UnmodifiableCollectionTest 29 0 0 0 100% 0.060 s
PredicatedCollectionBuilderTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.383 s
IndexedCollectionTest 31 0 0 0 100% 0.135 s
SynchronizedCollectionTest 27 0 0 0 100% 0.035 s
PredicatedCollectionTest 29 0 0 0 100% 0.101 s
TransformedCollectionTest 29 0 0 0 100% 0.116 s
UnmodifiableBoundedCollectionTest 29 0 0 0 100% 0.255 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SortedPropertiesTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.006 s
SortedPropertiesFactoryTest 19 0 0 2 89.5% 0.166 s
OrderedPropertiesTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.026 s
PropertiesFactoryTest 19 0 0 2 89.5% 0.056 s
OrderedPropertiesFactoryTest 19 0 0 2 89.5% 0.052 s
EmptyPropertiesTest 46 0 0 0 100% 0.086 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
HashSetValuedHashMapTest 51 0 0 1 98.0% 0.747 s
UnmodifiableMultiValuedMapTest 58 0 0 16 72.4% 0.270 s
TransformedMultiValuedMapTest 48 0 0 1 97.9% 1.161 s
ArrayListValuedHashMapTest 55 0 0 1 98.2% 0.440 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
IndexExtractorTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.003 s
DefaultBloomFilterExtractorTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
BitMapExtractorFromWrappedBloomFilterTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
BitMapExtractorFromIndexExtractorTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
CellExtractorFromArrayCountingBloomFilterTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
IndexExtractorFromSimpleBloomFilterTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.002 s
LayerManagerTest 22 0 0 0 100% 0.017 s
BitMapExtractorFromLongArrayTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
DefaultCellExtractorTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.030 s
IndexExtractorFromSparseBloomFilterTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
LayeredBloomFilterTest 26 0 0 0 100% 0.738 s
IndexExtractorFromArrayCountingBloomFilterTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.003 s
SimpleBloomFilterTest 18 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
WrappedBloomFilterTest 20 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
IndexExtractorFromHasherTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.003 s
SetOperationsTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
BitMapTrackerTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.001 s
SparseBloomFilterTest 19 0 0 0 100% 0.012 s
BitMapExtractorFromLayeredBloomFilterTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.008 s
ShapeTest 19 0 0 0 100% 0.078 s
EnhancedDoubleHasherTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
IndexExtractorFromBitmapExtractorTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s
DefaultIndexExtractorTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
ArrayTrackerTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.002 s
IndexFilterTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
CellExtractorFromLayeredBloomFilterTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.032 s
BloomFilteExtractorFromLayeredBloomFilterTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.018 s
IndexExtractorFromUniqueHasherTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s
DefaultBitMapExtractorTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
IndexExtractorFromIntArrayTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
BitMapsTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
CountingPredicateTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
BloomFilterExtractorFromBloomFilterArrayTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.008 s
BitMapExtractorFromSimpleBloomFilterTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.002 s
CellExtractorFromDefaultIndexExtractorTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.008 s
ArrayCountingBloomFilterTest 27 0 0 0 100% 0.041 s
BitMapExtractorFromArrayCountingBloomFilterTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.002 s
BitMapExtractorFromSparseBloomFilterTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.003 s
DefaultBloomFilterTest 24 0 0 0 100% 1.140 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
DualTreeBidiMapTest 77 0 0 0 100% 0.102 s
DualTreeBidiMap2Test 82 0 0 0 100% 0.155 s
DualHashBidiMapTest 61 0 0 1 98.4% 0.142 s
UnmodifiableSortedBidiMapTest 79 0 0 0 100% 0.088 s
TreeBidiMapTest 65 0 0 0 100% 0.408 s
UnmodifiableOrderedBidiMapTest 67 0 0 0 100% 0.215 s
DualLinkedHashBidiMapTest 61 0 0 0 100% 0.076 s
UnmodifiableBidiMapTest 63 0 0 1 98.4% 0.093 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
PredicatedBagTest 50 0 0 0 100% 0.029 s
TransformedBagTest 49 0 0 0 100% 0.019 s
SynchronizedBagTest 47 0 0 0 100% 0.043 s
CollectionSortedBagTest 29 0 0 0 100% 0.015 s
UnmodifiableSortedBagTest 49 0 0 0 100% 0.030 s
TransformedSortedBagTest 49 0 0 0 100% 0.030 s
CollectionBagTest 29 0 0 0 100% 0.024 s
PredicatedSortedBagTest 49 0 0 0 100% 0.028 s
TreeBagTest 50 0 0 0 100% 0.047 s
UnmodifiableBagTest 49 0 0 0 100% 0.027 s
HashBagTest 47 0 0 0 100% 0.030 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
PredicatedMultiSetTest 51 0 0 0 100% 0.050 s
HashMultiSetTest 48 0 0 0 100% 0.030 s
SynchronizedMultiSetTest 48 0 0 0 100% 0.022 s
UnmodifiableMultiSetTest 54 0 0 0 100% 0.043 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
IteratorEnumerationTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.001 s
FilterListIteratorTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.038 s
SingletonIteratorTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
PeekingIteratorTest 16 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
ArrayIterator2Test 13 0 0 0 100% 0.006 s
ZippingIteratorTest 18 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
ObjectGraphIteratorTest 26 0 0 0 100% 0.014 s
ObjectArrayListIterator2Test 18 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
IteratorChainTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.016 s
NodeListIteratorTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
ListIteratorWrapperTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s
LoopingIteratorTest 8 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
UnmodifiableMapIteratorTest 19 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s
ObjectArrayIteratorTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s
UnmodifiableListIteratorTest 20 0 0 0 100% 0.012 s
LoopingListIteratorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
LazyIteratorChainTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.011 s
FilterIteratorTest 16 0 0 0 100% 0.022 s
ListIteratorWrapper2Test 13 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
ArrayListIteratorTest 16 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
ArrayIteratorTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.006 s
SingletonListIteratorTest 20 0 0 0 100% 0.007 s
ArrayListIterator2Test 13 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s
SkippingIteratorTest 21 0 0 0 100% 0.030 s
ReverseListIteratorTest 20 0 0 0 100% 0.017 s
BoundedIteratorTest 24 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s
ObjectArrayListIteratorTest 16 0 0 0 100% 0.008 s
PushbackIteratorTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.008 s
CollatingIteratorTest 20 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s
UniqueFilterIteratorTest 12 0 0 0 100% 0.006 s
IteratorIterableTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s
UnmodifiableOrderedMapIteratorTest 20 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
PermutationIteratorTest 17 0 0 0 100% 0.023 s
SingletonIterator2Test 13 0 0 0 100% 0.004 s
UnmodifiableIteratorTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ComparatorChainTest 18 0 0 0 100% 0.076 s
FixedOrderComparatorTest 0 0 0 0 0% 0.062 s
TransformingComparatorTest 14 0 0 0 100% 0.012 s
BooleanComparatorTest 16 0 0 0 100% 0.071 s
FixedOrderComparatorTest$Equals 9 0 0 0 100% 0.008 s
FixedOrderComparatorTest 19 0 0 0 100% 0.029 s
ComparableComparatorTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.013 s
ReverseComparatorTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.011 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SetUniqueListTest 77 0 0 0 100% 0.066 s
GrowthListTest 63 0 0 0 100% 0.056 s
PredicatedListTest 63 0 0 0 100% 0.034 s
DefaultAbstractLinkedListForJava21Test 68 0 0 0 100% 0.098 s
TransformedListTest 61 0 0 0 100% 0.046 s
CursorableLinkedListTest 112 0 0 0 100% 0.096 s
LazyListTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.034 s
NodeCachingLinkedListTest 64 0 0 0 100% 0.129 s
TreeListTest 66 0 0 0 100% 0.223 s
Collections701Test 3 0 0 0 100% 0.002 s
FixedSizeListTest 65 0 0 0 100% 0.035 s
UnmodifiableListTest 61 0 0 0 100% 0.055 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
PatriciaTrie2Test 54 0 0 0 100% 0.091 s
UnmodifiableTrieTest 52 0 0 0 100% 0.079 s
PatriciaTrieTest 57 0 0 0 100% 0.141 s

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testEntrySet 0.004 s
testKeys 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.002 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testMapGetWithTransformer 0.001 s
testMapGetWithFactory 0.001 s
testMapGet 0 s


testAlreadyReadableMap 0.004 s
testReadableMap 0.009 s
testAlreadyWritableMap 0.002 s
testWritableMap 0.010 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.002 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.002 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.003 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.007 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.003 s
testFailFastValues 0.002 s
testBidiRemoveByKeySet 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiPut 0.001 s
testBidiClear 0.001 s
testBidiGetKey 0.001 s
testBidiKeySetValuesOrder 0.001 s
testBidiRemove 0 s
testBidiGetKeyInverse 0 s
testBidiModifyEntrySet 0 s
testBidiMapIteratorSet 0.001 s
testBidiInverse 0.001 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0.001 s
testNextKey 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveBySubMap 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByHeadMap 0 s
testBidiClearByHeadMap 0 s
testBidiHeadMapContains 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByHeadMapEntrySet 0 s
testBidiClearBySubMap 0 s
testBidiRemoveByTailMap 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveBySubMapEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiSubMapContains 0.001 s
testBidiTailMapContains 0.001 s
testBidiClearByTailMap 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByTailMapEntrySet 0.001 s


testEnumeration 0.001 s


testAsIndexArray(int)[1] 0.001 s
testAsIndexArray(int)[2] 0 s
testFromBitMapExtractor 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0.001 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.002 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testQueueRemove 0.001 s
testFullQueueCompatibility 0.001 s
testQueuePeek 0 s
testQueuePoll 0 s
testQueueElement 0 s
testEmptyQueueSerialization 0.001 s
testEmptyQueueCompatibility 0 s
testQueueOffer 0 s
testFullQueueSerialization 0 s
testTransformedQueue 0 s
testTransformedQueue_decorateTransform 0 s


testForEachPairReturnFalseEarly 0 s
testFlatten 0.001 s
testForEachPairReturnFalseLate 0 s
testForEachPairArrayTooShort 0 s
testAsBloomFilterArray 0.001 s
testForEachPairCompleteMatch 0 s
testForEachPairReturnFalseLateShortArray 0 s
testForEachPairArrayTooLong 0.001 s


testForEachBitMapPairEarlyExit 0.001 s
testForEachBitMapPair 0 s
testForEachBitMapEarlyExit 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testForEachBitMap 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagRemoveAll 0 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0.001 s
testBagSize 0.001 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0.001 s
testBagEquals 0 s
testBagIteratorFail 0 s
testBagContainsAll 0 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0 s
testBagHashCode 0 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0 s
testBagRemove 0.001 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0 s
testBagToArray 0 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testIllegalDecorate 0.001 s
testIllegalAdd 0 s
testLegalAddRemove 0 s


testForEachBitMapPairEarlyExit 0.001 s
testForEachBitMapPair 0 s
testForEachBitMapEarlyExit 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testForEachBitMap 0 s
testFromIndexExtractor 0.004 s


testToStringWithNullArguments 0.001 s
testFrequencyOfNull 0 s
testFind 0 s
testSize 0.001 s
testPartition 0 s
testForEach 0.001 s
testToString 0.001 s
testCountMatches 0.001 s
testForEachFailure 0 s
testPartitionMultiplePredicates 0.001 s
testContainsWithEquator 0.002 s
testFrequency 0.001 s
testForEachButLast 0.002 s
testMatchesAll 0.002 s
testMatchesAny 0 s
testToStringDelimiter 0.001 s
testIndexOf 0 s
testFirstFromIterableIndexOutOfBoundsException 0.001 s
testGetFromIterableIndexOutOfBoundsException 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0.001 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testQueueRemove 0.001 s
testFullQueueCompatibility 0.001 s
testQueuePeek 0 s
testQueuePoll 0.001 s
testQueueElement 0.001 s
testEmptyQueueSerialization 0 s
testEmptyQueueCompatibility 0.001 s
testQueueOffer 0 s
testFullQueueSerialization 0 s
testGetIndex 0.001 s
testAddNull 0 s
testCircularFifoQueueRemove 0.001 s
testRemoveError1 0 s
testRemoveError2 0.001 s
testRemoveError3 0.014 s
testRemoveError4 0 s
testRemoveError5 0.001 s
testRemoveError6 0 s
testRemoveError7 0 s
testRemoveError8 0 s
testRemoveError9 0.001 s
testDefaultSizeAndGetError1 0 s
testDefaultSizeAndGetError2 0 s
testCircularFifoQueueCircular 0.001 s
testConstructorException1 0 s
testConstructorException2 0.001 s
testConstructorException3 0.001 s
testRepeatedSerialization 0.002 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.002 s
testCollectionSize 0.003 s
testCollectionToString 0.002 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.004 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.002 s
testCollectionContains 0.003 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.002 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testMultiSetToArray 0 s
testMultiSetIterator 0.001 s
testMultiSetEntrySetUpdatedToZero 0 s
testMultiSetRemoveAll 0 s
testMultiSetIteratorFail 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0.001 s
testMultiSetAdd 0 s
testFullMultiSetCompatibility 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorFailNoMore 0.001 s
testMultiSetToArrayPopulate 0 s
testMultiSetRetainAll 0 s
testMultiSetEqualsSelf 0 s
testMultiSetContains 0 s
testEmptyMultiSetCompatibility 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testMultiSetSize 0 s
testMultiSetHashCode 0 s
testMultiSetEquals 0 s
testMultiSetContainsAll 0.001 s
testMultiSetEqualsHashMultiSet 0 s
testMultiSetRemove 0 s
testIllegalDecorate 0.001 s
testIllegalAdd 0.001 s
testLegalAddRemove 0.001 s


