Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.scaffold.util.StorageBean
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  * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.scaffold.util;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lang.ParameterException;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lang.PopulateException;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lang.ResourceException;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78
  * Describes an implementation of standard Store, Retrieve, and Delete
  * operations using the command pattern.
  * <P>
  * Developers or Database Administrators may define data access
  * commands, such as SQL queries, in an external resource.
  * <P>
  * The Java code refers to these commands by name. Commands may be
  * changed in the external resource without changing the Java
  * source code. A named command may include a sequence of queries
  * if needed [TODO].
  * <P>
  * The parameters required by each command may be specified in the
  * external resource [TODO] or in the Java code (or both).
  * <P>
  * The columns referenced by a command are represented as
  * JavaBean properties. The result of the command may be applied
  * against the instant StorageBean, returned as a collection of
  * bean, or returned as an arbitrary result object. If no
  * data is returned, a result code may be set.
  * <P>
  * Each subclass may specify its own command prefix so that
  * like-named commands can be stored in the same resource,
  * or the prefix may represent separate resources.
  * <P>
  * [TODO] The external resources are defined as CommandStore
  * objects, which may be maintained as Properties files, XML
  * documents, or some other type of resource file.
  * <P>
  * <B>StorageBean differs from other approaches</B> to persistence
  * in that it does presume that SQL will be generated
  * dynamically.
  * Rather than model the database in XML and the SQL as
  * "criteria" objects, developers or DBAs can provide the
  * appropriate data access commands (SQL).
  * Since the commands are referenced using a logical name, and
  * loaded from an external file, coupling between the Java
  * code and data access code is minimized.
  * <P>
  * The SQL/JDBC implementations of StorageBean use reflection
  * to populate a JavaBean from a ResultSet.
  * This avoids defining the columns and properties by hand.
  * All developers need to provide is the SQL that will
  * obtain the desired properties (columns) as one or more
  * SQL commands.
  * TODO: Multiple queries in a command
  * TODO: Parameters in command file
  * TODO: CommandStore objects
  * @author Ted Husted
  * @author OK State DEQ
  * @author WXXI Public Broadcasting Council
  * @version $Revision: 155464 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 13:26:54 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
 public interface StorageBean extends Storable,ProcessBean {
     public Object getTimestamp();
     public void setTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp);
     public void checkEdited(boolean check);
     public boolean lockResource(boolean lock);
     public Object getEdited();
     public Object getEditor();
     public void setEditor(Object editor);
 sql.JdbcStorageBean implements ProcessBean, StorageBean, OptimisticStorage (StorageBeanBase)
 util.CommandStoreDocument (XML)
 <prefix id="prefix">
 <command id="command">
 <query id="#">query</query>
 <param id="#">param,param</param>
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public String getPrefix();
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public void setPrefix(String prefix);
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public Object[] getParameters(String command) throws ResourceException;
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public void setParameters(Object[] parameters);
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public List getParamList(String command) throws ResourceException;
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public void setParamList(List parameters);
      * Populate this bean from the entries on the
      * provided map.
      * The base implementation uses BeanUtils to
      * efficiently populate the bean through reflection.
      * @exception Subclasses can throw any Exception
     public void populate(Map parameters) throws Exception;
 // -------------------------------------------------- Retrieval Methods
      * Count of matching entries.
      * @param command Name of command to execute
      * @param parameter A parameter to be used with command, if any
      * @return Count of matching entries
      * @exception Resource exception if data access error occurs
     public int count(
             String command,
             Object parameter)
             throws ResourceException;
      * Lookup command and execute "update" query to create a table,
      * seed it with data, et cetera.
      * <p>
      * @param command Name of command to execute
      * @exception Resource exception if data access error occurs
     public void executeUpdate(String command)
             throws ResourceException;
      * Lookup command (sans prefix) and execute "update" query to create a table,
      * seed it with data, et cetera.
      * <p>
      * @param command Name of command to execute
      * @exception Resource exception if data access error occurs
     public void executeUpdateRoot(String command)
             throws ResourceException;
      * Retrieve object from data storage.
      * <P>
      * <B>NOTE</B> that the precursor to this inteface,
      * the <CODE>AccessBase</CODE> class reversed the
      * command and key parameters.
      * This was inconsistent with how the parameters were
      * used elsewhere.
      * If you are converting from AccessBase, be sure to
      * submit the parameters in the correct order.
      * @return True if object is found
      * @exception ResourceException if SQL error occurs
      * @param target Object to use as factory when populating
      * (e.g. this)
      * @param key The primary key of the entry
      * @param command The name of the data access command
      * collection
     public boolean findElement(
             Object target,
             String command,
             Object key) throws ResourceException;
      * Retrieve a collection of beans from data storage.
      * <p>
      * @return Collection with entry or empty collection
      * @exception throws ResourceException if data access error occurs
      * @param target Object to use as factory when populating
      * (e.g. this)
      * @param command Name of the data access command
      * collection
      * @param parameters An array of parameters to be used with command
     public Collection findCollection(
             Object target,
             String command,
             Object[] parameters) throws ResourceException;
      * Select entries from data storage by indexed property..
      * <p>
      * @return Collection with record or empty Collection
      * @param target Object to use as factory when populating
      * collection (e.g. this)
      * @param property Field to search
      * @param value Term to match
      * @exception Throws ParameterException if value is not a search
      * term for property
      * @exception Throws PopulateExeception if result cannot be set
      * to target
      * @exception throws PropertiesException, ResourceException on
      * SQL, IO, or other data access error occurs.
     public Collection findByProperty(
             Object target,
             String property,
             String value) throws ParameterException,
             PopulateException, ResourceException;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------- store
      * Return whether this is a new record,
      * or one that has already been stored.
      * @return "new" status for this object.
     public boolean isNew();
      * Returns next sequential key for given set of keys.
      * @return An object representing the allocated key
      * @exception ResourceException if data access error occurs
      * @param keyName The name of the key set to use to generate
      * the key
     public Object createKey(String keyName)
             throws ResourceException;
      * Commit this object to storage.
      * <P>
      * This signature is designed for compatibilty with
      * the Executable interface.
     public Object store(Object parameters) throws Exception;
      * Retrieve this object from storage.
      * <P>
      * This signature is designed for compatibilty with
      * the Executable interface.
     public Object retrieve(Object parameters) throws Exception;
      * Mark this object for deletion.
      * <P>
      * This signature is designed for compatibilty with
      * the Executable interface.
     public Object recycle(Object parameters) throws Exception;
      * Unmake this object for deletion.
      * <P>
      * This signature is designed for compatibilty with
      * the Executable interface.
     public Object restore(Object parameters) throws Exception;
      * Permanently delete this object from data storage.
      * <P>
      * This signature is designed for compatibilty with
      * the Executable interface.
     public Object delete(Object parameters) throws Exception;
 } // end StorageBean