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  * $Header: /home/jerenkrantz/tmp/commons/commons-convert/cvs/home/cvs/jakarta-commons-sandbox//xmlio/src/java/org/apache/commons/xmlio/in/,v 1.1 2004/10/08 11:56:20 ozeigermann Exp $
  * $Revision: 155476 $
  * $Date: 2005-02-26 13:31:24 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
  * ====================================================================
  * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation 
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.*;
 import org.xml.sax.*;
 import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
 import javax.xml.parsers.*;
  * <b>Simple</b> and <b>fast</b> importer for XML configuration or import files. <br>
  * <br>
  * It is based on SAX and can be considered an extension to it. This means it is
  * callback oriented and does not build an internal data structure like the DOM.
  * While SAX is simple, fast, and memory friendly it might be a bit too 
  * rudimentary for most tasks. <code>SimpleImporter</code> adds more high level
  * means for importing XML while preserving the SAX's benefits. <br>
  * <br>
  * As with SAX you register a callback handler ({@link SimpleImportHandler})
  * that is called upon events. Consider the following example implementation
  * of a {@link SimpleImportHandler}:<br><br>
  * <code><pre>
  * public class DemoHandler implements SimpleImportHandler { 
  * public void startDocument() { }
  * public void endDocument() { }
  * public void cData(SimplePath path, String cdata) { }
  * public void startElement(SimplePath path, String name, AttributesImpl attributes, String leadingCDdata) {
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;if (path.matches("/root/interesting-element")) {
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;System.out.println(leadingCDdata);
  * &nbsp;&nbsp;}
  * }
  * public void endElement(SimplePath path, String name) { }
  * }
  * </pre></code>
  * Registering this class with {@link #addSimpleImportHandler} and call
  * {@link #parse} on an input stream or {@link #parseUrlOrFile} will dump 
  * the leading text of the element matching the path ({@link SimplePath}) 
  * "/root/interesting-element".<br>
  * <br>
  * <em>Note</em>: This class is thread safe.
 71  0
 public class SimpleImporter {
     // properties
 74  0
     private boolean trimContent = true;
 75  0
     private boolean makeCopy = false;
 76  0
     private boolean zeroLengthIsNull = true;
 77  0
     private boolean includeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback = true;
 78  0
     private boolean fullDebug = false;
 79  0
     private boolean useQName = true;
 80  0
     private boolean buildComplexPath = false;
     protected SAXParserFactory factory;
 84  0
     protected List callbackHandlerList = new ArrayList();
     // internal state
 87  0
     protected StringBuffer currentMixedPCData = null;
 88  0
     protected boolean foundMixedPCData = false;
     // the first (leading) CDATA is exacly the part between a start tag
     // and any other tagging
 91  0
     protected StringBuffer firstPCData = null;
 92  0
     protected boolean isFirstPCData = true;
     // remember start element for later flushing
 95  0
     protected ParseElement currentElement = null;
 97  0
     protected PathStack parseStack = new PathStack();
 99  0
     protected String debugBuffer = null;
     /** Creates a new SimpleImporter object having default property settings. It is recommended
      * to set all properties explicitly for clearity.
 104  0
     public SimpleImporter() {
 105  0
         factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
 106  0
     /** Determines if we have found any mixed content while parsing. */
     public boolean getFoundMixedPCData() {
 110  0
         return foundMixedPCData;
      * Determines if the path shall be assembled of the full qualified names. <code>true</code> is the default.
     public boolean getUseQName() {
 117  0
         return useQName;
      * Sets if the path shall be assembled of the full qualified names. <code>true</code> is the default.
     public void setUseQName(boolean useQName) {
 124  0
         this.useQName = useQName;
 125  0
      * Determines if the simple path created will have complex additional info.  
     public boolean getBuildComplexPath() {
 131  0
         return buildComplexPath;
      * Sets if the simple path created will have complex additional info.  