testTruePredicate 0.012 s
testFailingHasNextBug 0.001 s
testEvens 0.003 s
testFours 0.002 s
testOdds 0.002 s
testFalsePredicate 0 s
testCollections360 0 s
testNextChangesPrevious 0.001 s
testPreviousChangesNext 0 s
testManual 0 s
testThrees 0.002 s
testNestedSixes 0.001 s
testNestedSixes2 0.001 s
testNestedSixes3 0.001 s
testWalkLists 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.003 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testComparator 0 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testPut 0.002 s
testEntrySet 0 s
testReverseSortOrder 0.002 s
testSortOrder 0 s


testLoadFile(String)[1] 0.009 s
testLoadFile(String)[2] 0.011 s
testLoadPath(String)[1] 0.010 s
testLoadPath(String)[2] 0.010 s
testLoadReader(String)[1] 0.003 s
testLoadReader(String)[2] 0 s
- skipped -
testLoadClassLoaderResource(String)[1] 0.002 s
testLoadClassLoaderResource(String)[2] 0.005 s
testLoadUri(String)[1] 0.002 s
testLoadUri(String)[2] 0.015 s
testLoadUrl(String)[1] 0.002 s
testLoadUrl(String)[2] 0.002 s
testLoadClassLoaderMissingResource(String)[1] 0.009 s
testLoadClassLoaderMissingResource(String)[2] 0.001 s
testLoadFileName(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadFileName(String)[2] 0.006 s
testLoadInputStream(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadInputStream(String)[2] 0 s
- skipped -
testInstance 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testReset 0 s
testSingletonIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testIterator 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.003 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.005 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.002 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testNextKey 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.002 s
testUnmodifiable 0.004 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0.001 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0.001 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0.001 s
testIndexConsistency 0.001 s
testForEachCellValues 0 s
testForEachCellEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachCellPredicates 0.001 s
testEmptyCellExtractor 0.001 s
testBehaviourForEachCell 0.001 s


testLoadOrderedKeysReverse 0.007 s
testPut 0.001 s
testEntrySet 0 s
testMerge 0.001 s
testKeys 0.001 s
testForEach 0.001 s
testToString 0 s
testComputeIfAbsent 0.001 s
testPutIfAbsent 0.001 s
testLoadOrderedKeys 0.001 s
testCompute 0.001 s
testPutAll 0.001 s
testRemoveKeyValue 0.001 s
testRemoveKey 0.001 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0.001 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0.001 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s


testContains 0.001 s
testIndexOf 0 s
testContains_LANG_1261 0.002 s


testOnMaxSize(int)[1] 0.001 s
testOnMaxSize(int)[2] 0.001 s
testOnMaxSize(int)[3] 0 s
testOnMaxSize(int)[4] 0.001 s
testGet 0.001 s
testClear 0 s
testCopy 0.001 s
testNeverAdvance 0.001 s
testAdvanceOnCount(int)[1] 0.001 s
testAdvanceOnCount(int)[2] 0 s
testAdvanceOnCount(int)[3] 0.001 s
testAdvanceOnCount(int)[4] 0 s
testAdvanceOnSaturation 0 s
testAdvanceOnCountInvalidArguments 0.001 s
testBuilder 0.001 s
testNextAndGetDepth 0.001 s
testAdvanceOnPopulated 0 s
testRemoveEmptyTarget 0 s
testForEachBloomFilter 0 s
testTarget 0.001 s
testOnMaxSizeIllegalValues 0 s
testNoCleanup 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.004 s
testEqualsNull 0.015 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.005 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0.001 s
testCollectionToString 0.003 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.003 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.002 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.005 s
testCollectionToArray 0.002 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testAddAllToCollection 0.001 s
testAddMutator 0.003 s
testClear 0.001 s
testSize 0.001 s
testMultipleCollectionsSize 0.001 s
testRetainAll 0.001 s
testAddNullLists2Args 0.004 s
testContainsAll 0.001 s
testRemoveComposited 0.006 s
testAddNullListsVarArgs 0.021 s
testRemoveIf 0.005 s
testAddAllMutator 0.017 s
testAddNullList 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.002 s
testToCollection 0.008 s
testIsEmpty 0.002 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testIterator 0.001 s
testRemoveAll 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0 s
testIllegalRemove 0.001 s
testEmpty 0.001 s
testIteratorExhausted 0.005 s
testSinglePeek 0 s
testMultiplePeek 0.001 s


testUnmodifiableTrie 0.015 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0.001 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.013 s
testCollectionContains 0.005 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.002 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.007 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.002 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
testClone 0 s
testInternalState 0 s
testInitialCapacityZero 0.001 s


testUnion 0.066 s
testUnmodifiableSet 0.009 s
testDisjunction 0.014 s
testpredicatedSet 0.004 s
testEmptyIfNull 0.003 s
testHashSet 0.003 s
testHashCode 0.003 s
testDifference 0.002 s
testIntersection 0.003 s
testEquals 0.001 s
testUnmodifiableSetWrap 0.005 s
testNewIdentityHashSet 0.004 s


testForEachBitMapPairEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachBitMapPair 0.001 s
testForEachBitMapEarlyExit 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0.001 s
testForEachBitMap 0 s
constructorTest 0.001 s
testFromIndexExtractor 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.040 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testRandomListSort 0.001 s
testReverseListSort 0.001 s
testEmptyListSort 0.001 s
testComparatorCompatibility 0.004 s
testComparatorIsSerializable 0 s
testBadNoopComparatorChain 0.001 s
testListComparatorChain 0 s
testComparatorChainOnMinValuedComparator 0.003 s
testNoopComparatorChain 0 s
testBadListComparatorChain 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.003 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.005 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0.005 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testSetEquals 0 s
testSetHashCode 0 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0.001 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0.001 s
testEmptyExtractor 0.004 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0.001 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s
testIndexConsistency 0.001 s
testForEachCellValues 0.001 s
testForEachCellEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachCellPredicates 0 s
testEmptyCellExtractor 0.001 s
testBehaviourForEachCell 0.001 s


testPredicateSanityTests 0 s
testNullArgumentEqualsNullPredicate 0.001 s
testPredicateTypeCanBeSuperClassOfObject 0 s
testObjectFactoryUsesEqualsForTest 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.002 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.004 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.003 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.005 s
testMapClear 0.002 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.003 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.008 s
testMapRemove 0.004 s
testMapContainsValue 0.002 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testPurgeValues 0.075 s
testNullHandling 0.001 s
testHashEntry 0 s
testBasics 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testIndexedArray 0.002 s
testIterator 0 s


testAddFail 0.016 s
testAddPass 0 s
testCreatePredicatedCollectionWithPredicate 0.013 s
testAddAllPass 0.033 s
testCreatePredicatedCollectionWithNotNullPredicate 0.058 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testSetEquals 0.001 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testTransformedSet_decorateTransform 0.001 s
testTransformedSet 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.002 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.002 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.003 s
testMapRemove 0.003 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
testPreviousKey 0 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0.001 s
testNextKey 0 s
testGetValueByIndex 0.001 s
testValueList_getByIndex 0 s
testPutAllWithIndexBug441 0 s
testSetValueByIndex 0 s
testRemoveByIndex 0.001 s
testPutAllWithIndex 0 s
testValueList_setByIndex 0.001 s
testValueList_removeByIndex 0 s
testGetByIndex 0 s
testCOLLECTIONS_474_nonNullValues 0 s
testCOLLECTIONS_474_nullValues 0 s
testIndexOf 0 s
testPut_intObjectObject 0.001 s


testNodeListIterator 0.173 s
testChainedIterator 0 s
testEmptyOrderedMapIterator 0.002 s
testLoopingIterator 0.001 s
testAsIteratorNull 0.002 s
testCollatedIteratorCollectionNull 0.001 s
testGetIterator 2.272 s
testFilteredListIterator 0.004 s
testToArray2 0.002 s
testToArray 0.001 s
testPeekingIterator 0.001 s
testLoopingListIterator 0.001 s
testFind 0.004 s
testAsMultipleIterable 0.020 s
testForEach 0.008 s
testSingletonIterator 0.002 s
testFilteredIterator 0.001 s
testUnmodifiableIteratorIteration 0.056 s
testUnmodifiableMapIterator 0.001 s
testCollatedIterator 0.001 s
testAsIterableNull 0.001 s
testSingletonListIterator 0.003 s
testObjectGraphIterator 0.004 s
testCollatedIteratorNull 0.001 s
testTransformedIterator 0.001 s
testPushBackIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testGetAtIndexFromIterator 0 s
testToListIterator 0 s
testEmptyMapIterator 0.002 s
testZippingIterator 0.008 s
testAsEnumerationNull 0.001 s
testToListIteratorNull 0.001 s
testEmptyOrderedIterator 0.001 s
testForEachButLast 0 s
testUnmodifiableListIteratorIteration 0.001 s
testAsIterable 0 s
testAsIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyListIterator 0.002 s
testNodeIterator 0.003 s
testIndexOf 0.001 s
testArrayListIterator 0.009 s
testToList 0.001 s
testAsMultipleIterableNull 0 s
testFirstFromIterator 0 s
testArrayIterator 0.016 s
testUnmodifiableListIteratorImmutability 0.002 s
testUnmodifiableIteratorImmutability 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagRemoveAll 0.001 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0 s
testBagSize 0 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0 s
testBagEquals 0 s
testBagIteratorFail 0 s
testBagContainsAll 0 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0 s
testBagHashCode 0 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testBagRemove 0 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0 s
testBagToArray 0 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testTransformedBag_decorateTransform 0.001 s
testTransformedBag 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.004 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0.001 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.002 s
testBagRemoveAll 0.001 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0.001 s
testBagSize 0 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0.003 s
testBagEquals 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFail 0.001 s
testBagContainsAll 0.001 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0 s
testBagHashCode 0.001 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0 s
testBagRemove 0.001 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0 s
testBagToArray 0 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.001 s
testMapRemove 0 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.005 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.002 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.004 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.002 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.002 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0.002 s
testMapEquals 0.002 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.004 s
testMapPut 0.009 s
testMapRemove 0.003 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByKeySet 0 s
testBidiRemoveByEntrySet 0 s
testBidiPut 0 s
testBidiClear 0.001 s
testBidiGetKey 0.001 s
testBidiKeySetValuesOrder 0.001 s
testBidiRemove 0.001 s
testBidiGetKeyInverse 0 s
testBidiModifyEntrySet 0 s
testBidiMapIteratorSet 0.003 s
testBidiInverse 0.001 s
testPreviousKey 0.002 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0.001 s
testNextKey 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveBySubMap 0.003 s
testBidiRemoveByHeadMap 0.001 s
testBidiClearByHeadMap 0 s
testBidiHeadMapContains 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByHeadMapEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiClearBySubMap 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByTailMap 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveBySubMapEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiSubMapContains 0.001 s
testBidiTailMapContains 0 s
testBidiClearByTailMap 0 s
testBidiRemoveByTailMapEntrySet 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeCheckComparator 0.003 s
testComparator 0.001 s
testComparator2 0.001 s
testCollections364 0.002 s
testSortOrder 0 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0.001 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0.001 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.005 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testRemoveMappingThroughGet 0.228 s
testPutAll_KeyIterable 0 s
testNoMappingReturnsEmptyCol 0 s
testGet 0.002 s
testAsMapRemove 0.002 s
testKeysBagContainsAll 0.001 s
testKeysBagIterator 0.001 s
testRemoveAllViaEntriesIterator 0.002 s
testSize 0.001 s
testToString 0 s
testAsMapGet_Empty 0 s
testAddMappingThroughGet 0.001 s
testMultiValuedMapIterator 0 s
testRemoveAllViaValuesIterator 0.001 s
testMultipleValues 0.001 s
testAsMapGet_Full 0.001 s
testContainsValue_Key 0 s
testMapIterator 0.002 s
testKeyContainsValue 0.001 s
testContainsValue 0.156 s
testEntriesCollectionIterator 0.005 s
testMapIteratorUnsupportedSet 0.006 s
testRemove_KeyItem 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.005 s
testRemoveMappingThroughGetIterator 0.232 s
testPutAll_Map1 0 s
testPutAll_Map2 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0 s
- There is no code to create this test fixture? -
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testMapIteratorRemove 0.002 s
testRemoveViaValuesRemove 0.067 s
testSize_Key 0.001 s
testKeySetSize 0 s
testValues 0 s
testSizeWithPutRemove 0 s
testKeysMultiSet 0.001 s
testSetValuedMapAdd 0 s
testSetValuedMapEqualsHashCodeContract 0 s
testSetValuedMapRemove 0 s
testSetValuedMapRemoveViaIterator 0 s
testHashSetValueHashMap 0.001 s
testHashSetValuedHashMap_2 0 s
testHashSetValueHashMap_1 0.001 s


