Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.xmlio.out.XMLWriter
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * $Header: /home/jerenkrantz/tmp/commons/commons-convert/cvs/home/cvs/jakarta-commons-sandbox//xmlio/src/java/org/apache/commons/xmlio/out/,v 1.1 2004/10/08 11:56:20 ozeigermann Exp $
  * $Revision: 155476 $
  * $Date: 2005-02-26 13:31:24 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
  * ====================================================================
  * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation 
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.xmlio.out;
 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
  * {@link FilterWriter} adding formatted and encoded XML export 
  * functionality to the underlying writer. Formatting and
  * encoding is done as straight forward as possible. <br>
  * Everything you know better than this class must be done by you, e.g. you will
  * have to tell <code>XMLWriter</code> where you wish to have
  * newlines.In effect, no unexpected so called
  * <em>intelligent</em> behavior is to be feared. Another effect is high speed.
  * <br>
  * <br>
  * A simple example: Suppose your <code>XMLWriter</code> object is xmlWriter.
  * The following sequence of code <br><br>
  * <code>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;xmlWriter.writeStartTag("&lt;root>");<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;xmlWriter.writeStartTag("&lt;next1>", false);<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;xmlWriter.writeEmptyTag("&lt;emptyTag/>", false);<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;xmlWriter.writeEndTag("&lt;/next1>");<br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;xmlWriter.writeStartTag("&lt;/root>");<br>
  * </code>
  * <br>
  * will write this to the underlying writer<br><br>
  * <code>
  * &lt;root><br>
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;next1>&lt;emptyTag/>&lt;/next1><br>
  * &lt;/root><br>
  * <br>
  * <br>
  * <em>Caution</em>: Do not forget to call {@link #flush} at the end of your
  * exporting process as otherwise no data might be written.
 public class XMLWriter extends FilterWriter {
     public final static boolean NEWLINE = true;
     public final static boolean NO_NEWLINE = false;
 67  0
     protected int tabWidth = 2;
     /** Current depth of the tree. Do not know what this is good for, but
      * who knows...
 72  0
     protected int depth = 0;
     /** Current indentation. Depth does not contain sufficient information as 
      * tabWidth may change during output (should not).
 77  0
     protected int indent = 0;
 79  0
     protected boolean prettyPrintMode = true;
 81  0
     protected boolean nlAfterEmptyTag = true;
 82  0
     protected boolean nlAfterStartTag = true;
 83  0
     protected boolean nlAfterEndTag = true;
     /** Flag indicating if the XML declaration has already been writter.
      * Check this using {@link #isXMLDeclarationWritten()}. 
      * It might be useful to 
      * avoid writing twice or more times in different contexts writing
      * to same writer. 
      * <br>
      * <em>Caution</em>: If you subclass, be sure to set this in
      * {@link #writeXMLDeclaration()}.
 94  0
     protected boolean xmlDeclWritten = false;
 96  0
     private boolean needsIndent = false;
 97  0
     private boolean indentStringCacheValid = true;
 98  0
     private String indentStringCache = "";
     /** Convenience method for creating an end tag.
      * @param tagName name of the end tag
     public final static String createEndTag(String tagName) {
 104  0
         return "</" + tagName + ">";
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag having no attributes.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
     public final static String createStartTag(String tagName) {
 111  0
         return "<" + tagName + ">";
     /** Convenience method for creating an <em>empty</em> tag 
      * having no attributes. E.g. <code>&lt;tagName/></code>. 
