Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.scaffold.text.ConvertUtils
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.scaffold.text;
 import java.text.DateFormat;
 import java.text.DecimalFormat;
 import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
 import java.text.NumberFormat;
 import java.text.ParseException;
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Map.Entry;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
 import java.sql.Timestamp;
  * An <b>experimental</b> class with some standard conversion
  * utilities. Needs more proof of concept and unit testing.
  * @author Ted Husted
  * @author OK State DEQ
  * @author WXXI Public Broadcasting Council
  * @version $Revision: 155464 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 13:26:54 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
 public class ConvertUtils {
     protected Locale[] availableLocales = null;
     public static Locale[] getAvailableLocales() {
         return availableLocales;
     public static void setAvailableLocales(Locale[] _availableLocales) {
         availableLocales = _availableLocales;
      * This is an all-static utility class.
      * A private constructor prevents inadvertent instantiation.
 64  0
     private ConvertUtils() { 
         ; // empty 
 66  0
 // ---------------------------------------------------- Text Separators
      * An empty string.
 74  0
     public static String STRING_EMPTY = "";
      * An empty string.
      * @deprecated Use STRING_EMPTY
 81  0
     public static String EMPTY_STRING = STRING_EMPTY;
      * An single-space string.
     public static final String STRING_SPACE = " ";
      * Space character.
     public static final char SPACE                 = ' ';
      * Horizontal tab character.
     public static final char HORIZONTAL_TABULATION = '\t';     // (aka u0009)
      * Line feed character.
     public static final char LINE_FEED             = '\r';     // (aka u000A);
      * Vertical tab character.
     public static final char VERTICAL_TABULATION   = '\u000B';
      * Form feed character.
     public static final char FORM_FEED             = '\u000C';
      * Carriage return character.
     public static final char CARRIAGE_RETURN       = '\n';     // (aka u000D)
      * File separator character.
     public static final char FILE_SEPARATOR        = '\u001C';
      * Group separator character.
     public static final char GROUP_SEPARATOR       = '\u001D';
      * Record separator character.
     public static final char RECORD_SEPARATOR      = '\u001E';
      * Unit separator character.
     public static final char UNIT_SEPARATOR        = '\u001F';
      * Array of line separator characters.
 154  0
     public static final char[] SEPARATORS = {
 // --------------------------------------------------------- Tokenizers
      * Return array of tokens,
      * using the result of <code>getTokeSep()</code> as the
      * separator.
      * Blanks are trimmed from tokens.
      * @param parameter The string to tokenize into an array
     public static String[] tokensToArray(String tokens, String separator) {
 179  0
         StringTokenizer tokenizer =
             new StringTokenizer(tokens,separator);
 181  0
         int i = 0;
 182  0
         String[] array = new String[tokenizer.countTokens()];
 183  0
         while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
 184  0
             String token = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
 185  0
             if ((token==null) || (token.length()==0)) continue;
 186  0
             array[i++] = token;
 187  0
 188  0
         return array;
     } // end tokensToArray
      * Return list of tokens,
      * using the result of <code>getTokeSep()</code> as the
      * separator.
      * Blanks are trimmed from tokens.
      * @param parameter The string to tokenize into an array
     public static List tokensToList(String tokens, String separator) {
 203  0
         StringTokenizer tokenizer =
             new StringTokenizer(tokens,separator);
 205  0
         List list = new java.util.ArrayList(tokenizer.countTokens());
 206  0
         while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
 207  0
             String token = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
 208  0
             if ((token==null) || (token.length()==0)) continue;
 209  0
 210  0
 211  0
         return list;
     } // end tokensToList
 // ------------------------------------------------------- Text Methods
      * Returns true if null or trims to an empty string.
      * @deprecated Use blank instead.
     public static boolean isBlank(String s) {
 224  0
         return blank(s);
      * Returns true if null or zero.
      * @deprecated Use blank instead.
     public static boolean isBlank(Integer key) {
 233  0
       return blank(key);
      * Returns true if null or trims to an empty string.
      * @deprecated Use blankValue instead.
     public static boolean isBlankValue(String s) {
 242  0
         return blankValue(s);
      * Returns true if null or trims to an empty string.