testMergeWithBadHasher 0.002 s
testClear 0.001 s
testMerge 0.018 s
testMergeWithIndexExtractor 0.001 s
testEstimateUnion 0.013 s
testEstimateN 0.001 s
testContains 0.001 s
testAsBitMapArray 0.001 s
testEmptyAfterMergeWithNothing 0.003 s
testEstimateIntersection 0.002 s
testIndexExtractorMerge 0.001 s
testMergeWithHasher 0.003 s
testNegativeIntersection 0.002 s
testIsFull 0.001 s
testBitMapExtractorSize 0 s
testMergeWithBitMapExtractor 0 s
testEstimateUnionCrossTypes 0.001 s
testFindIndexExtractor 0.001 s
testGetLayer 0 s
testExpiration 0.666 s
testFindBloomFilter 0 s
testNext 0.001 s
testFindBitMapExtractor 0 s
testCleanup 0.001 s
testMultipleFilters 0 s
testCardinalityAndIsEmpty 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testIterateOddEven 0 s
testIterateEvenOdd 0.001 s
testIterateFibEvenOdd 0 s
testIterateEven 0 s
testIterateEvenEven 0 s
testRemoveFromDouble 0 s
testRemoveFromSingle 0 s


testDefaultIfNull 0 s
testGetFirst 0.001 s
testSubtractNullElement 0 s
testIntersectEmptyWithEmptyList 0.001 s
testLazyTransformerList 0.003 s
testIntersectListWithSelf 0.001 s
testSubtract 0.001 s
testPartition 0.004 s
testSelectRejected 0 s
testRetainAll 0.001 s
testGetLast 0.001 s
testEmptyIfNull 0 s
testIntersectionOrderInsensitivity 0 s
testIntersectNonEmptyWithEmptyList 0.001 s
testLazyFactoryList 0.001 s
testIntersectListWithNoOverlapAndDifferentTypes 0.001 s
testIntersectNonEmptySubset 0 s
testHashCode 0.001 s
testLongestCommonSubsequence 0.003 s
testEquals 0 s
testLongestCommonSubsequenceWithString 0.002 s
testIndexOf 0 s
testSelect 0 s
testRemoveAll 0.001 s
testPredicatedList 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0.001 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testListGetByIndex 0 s
testListHashCode 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0.004 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.002 s
testListAddByIndex 0.001 s
testListEquals 0 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.001 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListListIterator 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0.001 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0.002 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListIndexOf 0 s
testListLastIndexOf 0 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0 s
testUniqueListReInsert 0.001 s
testSetDownwardsInList 0 s
testFactory 0 s
testAdd 0 s
testSet 0.001 s
testRetainAllWithInitialList 0 s
testListIterator 0 s
testCollections304 0.001 s
testCollections307 0 s
testCollections701 0.001 s
testRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testListIteratorAdd 0.001 s
testListIteratorSet 0.001 s
testUniqueListDoubleInsert 0.001 s
testListSetByIndex 0.001 s
testSetUpwardsInList 0 s
testSubListIsUnmodifiable 0 s
testCreateSetBasedOnList 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testIntCollectionAddAll 0 s
testSetInBiggerList 0 s
testSetCollections444 0.001 s
testAddAll 0 s


nullArrayToGetInstance 0.007 s
nullElementsInCollectionToGetInstance 0.001 s
nullElementInArrayToGetInstance 0 s
nullElementsInArrayToGetInstance 0.001 s
nullCollectionToGetInstance 0.001 s
singletonCollectionToGetInstance 0.001 s
singleElementArrayToGetInstance 0.001 s
testOneTruePredicate 0.006 s
testOneFalsePredicate 0 s
testAllTrue 0 s
testEmptyCollectionToGetInstance 0 s
testEmptyArrayToGetInstance 0.001 s
testTrueAndFalseCombined 0.002 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.006 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0.002 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.004 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.002 s
testSetEquals 0.002 s
testSetHashCode 0.001 s
testTransformedSet_decorateTransform 0.002 s
testTransformedSet 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.003 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.010 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.002 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.006 s
testMapRemove 0.003 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0.001 s
testNextKey 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0.001 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.002 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0.002 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.002 s
testBagRemoveAll 0 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0.001 s
testBagSize 0 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0.001 s
testBagEquals 0 s
testBagIteratorFail 0 s
testBagContainsAll 0 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0.001 s
testBagHashCode 0 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0 s
testBagRemove 0 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0.001 s
testBagToArray 0 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.002 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0 s
testIteration_Transformed1 0.001 s
testIteration_Transformed2 0 s
testIteration_Transformed3 0.001 s
testIteratorConstructor_null_next 0 s
testIteration_IteratorOfIterators 0.001 s
testIteratorConstructorIteration_Simple 0 s
testIteratorConstructorIteration_Empty 0 s
testIteration_RootNoTransformer 0.001 s
testIteration_IteratorOfIteratorsWithEmptyIterators 0 s
testIteratorConstructor_null_remove 0.001 s
testIteratorConstructorIteration_WithEmptyIterators 0 s
testIteration_RootNull 0.001 s
testIteratorConstructorRemove 0 s
testIteratorConstructor_null1 0 s
testIteratorConstructorIteration_SimpleNoHasNext 0 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0.001 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0.001 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s


testContainsAnyInArray 0.002 s
forAllDoIterator 0 s
countMatches 0.001 s
testGetNegative 0.001 s
testIsEmptyWithNull 0 s
testIsEmptyWithNonEmptyCollection 0 s
testIsEmptyWithEmptyCollection 0 s
testHashCodeNullEquator 0.001 s
testRemoveAllNullSubColl 0.001 s
testIsEqualCollection2 0 s
testIsEqualCollection 0.001 s
testGetIterator 0 s
testPredicatedCollectionNullPredicate 0.001 s
testRemoveCountNegative 0 s
testFilterInverseNullParameters 0 s
testSizeIsEmpty_Enumeration 0 s
testTransformingCollectionNullColl 0 s
testIsSubCollection2 0.001 s
testRemoveRangeEndIndexNegative 0 s
testSubtractNullColl1 0.001 s
testSubtractNullColl2 0 s
testAddIgnoreNull 0 s
testMaxSizeNullColl 0 s
testGetFromObjectArray 0.001 s
testIsProperSubCollection 0 s
testIntersectionUsesMethodEquals 0.001 s
testGet 0 s
testSubtract 0 s
testReverseArrayNull 0 s
testDisjunctionNullColl1 0 s
testDisjunctionNullColl2 0 s
testIsEqualCollectionReturnsFalse 0 s
exists 0 s
testGetFromMapIndexOutOfRange 0.001 s
getFromEnumeration 0.001 s
testUnion 0.001 s
testGet1 0.001 s
testFilterInverse 0.001 s
testGetFromHashMap 0.001 s
testExtractSingleton 0.001 s
testSelectWithOutputCollections 0.003 s
testTransformedCollection 0 s
testDisjunction 0 s
testRemoveCountWrongCount 0.001 s
testContainsAnyInCollection 0 s
testIsNotEmptyWithNull 0.001 s
testRemoveCount 0 s
testRemoveRange 0 s
testSelectRejected 0 s
forAllButLastDoCollection 0.001 s
testSize_PrimitiveArray 0 s
testRetainAll 0 s
testUnionNullColl1 0.003 s
testUnionNullColl2 0.001 s
testPredicatedCollection 0 s
testGetFromPrimitiveArray 0.001 s
testIsEqualCollectionNullColl1 0.001 s
testIsEqualCollectionNullColl2 0.001 s
testIsFullNullColl 0.001 s
testGetFromObject 0.001 s
testEmptyCollection 0 s
testSizeIsEmpty_PrimitiveArray 0 s
testContainsAll 0 s
testRemoveRangeWrongEndIndex 0 s
testGetEnumeration 0.001 s
testSubtractWithPredicate 0 s
testTransformedCollection_2 0 s
testAddAllNullColl2 0.001 s
testAddAllNullColl3 0.001 s
testAddAllNullColl4 0 s
testAddAllNullColl5 0.001 s
cardinalityOfNull 0 s
testHashCodeNullCollection 0.001 s
testSizeIsEmpty_List 0 s
testSizeIsEmpty_Null 0 s
testIntersectionNullColl1 0 s
testIntersectionNullColl2 0 s
testIsSubCollectionOfSelf 0 s
testSizeIsEmpty_Map 0 s
find 0.001 s
testIsEqualCollectionEquator 0.003 s
testRemoveCountStartNegative 0.001 s
testGetPositiveOutOfBounds 0.001 s
testGetCardinalityMap 0 s
testContainsAnyNullColl1 0 s
testContainsAnyNullColl2 0.001 s
testContainsAnyNullColl3 0.001 s
testGetFromList 0.004 s
testEmptyIfNull 0.001 s
testRetainAllNullBaseColl 0.001 s
testRemoveRangeEndLowStart 0.001 s
getFromIterable 0.001 s
getFromIterator 0.001 s
testPermutationsWithNullCollection 0.001 s
testMaxSize 0.002 s
testCollateIgnoreDuplicates 0.002 s
testCollate 0.001 s
testCollect 0 s
forAllDoCollection 0.001 s
testRetainAllWithEquator 0.003 s
testAddAllForElements 0 s
testGetCardinalityMapNull 0 s
testReverse 0 s
testaddAllNullColl1 0 s
testRemoveCountWithNull 0 s
testIsProperSubCollectionNullColl1 0.001 s
testIsProperSubCollectionNullColl2 0.001 s
testPredicatedCollectionNullColl 0.003 s
testIsSubCollection 0.001 s
cardinality 0 s
testHashCode 0.001 s
testSynchronizedCollection 0.001 s
testIsSubCollectionNullColl1 0.001 s
testIsSubCollectionNullColl2 0.001 s
testDisjunctionAsUnionMinusIntersection 0 s
testUnmodifiableCollection 0 s
testFilterNullParameters 0 s
testRetainAllNullSubColl 0 s
testMatchesAll 0.001 s
testSize_List 0 s
testIsEqualCollectionNullEquator 0.001 s
testAddIgnoreNullNullColl 0 s
testRemoveRangeNull 0 s
testContainsAnyInArrayNullArray 0.001 s
testContainsAnyInArrayNullColl1 0.001 s
testContainsAnyInArrayNullColl2 0.001 s
testIntersection 0.001 s
testSize_Enumeration 0.001 s
testSizeIsEmpty_Iterator 0 s
testFilter 0 s
testGetFromTreeMap 0 s
forAllDoFailure 0.001 s
testIsFull 0.001 s
testRemoveAllNullBaseColl 0.001 s
testGetFromLinkedHashMap 0 s
testSizeIsEmpty_Array 0 s
testSize_Map 0 s
testSizeIsEmpty_Other 0 s
testIsNotEmptyWithNonEmptyCollection 0 s
testDisjunctionAsSymmetricDifference 0.001 s
testPermutations 0.001 s
testIsEmpty 0 s
testSize_Iterator 0 s
testIsEqualCollectionToSelf 0.001 s
testSelect 0.001 s
testTransformingCollectionNullTransformer 0.002 s
testSize_Array 0 s
testSize_Other 0.001 s
testAddAllForIterable 0.004 s
testCollateException0 0.001 s
testCollateException1 0.001 s
testCollateException2 0.001 s
forAllButLastDoIterator 0.001 s
testTransform1 0.001 s
testTransform2 0 s
testAddAllForEnumeration 0 s
testRemoveRangeStartIndexNegative 0.001 s
testRemoveAll 0.001 s
testRemoveAllWithEquator 0.002 s
testIsNotEmptyWithEmptyCollection 0.001 s


testToString 0 s
testConstructors 0.001 s
testToMapEntry 0 s
testAccessorsAndMutators 0 s
testSelfReferenceHandling 0.001 s
testEqualsAndHashCode 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0 s
testAddThenRemove 0 s
testAdd 0 s
testSet 0.001 s
testEmptyListIteratorIsIndeedEmpty 0 s
testAddThenSet 0.001 s
testRemoveThenSet 0 s
testWalkForwardAndBack 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyChain 0.003 s
testFirstIteratorIsEmptyBug 0 s
testRemoveFromFilteredIterator 0.005 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testIterator 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.006 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.002 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.002 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testEmptyIteratorWithNodeConstructor 0.001 s
testNullConstructor 0.001 s
testFullIteratorWithNodeConstructor 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.003 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testComparator 0.001 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.013 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.011 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.002 s
testCollectionSize 0.002 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.002 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.003 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0.003 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.016 s
testCollectionToArray 0.002 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testDecoratedCollectionIsIndexedOnCreation 0.001 s
testEnsureDuplicateObjectsCauseException 0.001 s
testAddedObjectsCanBeRetrievedByKey 0.001 s
testReindexUpdatesIndexWhenDecoratedCollectionIsModifiedSeparately 0 s


testMergeWithBadHasher 0 s
testClear 0 s
testMerge 0 s
testMergeWithIndexExtractor 0.001 s
testEstimateUnion 0 s
testEstimateN 0 s
testContains 0.001 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testEmptyAfterMergeWithNothing 0 s
testEstimateIntersection 0.001 s
testIndexExtractorMerge 0 s
testCardinalityAndIsEmpty 0 s
testMergeWithHasher 0.001 s
testNegativeIntersection 0 s
testIsFull 0.001 s
testBitMapExtractorSize 0 s
testMergeWithBitMapExtractor 0 s
testMergeShortBitMapExtractor 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testReset 0.001 s
testRemove 0.006 s
testIterator 0 s