      * @param tagName name of the tag
     public final static String createEmptyTag(String tagName) {
 119  0
         return "<" + tagName + "/>";
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attrNames names of attributes to be included into start tag
      * @param attrValues values of attributes to be included into start tag -
      * there should be just as many entries as in <code>attrNames</code>,
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
      * @param isEmpty decides wheter this is start tag is for an empty element
     public final static String createStartTag(
         String tagName,
         String[] attrNames,
         String[] attrValues,
         boolean isEmpty) {
 135  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attrNames, attrValues, isEmpty, true, '"');
     /** Convenience method for creating a <em>non empty</em> start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attrNames names of attributes to be included into start tag
      * @param attrValues values of attributes to be included into start tag -
      * there should be just as many entries as in <code>attrNames</code>,
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
     public final static String createStartTag(String tagName, String[] attrNames, String[] attrValues) {
 146  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attrNames, attrValues, false);
     /** Convenience method for creating an <em>empty</em> tag.
      * @param tagName name of the tag
      * @param attrNames names of attributes to be included into tag
      * @param attrValues values of attributes to be included into tag -
      * there should be just as many entries as in <code>attrNames</code>,
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
      * @see #createEmptyTag(String)
     public final static String createEmptyTag(String tagName, String[] attrNames, String[] attrValues) {
 158  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attrNames, attrValues, true);
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attrName name of attribute to be included into start tag
      * @param attrValue value of attribute to be included into start tag,
      * if attrValue is <code>null</code> attribute will not be included
      * @param isEmpty decides wheter this is start tag is for an empty element
     public final static String createStartTag(String tagName, String attrName, String attrValue, boolean isEmpty) {
 169  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, new String[] { attrName }, new String[] { attrValue }, isEmpty);
     /** Convenience method for creating a <em>non empty</em> start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attrName name of attribute to be included into start tag
      * @param attrValue value of attribute to be included into start tag,
      * if attrValue is <code>null</code> attribute will not be included
     public final static String createStartTag(String tagName, String attrName, String attrValue) {
 179  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attrName, attrValue, false);
     /** Convenience method for creating an <em>empty</em> tag.
      * @param tagName name of the tag
      * @param attrName name of attribute to be included into tag
      * @param attrValue value of attribute to be included into tag,
      * if attrValue is <code>null</code> attribute will not be included
      * @see #createEmptyTag(String)
     public final static String createEmptyTag(String tagName, String attrName, String attrValue) {
 190  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attrName, attrValue, true);
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attrNames names of attributes to be included into start tag
      * @param attrValues values of attributes to be included into start tag -
      * there should be just as many entries as in <code>attrNames</code>,
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
      * @param isEmpty decides wheter this is start tag is for an empty element
      * @param encodeAttrs set this to have your attribute values encoded for XML
      * @param quoteChar if you choose encoding this is the char that quotes
      * your attributes
     public final static String createStartTag(
         String tagName,
         String[] attrNames,
         String[] attrValues,
         boolean isEmpty,
         boolean encodeAttrs,
         char quoteChar) {
         // estimate buffer size
 212  0
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer((attrNames.length + 1) * 15);
 213  0
 215  0
         if (attrNames.length != 0 && (attrNames.length <= attrValues.length)) {
 216  0
             for (int i = 0; i < attrNames.length; i++) {
 217  0
                 String name = attrNames[i];
 218  0
                 String value = attrValues[i];
 219  0
                 if (value == null)
 220  0
 221  0
                 if (encodeAttrs)
 222  0
                     value = XMLEncode.xmlEncodeTextForAttribute(value, quoteChar);
 223  0
                 buf.append(' ').append(name).append('=').append(value);
 227  0
         if (isEmpty) {
 228  0
         } else {
 230  0
 232  0
         return buf.toString();
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attrPairs name/value pairs of attributes to be included into start tag -
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
      * @param isEmpty decides wheter this is start tag is for an empty element
     public final static String createStartTag(String tagName, String[][] attrPairs, boolean isEmpty) {
 242  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attrPairs, isEmpty, true, '"');
     /** Convenience method for creating a <em>non empty</em> start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attrPairs name/value pairs of attributes to be included into start tag -
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
     public final static String createStartTag(String tagName, String[][] attrPairs) {
 251  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attrPairs, false);
     /** Convenience method for creating an <em>empty</em> tag.