      * @deprecated Use blank instead.
     public static boolean blank(String s) {
 251  0
         return ((null==s) || (STRING_EMPTY.equals(s.trim())));
      * Returns true if null or zero.
      * @deprecated Use blank instead.
     public static boolean blank(Number key) {
 260  0
       return ((null==key) || (0==key.byteValue()));
      * Returns true if null, trims to an empty string,
      * or to "0".
     public static boolean blankValue(String s) {
 269  0
         if (null==s) return true;
 270  0
         String _s = s.trim();
 271  0
         return ((STRING_EMPTY.equals(_s)) || (STRING_ZERO.equals(_s)));
      * Return a trimmed or empty string (but not null).
     public static String toTrimOrEmpty(String string) {
 279  0
         if (null==string) return STRING_EMPTY; 
 280  0
         return string.trim();
      * Returns null or a trimmed uppercase string.
     public static String toUpperOrNull(String string) {
 288  0
         if (null!=string)
 289  0
             return string.toUpperCase().trim();
 290  0
         return null;
      * The token that signifies the begnning of a query string ["?"].
 297  0
     public static String QS_START = "?";
      * The token that delimits two or more attributes of a query string ["&amp;"].
 303  0
     public static String QS_DELIM = "&amp;";
      * The token that seperates an attribute name and value.
 309  0
     public static String QS_SEP = "=";
      * Appends name=value parameter.
     public static String addParam(String path, String name, String value) {
 316  0
         StringBuffer uri = new StringBuffer(path);
 317  0
         boolean isQuery = (path.indexOf(QS_START)>=0);
 318  0
         if (isQuery)
 319  0
 321  0
 322  0
 323  0
 324  0
 325  0
         return uri.toString();
      * Appends name=value parameters to path from Map.
     public static String addParams(String path, Map parameters) {
 335  0
         if (null==path) path = new String();
 337  0
         if ((null==parameters) || (parameters.isEmpty())) return path;
 339  0
         StringBuffer uri = new StringBuffer(path);
 340  0
         boolean isQuery = (path.indexOf(QS_START)>=0);
 341  0
         if (isQuery)
 342  0
 344  0
 346  0
         Set entries = parameters.entrySet();
 347  0
         for (Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
 348  0
             Entry e = (Entry);
 349  0
 350  0
 351  0
 352  0
 353  0
         return uri.toString();
      * Returns parameters as a series of hidden HTML fields.
     public static String renderHiddenFields(Map parameters) {
 363  0
         if ((null==parameters) || (parameters.isEmpty())) return new String();
 365  0
         StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer();
 366  0
         Set entries = parameters.entrySet();
 367  0
         for (Iterator i = entries.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
 368  0
             html.append("<input type='hidden' name='");
 369  0
             Entry e = (Entry);
 370  0
 371  0
             html.append("' value='");
 372  0
 373  0
             html.append("' />");
 374  0
 375  0
         return html.toString();
      * Replace line returns with spaces.
     private static String stripLn(String string) {
         // :FIXME: Better way to buffer the interim strings?
 386  0
         for (int i=0; i<SEPARATORS.length; i++) {
 387  0
            string = string.replace(
 392  0
         return string;
 // ----------------------------------------------------- Numeric Values
      * An Double 0.
 403  0
     public static Double DOUBLE_ZERO = new Double(0);
      * An Double 1.
 409  0
     public static Double DOUBLE_ONE = new Double((double) 1.0);
      * An Integer 0.
 415  0
     public static Integer INTEGER_ZERO = new Integer(0);
      * An Integer 1.
 421  0
     public static Integer INTEGER_ONE = new Integer(1);
      * A Short 0.
 427  0
     public static Short SHORT_ZERO = new Short((short) 0);
      * A Short 1.
 433  0
     public static Short SHORT_ONE = new Short((short) 1);
      * A String 0.
 439  0
     public static String STRING_ZERO = "0";
      * A String 1.