testMergeWithBadHasher 0 s
testClear 0 s
testMerge 0.001 s
testMergeWithIndexExtractor 0.001 s
testEstimateUnion 0.001 s
testEstimateN 0 s
testContains 0.001 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testEmptyAfterMergeWithNothing 0 s
testEstimateIntersection 0.001 s
testIndexExtractorMerge 0 s
testCardinalityAndIsEmpty 0.001 s
testMergeWithHasher 0 s
testNegativeIntersection 0.001 s
testIsFull 0 s
testBitMapExtractorSize 0 s
testMergeWithBitMapExtractor 0 s
testCharacteristics(int)[1] 0.002 s
testCharacteristics(int)[2] 0 s
testCharacteristics(int)[3] 0 s


testLooping0 0 s
testLooping1 0.001 s
testLooping2 0 s
testLooping3 0 s
testReset 0 s
testSize 0 s
testConstructorEx 0.001 s
testRemoving1 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.002 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.002 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0 s
testMapRemove 0 s
testMapContainsValue 0.003 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.003 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testComparator 0 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.003 s
testCollectionAdd 0.003 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.002 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testSetEquals 0.001 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testComparator 0 s
testIllegalAdd 0.001 s
testGetSet 0 s
testIllegalAddAll 0.001 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0.001 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0.001 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testRandomListSort 0 s
testReverseListSort 0.001 s
testEmptyListSort 0 s
testComparatorCompatibility 0.001 s
testComparatorIsSerializable 0 s
testEquals 0.001 s


testCosineDistance 0.002 s
testOrCardinalityWithDifferentLengthFilters 0.001 s
testHammingDistance 0.001 s
testOrCardinality 0.001 s
testCosineSimilarity 0.001 s
testXorCardinality 0.001 s
testXorCardinalityWithDifferentLengthFilters 0 s
testCommutativityOnMismatchedSizes 0.001 s
testJaccardSimilarity 0.001 s
testAndCardinalityWithDifferentLengthFilters 0 s
testJaccardDistance 0.003 s
testAndCardinality 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.002 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.002 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.002 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testMapIteratorRemoveGetValue 0 s
testMapIteratorSetRemoveSet 0 s
testMapIteratorRemoveGetKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapIterator 0 s
testFullMapIterator 0 s
testMapIteratorSet 0.001 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testMapIterator 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.006 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.006 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.002 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.002 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.006 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testDataSizeAfterSerialization 0.001 s
testPurgeValues 0.097 s
testIteratorLastEntryCanBeRemovedAfterHasNext 0.001 s
testNullHandling 0.001 s
testCustomPurge 0.056 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0 s
testReset 0 s
testNullArray 0.001 s
testIterator 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.002 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testAddThenRemove 0 s
testAdd 0 s
testSet 0 s
testEmptyListIteratorIsIndeedEmpty 0.001 s
testAddThenSet 0.001 s
testRemoveThenSet 0 s
testWalkForwardAndBack 0.001 s
testListIterator 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.005 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.003 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0.005 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0.002 s
testSetEquals 0.001 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testTransformedSet_decorateTransform 0 s
testTransformedSet 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testMultiSetToArray 0 s
testMultiSetIterator 0 s
testMultiSetEntrySetUpdatedToZero 0 s
testMultiSetRemoveAll 0.002 s
testMultiSetIteratorFail 0 s
testMultiSetIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0.001 s
testMultiSetAdd 0 s
testFullMultiSetCompatibility 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorFailNoMore 0 s
testMultiSetToArrayPopulate 0.001 s
testMultiSetRetainAll 0 s
testMultiSetEqualsSelf 0 s
testMultiSetContains 0 s
testEmptyMultiSetCompatibility 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testMultiSetSize 0 s
testMultiSetHashCode 0 s
testMultiSetEquals 0 s
testMultiSetContainsAll 0 s
testMultiSetEqualsHashMultiSet 0 s
testMultiSetRemove 0 s


testPredicateTransformer 0.003 s
testMapTransformer 0.001 s
testConstantTransformer 0 s
testNullTransformer 0 s
testStringValueTransformer 0.001 s
testInvokerTransformer 0.003 s
testChainedTransformer 0.006 s
testSwitchMapTransformer 0.003 s
testInvokerTransformer2 0.005 s
testExceptionTransformer 0.003 s
testSwitchTransformer 0.005 s
testSingletonPatternInSerialization 0.001 s
testExecutorTransformer 0.011 s
testFactoryTransformer 0.003 s
testIfTransformer 0.014 s
testCloneTransformer 0.021 s
testInstantiateTransformerNull 0.004 s
testNopTransformer 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.004 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapPut 0.002 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
testMapGet2 0 s
testMapGet3 0 s
testMapGet4 0.001 s
testFactoryMethods 0.002 s
testMapGet 0.001 s


testPredicateSanityTests 0.002 s
testCompareLessOrEqual 0.001 s
testCompareLess 0.001 s
testCompareGreater 0 s
testCompareEquals 0.001 s
testCompareGreaterOrEqual 0 s


testSeen 0.001 s


testMergeWithBadHasher 0 s
testClear 0 s
testMerge 0.001 s
testMergeWithIndexExtractor 0.001 s
testEstimateUnion 0 s
testEstimateN 0 s
testContains 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0.001 s
testEmptyAfterMergeWithNothing 0 s
testEstimateIntersection 0.001 s
testIndexExtractorMerge 0.001 s
testCardinalityAndIsEmpty 0 s
testMergeWithHasher 0.001 s
testNegativeIntersection 0 s
testIsFull 0 s
testBitMapExtractorSize 0.001 s
testMergeWithBitMapExtractor 0 s
testBitMapExtractorEdgeCases 0.001 s
testBloomFilterBasedMergeEdgeCases 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testListGetByIndex 0 s
testListHashCode 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.003 s
testListAddByIndex 0 s
testListEquals 0.002 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.001 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListListIterator 0.001 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListIteratorAdd 0.001 s
testListIteratorSet 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0.001 s
testListSetByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0.001 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListIndexOf 0.001 s
testListLastIndexOf 0 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.002 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0.001 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0 s
testGrowthList 0.001 s
testGrowthSet1 0 s
testGrowthSet2 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testGrowthAdd 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0.004 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testGrowthAddAll 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.003 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.002 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.005 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.003 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.002 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapClear 0.002 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0.002 s
testMapEquals 0.002 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.002 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.003 s
testMapPutAll 0.005 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.002 s
testMapPut 0.010 s
testMapRemove 0.003 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByKeySet 0 s
testBidiRemoveByEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiPut 0 s
testBidiClear 0 s
testBidiGetKey 0.001 s
testBidiKeySetValuesOrder 0 s
- skipped -
testBidiRemove 0.001 s
testBidiGetKeyInverse 0 s
testBidiModifyEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiMapIteratorSet 0.005 s
testBidiInverse 0.001 s


testLazySortedMapTransformer 0.009 s
testTransformedSortedMap 0.006 s
testVerbosePrintNullLabelAndMap 0.001 s
testToProperties 0 s
testIsEmptyWithNull 0 s
testUnmodifiableSortedMap 0.001 s
testVerbosePrint 0.003 s
testLazyMapFactory 0.008 s
testLazyMapTransformer 0.001 s
testSafeAddToMap 0 s
testIsEmptyWithNonEmptyMap 0.001 s
testInvertMap 0 s
testDebugAndVerbosePrintCasting 0.001 s
testIsNotEmptyWithNonEmptyMap 0 s
testFixedSizeSortedMap 0.003 s
testGetNumberValueWithInvalidString 0.029 s
testSize0 0.001 s
testUnmodifiableMap 0.002 s
testSize 0.002 s
testGetShortValue 0.006 s
testIsNotEmptyWithEmptyMap 0.001 s
testGetByteValue 0.001 s
testIsNotEmptyWithNull 0.001 s
testIterableSortedMap 0.002 s
testFixedSizeMap 0.003 s
testPutAll_Map_array 0.005 s
testLazyMap 0.001 s
testVerbosePrintSelfReference 0.001 s
testDebugPrintNullLabel 0.001 s
testConvertResourceBundle 0.001 s
testOrderedMap 0.001 s
testDebugPrintNullLabelAndMap 0 s
testEmptyIfNull 0 s
testDebugPrintSelfReference 0.001 s
testIterableMap 0.001 s
testGetBooleanValue 0.001 s
testDebugAndVerbosePrintNullMap 0.001 s
testGetFloatValue 0.001 s
testVerbosePrintNullLabel 0 s
testDebugPrintNullKey 0.001 s
testGetDoubleValue 0.002 s
testPredicatedMap 0.003 s
testVerbosePrintNullKeyToMap1 0.001 s
testVerbosePrintNullKeyToMap2 0 s
testPopulateMap 0 s
testToPropertiesEmpty 0 s
testPopulateMultiMap 0 s
testInvertMapNull 0 s
testGetLongValue 0.002 s
testLazySortedMapFactory 0.001 s
testGetNumber 0.001 s
testGetObject 0 s
testDebugPrintNullStream 0.001 s
testGetMap 0.001 s
testTransformedMap 0 s
testIsEmptyWithEmptyMap 0 s
testGetString 0.001 s
testVerbosePrintNullKey 0 s
testSizeNull 0 s
testDebugPrintNullKeyToMap1 0 s
testDebugPrintNullKeyToMap2 0 s
testInvertEmptyMap 0 s
testDebugPrint 0.001 s
testGetIntValue 0.002 s
testVerbosePrintNullStream 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.002 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
testMultiKeyRemoveAll1 0 s
testMultiKeyRemoveAll2 0.001 s
testMultiKeyRemoveAll3 0 s
testMultiKeyRemoveAll4 0 s
testClone 0 s
testMultiKeyGet 0 s
testMultiKeyPut 0.001 s
testMultiKeyRemove 0.001 s
testMultiKeyPutWithNullKey 0 s
testNullHandling 0 s
testLRUMultiKeyMap 0 s
testMultiKeyContainsKey 0 s


testBooleanComparator 0.004 s
testMax 0.008 s
testMin 0.002 s
testChainedComparator 0.001 s
testNullLowComparator 0.002 s
testNullHighComparator 0.001 s


testRemovingElementsAndIteratingForward 0.001 s
testAdd 0.001 s
testSet 0.001 s
testLooping0 0.001 s
testLooping1 0 s
testLooping2 0 s
testReset 0.001 s
testJoggingOverBoundary 0 s
testConstructorEx 0 s
testRemovingElementsAndIteratingBackwards 0.001 s
testNextAndPreviousIndex 0 s
testJoggingNotOverBoundary 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.006 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.005 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testRandomListSort 0 s
testReverseListSort 0.007 s
testEmptyListSort 0.007 s
testComparatorCompatibility 0.014 s
testComparatorIsSerializable 0.001 s
testConstructors 0.007 s
testEqualsCompatibleInstance 0 s
testStaticFactoryMethods 0.003 s


testExecution 0.006 s
testMinimal 0.002 s
testLength 0.001 s
testShadok 0.403 s


testForEachBitMapPairEarlyExit 0.003 s
testForEachBitMapPair 0.002 s
testForEachBitMapEarlyExit 0.001 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testForEachBitMap 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyChain 0.001 s
testFirstIteratorIsEmptyBug 0 s
testRemoveFromFilteredIterator 0.002 s
testRemove 0.003 s
testIterator 0.001 s


testProbability 0.001 s
testBadProbability 0.001 s
testToString 0 s
testFromNMK 0.001 s
testFromPMK 0.001 s
testEstimateN 0 s
testIsSparse 0.001 s
testBadNumberOfHashFunctions 0.001 s
testGetProbability 0 s
testBadNumberOfItems 0.001 s
testFromKM 0.001 s
testFromNM 0 s
testFromNP 0.001 s
testEqualsAndHashCode(int, int)[1] 0.015 s
testEqualsAndHashCode(int, int)[2] 0 s
testEqualsAndHashCode(int, int)[3] 0 s
testEqualsAndHashCode(int, int)[4] 0 s
testEqualsAndHashCode(int, int)[5] 0 s
testBadNumberOfBits 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapPut 0.003 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testComparator 0 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testTransformerDecorate 0.002 s
testReverseSortOrder 0.001 s
testSortOrder 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.004 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.003 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testSetEquals 0.001 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testComparator 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0 s
testUnmodifiable 0.003 s


