Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.workflow.Context
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  * Copyright 1999-2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.workflow;
 import java.util.EmptyStackException;
 import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext;
  * <p>A <strong>Context</strong> represents the dynamic computational state of
  * a workflow process that is currently being executed.  If multiple users
  * are executing the same workflow process at the same time, they must have
  * their own instance of Context.</p>
  * <p>Workflow engine implementations can register zero or more Scope
  * instances, to provide the Steps that are being executed with access to
  * arbitrary collections of JavaBeans.  A Context will always have at least
  * one Scope, called the LOCAL scope, which is the default source or
  * destination for bean references.  Scope instances can be identified
  * by an integer subscript (which must be in the range 0 .. MAX_SCOPES-1),
  * or a registered name.  The registered name of the LOCAL scope is
  * "local".</p>
  * <p>In addition to Scopes, which can be used for storing beans under
  * specific names, an evaluation stack is provided for the convenience of
  * Step implementations that want to pass temporary results back and forth.
  * As with all Stack-based implementations, it is the responsibility of
  * the Step implementations that are executed to maintain the stack's
  * integrity.</p>
  * @version $Revision: 155475 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 13:31:11 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
  * @author Craig R. McClanahan
 public interface Context {
     // ----------------------------------------------------- Manifest Constants
      * The public identifier of the LOCAL scope, which is always defined by a
      * Context implementation.
     public static final int LOCAL_SCOPE = 0;
      * The maximum number of Scopes (including LOCAL_SCOPE) that can be
      * registered.
     public static final int MAX_SCOPES = 8;
     // --------------------------------------------------- Scope Access Methods
     // These methods provide Steps with the ability to get and set arbitrary
     // objects in arbitrary scopes.  When a scope is not mentioned explicitly,
     // either LOCAL_SCOPE will be used, or scopes will be searched in
     // increasing order of their identifiers, as specified in the various
     // method descriptions.
      * Does a bean with the specified key exist in any specified scope?
      * Scopes will be searched in ascending order of their identifiers,
      * starting with LOCAL_SCOPE.
      * @param key Key of the bean to be searched for (cannot be null)
     public boolean contains(String key);
      * Does a bean with the specified key exist in the specified scope?
      * @param key Key of the bean to be searched for (cannot be null)
      * @param scope Identifier of the scope to be returned.
     public boolean contains(String key, int scope);
      * Return the bean associated with the specified key, if it exists in
      * any scope.  Scopes will be searched in increasing order of their
      * identifiers, starting with LOCAL_SCOPE.  If the underlying Scope
      * allows null values, a <code>null</code> return will be ambiguous.
      * Therefore, you can use the <code>contains()</code> method to determine
      * whether the key actually exists.
      * @param key Key of the bean to be retrieved (cannot be null)
     public Object get(String key);
      * Return the bean associated with the specified key, if it exists in
      * the specified scope.  If the underlying Scope allows null values,
      * a <code>null</code> return will be ambiguous.  Therefore, you can
      * use the <code>contains()</code> method to determine whether the
      * key actually exists.
      * @param key Key of the bean to be searched for
      * @param scope Identifier of the scope to be searched
     public Object get(String key, int scope);
      * Store the specified bean under the specified key, in local scope,
      * replacing any previous value for that key.  Any previous value will
      * be returned.
      * @param key Key of the bean to be stored (cannot be null)
      * @param value Value of the bean to be stored
     public Object put(String key, Object value);
      * Store the specified bean under the specified key, in the specified
      * scope, replacing any previous value for that key.  Any previous value
      * will be returned.
      * @param key Key of the bean to be stored (cannot be null)
      * @param value Value of the bean to be stored
      * @param scope Identifier of the scope to use for storage
     public Object put(String key, Object value, int scope);
      * Remove any existing value for the specified key, in any scope.
      * Scopes will be searched in ascending order of their identifiers,
      * starting with LOCAL_SCOPE.  Any previous value for this key will
      * be returned.
      * @param key Key of the bean to be removed
     public Object remove(String key);
      * Remove any existing value for the specified key, from the specified
      * scope.  Any previous value for this key will be returned.
      * @param key Key of the bean to be removed
      * @param scope Scope the bean to be removed from
     public Object remove(String key, int scope);
     // --------------------------------------------- Scope Registration Methods
     // These methods provide capabilities to register and retrieve
     // Scope implementations.  Workflow engine implementations will
     // register desired scopes when they create Context instances.
      * <p>Register a Scope implementation under the specified identifier.
      * It is not legal to replace the LOCAL_SCOPE implementation that is
      * provided by the Context implementation.</p>
      * <p>In addition to registering the new Scope such that it can be
      * accessed dirctly via calls like <code>Context.get(String,int)</code>,
      * the Scope <code>impl</code> object will also be added to the LOCAL
      * Scope under the same name.  This makes possible a single unified
      * namespace of all accessible objects that can be navigated by
      * expression languages.</p>
      * @param scope Scope identifier to register under
      * @param name Scope name to register under
      * @param impl Scope implementation to be registered (or null to
      *  remove a previous registration)
      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if you attempt to register
      *  or deregister the local scope
     public void addScope(int scope, String name, Scope impl);
      * Return the Scope implementation registered for the specified
      * identifier, if any; otherwise, return <code>null</code>.
