Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.scaffold.sql.StorageBeanBase
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.scaffold.sql;
 import java.sql.SQLException;
 import java.sql.Timestamp;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lang.ParameterException;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lang.PopulateException;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lang.PropertiesException;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lang.ResourceException;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lang.Tokens;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lucene.Engine;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.lucene.SearchUtils;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.text.ConvertUtils;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.util.ProcessBeanBase;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.util.ProcessResult;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.util.ProcessResultBase;
 import org.apache.commons.scaffold.util.StorageBean;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78
  * Implements StorageBean interface using
  * <code>StatementUtils</code> and <code>ResultSetUtils</code> in
  * this package. Specialty operations may be added using the same
  * utilities.
  * <P>
  * <B>To use this class, the developer must:</B>
  * <UL>
  * <LI>Declare a subclass adding the properties to be stored.
  * <LI>Provide in a set of standard SQL queries naming the properties
  * to be stored as columns in the command
  * <LI>Override <code>getStorageKey</code> to return the property used
  * as the primary or unique key in the SQL commands.
  * <LI>Override <code>getParameters</code> to return an array of
  * properties as needed by object's insert and update SQL commands.
  * <LI>Override <code>getPrefix</code> to set a unique prefix
  * for each StorageBean class.
  * Include the prefix in the resource file, but not in the Java code.
  * <LI>Provide and SQL commands to obtain a new
  * primary key or override createKey to use some other method.
  * </UL>
  * <P>
  * <B>To specify a connection pool and load the SQL commands:</B>
  * <UL>
  * <LI>Load the <code>ConnectionAdaptor</code> for your database
  * connection pool
  * <LI>Load the <code>Properties</code> file with your commands and
  * pass it to the StorageBeanBase <code>init</code> method.
  * </UL>
  * <P>The <code>ConnectionServlet</code> in this package is designed
  * to load <code>ConnectionAdapters<code> and resource
  * (<code>Properties</code>) files.
  * <P>
  * Regarding the queries:
  * <UL>
  * <LI>The SQL commands are given in a standard Properties file
  * (e.g, user.retrieve=SELECT name,address FROM userTable).
  * The default runtime location is
  * [WEB-INF/classes/resources/].
  * <LI>See the file in this package
  * for a starter file.
  * <LI>All the subclass share the same Properties file.
  * The prefix property lets you use the same standard query names for
  * more than one StorageBean.
  * <LI>The standard queries are insert, update, retrieve, delete, and
  * recycle, and restore.
  * <LI>The insert and update commands should use same columns in same
  * order.
  * <LI>The retrieve, delete, recycle, and restore command should use
  * the storageKey property for selection.
  * <LI>Hint: If columns cannot follow property naming conventions,
  * rename column in command
  * <LI>Hint: You can use the same object for more than one table or
  * resultset if you like
  * </UL>
  * @todo Refactor recycle,restore,delete to use common util method
  * @todo Javadocs for new classes
  * @todo Use reflection to read parameter key and make array from
  * that.
  * @todo Check for key.paramlist then paramlist.
  * @todo Permit each subclass to have its own properties (collection
  * of properties, like Struts Actions).
  * @todo Switch to CommandStore (or eliminate that object if not
  * needed).
  * @todo Add properties to manage optimistic locking
  * @todo Change from BeanUtil.populate to copyProperties in 1.1
  * version.
  * @author Ted Husted
  * @author OK State DEQ
  * @version $Revision: 155464 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 13:26:54 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
 116  0
 public class StorageBeanBase extends ProcessBeanBase implements StorageBean {
      * Convenience method to check for null, empty String.
     protected boolean blank(String s) {
 123  0
         return ConvertUtils.blank(s);
      * Convenience method to check for null, empty String,
      * or "0" String.
     protected boolean blankValue(String s) {
 131  0
         return ConvertUtils.blankValue(s);
      * Returns true if null or zero.
     public static boolean blank(Number key) {
 138  0
       return ConvertUtils.blank(key);
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------ Commands
 // TODO: Refactor this to use a CommandStore
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public final static String like(String parameter) {
 151  0
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public final static String DOT = ".";
      * Our command string properties.
