Class RowSetDynaClass

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RowSetDynaClass
extends java.lang.Object
implements DynaClass,

Implementation of DynaClass that creates an in-memory collection of DynaBeans representing the results of an SQL query. Once the DynaClass instance has been created, the JDBC ResultSet and Statement on which it is based can be closed, and the underlying Connection can be returned to its connection pool (if you are using one).

The normal usage pattern is something like:

   Connection conn = ...;  // Acquire connection from pool
   Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
   ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ...");
   RowSetDynaClass rsdc = new RowSetDynaClass(rs);
   ...;                    // Return connection to pool
   List rows = rsdc.getRows();
   ...;                   // Process the rows as desired

Each column in the result set will be represented as a DynaBean property of the corresponding name (optionally forced to lower case for portability). There will be one DynaBean in the List returned by getRows() for each row in the original ResultSet.

In general, instances of RowSetDynaClass can be serialized and deserialized, which will automatically include the list of DynaBeans representing the data content. The only exception to this rule would be when the underlying property values that were copied from the ResultSet originally cannot themselves be serialized. Therefore, a RowSetDynaClass makes a very convenient mechanism for transporting data sets to remote Java-based application components.

FIXME - This class shares a lot of behavior with ResultSetDynaClass. We could not simply subclass it, because the existence of the resultSet instance variable would cause serializability problems. The common features should be factored out so that they can be shared.

$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2003/01/15 21:59:39 $
Craig R. McClanahan
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  boolean lowerCase
          Flag defining whether column names should be lower cased when converted to property names.
protected  DynaProperty[] properties
          The set of dynamic properties that are part of this DynaClass.
protected  java.util.Map propertiesMap
          The set of dynamic properties that are part of this DynaClass, keyed by the property name.
protected  java.util.List rows
          The list of DynaBeans representing the contents of the original ResultSet on which this RowSetDynaClass was based.
Constructor Summary
RowSetDynaClass(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
          Construct a new RowSetDynaClass for the specified ResultSet.
RowSetDynaClass(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, boolean lowerCase)
          Construct a new RowSetDynaClass for the specified ResultSet.
Method Summary
protected  void copy(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
          Copy the column values for each row in the specified ResultSet into a newly created DynaBean, and add this bean to the list of DynaBeans that will later by returned by a call to getRows().
protected  DynaProperty createDynaProperty(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData metadata, int i)
          Factory method to create a new DynaProperty for the given index into the result set metadata.
 DynaProperty[] getDynaProperties()
          Return an array of ProperyDescriptors for the properties currently defined in this DynaClass.
 DynaProperty getDynaProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Return a property descriptor for the specified property, if it exists; otherwise, return null.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return the name of this DynaClass (analogous to the getName() method of java.lang.ClassDynaClass implementation class to support different dynamic classes, with different sets of properties.
 java.util.List getRows()
          Return a List containing the DynaBeans that represent the contents of each Row from the ResultSet that was the basis of this RowSetDynaClass instance.
protected  void introspect(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
          Introspect the metadata associated with our result set, and populate the properties and propertiesMap instance variables.
protected  java.lang.Class loadClass(java.lang.String className)
          Loads and returns the Class of the given name.
 DynaBean newInstance()
          Instantiate and return a new DynaBean instance, associated with this DynaClass.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean lowerCase

Flag defining whether column names should be lower cased when converted to property names.


protected DynaProperty[] properties

The set of dynamic properties that are part of this DynaClass.


protected java.util.Map propertiesMap

The set of dynamic properties that are part of this DynaClass, keyed by the property name. Individual descriptor instances will be the same instances as those in the properties list.


protected java.util.List rows

The list of DynaBeans representing the contents of the original ResultSet on which this RowSetDynaClass was based.

Constructor Detail


public RowSetDynaClass(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
                throws java.sql.SQLException

Construct a new RowSetDynaClass for the specified ResultSet. The property names corresponding to column names in the result set will be lower cased.

resultSet - The result set to be wrapped
java.lang.NullPointerException - if resultSet is null
java.sql.SQLException - if the metadata for this result set cannot be introspected


public RowSetDynaClass(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet,
                       boolean lowerCase)
                throws java.sql.SQLException

Construct a new RowSetDynaClass for the specified ResultSet. The property names corresponding to the column names in the result set will be lower cased or not, depending on the specified lowerCase value.

WARNING - If you specify false for lowerCase, the returned property names will exactly match the column names returned by your JDBC driver. Because different drivers might return column names in different cases, the property names seen by your application will vary depending on which JDBC driver you are using.

resultSet - The result set to be wrapped
lowerCase - Should property names be lower cased?
java.lang.NullPointerException - if resultSet is null
java.sql.SQLException - if the metadata for this result set cannot be introspected
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getName()

Return the name of this DynaClass (analogous to the getName() method of java.lang.ClassDynaClass implementation class to support different dynamic classes, with different sets of properties.

Specified by:
getName in interface DynaClass


public DynaProperty getDynaProperty(java.lang.String name)

Return a property descriptor for the specified property, if it exists; otherwise, return null.

Specified by:
getDynaProperty in interface DynaClass
name - Name of the dynamic property for which a descriptor is requested
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if no property name is specified


public DynaProperty[] getDynaProperties()

Return an array of ProperyDescriptors for the properties currently defined in this DynaClass. If no properties are defined, a zero-length array will be returned.

Specified by:
getDynaProperties in interface DynaClass


public DynaBean newInstance()
                     throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException,

Instantiate and return a new DynaBean instance, associated with this DynaClass. NOTE - This operation is not supported, and throws an exception.

Specified by:
newInstance in interface DynaClass
java.lang.IllegalAccessException - if the Class or the appropriate constructor is not accessible
java.lang.InstantiationException - if this Class represents an abstract class, an array class, a primitive type, or void; or if instantiation fails for some other reason


public java.util.List getRows()

Return a List containing the DynaBeans that represent the contents of each Row from the ResultSet that was the basis of this RowSetDynaClass instance. These DynaBeans are disconnected from the database itself, so there is no problem with modifying the contents of the list, or the values of the properties of these DynaBeans. However, it is the application's responsibility to persist any such changes back to the database, if it so desires.


protected void copy(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
             throws java.sql.SQLException

Copy the column values for each row in the specified ResultSet into a newly created DynaBean, and add this bean to the list of DynaBeans that will later by returned by a call to getRows().

resultSet - The ResultSet whose data is to be copied
java.sql.SQLException - if an error is encountered copying the data


protected void introspect(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet)
                   throws java.sql.SQLException

Introspect the metadata associated with our result set, and populate the properties and propertiesMap instance variables.

resultSet - The resultSet whose metadata is to be introspected
java.sql.SQLException - if an error is encountered processing the result set metadata


protected DynaProperty createDynaProperty(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData metadata,
                                          int i)
                                   throws java.sql.SQLException

Factory method to create a new DynaProperty for the given index into the result set metadata.

metadata - is the result set metadata
i - is the column index in the metadata
the newly created DynaProperty instance


protected java.lang.Class loadClass(java.lang.String className)
                             throws java.sql.SQLException

Loads and returns the Class of the given name. By default, a load from the thread context class loader is attempted. If there is no such class loader, the class loader used to load this class will be utilized.

java.sql.SQLException - if an exception was thrown trying to load the specified class

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