     public void setBuildComplexPath(boolean buildComplexPath) {
 138  0
         this.buildComplexPath = buildComplexPath;
 139  0
     /** Sets the full debug mode which enables us to get the parsed stream
      * as string via the {@link #getParsedStreamForDebug()}
      * method even if an error occured.
     public void setFullDebugMode(boolean fullDebug) {
 146  0
         this.fullDebug = fullDebug;
 147  0
     /** Gets the property described in
      * {@link #setFullDebugMode}.
     public boolean getFullDebugMode() {
 153  0
         return fullDebug;
     /** Gets the whole stream parsed in the {@link #parse} method. As this requires some actions 
      * significantly slowing down the whole parse, this only works if it has been enabled 
      * by the the {@link #setFullDebugMode} method. 
     public String getParsedStreamForDebug() {
 161  0
         if (!getFullDebugMode()) {
 162  0
             return null;
         } else {
 164  0
             return debugBuffer;
     /** Gets property telling importer to return any leading CDATA, i.e.
      * CDATA directly following a start tag before any other tagging,
      * along with the start element
      * method. If set to false leading CDATA will be returned using method
      * {@link SimpleImportHandler#cData} just like any CDATA in a mixed
      * content. <br>
      * @see SimpleImportHandler#startElement
      * @see #setIncludeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback
     public boolean getIncludeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback() {
 179  0
         return includeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback;
     /** Sets the property described in
      * {@link #getIncludeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback}.
     public void setIncludeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback(boolean includeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback) {
 186  0
         this.includeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback = includeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback;
 187  0
     /** Sets the property described in
      * {@link #setTrimContent}.
     public boolean getTrimContent() {
 193  0
         return trimContent;
     /** Sets when all content shall be trimed. 
      * If set in conjunction with {@link #setZeroLengthIsNull} all whitespace data will not be
      * reported to callback handlers. 
     public void setTrimContent(boolean trimContent) {
 201  0
         this.trimContent = trimContent;
 202  0
     /** Gets property: When findind zero length content should it be treated as null data? 
      * If it is treated as null data nothing is reported to handlers when finding zero length data. 
     public boolean getZeroLengthIsNull() {
 208  0
         return zeroLengthIsNull;
     /** Sets the property described in
      * {@link #getZeroLengthIsNull}.
     public void setZeroLengthIsNull(boolean zeroLengthIsNull) {
 215  0
         this.zeroLengthIsNull = zeroLengthIsNull;
 216  0
     /** Gets the property describing if every callback handler gets a fresh copy of the parsed data. 
      * This is only important when there is more than one callback handler. If so and it is not set,
      * all handlers will get <em>identical</em> objects. This is bad if you expect them to change any
      * of that data.
     public boolean getMakeCopy() {
 224  0
         return makeCopy;
     /** Sets the property described in {@link #getMakeCopy}. */
     public void setMakeCopy(boolean makeCopy) {
 229  0
         this.makeCopy = makeCopy;
 230  0
     /** Adds a new callback handler if it is not in the callback list, yet. 
      * This can be dynamically done while parsing. 
      * @see #removeSimpleImportHandler
     public void addSimpleImportHandler(SimpleImportHandler callbackHandler) {
 237  0
         synchronized (callbackHandlerList) {
 238  0
             if (!callbackHandlerList.contains(callbackHandler)) {
 239  0
 241  0
 242  0
     /** Removes a callback handler if it is in the callback list. 
      * This can be dynamically done while parsing. 
      * @see #addSimpleImportHandler
     public void removeSimpleImportHandler(SimpleImportHandler callbackHandler) {
 249  0
         synchronized (callbackHandlerList) {
 250  0
 251  0
 252  0
     /** Tries to parse the file or URL named by parameter <code>urlOrFileName</code>. 
      * First it tries to parse it as URL, if this does not work, it tries to parse it as file. 
      * If one option works, an input stream will be opened and {@link #parse} will be called with it.
      * If both does not work, an exception is thrown.