      * @param tagName name of the tag
      * @param attrPairs name/value pairs of attributes to be included into tag -
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
      * @see #createEmptyTag(String)
     public final static String createEmptyTag(String tagName, String[][] attrPairs) {
 261  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attrPairs, true);
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attrPairs name/value pairs of attributes to be included into start tag -
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
      * @param isEmpty decides wheter this is start tag is for an empty element
      * @param encodeAttrs set this to have your attribute values encoded for XML
      * @param quoteChar if you choose encoding this is the char that quotes
      * your attributes
     public final static String createStartTag(
         String tagName,
         String[][] attrPairs,
         boolean isEmpty,
         boolean encodeAttrs,
         char quoteChar) {
         // estimate buffer size
 280  0
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer((attrPairs.length + 1) * 15);
 281  0
 283  0
         for (int i = 0; i < attrPairs.length; i++) {
 284  0
             String name = attrPairs[i][0];
 285  0
             String value = attrPairs[i][1];
 286  0
             if (value == null)
 287  0
 288  0
             if (encodeAttrs)
 289  0
                 value = XMLEncode.xmlEncodeTextForAttribute(value, quoteChar);
 290  0
             buf.append(' ').append(name).append('=').append(value);
 293  0
         if (isEmpty) {
 294  0
         } else {
 296  0
 298  0
         return buf.toString();
     /** Convenience method for creating an <em>empty</em> tag.
      * @param tagName name of the tag
      * @param attributes SAX attributes to be included into start tag
      * @see #createEmptyTag(String)
     public final static String createEmptyTag(String tagName, Attributes attributes) {
 307  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attributes, true);
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attributes SAX attributes to be included into start tag
     public final static String createStartTag(String tagName, Attributes attributes) {
 315  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attributes, false);
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attributes SAX attributes to be included into start tag
      * @param isEmpty decides wheter this is start tag is for an empty element
     public final static String createStartTag(String tagName, Attributes attributes, boolean isEmpty) {
 324  0
         return createStartTag(tagName, attributes, isEmpty, true, '"');
     /** Convenience method for creating a start tag.
      * @param tagName name of the start tag
      * @param attributes SAX attributes to be included into start tag
      * @param isEmpty decides wheter this is start tag is for an empty element
      * @param encodeAttrs set this to have your attribute values encoded for XML
      * @param quoteChar if you choose encoding this is the char that quotes
      * your attributes
     public final static String createStartTag(
         String tagName,
         Attributes attributes,
         boolean isEmpty,
         boolean encodeAttrs,
         char quoteChar) {
         // estimate buffer size
 342  0
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer((attributes.getLength() + 1) * 15);
 343  0
 345  0
         for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
 346  0
             String name = attributes.getQName(i);
 347  0
             String value = attributes.getValue(i);
 348  0
             if (encodeAttrs)
 349  0
                 value = XMLEncode.xmlEncodeTextForAttribute(value, quoteChar);
 350  0
             buf.append(' ').append(name).append('=').append(value);
 353  0
         if (isEmpty) {
 354  0
         } else {
 356  0
 358  0
         return buf.toString();
     /** Convenience method for creating <em>and writing</em> a whole element. 
      * Added to normal non-static write methods purely for my own laziness.<br>
      * It is non-static as it differs from all other write methods as it
      * combines generating and writing. This is normally avoided to keep every 
      * everything simple, clear and fast.<br>
      * <br>
      * You can write<br>
      * <code>XMLOutputStreamWriter.generateAndWriteElementWithCData(writer, "tag", "cdata");
      * </code><br>
      * <br>
      * to generate<br>
      * <code>&lt;tag>cdata&lt;/tag>
      * </code><br>
      * @param xmlWriter writer to write generated stuff to
      * @param tagName name of the element
      * @param attrPairs name/value pairs of attributes to be included into start tag -
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
      * @param cData the character data of the element
      * @see #writeElementWithCData(String, String, String)
      * @see #createStartTag(String, String[][])
      * @see #createEndTag(String)
     public final static void generateAndWriteElementWithCData(
         XMLWriter xmlWriter,
         String tagName,
         String[][] attrPairs,
         String cData)
         throws IOException {
 390  0
         String startTag = createStartTag(tagName, attrPairs);
 391  0
         String endTag = createEndTag(tagName);
 392  0
         xmlWriter.writeElementWithCData(startTag, cData, endTag);
 393  0
     /** Convenience method for creating <em>and writing</em> a whole element. 