testToString 0.004 s
testEqualsAndHashCode 0.003 s
testConstructors 0 s
testAccessorsAndMutators 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0.002 s
testSelfReferenceHandling 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.004 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.002 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.010 s
testCollectionRemove 0.006 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.003 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testSetEquals 0 s
testSetHashCode 0.001 s
testRemoveUnderlying 0 s
testContainsAll 0 s
testRemoveComposited 0 s
testContains 0 s
testAddCompositedCollision 0.001 s
testAddComposited 0 s
testFailedCollisionResolution 0.003 s
testRemoveAll 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.006 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.002 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0 s
testSetIterator 0.001 s
testRepeatedNext 0.001 s
testRepeatedHasNext 0 s
testSetPredicate 0 s
testReturnValues 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.006 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.005 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0.008 s
testCollectionToString 0.002 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.002 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.002 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.002 s
testIllegalAdd 0.003 s
testIllegalAddAll 0.014 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0.001 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testListGetByIndex 0 s
testListHashCode 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0.001 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.001 s
testListAddByIndex 0.001 s
testListEquals 0 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.001 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListListIterator 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListIteratorAdd 0.001 s
testListIteratorSet 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0 s
testListSetByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0.001 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListIndexOf 0 s
testListLastIndexOf 0 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0.001 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0 s
testLegalAddAll 0.001 s
testIllegalAdd 0 s
testIllegalSet 0.001 s
testSubList 0 s
testIllegalAddAll 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.003 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testClone 0.001 s
testInitialCapacityZero 0 s
testCaseInsensitive 0 s
testNullHandling 0.001 s
testLocaleIndependence 0 s
testPutAll 0.001 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0.003 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0.001 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0.001 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0.001 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s
testHashing(int, int)[1] 0.004 s
testHashing(int, int)[2] 0 s
testHashing(int, int)[3] 0 s
testHashing(int, int)[4] 0 s
testByteConstructor 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.002 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.004 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.003 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.007 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testSetEquals 0 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testComparator 0.001 s
testIllegalAdd 0.001 s
testGetSet 0.001 s
testIllegalAddAll 0 s


testPredicateSanityTests 0 s
testTruePredicate 0 s
testAnyPredicateEx1 0.015 s
testAnyPredicateEx2 0.006 s
testAnyPredicateEx3 0 s
testAnyPredicateEx4 0.001 s
testAnyPredicateEx5 0.002 s
testAnyPredicateEx6 0.001 s
testNonePredicateEx1 0.002 s
testNonePredicateEx2 0.001 s
testNonePredicateEx3 0 s
testNonePredicateEx4 0.001 s
testNonePredicateEx5 0.001 s
testNonePredicateEx6 0.001 s
testAndPredicateEx 0.002 s
testAsPredicateTransformer 0.001 s
testEitherPredicateEx 0.002 s
testInvokerPredicate2 0.001 s
testAsPredicateTransformerEx1 0.001 s
testAsPredicateTransformerEx2 0.001 s
testNullIsFalsePredicate 0.001 s
testNeitherPredicate 0 s
testAllPredicateEx1 0.001 s
testAllPredicateEx2 0.001 s
testAllPredicateEx3 0 s
testAllPredicateEx4 0.001 s
testAllPredicateEx5 0 s
testAllPredicateEx6 0.001 s
testInstanceOfPredicate 0.004 s
testIsNotNullPredicate 0.001 s
testAndPredicate 0.002 s
testFalsePredicate 0.001 s
testAnyPredicate 0 s
testNonePredicate 0 s
testOnePredicateEx1 0.001 s
testOnePredicateEx2 0.001 s
testOnePredicateEx3 0.001 s
testOnePredicateEx4 0.001 s
testOnePredicateEx5 0.002 s
testOnePredicateEx6 0.001 s
testNullIsExceptionPredicate 0.003 s
testInvokerPredicate2Ex1 0.001 s
testInvokerPredicate2Ex2 0 s
testInvokerPredicate2Ex3 0.001 s
testUniquePredicate 0.001 s
testEitherPredicate 0 s
testNotPredicate 0.002 s
testNullIsExceptionPredicateEx1 0.001 s
testInvokerPredicateEx1 0.001 s
testInvokerPredicateEx2 0.001 s
testInvokerPredicateEx3 0.001 s
testSingletonPatternInSerialization 0.006 s
testOrPredicateEx 0.002 s
testNullIsFalsePredicateEx1 0.001 s
testOnePredicate 0.001 s
testNeitherPredicateEx 0.001 s
testAllPredicate 0.001 s
testTransformedPredicate 0.003 s
testInvokerPredicate 0.001 s
testOrPredicate 0 s
testNullIsTruePredicate 0.002 s
testExceptionPredicate 0 s
testNotPredicateEx 0 s
testNullIsTruePredicateEx1 0.001 s
testIdentityPredicate 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testReset 0 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testIterator 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.004 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.003 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0.001 s
testNextKey 0 s
testGetValueByIndex 0.001 s
testRemoveByIndex 0 s
testGetByIndex 0.001 s
testIndexOf 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testReset 0.001 s
testNullArray 0.001 s
testIterator 0 s
testListIterator 0 s
testListIteratorSet 0.001 s


testLoadFile(String)[1] 0.002 s
testLoadFile(String)[2] 0.002 s
testLoadPath(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadPath(String)[2] 0.003 s
testLoadReader(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadReader(String)[2] 0 s
- skipped -
testLoadClassLoaderResource(String)[1] 0 s
testLoadClassLoaderResource(String)[2] 0.001 s
testLoadUri(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadUri(String)[2] 0.003 s
testLoadUrl(String)[1] 0 s
testLoadUrl(String)[2] 0.003 s
testLoadClassLoaderMissingResource(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadClassLoaderMissingResource(String)[2] 0.001 s
testLoadFileName(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadFileName(String)[2] 0.002 s
testLoadInputStream(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadInputStream(String)[2] 0 s
- skipped -
testInstance 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testPutWithList 0 s
testTotalSizeA 0 s
testUnsafeDeSerialization 0.002 s
testSize 0.001 s
testPutAll_KeyCollection 0 s
testRemoveAllViaEntryIterator 0.007 s
testRemoveAllViaIterator 0.001 s
testMultipleValues 0 s
testContainsValue_Key 0.001 s
testGetCollection 0 s
testKeyContainsValue 0 s
testContainsValue 0 s
testTotalSize 0 s
testRemove_KeyItem 0 s
testKeyedIterator 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testPutWithSet 0 s
testPutAll_Map1 0.001 s
testPutAll_Map2 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testValueCollectionType 0 s
testNoMappingReturnsNull 0 s
testIterator_Key 0.001 s
testSize_Key 0 s
testValues 0 s
testIterator 0.001 s
testRemoveAllViaKeyedIterator 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.010 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.007 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.005 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testListGetByIndex 0 s
testListHashCode 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0 s
testListAddByIndex 0.002 s
testListEquals 0.001 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.002 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.002 s
testListListIterator 0.001 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListIteratorAdd 0.002 s
testListIteratorSet 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0 s
testListSetByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.002 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.007 s
testListIndexOf 0.002 s
testListLastIndexOf 0.001 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0 s
testSubListAddEnd 0.003 s
testSubListAddMiddle 0.001 s
testSubListRemove 0 s
testRemoveFirst 0 s
testSubListAddBegin 0.001 s
testGetNode 0.001 s
testRemoveLast 0 s
testRemoveNode 0 s
testAddNodeAfter 0 s
testSubList 0 s


testTransformedQueue 0.008 s
testEmptyQueue 0.001 s
testSynchronizedQueue 0.002 s
testUnmodifiableQueue 0.003 s
testPredicatedQueue 0.003 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.006 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.002 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.001 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.002 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testBidiRemoveByKeySet 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiPut 0 s
testBidiClear 0 s
testBidiGetKey 0 s
testBidiKeySetValuesOrder 0.001 s
testBidiRemove 0.001 s
testBidiGetKeyInverse 0 s
testBidiModifyEntrySet 0 s
testBidiMapIteratorSet 0 s
testBidiInverse 0 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testNextKey 0 s
testBidiRemoveBySubMap 0 s
testBidiRemoveByHeadMap 0.001 s
testBidiClearByHeadMap 0 s
testBidiHeadMapContains 0.005 s
testBidiRemoveByHeadMapEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiClearBySubMap 0 s
testBidiRemoveByTailMap 0 s
testBidiRemoveBySubMapEntrySet 0 s
testBidiSubMapContains 0 s
testBidiTailMapContains 0.001 s
testBidiClearByTailMap 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByTailMapEntrySet 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0.001 s


testLoadFile(String)[1] 0 s
testLoadFile(String)[2] 0.003 s
testLoadPath(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadPath(String)[2] 0.003 s
testLoadReader(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadReader(String)[2] 0 s
- skipped -
testLoadClassLoaderResource(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadClassLoaderResource(String)[2] 0.001 s
testLoadUri(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadUri(String)[2] 0.004 s
testLoadUrl(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadUrl(String)[2] 0.002 s
testLoadClassLoaderMissingResource(String)[1] 0.002 s
testLoadClassLoaderMissingResource(String)[2] 0 s
testLoadFileName(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadFileName(String)[2] 0.003 s
testLoadInputStream(String)[1] 0.001 s
testLoadInputStream(String)[2] 0 s
- skipped -
testInstance 0.002 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.002 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
testPut 0.001 s
testEntrySet 0.001 s


testPredicateSanityTests 0.001 s
testEnsurePredicateCanBeTypedWithoutWarning 0 s
testNullPredicate 0 s


testEmptyUnmodifiableMultiValuedMap 0.011 s
testIsEmptyWithNull 0.001 s
testIsEmptyWithNonEmptyMap 0.001 s
testGetCollection 0.007 s
testTypeSafeEmptyMultiValuedMap 0.001 s
testEmptyIfNull 0.001 s
testGetValuesAsList 0.001 s
testIsEmptyWithEmptyMap 0.001 s
testGetValuesAsBag 0.003 s
testGetValuesAsSet 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testQueueRemove 0 s
testFullQueueCompatibility 0.001 s
testQueuePeek 0 s
testQueuePoll 0.001 s
testQueueElement 0 s
testEmptyQueueSerialization 0 s
testEmptyQueueCompatibility 0 s
testQueueOffer 0.001 s
testFullQueueSerialization 0 s
testGet 0.001 s
testRemove 0 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0.001 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s
testFromBitMapExtractor 0.001 s


testGetOrDefault 0.004 s
testReplaceAll 0.003 s
testLoadFromXML 0.001 s
testStringPropertyName 0 s
testStoreToXMLOutputStream 0.003 s
testListToPrintStream 0 s
testListToPrintWriter 0 s
testGet 0 s
testPut 0.002 s
testEntrySet 0 s
testClear 0 s
testClone 0 s
testMerge 0.001 s
testGetPropertyDefault 0.002 s
testKeys 0 s
testSave 0.033 s
testSize 0 s
testForEach 0 s
testToString 0 s
testLoadReader 0.002 s
testComputeIfPresent 0.001 s
testContainsKey 0 s
testComputeIfAbsent 0.001 s
testPutIfAbsent 0.001 s
testContainsValue 0 s
testContains 0 s
testPropertyName 0 s
testSetProperty 0 s
testGetProperty 0 s
testReplaceOldValue 0.001 s
testCompute 0.001 s
testStoreToXMLOutputStreamWithEncoding 0 s
testReplace 0 s
testElements 0 s
testHashCode 0 s
testEquals 0 s
testStoreToPrintWriter 0 s
testKeySet 0 s
testPutAll 0 s
testIsEmpty 0 s
testRehash 0 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testValues 0 s
testRemoveKey 0 s
testStoreToOutputStream 0.001 s
testLoadInputStream 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testFullQueueCompatibility 0.003 s
testQueuePeek 0 s
testQueuePoll 0 s
testQueueElement 0.001 s
testEmptyQueueSerialization 0.001 s
testEmptyQueueCompatibility 0.001 s
testQueueOffer 0 s
testFullQueueSerialization 0 s
testQueueRemove 0.001 s
testOffer 0.001 s
testPoll 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s


expectFalseWhenBothComparatorsWithDifferentItems 0 s
expectTrueWhenBothObjectsAreSame 0 s
expectTrueWhenBothComparatorsWithoutAnyItems 0.001 s
expectFalseWhenBothComparatorsWithDifferentUnknownObjectBehavior 0.001 s
expectFalseWhenFixedOrderComparatorIsComparedWithOtherObject 0 s
expectTrueWhenBothComparatorsAreLocked 0.001 s
expectFalseWhenFixedOrderComparatorIsComparedWithNull 0.001 s
expectFalseWhenOneComparatorIsLocked 0 s
expectFalseWhenOneComparatorsWithDuplicateItems 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.004 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testRandomListSort 0.001 s
testReverseListSort 0 s
testEmptyListSort 0.001 s
testComparatorCompatibility 0.002 s
testComparatorIsSerializable 0 s
testLock 0.001 s
testArrayConstructor 0 s
testConstructorPlusAdd 0.003 s
testAddAsEqual 0.002 s
testUnknownObjectBehavior 0.011 s
testListConstructor 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testRandomListSort 0 s
testReverseListSort 0.001 s
testEmptyListSort 0 s
testComparatorCompatibility 0.001 s
testComparatorIsSerializable 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.004 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.015 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.003 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.004 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.003 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.003 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.011 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0 s
testMapToString 0.012 s
testMapEquals 0.003 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.002 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.003 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.007 s
testMapRemove 0.005 s
testMapContainsValue 0.002 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0.001 s
test_containsValue_nullMatchesIncorrectly 0.001 s
test_containsKey_nullMatchesIncorrectly 0 s
test_get_nullMatchesIncorrectly 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testReset 0 s
testNullArray 0 s
testIterator 0 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0.001 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0.001 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s
testEntries(int)[1] 0.001 s
testEntries(int)[2] 0 s
testFromBitMapExtractor 0 s
testFromIndexArray 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.003 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.003 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagRemoveAll 0.001 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0 s
testBagSize 0 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0 s
testBagEquals 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFail 0 s
testBagContainsAll 0 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0 s
testBagHashCode 0 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0 s
testBagRemove 0 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0 s
testBagToArray 0 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testTransformedBag_decorateTransform 0 s
testTransformedBag 0 s