      * @see #parse
     public synchronized void parseUrlOrFile(String urlOrFileName)
         throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, SimpleImporterException {
 263  0
         Throwable urlException = null;
 264  0
         Throwable fileException = null;
 265  0
         InputStream in = null;
         try {
 267  0
             URL url = new URL(urlOrFileName);
 268  0
             URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection();
 269  0
             in = urlConnection.getInputStream();
 270  0
         } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
 271  0
             urlException = mue;
 272  0
         } catch (IOException ioe) {
 273  0
             urlException = ioe;
 274  0
         try {
 277  0
             in = new FileInputStream(urlOrFileName);
 278  0
         } catch (IOException ioe) {
 279  0
             fileException = ioe;
 280  0
 282  0
         if (in != null) {
 283  0
             parse(new InputSource(new BufferedInputStream(in)));
         } else {
 285  0
             throw new SimpleImporterException(
                 "Could not parse "
                     + urlOrFileName
                     + ", is neither URL ("
                     + urlException.getMessage()
                     + ") nor file ("
                     + fileException.getMessage()
                     + ").");
 294  0
     /** Parses the input source using the standard SAX parser and calls back the callback handlers.
      * If enabled with {@link #setFullDebugMode} the source will be verbosely copied first.<br>
      * <em>Note</em>: This method is synchronized, so you can not have two concurrent parses.
     public synchronized void parse(InputSource is) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
 302  0
         firstPCData = null;
 303  0
         currentElement = null;
 304  0
         factory.setNamespaceAware(!useQName || buildComplexPath);
 305  0
         SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
 306  0
         if (getFullDebugMode()) {
 307  0
             InputSource preReadIn = bufferParserStream(is);
 308  0
             parser.parse(preReadIn, new SAXHandler());
 309  0
         } else {
 310  0
             parser.parse(is, new SAXHandler());
 312  0
     private InputSource bufferParserStream(InputSource is) throws IOException {
 315  0
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
         Reader reader;
         BufferedReader bufferedReader;
 318  0
         if (is.getCharacterStream() != null) {
 319  0
             reader = is.getCharacterStream();
         } else {
 321  0
             String encoding = is.getEncoding();
 322  0
             if (encoding != null) {
 323  0
                 reader = new InputStreamReader(is.getByteStream(), encoding);
             } else {
 325  0
                 reader = new InputStreamReader(is.getByteStream());
 328  0
         if (reader instanceof BufferedReader) {
 329  0
             bufferedReader = (BufferedReader) reader;
         } else {
 331  0
             bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
         while (true) {
 335  0
             String line = bufferedReader.readLine();
 336  0
             if (line == null) {
 337  0
             } else {
 339  0
 341  0
 342  0
         debugBuffer = buf.toString();
 343  0
         return new InputSource(new StringReader(debugBuffer));
     // callback handlers with start element method when there is data
     private void callBackStartElementWhenReady() {
 348  0
         if (currentElement != null) {
 349  0
             String content = getFirstPCData();
             SimplePath path;
 351  0
             if (buildComplexPath) {
 352  0
                 path =
                     new SimplePath(
                         (Item[]) currentElement.pathList.toArray(new Item[currentElement.pathList.size()]));
             } else {
 357  0
                 path = new SimplePath(currentElement.path);
 361  0
             synchronized (callbackHandlerList) {
 362  0
                 for (Iterator it = callbackHandlerList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 363  0
                     SimpleImportHandler callbackHandler = (SimpleImportHandler);
 364  0
                     if (getMakeCopy()) {
                         // string is constant any way, no need to make a copy
 366  0
                             new SimplePath(path),
                             new AttributesImpl(currentElement.attributes),
                     } else {
 372  0
                         callbackHandler.startElement(path,, currentElement.attributes, content);
 374  0
 375  0
 377  0
             firstPCData = null;
 378  0
             currentElement = null;
 380  0
     private void sendCharacters(String text) {
 383  0
         if (text == null)