      * @param xmlWriter writer to write generated stuff to
      * @param tagName name of the element
      * @param attrNames names of attributes to be included into start tag
      * @param attrValues values of attributes to be included into start tag -
      * there should be just as many entries as in <code>attrNames</code>,
      * if a value is <code>null</code> corresponding attribute will not be included
      * @param cData the character data of the element
      * @see #generateAndWriteElementWithCData(XMLWriter, String, String[][], String)
      * @see #writeElementWithCData(String, String, String)
      * @see #createStartTag(String, String[], String[])
      * @see #createEndTag(String)
     public final static void generateAndWriteElementWithCData(
         XMLWriter xmlWriter,
         String tagName,
         String[] attrNames,
         String[] attrValues,
         String cData)
         throws IOException {
 415  0
         String startTag = createStartTag(tagName, attrNames, attrValues);
 416  0
         String endTag = createEndTag(tagName);
 417  0
         xmlWriter.writeElementWithCData(startTag, cData, endTag);
 418  0
     /** Creates a new filter writer for XML export.
      * @param writer the underlying writer the formatted XML is exported to
     public XMLWriter(Writer writer) {
 424  0
 425  0
     /** Switches on/off pretty print mode.
      * <br>
      * Having it switched on (which is the default) makes output
      * pretty as newlines after tags and indentataion is done. Unfortunately,
      * if your application is sensible to whitespace in CDATA this might lead
      * to unwanted additional spaces and newlines.
      * <br>
      * If it is switched off the output is guaranteed to be correct, but looks
      * pretty funny. After before markup close (> or />) a newline is inserted
      * as otherwise you may get extremely long output lines.
     public void setPrettyPrintMode(boolean prettyPrintMode) {
 439  0
         this.prettyPrintMode = prettyPrintMode;
 440  0
     /** Gets property described in {@link #setPrettyPrintMode}. */
     public boolean getPrettyPrintMode() {
 444  0
         return prettyPrintMode;
     /** Sets the amount of spaces to increase indentation with element level.
      * <br>
      * This only takes effect when {@link #setPrettyPrintMode} is set to true.
      * <br>
      * <em>Caution</em>: You should better avoid to change this property while
      * exporting as this may result in unexpected output.
     public void setTabWidth(int tabWidth) {
 455  0
         this.tabWidth = tabWidth;
 456  0
     /** Gets property described in {@link #setTabWidth}. */
     public int getTabWidth() {
 460  0
         return tabWidth;
     /** Sets if a newline is inserted after an empty start element 
      * by default. 
     public void setNlAfterEmptyTag(boolean nlAfterEmptyTag) {
 467  0
         this.nlAfterEmptyTag = nlAfterEmptyTag;
 468  0
     /** Gets property described in {@link #setNlAfterEmptyTag}. */
     public boolean getNlAfterEmptyTag() {
 472  0
         return nlAfterEmptyTag;
     /** Sets if a newline is inserted after an end tag 
      * by default. */
     public void setNlAfterEndTag(boolean nlAfterEndTag) {
 478  0
         this.nlAfterEndTag = nlAfterEndTag;
 479  0
     /** Gets property described in {@link #setNlAfterEndTag}. */
     public boolean getNlAfterEndTag() {
 483  0
         return nlAfterEndTag;
     /** Sets if a newline is inserted after a non empty start tag 
      * by default. */
     public void setNlAfterStartTag(boolean nlAfterStartTag) {
 489  0
         this.nlAfterStartTag = nlAfterStartTag;
 490  0
     /** Gets property described in {@link #setNlAfterStartTag}. */
     public boolean getNlAfterStartTag() {
 494  0
         return nlAfterStartTag;
     /** Writes XML declaration. 