      * Can be loaded from an external properties file at startup.
     protected static Properties commands;
      * Retrieve command from <code>commands</code> Properties
     protected String lookup(String key)
         throws PropertiesException {
 174  0
         if (null==commands) throw new PropertiesException(
             PropertiesException.MESSAGE + key);
 177  0
         String command = null;
 178  0
         String prefix = getPrefix();
 179  0
         if (null!=prefix) {
 180  0
             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(prefix);
 181  0
 182  0
 183  0
             command = sb.toString();
 184  0
 185  0
         else command = key;
 187  0
         return commands.getProperty(command);
      * Retrieve command from <code>commands</code> Properties
     protected String lookupRoot(String key)
         throws PropertiesException {
 197  0
         if (null==commands) throw new PropertiesException(
             PropertiesException.MESSAGE + key);
 200  0
         return commands.getProperty(key);
      * Set the Properties file to be used for SQL commands.
      * This can be called by main or in a servlet.init
      * method at startup. If called more than once, the
      * new commands are added to the existing store.
      * If  keys clash,the last one wins.
     public static final void init(Properties _commands) {
 214  0
         if (null==commands) {
 215  0
             commands = _commands;
         else {
 218  0
 220  0
 // ----------------------------------------------------------- Base Properties
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public final static String INSERT = "insert";
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public final static String UPDATE = "update";
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public final static String RETRIEVE = "retrieve";
      * [:TODO: Javadoc] purge
     public final static String DELETE = "delete";
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public final static String RESTORE = "restore";
      * [:TODO: Javadoc] delete
     public final static String RECYCLE = "recycle";
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public final static String TABLE = "table";
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public final static String PARAMS = DOT + "params";
      * A unique identifier for this StorageBean's
      * commands.
 277  0
     private String prefix = null;
      // See interface for Javadoc
     public String getPrefix() {
 282  0
         return prefix;
      // See interface for Javadoc
     public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
 288  0
         this.prefix = prefix;
 289  0
      * The array of parameters required by the
      * insert and update commands for this object.
 296  0
     private Object[] parameters = null;
      * Return the runtime parameters for the given command.
      * The comma-delimited list of parameter properties can be provided
      * as a ${command}.params element in the command resource. 
      * <code>getParameters</code> will automatically retrieve the *.params element 
      * and use it to create an array of the runtime values for each parameter. 
      * The sequence of runtime values can then be merged with a prepared 
      * statement (the command).
      * Since the parameters are inserted into the command by position, 
      * the column names and parameter names do not need to match. 
      * @exception ResourceException if the command resource or command cannot 
      * be found.
     public Object[] getParameters(String command) throws ResourceException {
 315  0
         if (null==command) {
 316  0
             if ((null==parameters) && (null!=paramList)) {
 317  0
                 return paramList.toArray();
 319  0
             return parameters;
         // Lookup parameters for command ( * + .params)        
 323  0
         String paramToken = command + PARAMS;        
 324  0
         String params = lookup(paramToken);
 326  0
         if (null==params) { 
 327  0
             throw new PropertiesException(
                 PropertiesException.MESSAGE + paramToken);
         else {
 331  0
             String[] tokens = ConvertUtils.tokensToArray(params,PARAM_SEP);
 332  0
             Object[] values = new Object[tokens.length];
             try {
 334  0
                 for (int i=0; i<values.length; i++) {
 335  0
                     values[i] = BeanUtils.getProperty(this,tokens[i]);
 338  0
             catch (Exception e) {
 339  0
                 throw new PropertiesException(
                     PropertiesException.MESSAGE + params);
 341  0
 343  0
             return values;
      // See interface for Javadoc
     public void setParameters(Object[] parameters) {
 350  0
         this.parameters = parameters;
 351  0
      * The list of parameters required by the
      * insert and update commands for this object.
 358  0
     private List paramList = null;
      * Return the vparamList or parameters field. 
      * If both are null, return an empty list.
     private List paramListDefault() throws ResourceException {
 367  0
         List list = paramList;
 368  0
         if (null==list) { 
                 // Start with empty list
 370  0
             list = new java.util.ArrayList();
                 // Add array parameters, if any
 372  0
             Object[] array = getParameters(null);
 373  0
             if (null!=array) {
 374  0
                 for (int i =0; i<array.length; i++) {
 375  0
 379  0
         return list;
      * Default separator character for list of parameters [","] (comma).
     public static final String PARAM_SEP = ",";
      * Return the runtime parameters for the given command.