 384  0
 386  0
         if (isFirstPCData) {
 387  0
             if (includeLeadingCDataIntoStartElementCallback) {
 388  0
             } else {
 390  0
         } else {
 393  0
             foundMixedPCData = true;
 394  0
 396  0
     private void callBackCDATAWhenReady() {
 399  0
 400  0
         if (currentMixedPCData == null) {
 401  0
 403  0
         String text = currentMixedPCData.toString();
 404  0
         text = trimPCData(text);
 405  0
         if (text == null) {
 406  0
         SimplePath path;
 410  0
         if (buildComplexPath) {
 411  0
             path =
                 new SimplePath(
                     (Item[]) parseStack.getPathList().toArray(new Item[parseStack.getPathList().size()]));
         } else {
 416  0
             path = new SimplePath(parseStack.getPath());
 420  0
         synchronized (callbackHandlerList) {
 421  0
             for (Iterator it = callbackHandlerList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 422  0
                 SimpleImportHandler callbackHandler = (SimpleImportHandler);
 423  0
                 if (getMakeCopy()) {
                     // string is constant any way, no need to make a copy
 425  0
                     callbackHandler.cData(new SimplePath(path), text);
                 } else {
 427  0
                     callbackHandler.cData(path, text);
 429  0
 430  0
 431  0
         currentMixedPCData = null;
 432  0
     // send normal (not leading) CDATA to handlers
     private void sendCData(String text) {
         // defer sending it until we have a maximum chunck, i.e. until
         // next tagging occurs
 438  0
         if (currentMixedPCData == null) {
 439  0
             currentMixedPCData = new StringBuffer(text.length());
 441  0
 442  0
     private void addToFirstPCData(String text) {
 445  0
         if (firstPCData == null) {
 446  0
             firstPCData = new StringBuffer(text.length());
 448  0
 449  0
     private String getFirstPCData() {
 452  0
         if (firstPCData == null) {
 453  0
             return null;
         } else {
 455  0
             String text = firstPCData.toString();
 456  0
             return trimPCData(text);
     // trim text depending on settings of properties
     private String trimPCData(String pcData) {
 462  0
         if (pcData == null) {
 463  0
             return null;
         } else {
 465  0
             if (getTrimContent()) {
 466  0
                 pcData = pcData.trim();
 468  0
             if (pcData.length() == 0 && getZeroLengthIsNull()) {
 469  0
                 return null;
             } else {
 471  0
                 return pcData;
     // use to temporarily save a an element
     private final static class ParseElement {
         public String name, path;
         public List pathList; 
         public AttributesImpl attributes;
 482  0
         public ParseElement(String name, String path, List pathList, AttributesImpl attributes) {
 483  0
    = name;
 484  0
             this.path = path;
 485  0
             this.attributes = attributes;
 486  0
             this.pathList = pathList;
 487  0
 490  0
     private final class SAXHandler extends DefaultHandler {
         public void startDocument() {
 492  0
             synchronized (callbackHandlerList) {
 493  0
                 for (Iterator it = callbackHandlerList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 494  0
                     SimpleImportHandler callbackHandler = (SimpleImportHandler);
 495  0
 496  0
 497  0
 498  0
         public void endDocument() {
             // flush any pending start elements and character data, as now the show is over
 502  0
 503  0
 504  0
             synchronized (callbackHandlerList) {
 505  0
                 for (Iterator it = callbackHandlerList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 506  0
                     SimpleImportHandler callbackHandler = (SimpleImportHandler);
 507  0
 508  0
 509  0
 510  0
         public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) {
 513  0
             if (length < 1)
 514  0
 515  0
             String text = new String(ch, start, length);
 516  0
 517  0
         public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) {
             // be sure to have any pending start elements and character data flushed before
             // sending end tag to keep right sequence of callbacks
 522  0
 523  0
             String name;
 525  0
             if (!useQName || qName == null || qName.length() == 0) {
 526  0
                 name = localName;
             } else {
 528  0
                 name = qName;
             SimplePath path;
 532  0
             if (buildComplexPath) {
 533  0
                 path =
                     new SimplePath(