      * XML declaration will be written 
      * using version 1.0 and no encoding defaulting
      * to standard encoding (supports UTF-8 and UTF-16):<br>
      * <code>&lt;?xml version="1.0"?></code>
      * <br>
      * If you want to have a different encoding or the standalone declaration
      * use {@link #writeProlog(String)}.<br>
      * This sets {@link #setXMLDeclarationWritten xmlDeclWritten} to 
      * <code>true</code>.
     public void writeXMLDeclaration() throws IOException {
 510  0
         xmlDeclWritten = true;
 511  0
         needsIndent = false;
 512  0
         write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
 513  0
     /** Indicates whether the XML declaration has been written, yet.
      * As it may only be written once, you can check this when writing 
      * in different contexts to same writer.
     public boolean isXMLDeclarationWritten() {
 520  0
         return xmlDeclWritten;
     /** Manually sets or resets whether XML declaration has been written. 
      * This is done implicly by {@link #writeXMLDeclaration}, but to give you
      * the full freedom, this can be done here as well. 
      * Use {@link #isXMLDeclarationWritten} to check it.
     public void setXMLDeclarationWritten(boolean xmlDeclWritten) {
 529  0
         this.xmlDeclWritten = xmlDeclWritten;
 530  0
     /** Writes prolog data like doctype delcaration and 
      * DTD parts followed by a newline.
      * <br>
      * Do not misuse this to write plain text, but rather - if you really
      * have to - use the standard {@link #write} methods.
     public void writeProlog(String prolog) throws IOException {
 539  0
         needsIndent = false;
 540  0
 541  0
 542  0
     /** Writes a single newline. */
     public void writeNl() throws IOException {
 546  0
         needsIndent = true;
 547  0
 548  0
     /** Writes <code>comment</code> encoded as comment. */
     public void writeComment(String comment) throws IOException {
 552  0
         needsIndent = false;
 553  0
         write("<!-- ");
 554  0
 555  0
         write(" -->");
 556  0
     /** Writes a processing instruction. */
     public void writePI(String target, String data) throws IOException {
 560  0
         needsIndent = false;
 561  0
         write("<?" + target + " " + data + "?>");
 562  0
     /** Writes a start tag.
      * @param startTag the complete start tag, e.g. <code>&lt;start></code>
      * @param nl decides whether there should be a newline after the tag
     public void writeStartTag(String startTag, boolean nl) throws IOException {
 569  0
         writeTag(startTag, nl);
 570  0
 571  0
     /** Writes a start tag.
      * @param startTag the complete start tag, e.g. <code>&lt;start></code>
      * @see #setNlAfterStartTag
     public void writeStartTag(String startTag) throws IOException {
 578  0
         writeStartTag(startTag, nlAfterStartTag);
 579  0
     /** Writes an end tag.
      * @param endTag the complete end tag, e.g. <code>&lt;/end></code>
      * @param nl decides whether there should be a newline after the tag
     public void writeEndTag(String endTag, boolean nl) throws IOException {
 586  0
 587  0
         writeTag(endTag, nl);
 588  0
     /** Writes an end tag.
      * @param endTag the complete end tag, e.g. <code>&lt;/end></code>
      * @see #setNlAfterEndTag
     public void writeEndTag(String endTag) throws IOException {
 595  0
         writeEndTag(endTag, nlAfterEndTag);
 596  0
     /** Writes an empty element.