      * The comma-delimited list of parameter properties can be provided
      * as a ${command}.params element in the command resource. 
      * <code>getParameters</code> will automatically retrieve the *.params element 
      * and use it to create a list of the runtime values for each parameter. 
      * The sequence of runtime values can then be merged with a prepared 
      * statement (the command).
      * Since the parameters are inserted into the command by position, 
      * the column names and parameter names do not need to match. 
      * @exception ResourceException if the command resource or command cannot 
      * be found.
     public List getParamList(String command) throws ResourceException {
         // If no command, return the list or array field
 407  0
         if (null==command) return paramListDefault();
 409  0
         List values = new java.util.ArrayList();
         // Lookup parameters for command ( * + .params)        
 411  0
         String paramToken = command + PARAMS;        
 412  0
         String params = lookup(paramToken);
 413  0
         if (null==params) {
 414  0
             throw new PropertiesException(
                 PropertiesException.MESSAGE + paramToken);
         else {           
             // Tokenize into list/iterator (:TODO: Cache?) (:FIXME: List better than array?)
 419  0
             Iterator tokens = ConvertUtils.tokensToList(params,PARAM_SEP).iterator();
             // Get the runtime property for each parameter (token)
             try {
 422  0
                 while (tokens.hasNext()) { 
 423  0
 426  0
             catch (Exception e) {
 427  0
                 throw new PropertiesException(
                     PropertiesException.MESSAGE + params);
 429  0
 431  0
        return values;
      // See interface for Javadoc
     public void setParamList(List paramList) {
 437  0
         this.paramList = paramList;
 438  0
      * The marked status of the record.
      * <p>
      * Records to be deleted are marked and may be
      * restored before they are removed from the
      * database.
      * The default value is "1" - nominal.
 449  0
     private Short marked = ConvertUtils.SHORT_ONE;
      * Return the marked status.
      * <p>
      * @return the marked status
     public Short getMarked() {
 458  0
         return (this.marked);
      * Set the marked status.
      * @param marked The new marked status
     public void setMarked(Short marked) {
 467  0
         this.marked = marked;
 468  0
 // ------------------------------------------------------------ Public Methods
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public void populate(Map parameters) throws Exception {
 477  0
         if (parameters!=null) {
 478  0
 481  0
     } // end populate
 // ------------------------------------------------------------ Create Methods
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public void executeUpdate(String command)
             throws ResourceException {
         try {
 493  0
              int result = StatementUtils.executeUpdate(
 497  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 498  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 499  0
 501  0
     } // end executeUpdate
     public void executeUpdateRoot(String command)
             throws ResourceException {
         try {
 509  0
              int result = StatementUtils.executeUpdate(
 513  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 514  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 515  0
 517  0
     } // end executeUpdate
 // ----------------------------------------------------------- Retrieval Methods
         // Convenience method
     public int count(
             String command)
             throws ResourceException {
 527  0
         Integer result = null;
         try {
 529  0
             result = (Integer) StatementUtils.getColumn(
 535  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 536  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 537  0
 538  0
         return result.intValue();
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public int count(
             String command,
             Object parameter)
             throws ResourceException {
 548  0
         Integer result = null;
         try {
 550  0
             result = (Integer) StatementUtils.getColumn(
 557  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 558  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 559  0
 560  0
         return result.intValue();
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public boolean findElement(
             Object target,
             String command,
             Object key) throws ResourceException {
 571  0
         boolean found = false;
         try {
 575  0
             found = StatementUtils.getElement(null,target,
 579  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 580  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 581  0
 583  0
         return found;
    } // end findElement
      * Convenience method that calls
      * <code>findCollection(Object,String,Object[])</code>
      * with appropriate parameters.
     public Collection findCollection(Object target,
         String command) throws ResourceException {
         try {
 598  0
             return StatementUtils.getCollection(null,
 602  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 603  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
     } // end findCollection
      * Convenience method that calls
      * <code>findCollection(Object,String,Object[])</code>
      * with appropriate parameters.
     protected final Collection findCollection(Object target,
         String command, int parameter) throws ResourceException {
         try {
 620  0
             return StatementUtils.getCollection(null,
 624  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 625  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
     } // end findCollection
      * Convenience method that calls
      * <code>findCollection(Object,String,Object[])</code>
      * with appropriate parameters.
     protected final Collection findCollection(Object target,
         String command, Object parameter) throws ResourceException {
         try {
 641  0
             return StatementUtils.getCollection(null,
 645  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 646  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
     } // end findCollection
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public Collection findCollection(Object target,
         String command, Object[] parameters) throws ResourceException {
         try {
 658  0
             return StatementUtils.getCollection(null,
 662  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 663  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
     } // end findCollection
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public Collection findByProperty(
             Object target,
             String property,
             String value) throws ParameterException, PopulateException,
             ResourceException {
 676  0
          return SearchUtils.getCollection(target,
     } // end findByProperty
 // ================================================================ UD Methods
      * The storageKey field, if needed.