 445  0
     public static String STRING_ONE = "1";
 // ---------------------------------------------------- Numeric Methods
      * Return String with of digits only (0..9).
     public static String getDigits(String s) {
 458  0
         if (s==null) return null;
 459  0
         int n = s.length();
 460  0
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(n);
 461  0
         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 462  0
             char c = s.charAt(i);
 463  0
             if (Character.isDigit(c)) sb.append(c);
 465  0
         return (sb.toString());
      * Returns number formatted for default or given locale.
     public static String getNumber(Number value, Locale locale) {
 473  0
         if (locale==null)
 474  0
             return (NumberFormat.getInstance().format(value));
 475  0
        return (NumberFormat.getInstance(locale).format(value));
      * Returns percent formatted for default or given locale.
     public static String getPercent(Number value, Locale locale) {
 483  0
         if (locale==null)
 484  0
             return (NumberFormat.getPercentInstance().format(value));
 485  0
         return (NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(locale).format(value));
     /* -- Is there a use case for this?
     public static String getInteger(Number value, Locale locale) {
         if (locale==null)
             return (NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance().format(value));
         return (NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(locale).format(value));
      * Returns whether the last digit of numeric string is a parity
      * check on the others per the "primes of nines" method.
      * Reference:
      * @param Number - Number to check.
      * Must be all digits and not null.
     public static boolean luhnCheck(String number) {
 508  0
         int no_digit = number.length();
 509  0
         int oddoeven = no_digit & 1;
 510  0
         long sum = 0;
 511  0
         for (int count = 0; count < no_digit; count++) {
 512  0
             int digit = Integer.parseInt(
 514  0
             if ( ( (count & 1) ^ oddoeven) ==0 ) { // not
 515  0
                 digit *= 2;
 516  0
                 if (digit > 9) digit -= 9;
 518  0
             sum += digit;
 520  0
         if (sum == 0) return false;
 521  0
         if (sum % 10 == 0) return true;
 522  0
         return false;
      * Returns number with the appropriate digit appended
      * so that is passes a "luhnCheck".
      * @param Number - Number to process.
      * Must be all digits and not null.
     public static String addLuhnDigit(String number) {
         // I don't actually understand the alogorithm
         // so we just use brute force to find the digit.
 535  0
         char[] digits = {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0'};
 536  0
         int c = number.length();
 537  0
         StringBuffer tryNumber = new StringBuffer(number + digits[0]);
         int i;
 539  0
         for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
 540  0
 541  0
             if (luhnCheck(tryNumber.toString()))
 542  0
 544  0
         return tryNumber.toString();
 // ------------------------------------------------------------ Decimal
      * Default decimal pattern.
 555  0
     public static String DECIMAL_PATTERN ="###,###.###";
      * Symbols that can be used in a decimal pattern.
     public static DecimalFormatSymbols getGenericDecimal(Locale locale) {
 562  0
         DecimalFormatSymbols symbols =
             new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale);
 564  0
         symbols.setGroupingSeparator('`'); // :FIXME: Want apostrophe here
 565  0
         return symbols;
      * Return decimal number formatted for default or given locale.
     public static String getDecimal(Number value, Locale locale) {
 573  0
         if (locale==null)
 574  0
             return (DecimalFormat.getInstance().format(value));
 575  0
         return (DecimalFormat.getInstance().format(value));
      * Return decimal number formatted for default or given locale
      * using given pattern.
     public static String getDecimal(Number value, Locale locale, String pattern) {
         NumberFormat formatter;
 585  0
         if (locale==null)
 586  0
             formatter = new java.text.DecimalFormat(pattern);
         else {
 588  0
             formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
 589  0
             DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) formatter;
 590  0
 591  0
             return df.format(value);
 593  0
         return (formatter.format(value));
      *  Return decimal for default locale using standard pattern.
     public static String getDecimal(Number value) {
 601  0
         return getDecimal(value,(Locale) null,DECIMAL_PATTERN);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------- Currency
      * Standard currency pattern.
 612  0
     public static String CURRENCY_PATTERN ="$" + DECIMAL_PATTERN;
      *  Return currency for default locale using standard pattern.
     public static String getCurrency(Number value) {
 619  0
         return getDecimal(value,null,CURRENCY_PATTERN);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------- Date
      * Default style for dates and times.
 629  0
     public static int DEFAULT = DateFormat.DEFAULT;
      * Short style for dates and times.
 635  0
     public static int SHORT = DateFormat.SHORT;
      * Medium style for dates and times.
 641  0
     public static int MEDIUM = DateFormat.MEDIUM;
      * Long style for dates and times.