testInstantiateFactoryMismatch 0 s
testPrototypeFactoryPublicCopyConstructor 0 s
testPrototypeFactoryPublicSerializationError 0.005 s
testPrototypeFactoryPublicCloneMethod 0.001 s
testNullFactory 0.001 s
testConstantFactoryNull 0 s
testSingletonPatternInSerialization 0.004 s
testInstantiateFactoryNoConstructor 0 s
testInstantiateFactoryNull 0.001 s
testInstantiateFactoryComplex 0 s
testConstantFactoryConstant 0 s
testPrototypeFactoryPublicSerialization 0 s
testExceptionFactory 0.001 s
testPrototypeFactoryNull 0 s
testInstantiateFactorySimple 0 s
testPrototypeFactoryPublicBad 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testAddThenRemove 0 s
testAdd 0.001 s
testSet 0.001 s
testEmptyListIteratorIsIndeedEmpty 0 s
testAddThenSet 0.001 s
testRemoveThenSet 0 s
testWalkForwardAndBack 0 s
testReset 0 s
testIterator 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testIndexedArray 0 s
testIterator 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.005 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testListGetByIndex 0 s
testListHashCode 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0.001 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.001 s
testListAddByIndex 0.001 s
testListEquals 0 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.002 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIterator 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListIteratorAdd 0.001 s
testListIteratorSet 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0 s
testListSetByIndex 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListIndexOf 0 s
testListLastIndexOf 0.001 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0 s
testTransformedList_decorateTransform 0 s
testTransformedList 0.001 s
testSubList 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testSetEquals 0 s
testSetHashCode 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testOrdering 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.003 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0.002 s
testNextKey 0.001 s
testAccessOrder 0 s
testSynchronizedRemoveFromMapIterator 1.011 s
testLRU 0.001 s
testAccessOrder2 0.001 s
testClone 0 s
testCtors 0.002 s
testReset 0.001 s
testRemoveLRUFirstBlocksRemove 0.001 s
testSynchronizedRemoveFromKeySet 1.011 s
testSynchronizedRemoveFromValues 1.012 s
testRemoveLRUBlocksRemove 0 s
testSynchronizedRemoveFromEntrySet 1.007 s
testRemoveLRUBlocksRemoveScan 0.001 s
testInternalState_Buckets 0.001 s
testInternalState_getEntry_int 0.001 s
testRemoveLRU 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testSameAsDecorated 0.001 s
testSkipping 0.001 s
testOffsetGreaterThanSize 0.002 s
testRemoveFirst 0.003 s
testRemoveUnsupported 0.002 s
testRemoveMiddle 0.001 s
testRemoveCalledTwice 0.001 s
testRemoveLast 0.001 s
testNegativeOffset 0.001 s
testRemoveWithoutCallingNext 0.001 s


testSeen 0.002 s


testAllMatch 0.001 s
testToArray 0.002 s
testAppendElements 0.002 s
testGet 0.001 s
testZip 0.003 s
testLimit 0.004 s
testEval 0 s
testSize 0.001 s
testSkip 0.002 s
testForEach 0.001 s
testToString 0 s
testAppendIterable 0 s
testUnmodifiable 0.002 s
testAsEnumeration 0 s
testContains 0 s
testCopyInto 0 s
testAnyMatch 0 s
testCollateWithComparator 0.001 s
testCollate 0.002 s
testReverse 0.003 s
testFilter 0.001 s
testIsEmpty 0.001 s
testTransform 0.002 s
testFactoryMethodOf 0 s
testUnique 0.002 s
testIterator 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testMultiSetToArray 0 s
testMultiSetIterator 0 s
testMultiSetEntrySetUpdatedToZero 0.001 s
testMultiSetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorFail 0 s
testMultiSetIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0.001 s
testMultiSetAdd 0 s
testFullMultiSetCompatibility 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorFailNoMore 0 s
testMultiSetToArrayPopulate 0 s
testMultiSetRetainAll 0 s
testMultiSetEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testMultiSetContains 0 s
testEmptyMultiSetCompatibility 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testMultiSetSize 0 s
testMultiSetHashCode 0 s
testMultiSetEquals 0 s
testMultiSetContainsAll 0 s
testMultiSetEqualsHashMultiSet 0 s
testMultiSetRemove 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testSetEquals 0 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s


testFiltering 0.002 s
testFilter(int, int)[1] 0.006 s
testFilter(int, int)[2] 0.001 s
testFilter(int, int)[3] 0.002 s
testFilter(int, int)[4] 0.003 s
testFilter(int, int)[5] 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0.002 s
testAddThenRemove 0.001 s
testAdd 0 s
testSet 0.001 s
testAddThenSet 0 s
testRemoveThenSet 0 s
testReset 0.001 s
testEmptyListIteratorIsIndeedEmpty 0.002 s
testReverse 0.001 s
testWalkForwardAndBack 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0.001 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
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testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
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testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testListGetByIndex 0.002 s
testListHashCode 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0.001 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.001 s
testListAddByIndex 0.001 s
testListEquals 0.001 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.002 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIterator 0.001 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0 s
testListSetByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0.001 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0.001 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0.002 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListIndexOf 0 s
testListLastIndexOf 0.001 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.002 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0.001 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0 s
testRemoveFirst 0 s
testGetNode 0.001 s
testRemoveLast 0 s
testRemoveNode 0 s
testAddNodeAfter 0 s
testCursorNextIndexAddNext 0 s
testSubListAddEnd 0 s
testCursorNextIndexAddBefore 0.001 s
testSubListAddMiddle 0 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextPreviousRemoveByIterator 0.001 s
testToArray 0 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextRemoveIndex1ByList 0.001 s
testSubListRemove 0.001 s
testSerialization 0 s
testCursorNextIndexAddAfter 0 s
testAdd 0 s
testGet 0.001 s
testSet 0 s
testClear 0.001 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextAddIndex1ByList 0.001 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextPreviousRemoveIndex1ByList 0.001 s
testRemoveByIndex 0 s
testRetainAll 0 s
testCursorRemove 0 s
testSubListAddBegin 0 s
testSerializationWithOpenCursor 0 s
testListIteratorAdd 0 s
testListIteratorSet 0 s
testContainsAll 0 s
testListIteratorNavigation 0 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextNextRemoveIndex1ByList 0.001 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextAddByIterator 0 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextRemoveByIterator 0.001 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextPreviousAddIndex1ByList 0 s
testContains 0.001 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextSetByIterator 0 s
testCursorConcurrentModification 0.001 s
testLongSerialization 0.018 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextRemoveByListSetByIterator 0 s
testCursorNextIndexMid 0 s
testCursorAdd 0 s
testCursorSet 0 s
testCursorNavigation 0.001 s
testEqualsAndHashCode 0 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextPreviousAddByIterator 0.001 s
testIndexOf 0 s
testInternalState_CursorNextRemoveIndex1ByList 0.001 s
testIsEmpty 0 s
testInternalState_CursorNextAddIndex1ByList 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testListIteratorRemove 0 s
testCursorNextIndexFirst 0 s
testIterator 0 s
testRemoveAll 0.001 s
testInternalState_CursorNextNextPreviousSetByIterator 0 s
testSubList 0 s


testToString 0 s
testAccessorsAndMutators 0.003 s
testSelfReferenceHandling 0.002 s
testEqualsAndHashCode 0.001 s
testConstructors 0 s
testSetValue 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.021 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.003 s
testEqualsNull 0.002 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.065 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.006 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.003 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.005 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.077 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.004 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.002 s
testSampleMappings 0.002 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.013 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.009 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.002 s
testMapHashCode 0.005 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.003 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.003 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.002 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.003 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.008 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.003 s
testMapSize 0.002 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.002 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapClear 0.002 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0.002 s
testMapEquals 0.004 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.002 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.003 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.005 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.017 s
testMapRemove 0.007 s
testMapContainsValue 0.002 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.003 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.002 s
testFailFastValues 0.003 s
testBidiRemoveByKeySet 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiPut 0.001 s
testBidiClear 0.001 s
testBidiGetKey 0.002 s
testBidiKeySetValuesOrder 0.004 s
testBidiRemove 0.002 s
testBidiGetKeyInverse 0.001 s
testBidiModifyEntrySet 0 s
testBidiMapIteratorSet 0.001 s
testBidiInverse 0.001 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0.002 s
testFirstKey 0.002 s
testNextKey 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
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testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testSetEquals 0 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testListAddIndexed 0.001 s
testListAddRemove 0 s
testOrdering 0 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0.001 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0.001 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0.001 s
testForEachIndex 0.003 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0.001 s
testIndexConsistency 0.001 s
testForEachCellValues 0.001 s
testForEachCellEarlyExit 0.003 s
testForEachCellPredicates 0.002 s
testEmptyCellExtractor 0.001 s
testBehaviourForEachCell 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testSameAsDecorated 0 s
testOffsetGreaterThanSize 0 s
testRemoveFirst 0.001 s
testNegativeMax 0.001 s
testBounded 0.001 s
testRemoveUnsupported 0.002 s
testRemoveMiddle 0.001 s
testRemoveCalledTwice 0 s
testRemoveLast 0 s
testNegativeOffset 0 s
testMaxGreaterThanSize 0.001 s
testEmptyBounded 0 s
testRemoveWithoutCallingNext 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.005 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.029 s
testCollectionSize 0.002 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.008 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.008 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.007 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.002 s
testCollectionToArray 0.002 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testTransformedCollection 0 s
testTransformedCollection_decorateTransform 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testListGetByIndex 0 s
testListHashCode 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.001 s
testListAddByIndex 0.001 s
testListEquals 0 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.001 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListListIterator 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0.001 s
testListIteratorAdd 0 s
testListIteratorSet 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0.001 s
testListSetByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0.001 s
testFullListSerialization 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0.001 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListIndexOf 0 s
testListLastIndexOf 0.001 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0 s
testNewArrayList 0.001 s
testPushPeekPop 0 s
testSearch 0.001 s
testNewStack 0 s


testForEachPairReturnFalseEarly 0.009 s
testFlatten 0.001 s
testForEachPairReturnFalseLate 0.002 s
testForEachPairArrayTooShort 0 s
testAsBloomFilterArray 0 s
testForEachPairCompleteMatch 0.001 s
testForEachPairReturnFalseLateShortArray 0 s
testForEachPairArrayTooLong 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.008 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.002 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.003 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.002 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.004 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.002 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.013 s
testMapRemove 0.007 s
testMapContainsValue 0.002 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testComparator 0.001 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0.003 s
testPrefixMapClear 0.020 s
testPrefixMapSizes 0.002 s
testPrefixMap 0.003 s
testPrefixMapSizes2 0.001 s
testPrefixMapRemoval 0.001 s
testPrefixMapClearUsingRemove 0.001 s
testPrefixMapClearNothing 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testRemoveMappingThroughGet 0 s
- skipped -
testPutAll_KeyIterable 0 s
- skipped -
testNoMappingReturnsEmptyCol 0.001 s
testGet 0.005 s
testAsMapRemove 0 s
- skipped -
testKeysBagContainsAll 0 s
testKeysBagIterator 0.002 s
testRemoveAllViaEntriesIterator 0 s
- skipped -
testSize 0 s
testToString 0 s
- skipped -
testAsMapGet_Empty 0 s
testAddMappingThroughGet 0 s
- skipped -
testMultiValuedMapIterator 0.001 s
testRemoveAllViaValuesIterator 0 s
- skipped -
testMultipleValues 0.004 s
testAsMapGet_Full 0.001 s
testContainsValue_Key 0.002 s
testMapIterator 0.004 s
testKeyContainsValue 0.003 s
testContainsValue 0.168 s
testEntriesCollectionIterator 0.007 s
testMapIteratorUnsupportedSet 0 s
testRemove_KeyItem 0 s
- skipped -
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.004 s
testRemoveMappingThroughGetIterator 0 s
- skipped -
testPutAll_Map1 0 s
- skipped -
testPutAll_Map2 0 s
- skipped -
testFullMapCompatibility 0 s
- There is no code to create this test fixture? -
testMapEquals 0 s
- skipped -
testMapIteratorRemove 0 s
- skipped -
testRemoveViaValuesRemove 0 s
- skipped -
testSize_Key 0 s
testKeySetSize 0.001 s
testValues 0.001 s
testSizeWithPutRemove 0 s
- skipped -
testKeysMultiSet 0.001 s
testAddException 0.001 s
testUnmodifiableKeys 0.003 s
testUnmodifiableEntries 0.002 s
testClearException 0.003 s
testRemoveException 0.002 s
testUnmodifiableMapIterator 0.001 s
testUnmodifiableKeySet 0.002 s
testUnmodifiableValues 0.003 s
testDecorateFactory 0 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s
testPutAllException 0.001 s
testUnmodifiableAsMap 0.001 s
testDecoratorFactoryNullMap 0.001 s
testRemoveMappingException 0.002 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0.001 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0.001 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0.001 s
testEmptyExtractor 0.001 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0.001 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s


testForEachBitMapPairEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachBitMapPair 0 s
testForEachBitMapEarlyExit 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testForEachBitMap 0 s
testFromBitMapArray 0 s
testAsBitMapArrayLargeArray 0.001 s
testFromIndexExtractor 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.004 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.006 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.003 s
testCollectionSize 0.190 s
testCollectionToString 0.004 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.002 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.001 s
testCollectionContains 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.005 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testDecorateFactory 0.002 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0 s
testEmptyExtractor 0.001 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0 s
testReset 0 s
testNullArray 0 s
testIterator 0.001 s
testListIterator 0 s
testListIteratorSet 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.002 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.001 s
testMapRemove 0 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testComparator 0 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testTailMap 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s
testHeadMap 0 s
testSubMap 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.008 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.002 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.002 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.005 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.029 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.004 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.041 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.003 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.003 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.002 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.002 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.002 s
testMapEquals 0.002 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.001 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.002 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testBidiRemoveByKeySet 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiPut 0.001 s
testBidiClear 0.001 s
testBidiGetKey 0 s
testBidiKeySetValuesOrder 0 s
testBidiRemove 0.001 s
testBidiGetKeyInverse 0.001 s
testBidiModifyEntrySet 0.001 s
testBidiMapIteratorSet 0.001 s
testBidiInverse 0 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0.001 s
testNextKey 0.001 s
testDecorateFactory 0.014 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.002 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testRemoveMappingThroughGet 0.421 s
testPutAll_KeyIterable 0.093 s
testNoMappingReturnsEmptyCol 0.023 s
testGet 0.007 s
testAsMapRemove 0.015 s
testKeysBagContainsAll 0.019 s
testKeysBagIterator 0.020 s
testRemoveAllViaEntriesIterator 0.016 s
testSize 0.004 s
testToString 0.002 s
testAsMapGet_Empty 0.004 s
testAddMappingThroughGet 0.001 s
testMultiValuedMapIterator 0.058 s
testRemoveAllViaValuesIterator 0.002 s
testMultipleValues 0.002 s
testAsMapGet_Full 0.002 s
testContainsValue_Key 0.001 s
testMapIterator 0.003 s
testKeyContainsValue 0.003 s
testContainsValue 0.145 s
testEntriesCollectionIterator 0.003 s
testMapIteratorUnsupportedSet 0.002 s
testRemove_KeyItem 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testRemoveMappingThroughGetIterator 0.091 s
testPutAll_Map1 0.001 s
testPutAll_Map2 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0 s
- There is no code to create this test fixture? -
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testMapIteratorRemove 0.003 s
testRemoveViaValuesRemove 0.055 s
testSize_Key 0.001 s
testKeySetSize 0.004 s
testValues 0.002 s
testSizeWithPutRemove 0 s
testKeysMultiSet 0.002 s
testValueTransformedMap 0.080 s
testKeyTransformedMap 0 s
testFactory_decorateTransform 0.002 s
testFactory_Decorate 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.003 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testElementCreationWithFactory 0.003 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testCreateNullGapsWithTransformer 0.001 s
testCreateNullGapsWithFactory 0.001 s
testSubListWitheFactory 0 s
testElementCreationWithTransformer 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testGetWithNull 0.001 s
testSubListWithTransformer 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s


testEmptyMultiSet 0.004 s
testUnmodifiableMultiSet 0.001 s
testSynchronizedMultiSet 0.002 s
testPredicatedMultiSet 0.004 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.005 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.002 s
testEqualsNull 0.002 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.018 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.002 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.003 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.002 s
testCollectionRemove 0.003 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testListGetByIndex 0 s
testListHashCode 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.001 s
testListAddByIndex 0.001 s
testListEquals 0.001 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.003 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIterator 0.001 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListIteratorAdd 0.001 s
testListIteratorSet 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0.004 s
testListSetByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0.002 s
testFullListSerialization 0.002 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0.001 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListIndexOf 0.001 s
testListLastIndexOf 0.003 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0.001 s
testRemoveFirst 0 s
testGetNode 0.001 s
testRemoveLast 0 s
testRemoveNode 0.001 s
testAddNodeAfter 0 s
testShrinkCache 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testMultiplePushback 0 s
testDelayedPushback 0 s
testImmediatePushback 0 s
testNormalIteration 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testQueueRemove 0 s
testFullQueueCompatibility 0.001 s
testQueuePeek 0 s
testQueuePoll 0 s
testQueueElement 0 s
testEmptyQueueSerialization 0.001 s
testEmptyQueueCompatibility 0.001 s
testQueueOffer 0 s
testFullQueueSerialization 0.002 s
testCreate 0 s
- Run once -


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.004 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.003 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.007 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.006 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.002 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testEquals1 0.001 s
testEquals2 0.001 s
testContainsValue1 0.001 s
testContainsValue2 0.001 s
testContainsValue3 0 s
testEntrySet 0 s
testGet1 0 s
testGet2 0.001 s
testGet3 0 s
testPut1 0 s
testPut2 0.001 s
testPut3 0 s
testPut4 0 s
testPut5 0.001 s
testPut6 0 s
testContainsKey1 0.001 s
testContainsKey2 0 s
testContainsKey3 0.001 s
testToString 0.003 s
testCollections261 0 s
testSerialisation0 0.001 s
testSerialisation2 0.002 s
testSerialisation4 0.001 s
testEntryIteratorSetValue1 0.001 s
testEntryIteratorSetValue2 0.001 s
testEntryIteratorSetValue3 0 s
testRemove10 0.001 s
testRemove11 0.001 s
testRemove12 0 s
testRemove13 0 s
testRemove1 0.001 s
testRemove2 0 s
testRemove3 0 s
testRemove4 0.001 s
testRemove5 0 s
testRemove6 0 s
testRemove7 0.001 s
testRemove8 0.001 s
testRemove9 0 s
testMapIteratorSetValue1 0 s
testMapIteratorSetValue2 0.001 s
testMapIteratorSetValue3 0.001 s
testClone2 0.001 s
testClone4 0.001 s
testNewInstance1 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.004 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.011 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.002 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.002 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.002 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.003 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.001 s
testMapRemove 0 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s


testMod 0.002 s
testSet 0.001 s
testModEdgeCases 0.001 s
testContains 0.014 s
testGetLongBit 0.001 s
testGetLongIndex 0 s
testNumberOfBitMaps 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.005 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.003 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.002 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.002 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.002 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.004 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0.001 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testBidiRemoveByKeySet 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByEntrySet 0 s
testBidiPut 0 s
testBidiClear 0.001 s
testBidiGetKey 0 s
testBidiKeySetValuesOrder 0 s
testBidiRemove 0.001 s
testBidiGetKeyInverse 0 s
testBidiModifyEntrySet 0 s
testBidiMapIteratorSet 0.001 s
testBidiInverse 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.002 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.003 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.003 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.001 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testPreviousKey 0 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testNextKey 0 s
testBoundedMap 0 s
testClone 0 s
testKeyValue 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0.003 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.002 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.002 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.005 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testPreviousKey 0.001 s
testLastKey 0 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testNextKey 0.001 s
testGetValueByIndex 0 s
testClone 0 s
testReset 0.001 s
testRemoveByIndex 0.001 s
testInitialCapacityZero 0 s
testGetByIndex 0.001 s
testInsertionOrder 0 s
testIndexOf 0.001 s


testToString 0 s
testAccessorsAndMutators 0.001 s
testEqualsAndHashCode 0 s
testConstructors 0 s
testSelfReferenceHandling 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.007 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.002 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.006 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.002 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.009 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.002 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.005 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testListGetByIndex 0.001 s
testListHashCode 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0 s
testListAddByIndex 0.003 s
testListEquals 0.001 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.004 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.003 s
testListListIterator 0.001 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListIteratorAdd 0.002 s
testListIteratorSet 0.001 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0.001 s
testListSetByIndex 0.002 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0.001 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListIndexOf 0 s
testListLastIndexOf 0.001 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0 s
testAddMultiple 0.001 s
testIterationOrder 0.094 s
testBug35258 0 s
testIterationOrderAfterAddAll 0.020 s
testInsertBefore 0.001 s
testIndexOf 0.003 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testBugCollections447 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testSetEquals 0.001 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testIllegalAdd 0.007 s
testGetSet 0 s
testIllegalAddAll 0.001 s


testPredicateSameLength 0.007 s
testPredicateShorter 0 s
testPredicateLonger 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.001 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testSetEquals 0 s
testSetHashCode 0.001 s
testComparator 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0.002 s


testSetUniqueList 0.001 s
testArrayList 0.001 s
testHashSet 0 s


testForEachPairReturnFalseEarly 0.001 s
testFlatten 0.002 s
testForEachPairReturnFalseLate 0 s
testForEachPairArrayTooShort 0 s
testAsBloomFilterArray 0.001 s
testForEachPairCompleteMatch 0 s
testForEachPairReturnFalseLateShortArray 0.001 s
testForEachPairArrayTooLong 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testRemoveMappingThroughGet 0.109 s
testPutAll_KeyIterable 0 s
testNoMappingReturnsEmptyCol 0.001 s
testGet 0.001 s
testAsMapRemove 0.002 s
testKeysBagContainsAll 0.002 s
testKeysBagIterator 0.002 s
testRemoveAllViaEntriesIterator 0.002 s
testSize 0 s
testToString 0 s
testAsMapGet_Empty 0 s
testAddMappingThroughGet 0 s
testMultiValuedMapIterator 0.037 s
testRemoveAllViaValuesIterator 0.001 s
testMultipleValues 0.001 s
testAsMapGet_Full 0.001 s
testContainsValue_Key 0.001 s
testMapIterator 0.001 s
testKeyContainsValue 0.001 s
testContainsValue 0.110 s
testEntriesCollectionIterator 0.002 s
testMapIteratorUnsupportedSet 0.001 s
testRemove_KeyItem 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testRemoveMappingThroughGetIterator 0.092 s
testPutAll_Map1 0.001 s
testPutAll_Map2 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0 s
- There is no code to create this test fixture? -
testMapEquals 0 s
testMapIteratorRemove 0.002 s
testRemoveViaValuesRemove 0.050 s
testSize_Key 0.001 s
testKeySetSize 0 s
testValues 0.001 s
testSizeWithPutRemove 0 s
testKeysMultiSet 0.001 s
testListValuedMapEqualsHashCodeContract 0 s
testListValuedMapAddViaListIterator 0.001 s
testEqualsHashCodeContract 0 s
testArrayListValuedHashMap 0 s
testValuesListIteratorMethods 0 s
testListValuedMapRemoveViaListIterator 0 s
testListValuedMapRemove 0 s
testWrappedListAddAll 0 s
testTrimToSize 0 s
testListValuedMapAdd 0 s
testWrappedListAdd 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0.002 s
testIterateOddEven 0.001 s
testIterateEvenOdd 0 s
testIterateFibEvenOdd 0 s
testNullComparator 0 s
testIterateEven 0 s
testIterateEvenEven 0 s
testRemoveFromDouble 0.001 s
testGetSetComparator 0 s
testRemoveFromSingle 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.002 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.005 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.001 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testBidiRemoveByKeySet 0.001 s
testBidiRemoveByEntrySet 0 s
testBidiPut 0 s
testBidiClear 0 s
testBidiGetKey 0.001 s
testBidiKeySetValuesOrder 0 s
- skipped -
testBidiRemove 0.001 s
testBidiGetKeyInverse 0.001 s
testBidiModifyEntrySet 0.003 s
testBidiMapIteratorSet 0.001 s
testBidiInverse 0.001 s
testDecorateFactory 0.002 s
testUnmodifiable 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testListGetByIndex 0.001 s
testListHashCode 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0.001 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.001 s
testListAddByIndex 0.001 s
testListEquals 0 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.004 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListListIterator 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0.001 s
testListIteratorAdd 0 s
testListIteratorSet 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0 s
testListSetByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testUnsupportedSet 0 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListIndexOf 0.001 s
testListLastIndexOf 0.001 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0.001 s
testAdd 0.001 s
testMaxSize 0 s
testAddAll 0.001 s
testIsFull 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testListAllowsMutationOfUnderlyingCollection 0 s
testSubList 0 s


testForEachBitMapPairEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachBitMapPair 0 s
testForEachBitMapEarlyExit 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testForEachBitMap 0.001 s


testChainedClosure 0.004 s
testWhileClosure 0.002 s
testInvokeClosure 0.001 s
testSwitchMapClosure 0.001 s
testDoWhileClosure 0.001 s
testExceptionClosure 0.002 s
testIfClosure 0.001 s
testSingletonPatternInSerialization 0.002 s
testSwitchClosure 0.002 s
testNopClosure 0 s
testTransformerClosure 0 s
testForClosure 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testIterator 0.001 s


testClosureSanityTests 0.002 s
testThrowingClosure 0.003 s
testThrowingClosure 0.002 s
testThrowingClosure 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.002 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.001 s


testAsIterableForNull 0 s
testToListWithHashtable 0 s
testAsIterableFor 0 s
testToListWithStringTokenizer 0 s
testGetFromEnumeration 0.001 s


