Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.scaffold.util.Scroller
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  * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.scaffold.util;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.text.ConvertUtils;
  * Scroller tracks the coordinates needed to manage
  * flipping through a result list using
  * LIMIT and OFFSET clauses (or the equivalent).
  * Scrolls through entries using a range (10 to 20 of 50)
  * but does not support paging per se goto page 3 (or entry 30)),
  * though that would be an easy enhancement.
  * @author James Klicman <>
  * @author Ted Husted
  * @author WXXI Public Broadcasting Council
  * @author OK State DEQ
  * @version $Revision: 155464 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 13:26:54 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
 public class Scroller {
 43  0
   public Scroller(int entries, int from, int limit, int count) {
 44  0
 45  0
 48  0
   public Scroller() {
 49  0
    * The maximum to return with a scrolling list.
   public static final int SCROLL_ROWS = 20;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------- Properties
    * The default starting point [1].
    * The value is for the convenience of SQL, which is one-based.
 65  0
   public static int FROM = 1;
    * The starting point for the current query [FROM].
 71  0
   protected int from = FROM;
    * Set from.
    * @param from The new from value.
   public void setFrom(int from) {
 79  0
     this.from = from;
 80  0
    * Return from.
    * @return The form value.
   public int getFrom() {
 88  0
    * The ending point for the current query [1].
 95  0
   protected int thru = 1;
    * Set thru.
    * @param thru The new thru value.
   public void setThru(int thru) {
 103  0
     this.thru = thru;
 104  0
    * Return thru.
    * @return The form value.
   public int getThru() {
 112  0
    * The starting point to use for a "backward" query.
 119  0
   protected int prev = 1;
    * Set prev.
    * @param prev The new prev value.
   public void setPrev(int prev) {
 127  0
     this.prev = prev;
 128  0
    * Return prev.
    * @return The prev value.
   public int getPrev() {
 136  0
    * The starting point to use with a "forward" query.
    * This should always be a valid value.
 145  0
   protected int next = 1;
    * Set next.
    * @param next The new next value.
   public void setNext(int next) {
 153  0 = next;
 154  0
    * Return next.
    * @return The next value.
   public int getNext() {
 162  0
    * The maximum number of entries to fetch at a time
    * [Integer.MAX_VALUE].
 170  0
   protected int limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    * Set limit.
    * @param limit The new limit value.
   public void setLimit(int limit) {
 178  0
     this.limit = limit;
 179  0
    * Return limit.
    * @return The limit value.
   public int getLimit() {
 187  0
    * The actual number of entries to fetch (eg length or limit).
 194  0
   protected int entries = 0;
    * Set entries
    * @param entries The new entries value.
   public void setEntries(int entries) {
 202  0
     this.entries = entries;
 203  0
    * Return entries.
    * @return The entries value.
   public int getEntries() {
 211  0
    * The maximum number of entries available  (the SQL count).
 219  0
   protected int count = 0;
    * Set count
    * @param count The new count value.
   public void setCount(int count) {
 227  0
     this.count = count;
 228  0
    * Return count.
    * @return The count value.
   public int getCount() {
 236  0
    * Field for the parameters property [java.util.HashMap].
 243  0
   protected Map parameters = new java.util.HashMap();
    * Set parameters
    * @param parameters The new parameters value.
   public void setParameters(Map parameters) {
 251  0
     this.parameters = parameters;
 252  0
    * Return parameters.
    * @return The parameters value.
   public Map getParameters() {
 260  0
    * Set a parameter
    * @param key The parameter name
    * @param value The parameter value
   public void putParameter(String key, String value) {
 270  0
 271  0
    * Set a parameter
    * @param key The parameter name
    * @param value The parameter value
   public boolean isParameters() {
 280  0
     return (!getParameters().isEmpty());
    * Return parameters as a query string for use with a URI.
    * @return query string
   public String getQueryString(String uri) {
 290  0
       return ConvertUtils.addParams(uri,getParameters());
    * Return parameters as a series of hidden HTML fields.
    * @return parameters as a series of hidden HTML fields.
   public String getHiddenFields() {
 301  0
       return ConvertUtils.renderHiddenFields(getParameters());
 // ------------------------------------------------------------ Public Methods
    * The database offset for the current query [0].
    * Convenience method to return one less than from
    * @return The offset for this query
   public int getOffset() {
 317  0
     int from = getFrom();
 318  0
    * Return page number for given entry.
    * @return The number of pages
   public int getPage(int thru) {
 328  0
     int limit = getLimit();
 330  0
     if ((0==thru) || (0==limit)) return 1;
 332  0
     double page = (thru / limit) + (thru % limit == 0 ? 0 : 1);
 334  0
     return new Double(page).intValue();
    * Return current page number
    * @return The number of pages
   public int getPage() {
 344  0
       return getPage(getThru());
    * Return number of pages.
    * @return The number of pages
   public int getPages() {
 354  0
       return getPage(getCount());
    * Return first entry for given page.
    * @return first entry for given page
   public int getOffsetForPage(int page) {
 364  0
       int limit = getLimit();
 366  0
       return ((page*limit)-limit)+1;
    * Calculate the new property values
    * using a bean that has already had count and limit set.
    * @param from The first absolute row
   public void calculate() {
 378  0
      int from = getFrom();
 379  0
      int limit = getLimit();
 380  0
      int entries = getEntries();
 381  0
      int count = getCount();
      // Calculate "next" relative to starting point; or wrap to beginning.
 384  0
      int thru = (from + entries) - 1 ; if (thru < 1) thru = 1;
      // Calculate "previous" relative to starting point, but don't go negative
 387  0
      int prev = from - limit; if (prev < 1) prev = 1;
      // Calculate "next" relative to starting point; or wrap to beginning.
 390  0
      int next = from + entries; if (next > count) next = 1;
 392  0
 393  0
 394  0
 395  0
    * Calculate the new property values
    * using a bean that has already had count and limit set.
    * @param from The first absolute row
   public void calculate(int entries) {
 407  0
 408  0
 409  0
    * Calculate the new property values.
    * @param entries The number of matches in this set
    * @param from The first absolute row in this set
    * @param count How many rows in the complete set
    * @param limit The maximum rows in a subset page
   public void calculate(int entries, int from, int count, int limit) {
 422  0
      if ((from<1) || (from>count)) from = 1;
 424  0
 425  0
 426  0
 427  0
 428  0
 } // end Scroller