                         (Item[]) parseStack.getPathList().toArray(new Item[parseStack.getPathList().size()]));
             } else {
 538  0
                 path = new SimplePath(parseStack.getPath());
 542  0
             synchronized (callbackHandlerList) {
 543  0
                 for (Iterator it = callbackHandlerList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 544  0
                     SimpleImportHandler callbackHandler = (SimpleImportHandler);
 545  0
                     if (getMakeCopy()) {
                         // string is constant any way, no need to make a copy
 547  0
                         callbackHandler.endElement(new SimplePath(path), name);
                     } else {
 549  0
                         callbackHandler.endElement(path, name);
 551  0
 552  0
             // this must never be
 555  0
             if (parseStack.empty()) {
 556  0
                 throw new SimpleImporterException("Umatchted end tag: " + name);
             } else {
 558  0
                 Object top = parseStack.peek();
                 String topName;
 560  0
                 if (buildComplexPath) {
 561  0
                     topName = ((Item)top).getName();
                 } else {
 563  0
                     topName = (String)top;
 565  0
                 if (!name.equals(topName)) {
 566  0
                     throw new SimpleImporterException(
                         "End tag " + name + " does not match start tag " + top);
                 } else {
 569  0
             // any CDATA following can't be leading
 573  0
             isFirstPCData = false;
 574  0
         public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) {
             // be sure to have any pending start elements and character data flushed before
             // opening a new one to keep right sequence of callbacks
 579  0
 580  0
             String name;
 582  0
             if (!useQName || qName == null || qName.length() == 0) {
 583  0
                 name = localName;
             } else {
 585  0
                 name = qName;
 587  0
             parseStack.push(namespaceURI, name);
             // Defer callback to handlers as it is not clear now how
             // much (if any) CDATA has to be passed over with start element method.
 590  0
             AttributesImpl attributesCopy = new AttributesImpl(atts);
 591  0
             currentElement = new ParseElement(name, parseStack.getPath(), parseStack.getPathList(), attributesCopy);
             // Any CDATA (can be more the one SAX event) following is leading
             // until next tag. Actually it is sufficient to switch this off
             // in end tag not in start tag, as it would be turned on again
             // immediately.
 596  0
             isFirstPCData = true;
 597  0
     // Notion of a stack representing a path.
     private final class PathStack {
         private List pathStack;
 605  0
         public PathStack(int initialCapacity) {
 606  0
             pathStack = new ArrayList(initialCapacity);
 607  0
 609  0
         public PathStack() {
 610  0
             pathStack = new ArrayList();
 611  0
         public String getPath() {
 614  0
             StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer(100);
             // this is always there as root
 616  0
 617  0
             for (Iterator it = pathStack.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 618  0
                 Object element =;
                 String pathElement;
 620  0
                 if (buildComplexPath) {
 621  0
                     pathElement = ((Item) element).getName();
                 } else {
 623  0
                     pathElement = (String) element;
 625  0
 626  0
 627  0
             return path.toString();
         public List getPathList() {
 631  0
             return pathStack;
         public String toString() {
 635  0
             return getPath();
         public void push(String namespaceURI, String name) {
 639  0
             if (buildComplexPath) {
 640  0
                 pathStack.add(new Item(name, namespaceURI));
             } else {
 642  0
 644  0
         public int size() {
 647  0
             return pathStack.size();
         public boolean empty() {
 651  0
             return (pathStack.size() <= 0);
         public Object peek() {
 655  0
             int size = pathStack.size();
 656  0
             if (size > 0) {
 657  0
                 return pathStack.get(size - 1);
             } else {
 659  0
                 return null;
         public Object pop() {
 664  0
             int size = pathStack.size();
 665  0
             if (size > 0) {
 666  0
                 Object o = pathStack.get(size - 1);
 667  0
                 pathStack.remove(size - 1);
 668  0
                 return o;
             } else {
 670  0
                 return null;