      * @param emptyTag the complete tag for an empty element, e.g. <code>&lt;empty/></code>
      * @param nl decides whether there should be a newline after the tag
     public void writeEmptyElement(String emptyTag, boolean nl) throws IOException {
 603  0
         writeTag(emptyTag, nl);
 604  0
     /** Writes an empty element.
      * @param emptyTag the complete tag for an empty element, e.g. <code>&lt;start/></code>
      * @see #setNlAfterEmptyTag
     public void writeEmptyElement(String emptyTag) throws IOException {
 611  0
         writeEmptyElement(emptyTag, nlAfterEmptyTag);
 612  0
     /** Writes character data with encoding.
      * @param cData the character data to write
     public void writeCData(String cData) throws IOException {
 618  0
         String encoded = XMLEncode.xmlEncodeText(cData);
 619  0
 620  0
     /** Writes character data <em>without</em> encoding.
      * @param pcData the <em>parseable</em> character data to write
     public void writePCData(String pcData) throws IOException {
 626  0
         needsIndent = false;
 627  0
 628  0
     /** Writes a full element consisting of a start tag, character data and
      * an end tag. There will be no newline after start tag, so character data
      * is literally preserved.
      * <br>
      * The character data will be encoded.
      * @param startTag the complete start tag, e.g. <code>&lt;element></code>
      * @param cData the character data to write
      * @param endTag the complete end tag, e.g. <code>&lt;/element></code>
     public void writeElementWithCData(String startTag, String cData, String endTag) throws IOException {
 641  0
         writeStartTag(startTag, false);
 642  0
 643  0
 644  0
     /** Writes a full element consisting of a start tag, character data and
      * an end tag. There will be no newline after start tag, so character data
      * is literally preserved.
      * <br>
      * The character data will <em>not</em> be encoded.
      * @param startTag the complete start tag, e.g. <code>&lt;element></code>
      * @param pcData the <em>parseable</em> character data to write
      * @param endTag the complete end tag, e.g. <code>&lt;/element></code>
     public void writeElementWithPCData(String startTag, String pcData, String endTag) throws IOException {
 657  0
         writeStartTag(startTag, false);
 658  0
 659  0
 660  0
     private void writeTag(String tag, boolean nl) throws IOException {
 663  0
 664  0
         needsIndent = false;
 665  0
         if (nl) {
 666  0
             if (getPrettyPrintMode()) {
 667  0
 668  0
             } else {
                 // in correct mode we need to break tag before closing > resp. />
 671  0
                 int length = tag.length();
                 int pos;
 673  0
                 if ((pos = tag.indexOf("/>")) != -1) {
 674  0
                     write(tag, 0, pos);
 675  0
 676  0
                     write(tag, pos, length - pos);
 677  0
                 } else if ((pos = tag.indexOf(">")) != -1) {
 678  0
                     write(tag, 0, pos);
 679  0
 680  0
                     write(tag, pos, length - pos);
                 } else {
 682  0
 683  0
 685  0
         } else {
 687  0
 689  0
     private void writeIndent() throws IOException {
         // indentation is only needed after a newline in pretty print mode
 693  0
         if (!needsIndent)
 694  0
         // every indentation destroys literal write
 697  0
         if (!getPrettyPrintMode())
 698  0
         // shortcut
 701  0
         if (indent == 0)
 702  0
         // save some computation time when indent does not change
 705  0
         if (!indentStringCacheValid) {
 706  0
             StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(indent);
 707  0
             for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
 708  0
                 buf.append(' ');
 710  0
             indentStringCache = buf.toString();
 711  0
             indentStringCacheValid = true;
 714  0
 715  0
     private void depthPlus() {
 718  0
         indent += tabWidth;
 719  0
 720  0
         indentStringCacheValid = false;
 721  0
     private void depthMinus() {
 724  0
         indent -= tabWidth;
 725  0
         if (indent < 0)
 726  0
             indent = 0;
 727  0
 728  0
         indentStringCacheValid = false;
 729  0