 647  0
     public static int LONG = DateFormat.LONG;
      * Full style for dates and times.
 653  0
     public static int FULL = DateFormat.FULL;
      * Default lenient setting for getDate.
 659  0
     private static boolean LENIENT_DATE = false;
      * A "default" date format.
 665  0
     public static String ESCAPE_DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-mm-dd";
      * Convert String to Date using given format.
      * Returns null if conversion fails.
      * Set lenient=false to disallow dates like 2001-9-32.
      * @author Hal Deadman
     public static Date getDate(String dateDisplay,
             String format, boolean lenient) {
 677  0
         if (dateDisplay == null) {
 678  0
             return null;
 680  0
         DateFormat df = null;
         try {
 682  0
             if (format==null) {
 683  0
                 df = new SimpleDateFormat();
             else {
 686  0
                 df = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
                 // setLenient avoids allowing dates like 9/32/2001
                 // which would otherwise parse to 10/2/2001
 690  0
 691  0
             return df.parse(dateDisplay);
 693  0
         catch(ParseException e) {
 694  0
             return null;
      * Convert String to Date using given format.
      * Returns null if conversion fails.
      * Uses "strict" coNversion (lenient=false).
      * @author Hal Deadman
     public static Date getDate(String dateDisplay, String format) {
 706  0
         return getDate(dateDisplay,format,LENIENT_DATE);
      * Convert String to Date using a medium (weekday day month year) format.
      * Returns null if conversion fails.
      * Uses "strict" coNversion (lenient=false).
      * @author Hal Deadman
     public static Date getDate(String dateDisplay) {
 717  0
         return getDate(dateDisplay,null,LENIENT_DATE);
      * Return Date value using a String.
      * Null or conversion error returns null.
      * @param String representing Date
     public static Date toDate(String string) {
 727  0
         if (string==null)
 728  0
             return null;
         else try {
 730  0
             return getDate(string);
 731  0
         } catch (Throwable t) {
 732  0
             return null;
      * Convert date to String for given locale in given style.
      * A null locale will return the default locale.
     public static String getDate(Date date, Locale locale, int style) {
 742  0
         if (locale==null)
 743  0
             return (DateFormat.getDateInstance(style).format(date));
 744  0
         return (DateFormat.getDateInstance(style,locale).format(date));
      * Convert date to String for default locale in given style.
      * A null locale will return the default locale.
     public static String getDate(Date date, int style) {
 753  0
        return getDate(date,(Locale) null,style);
      * Convert date to String for default locale in DEFAULT style.
      * A null locale will return the default locale.
     public static String getDate(Date date) {
 762  0
        return getDate(date,(Locale) null,DEFAULT);
      * Return String value representing Date.
      * Null returns null.
      * @param Date
     public static String toString(Date date) {
 772  0
         if (date==null)
 773  0
             return null;
 775  0
             return getDate(date);
      * Return String value representing Date.
      * Null returns null.
      * @param Date
     public static String toEscape(Date date) {
 785  0
         if (date==null)
 786  0
             return null;
 787  0
         DateFormat df = null;
         try {
 789  0
             df = new SimpleDateFormat(ESCAPE_DATE_PATTERN);
 790  0
         } catch (Throwable t) {
 791  0
             return null;
 792  0
 793  0
 794  0
         return df.format(date);
 // ---------------------------------------------------------- Timestamp
      * Date separator ["-"].
     public static final String DATE_SEPARATOR = "-";
      * Time separator [":"].
     public static final String TIME_SEPARATOR = ":";
      * Date Time separator [" "].
     public static final String DATE_TIME_SEPARATOR = STRING_SPACE;
      * String to prepend to time [HH:MM:SS.d] 
      * to create a Timestamp escape string ["0002-11-30"].
     public static final String TIMESTAMP_DATE_ZERO = "0002-11-30";
      * String to append to date [YEAR-MM-DD] 
      * to create a Timestamp escape string [" 00:00:00.0"].
      * Note: includes leading space.
     public static final String TIMESTAMP_TIME_ZERO = " 00:00:00.0";
      * Escape string representing
      * "November 30, 0002 00:00:00".
