Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.scaffold.util.MessageImpl
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  * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.scaffold.util;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78
 public class MessageImpl implements Serializable,Message {
 // -------------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
      * Construct an action message with no replacement values.
      * @param key Message key for this message
 35  0
     public MessageImpl(String key) {
 37  0
         this.key = key;
 38  0
         this.values = null;
 40  0
      * Construct an action message with the specified replacement values.
      * @param key Message key for this message
      * @param value0 First replacement value
 49  0
     public MessageImpl(String key, Object value0) {
 51  0
         this.key = key;
 52  0
         this.values = new Object[] { value0 };
 54  0
      * Construct an action message with the specified replacement values.
      * @param key Message key for this message
      * @param value0 First replacement value
      * @param value1 Second replacement value
 64  0
     public MessageImpl(String key, Object value0, Object value1) {
 66  0
         this.key = key;
 67  0
         this.values = new Object[] { value0, value1 };
 69  0
      * Construct an action message with the specified replacement values.
      * @param key Message key for this message
      * @param value0 First replacement value
      * @param value1 Second replacement value
      * @param value2 Third replacement value
     public MessageImpl(String key, Object value0, Object value1,
 81  0
                        Object value2) {
 83  0
         this.key = key;
 84  0
         this.values = new Object[] { value0, value1, value2 };
 86  0
      * Construct an action message with the specified replacement values.
      * @param key Message key for this message
      * @param value0 First replacement value
      * @param value1 Second replacement value
      * @param value2 Third replacement value
      * @param value3 Fourth replacement value
     public MessageImpl(String key, Object value0, Object value1,
 99  0
                        Object value2, Object value3) {
 101  0
         this.key = key;
 102  0
         this.values = new Object[] { value0, value1, value2, value3 };
 103  0
      * Construct an action message with the specified replacement values.
      * @param key Message key for this message
      * @param values Array of replacement values
 112  0
     public MessageImpl(String key, Object[] values) {
 114  0
         this.key = key;
 115  0
         this.values = values;
 117  0
 // -------------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
      * The message key for this message.
 126  0
     protected String key = null;
      * The replacement values for this mesasge.
 132  0
     protected Object values[] = null;
     // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public String getKey() {
 141  0
         return (this.key);
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public Object[] getValues() {
 149  0
         return (this.values);
 } // end MessageImpl