      * @param scope Scope identifier to select
     public Scope getScope(int scope);
      * Return the Scope implementation registered for the specified
      * name, if any; otherwise, return <code>null</code>.
      * @param name Scope name to select
     public Scope getScope(String name);
      * Return the Scope identifier registered for the specified
      * name, if any; otherwise, return <code>null</code>.
      * @param name Scope name to select
     public int getScopeId(String name);
     // ----------------------------------------------- Evaluation Stack Methods
      * Clear the evaluation stack.
     public void clear();
      * Is the evaluation stack currently empty?
     public boolean isEmpty();
      * Return the top item from the evaluation stack without removing it.
      * @exception EmptyStackException if the stack is empty
     public Object peek() throws EmptyStackException;
      * Pop and return the top item from the evaluation stack.
      * @exception EmptyStackException if the stack is empty
     public Object pop() throws EmptyStackException;
      * Push a new item onto the top of the evaluation stack.
      * @param item New item to be pushed
     public void push(Object item);
     // ----------------------------------------------- BlockState Stack Methods
      * Clear the BlockState stack.
     public void clearBlockState();
      * Is the BlockState stack currently empty?
     public boolean isEmptyBlockState();
      * Return the top item from the BlockState stack without removing it.
      * @exception EmptyStackException if the stack is empty
     public BlockState peekBlockState() throws EmptyStackException;
      * Pop and return the top item from the BlockState stack.
      * @exception EmptyStackException if the stack is empty
     public BlockState popBlockState() throws EmptyStackException;
      * Push a new item onto the top of the BlockState stack.
      * @param item New item to be pushed
     public void pushBlockState(BlockState item);
     // ---------------------------------------------- Dynamic Execution Methods
     // These methods are used to request the dynamic execution of the
     // Steps related to a particular Activity.
      * <p>Save the execution state (i.e. the currently assigned next step)
      * of the Activity we are currently executing, and begin executing the
      * specified Activity.  When that Activity exits (either normally
      * or by throwing an exception), the previous Activity will be resumed
      * where it left off.
      * @param activity The Activity to be called
     public void call(Activity activity);
      * <p>Execute the <code>Step</code> currently identified as the next
      * step, and continue execution until there is no next step, or until
      * the <code>suspend</code> property has been set to true.  Upon
      * completion of an activity, any execution state that was saved to due
      * to utilizing the <code>call()</code> method will be restored, and
      * the saved Activity execution shall be resumed.
      * @exception StepException if an exception is thrown by the
      *  <code>execute()</code> method of a Step we have executed
      * @exception IllegalStateException if there is no defined next step
      *  (either because there is no Activity, or because we have already
      *  completed all the steps of this activity)
     public void execute() throws StepException;
      * <p>Return the <code>Activity</code> we will be executing when the
      * <code>execute()</code> method is called, if any.</p>
     public Activity getActivity();
      * Return the JXPathContext object that represents a unified namespace
      * covering all of our registered <code>Scopes</code>.
     public JXPathContext getJXPathContext();
      * <p>Return the <code>Step</code> that will be executed the next time
      * that <code>execute()</code> is called, if any.</p>
     public Step getNextStep();
      * <p>Return the suspend flag.</p>
     public boolean getSuspend();
      * <p>Set the <code>Step</code> that will be executed the next time
      * that <code>execute()</code> is called.  This is called by a
      * <code>Step</code> that wants to perform branching based on some
      * calculated results.</p>
      * @param nextStep The next Step to be executed
      * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified Step is not
      *  part of the current Activity
     public void setNextStep(Step nextStep);
      * <p>Set the <code>Activity</code> to be executed, and make the first
      * defined <code>Step</code> within this <code>Activity</code> the next
      * action to be performed by <code>execute()</code>.</p>
      * <p>If <code>null</code> is passed, any currently associated Activity
      * will be released, and the evaluation stack and nested call state
      * stack will be cleared.</p>
      * <p><strong>WARNING</strong> - This will have to become more sophisticated
      * in order to support calling nested Activities.</p>
      * @param activity The new Activity to be executed, or <code>null</code>
      *  to release resources
     public void setActivity(Activity activity);
      * <p>Set the suspend flag.  This is called by a <code>Step</code> that
      * wants to signal the <code>Context</code> to return control to the
      * caller of the <code>execute()</code> method before executing the
      * next <code>Step</code> in the current activity.</p>
      * @param suspend The new suspend flag
     public void setSuspend(boolean suspend);
     // ------------------------------------------------- Event Listener Methods
      * Add a listener that is notified each time beans are added,
      * replaced, or removed in this context.
      * @param listener The ContextListener to be added
     public void addContextListener(ContextListener listener);
      * Remove a listener that is notified each time beans are added,
      * replaced, or removed in this context.
      * @param listener The ContextListener to be removed
     public void removeContextListener(ContextListener listener);