 837  0
      public static String ZERO_TIMESTAMP_DISPLAY = "2-11-30 00:00:00";
      * Timestamp representing ""November 30, 0002 00:00:00".
 843  0
     public static Timestamp ZERO_TIMESTAMP = new Timestamp((long) 00000000000000);
      * Escape string to create Timestamp representing
      * "January 1, 1970 00:00:00".
 851  0
     public static String NULL_TIMESTAMP_DISPLAY = "1970-01-01 00:00:00";
      * @deprecated Use NULL_TIMESTAMP_DISPLAY.
 857  0
      * Value needed to create Timestamp representing
      * "January 1, 1970 00:00:00".
      * From the documentation, you would think this would be
      * Timestamp(0), but empirical tests show it to be
      * Timestamp(18000000).
 867  0
     public static long NULL_TIME = (long) 18000000;
      * Timestamp representing "January 1, 1970 00:00:00".
 873  0
     public static Timestamp NULL_TIMESTAMP = new Timestamp(NULL_TIME);
      * Timestamp representing "December 31, 2029, 23:59:59.9"
 880  0
     public static Timestamp MAX_TIMESTAMP = Timestamp.valueOf("2029-12-31 23:59:59.999");
      * Return the String representing "January 1, 1970 00:00:00".
     public static String getTimestampDisplayNull() {
 887  0
      * Return the String representing the current timestamp;
     public static String getTimestampDisplay() {
 895  0
         return getTimestamp(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
      * @deprecated Use getTimestampDisplay.
     public static String getTimestampText() {
 903  0
         return getTimestampDisplay();
      * Return null if timestamp is null or equals
      * "January 1, 1970 00:00:00".
     public static boolean isNull(Timestamp timestamp) {
 912  0
         return ((timestamp==null) || (timestamp.getTime()==NULL_TIME));
      * Factory method to return timestamp initialized to
      * current system time.
      * For timestamp as a String in the default format,
      * use <code>getTimestamp().toString()</code>.
     public static Timestamp getTimestamp() {
 923  0
         return new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
      * Convert timestamp to String for given locale in given style.
      * A null locale will return the default locale.
     public static String getTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp,
             Locale locale, int style) {
 933  0
         Date date = (Date) timestamp;
 934  0
         if (locale==null)
 935  0
             return (DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(style,style).
 937  0
         return (DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(style,style,locale).
      * Convert date to String for default locale in given style.
      * A null locale will return the default locale.
     public static String getTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp,
             int style) {
 948  0
        return getTimestamp(timestamp,(Locale) null,style);
      * Convert date to String for default locale in DEFAULT style.
      * A null locale will return the default locale.
     public static String getTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp) {
 957  0
        return getTimestamp(timestamp,(Locale) null,DEFAULT);
      * Return Timestamp value using a String.
      * Null or conversion error returns null.
      * @param String representing Timestamp
     public static Timestamp toTimestamp(String string) {
 967  0
         if (string==null)
 968  0
             return null;
         else try {
 970  0
             return Timestamp.valueOf(string);
 971  0
         } catch (Throwable t) {
 972  0
             return null;
      * Return a Timestamp based on the parameters.
      * Any nulls or conversion error returns null.
      * @param year The year
      * @param month The month
      * @param day The day   
      * @returns Timestamp for year-month-day
     public static Timestamp toTimestamp(String year, String month, String day) {
 987  0
         if ((null==year) || (null==month) || (null==day)) return null;
 989  0
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
         // YEAR-MM-DD 00:00:00.0
 991  0
         sb.append(year);   sb.append(DATE_SEPARATOR); 
 992  0
         sb.append(month);  sb.append(DATE_SEPARATOR); 
 993  0
 995  0
 997  0
         return toTimestamp(sb.toString());        
      * Return String value representing Timestamp.
      * Null returns null.
      * @param Timestamp
     public static String toString(Timestamp timestamp) {
 1007  0
         if (timestamp==null)
 1008  0
             return null;
 1010  0
             return timestamp.toString();
 // ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet
      * Return the integer value of an IP address in dotted octet form, 
      * like that returned by request.getRemotehost).
      * :FIXME: Needs to be implemented; just returns zero.
      * @param Timestamp
     public static Integer ipNode(String ipAddress) { 
 1024  0
         return INTEGER_ZERO;