Class BaseLocaleConverter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Converter, LocaleConverter
Direct Known Subclasses:
DateLocaleConverter, DecimalLocaleConverter, StringLocaleConverter

public abstract class BaseLocaleConverter
extends java.lang.Object
implements LocaleConverter

The base class for all standart type locale-sensitive converters. It has LocaleConverter and Converter implementations, that convert an incoming locale-sensitive Object into an object of correspond type, optionally using a default value or throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.

Yauheny Mikulski

Field Summary
protected  java.util.Locale locale
          The locale specified to our Constructor, by default - system locale.
protected  boolean locPattern
          The flag indicating whether the given pattern string is localized or not.
protected  java.lang.String pattern
          The default pattern specified to our Constructor, if any.
protected  boolean useDefault
          Should we return the default value on conversion errors?
Constructor Summary
protected BaseLocaleConverter(java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String pattern)
          Create a LocaleConverter that will throw a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
protected BaseLocaleConverter(java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String pattern, boolean locPattern)
          Create a LocaleConverter that will throw a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
protected BaseLocaleConverter(java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String pattern)
          Create a LocaleConverter that will return the specified default value if a conversion error occurs.
protected BaseLocaleConverter(java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String pattern, boolean locPattern)
          Create a LocaleConverter that will return the specified default value if a conversion error occurs.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Class type, java.lang.Object value)
          Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object of the specified type.
 java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Class type, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.String pattern)
          Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object of the specified type.
 java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Object value)
          Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object.
 java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Object value, java.lang.String pattern)
          Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object.
protected abstract  java.lang.Object parse(java.lang.Object value, java.lang.String pattern)
          Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object of the specified type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean useDefault
Should we return the default value on conversion errors?


protected java.util.Locale locale
The locale specified to our Constructor, by default - system locale.


protected java.lang.String pattern
The default pattern specified to our Constructor, if any.


protected boolean locPattern
The flag indicating whether the given pattern string is localized or not.
Constructor Detail


protected BaseLocaleConverter(java.util.Locale locale,
                              java.lang.String pattern)
Create a LocaleConverter that will throw a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs. An unlocalized pattern is used for the convertion.
locale - The locale
pattern - The convertion pattern


protected BaseLocaleConverter(java.util.Locale locale,
                              java.lang.String pattern,
                              boolean locPattern)
Create a LocaleConverter that will throw a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
locale - The locale
pattern - The convertion pattern
locPattern - Indicate whether the pattern is localized or not


protected BaseLocaleConverter(java.lang.Object defaultValue,
                              java.util.Locale locale,
                              java.lang.String pattern)
Create a LocaleConverter that will return the specified default value if a conversion error occurs. An unlocalized pattern is used for the convertion.
defaultValue - The default value to be returned
locale - The locale
pattern - The convertion pattern


protected BaseLocaleConverter(java.lang.Object defaultValue,
                              java.util.Locale locale,
                              java.lang.String pattern,
                              boolean locPattern)
Create a LocaleConverter that will return the specified default value if a conversion error occurs.
defaultValue - The default value to be returned
locale - The locale
pattern - The convertion pattern
locPattern - Indicate whether the pattern is localized or not
Method Detail


protected abstract java.lang.Object parse(java.lang.Object value,
                                          java.lang.String pattern)
                                   throws java.text.ParseException
Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object of the specified type.
value - The input object to be converted
pattern - The pattern is used for the convertion
The converted value
java.text.ParseException - if conversion cannot be performed successfully


public java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Object value)
Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object. The default pattern is used for the convertion.
value - The input object to be converted
The converted value
ConversionException - if conversion cannot be performed successfully


public java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Object value,
                                java.lang.String pattern)
Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object.
value - The input object to be converted
pattern - The pattern is used for the convertion
The converted value
ConversionException - if conversion cannot be performed successfully


public java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Class type,
                                java.lang.Object value)
Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object of the specified type. The default pattern is used for the convertion.
Specified by:
convert in interface Converter
type - Data type to which this value should be converted
value - The input object to be converted
The converted value
ConversionException - if conversion cannot be performed successfully


public java.lang.Object convert(java.lang.Class type,
                                java.lang.Object value,
                                java.lang.String pattern)
Convert the specified locale-sensitive input object into an output object of the specified type.
Specified by:
convert in interface LocaleConverter
type - Data is type to which this value should be converted
value - is the input object to be converted
pattern - is the pattern is used for the conversion; if null is passed then the default pattern associated with the converter object will be used.
The converted value
ConversionException - if conversion cannot be performed successfully

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