testMultipleUserIterator 0.002 s
testIterator 0.001 s


testAsIndexArrayValues 0.001 s
testBehaviourAsIndexArray 0 s
testUniqueReturnsSelf 0.001 s
testEmptyExtractor 0 s
testForEachIndexEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachIndex 0.001 s
testConsistency 0 s
testBehaviourForEachIndex 0.001 s
testForEachIndexPredicates 0 s
testIndexConsistency 0 s
testForEachCellValues 0 s
testForEachCellEarlyExit 0 s
testForEachCellPredicates 0 s
testEmptyCellExtractor 0 s
testBehaviourForEachCell 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.002 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagRemoveAll 0 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0 s
testBagSize 0 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0 s
testBagEquals 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFail 0 s
testBagContainsAll 0 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0 s
testBagHashCode 0 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0 s
testBagRemove 0.001 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0 s
testBagToArray 0 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testSortOrder 0 s
testDecorate 0.001 s


testMergeWithBadHasher 0.004 s
testClear 0.001 s
testMerge 0.001 s
testMergeWithIndexExtractor 0 s
testEstimateUnion 0 s
testEstimateN 0.001 s
testContains 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0.001 s
testEmptyAfterMergeWithNothing 0 s
testEstimateIntersection 0.001 s
testIndexExtractorMerge 0 s
testCardinalityAndIsEmpty 0.002 s
testMergeWithHasher 0.001 s
testNegativeIntersection 0.001 s
testIsFull 0 s
testBitMapExtractorSize 0.001 s
testMergeWithBitMapExtractor 0 s
testExcludesDuplicates 0.001 s
testCountingBloomFilterSpecificContains 0 s
testAdd 0.001 s
testSubtract 0.002 s
testCountingSpecificConstructor 0 s
testCountingSpecificMerge 0.001 s
removeDecrementsAllCellsTest 0.001 s
testGetMaxInsert 0.011 s
mergeIncrementsAllCellsTest 0.001 s
testRemove 0.002 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testMapIteratorRemoveGetValue 0 s
testMapIteratorSetRemoveSet 0 s
testMapIteratorRemoveGetKey 0.001 s
testMapIteratorSet 0 s
testRemove 0 s
testMapIteratorOrder 0 s
testEmptyMapIterator 0.001 s
testFullMapIterator 0 s
testOrderedMapIterator 0.001 s
testDecorateFactory 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testPermutatorHasMore 0.001 s
testEmptyCollection 0.001 s
testPermutationException 0.001 s
testPermutationResultSize 0.006 s
testPermutationExhaustivity 0.003 s
testPermutationUnicity 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testSetEquals 0 s
testSetHashCode 0 s
testDuplicates 0.001 s
testRetainAll 0 s
testListAddIndexed 0 s
testListAddReplacing 0.001 s
testListAddRemove 0 s
testDecorator 0.002 s
testOrdering 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0 s
testEntrySetContains3 0.001 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0.001 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.002 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.003 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0.001 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testFactory_decorateTransform 0 s
testTransformedMap 0 s
testFactory_Decorate 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0.002 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.002 s
testCollectionClear 0.001 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0.001 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0.001 s
testCollectionRemove 0.003 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.003 s
testCollectionToArray 0.002 s
testCollectionIterator 0.002 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagRemoveAll 0 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0.001 s
testBagSize 0 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0 s
testBagEquals 0 s
testBagIteratorFail 0 s
testBagContainsAll 0 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0 s
testBagHashCode 0 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0 s
testBagRemove 0.001 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0 s
testBagToArray 0.001 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testCollections265 0 s
testCollections555 0 s
testOrdering 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0.001 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0.001 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapClear 0 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.002 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0.001 s
testMapPut 0.006 s
testMapRemove 0.002 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0.001 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testFailFastEntrySet 0 s
testFailFastKeySet 0 s
testFailFastValues 0 s
testGet 0.002 s
testPut 0.002 s
testResolveCollision 0.001 s
testRemoveFromUnderlying 0 s
testRemoveComposited 0.001 s
testRemoveFromComposited 0 s
testAddComposited 0 s
testPutAll 0.001 s


testGetIndexed 0 s
testGetIndexed 0 s
testGetIndexed 0.002 s
testGetIndexed 0.002 s
testGetKeysSimpleConstructor 0 s
testConstructorsByArrayNull 0.001 s
testConstructorsByArrayNull 0.001 s
testConstructorsByArrayNull 0.001 s
testTwoArgCtor 0.001 s
testSize 0.001 s
testConstructors 0.001 s
testGetKeysArrayConstructorCloned 0.001 s
testEqualsAfterSerializationOfDerivedClass 0.002 s
testConstructorsByArray 0 s
testEqualsAfterSerialization 0.005 s
testHashCode 0.001 s
testGetKeysArrayConstructorNonCloned 0.001 s
testEquals 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.004 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0.002 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapPutNullValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testMapContainsKey 0.001 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.002 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0.001 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.003 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testExpiration 6.015 s
testGet 0.001 s
testPut 0.001 s
testEntrySet 0 s
testSize 0 s
testConstructors 0.002 s
testDecoratedMap 0 s
testContainsKey 0 s
testContainsValue 0 s
testZeroTimeToLive 0 s
testKeySet 0.001 s
testIsEmpty 0 s
testValues 0 s


testForEachBitMapPairEarlyExit 0.001 s
testForEachBitMapPair 0 s
testForEachBitMapEarlyExit 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testForEachBitMap 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.004 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.002 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0.001 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0.001 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.002 s
testBagRemoveAll 0 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0 s
testBagSize 0 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0 s
testBagEquals 0 s
testBagIteratorFail 0 s
testBagContainsAll 0 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0 s
testBagHashCode 0 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0 s
testBagRemove 0 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0 s
testBagToArray 0.001 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0 s
testCollectionContains 0 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0.001 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0.004 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.002 s
testCollectionToArray 0.001 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testEmptyBagCompatibility 0 s
testBagIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0 s
testFullBagCompatibility 0.002 s
testBagRemoveAll 0 s
testBagToArrayPopulate 0.001 s
testBagIteratorFailNoMore 0 s
testBagSize 0 s
testBagContains 0 s
testBagRetainAll 0 s
testBagEquals 0 s
testBagIteratorFail 0 s
testBagContainsAll 0.001 s
testBagEqualsHashBag 0 s
testBagHashCode 0 s
testBagEqualsSelf 0 s
testBagRemove 0 s
testBagAdd 0 s
testBagIterator 0 s
testBagToArray 0 s
testBagIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0.001 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains1 0 s
testEntrySetContains2 0.001 s
testEntrySetContains3 0 s
testSampleMappings 0 s
testValuesIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRetainAll 0.001 s
testMapHashCode 0 s
testEntrySetRemove1 0 s
testEntrySetRemove2 0 s
testEntrySetRemove3 0 s
testKeySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testValuesRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testEntrySetRemoveAll 0 s
testEntrySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0.001 s
testEntrySetClearChangesMap 0 s
testMapPutNullValue 0 s
testKeySetRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapContainsKey 0 s
testKeySetRemoveAll 0.001 s
testMakeMap 0 s
testMapSize 0.001 s
testMapPutNullKey 0.001 s
testEmptyMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapClear 0.001 s
testFullMapCompatibility 0.001 s
testMapToString 0.001 s
testMapEquals 0.001 s
testEntrySetRetainAll 0 s
testMapIsEmpty 0 s
testValuesRemoveAll 0 s
testMapPutAll 0.001 s
testKeySetIteratorRemoveChangesMap 0 s
testMapGet 0 s
testMapPut 0.002 s
testMapRemove 0.001 s
testMapContainsValue 0.001 s
testKeySetRetainAll 0 s
testValuesClearChangesMap 0 s
testComparator 0 s
testLastKey 0.001 s
testFirstKey 0 s
testFactory_decorateTransform 0 s
testTransformedMap 0.003 s
testFactory_Decorate 0 s


testForEachBitMapPairEarlyExit 0.001 s
testForEachBitMapPair 0 s
testForEachBitMapEarlyExit 0 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testForEachBitMap 0.001 s


testMergeWithBadHasher 0.003 s
testClear 0.003 s
testMerge 0.005 s
testMergeWithIndexExtractor 0.008 s
testEstimateUnion 0.001 s
testEstimateN 0.002 s
testContains 0.001 s
testAsBitMapArray 0 s
testEmptyAfterMergeWithNothing 0.001 s
testEstimateIntersection 0.001 s
testIndexExtractorMerge 0 s
testCardinalityAndIsEmpty 0.002 s
testMergeWithHasher 0.011 s
testNegativeIntersection 0.001 s
testIsFull 0 s
testBitMapExtractorSize 0.001 s
testMergeWithBitMapExtractor 0.001 s
testDefaultBloomFilterSimpleSpecificMerge 0.001 s
testEstimateNWithBrokenCardinality 0.001 s
testIntersectionLimit 0.974 s
testEstimateLargeN 0.115 s
testSparseNonSparseMerging 0 s
testHasherBasedMergeWithDifferingSparseness 0.003 s
testDefaultBloomFilterSparseSpecificMerge 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.001 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.002 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.002 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0.001 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0.001 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0 s
testListGetByIndex 0.001 s
testListHashCode 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking 0.001 s
testEmptyListCompatibility 0.001 s
testListAddByIndex 0 s
testListEquals 0.001 s
testListListIteratorByIndex 0.002 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIterator 0.001 s
testListSubListFailFastOnRemove 0 s
testListIteratorAdd 0 s
testListIteratorSet 0 s
testListListIteratorPreviousRemoveNext 0.001 s
testListSetByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListGetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testUnsupportedSet 0.002 s
testListSubListFailFastOnAdd 0 s
testFullListSerialization 0.001 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemovePrevious 0 s
testListSetByIndexBoundsChecking2 0.001 s
testListRemoveByIndex 0 s
testListRemoveByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListAddByIndexBoundsChecking2 0 s
testListIndexOf 0.001 s
testListLastIndexOf 0 s
testFullListCompatibility 0.001 s
testEmptyListSerialization 0 s
testListListIteratorNextRemoveNext 0.001 s
testDecorateFactory 0 s
testUnmodifiable 0.005 s
testUnmodifiableIterator 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0.002 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0.001 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.003 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testCollectionContainsAll 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray2 0.001 s
testCollectionSize 0 s
testCollectionToString 0.006 s
testCollectionIteratorRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemoveAll 0.001 s
testUnsupportedAdd 0.002 s
testCollectionContains 0.001 s
testCollectionRemoveIf 0 s
testCollectionIteratorFailFast 0 s
testCollectionIsEmpty 0 s
testCollectionClear 0 s
testCollectionAddAll 0 s
testCollectionRetainAll 0 s
testCollectionAdd 0 s
testUnsupportedRemove 0 s
testCollectionRemove 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0.001 s
testCollectionToArray 0 s
testCollectionIterator 0.001 s
testMultiSetToArray 0 s
testMultiSetIterator 0 s
testMultiSetEntrySetUpdatedToZero 0.002 s
testMultiSetRemoveAll 0 s
testMultiSetIteratorFail 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorFailDoubleRemove 0 s
testMultiSetAdd 0 s
testFullMultiSetCompatibility 0.002 s
testMultiSetIteratorFailNoMore 0 s
testMultiSetToArrayPopulate 0 s
testMultiSetRetainAll 0.001 s
testMultiSetEqualsSelf 0 s
testMultiSetContains 0 s
testEmptyMultiSetCompatibility 0.001 s
testMultiSetIteratorRemoveProtectsInvariants 0 s
testMultiSetSize 0 s
testMultiSetHashCode 0 s
testMultiSetEquals 0 s
testMultiSetContainsAll 0.001 s
testMultiSetEqualsHashMultiSet 0 s
testMultiSetRemove 0 s
testAdd 0.001 s
testEntrySet 0 s
testDecorateFactory 0.001 s
testUnmodifiable 0 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testSetCount 0 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0.001 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0.001 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testRandomListSort 0 s
testReverseListSort 0.001 s
testEmptyListSort 0.001 s
testComparatorCompatibility 0.001 s
testComparatorIsSerializable 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s


testFullMap 0.013 s
testMapIterator 0 s
testTransformedMap 0 s
testEmptyMap 0.001 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0.001 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0 s
testFullIterator 0.001 s
testRemove 0 s
testReset 0 s
testIterator 0 s


testTransformedSortedBag 0.014 s
testUnmodifiableSortedBag 0.001 s
testUnmodifiableBag 0.001 s
testPredicatedSortedBag 0.005 s
testSynchronizedSortedBag 0.004 s
testPredicatedBag 0.002 s
testSynchronizedBag 0.002 s
testTransformedBag 0.003 s


testObjectEqualsSelf 0 s
testCanonicalFullCollectionExists 0 s
testEqualsNull 0 s
testCanonicalEmptyCollectionExists 0 s
testSimpleSerialization 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsContract 0 s
testObjectHashCodeEqualsSelfHashCode 0 s
testSerializeDeserializeThenCompare 0 s
testEmptyIterator 0.001 s
testFullIterator 0 s
testRemove 0.001 s
testDecorateFactory 0 s
testIterator 0.001 s

Failure Details

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: There is no code to create this test fixture?
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: There is no code to create this test fixture?
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: skipped
- skipped: There is no code to create this test fixture?
- skipped: Run once
- skipped: There is no code to create this test fixture?
- skipped: skipped