      * <p>
      * Many subclasses may choose to ingore this field and
      * use the storageKey property as a wrapper around
      * their own field of a specific type (e.g. 
      * an Integer primaryKey property).
 693  0
     private Object storageKey = null;
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public Object getStorageKey() {
 698  0
         return this.storageKey;
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public void setStorageKey(Object storageKey) {
 704  0
         this.storageKey = storageKey;
 705  0
      * The timestamp of the last edit.
      * <p>
      * This can be checked against the edited
      * timestamp on the record in storage
      * to see if anyone else has alreaded
      * edited the record.
 715  0
     private Timestamp modified = ConvertUtils.NULL_TIMESTAMP;
      * Return the edited timestamp.
      * <p>
      * @return the edited timestamp.
     public Timestamp getModified() {
 723  0
         return (this.modified);
      * Set the edited timestamp.
      * @param edited The new edited timestamp.
     public void setModified(Timestamp modified) {
 732  0
         this.modified = modified;
 733  0
      * Check to see if another modified timetamp
      * matches the one for this instance.
      * Returns true if the timestamps match.
      * @returns true if the timestamps match.
      * @param edited The new edited timestamp.
     public boolean isCurrent(Timestamp modified) {
 744  0
         return (modified!=getModified());
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
 751  0
     private int resultCode = 0;
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public int getResultCode() {
 756  0
         return resultCode;
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public void setResultCode(int resultCode) {
 762  0
         this.resultCode = resultCode;
 763  0
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
 769  0
     private Object result = this;
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public Object getResult() {
 774  0
         return result;
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public void setResult(Object result) {
 780  0
         this.result = result;
 781  0
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------- store
      * If timestamp is null (or ConvertUtils.NULL_TIMESTAMP), 
      * set our modified property to the current time. 
      * This emulates how MySQL treats the first null Timestamp in a record.
    public void fixModified() {   
 793  0
        Timestamp modified = getModified();
 794  0
        if ((null==modified) || (ConvertUtils.NULL_TIMESTAMP==modified)) {
 795  0
            setModified(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
 797  0
    public int updateResultCode(String command) throws ResourceException {     
 802  0
         int result = 0;
         try {
 805  0
             result = StatementUtils.executeUpdate(
 809  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 810  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 811  0
 813  0
         return result;
         // see interface for Javadoc
     public Object update(Object parameters) throws Exception {
 819  0
         populate((Map) parameters);
 821  0
         String command = getParameter();
 823  0
 824  0
 826  0
         String message = null;
 827  0
         if (isNew()) message = Tokens.DATA_RECORD_INSERTED;
 828  0
         else message = Tokens.DATA_RECORD_UPDATED;
 830  0
         ProcessResult result = new ProcessResultBase(getResult());
 831  0
 832  0
 833  0
 834  0
         return result;
     public ProcessResult elementResult(String command) throws Exception {
 840  0
         boolean found = false;
         try {
 843  0
             found = StatementUtils.getElement(null,this,
 847  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 848  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 849  0
 851  0
         if (found) {
 853  0
 854  0
         else {
 858  0
 861  0
         ProcessResult result = new ProcessResultBase(this);
 862  0
 863  0
          return result;         
      * Retrieve an element (record) from storage.
      * The element is retrieved is determined by what command 
      * has been set to the parameter property.
      * <P>
      * This signature is designed for compatibilty with
      * the Executable interface.
     public Object element(Object command) throws Exception {
 877  0
         populate((Map) command);
 879  0
         return elementResult(getParameter());       
     public Object collectionResult(String command) throws Exception {
 886  0
         Collection result = null;
         try {
 890  0
             result = StatementUtils.getCollection(null,
 894  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 895  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 896  0
 898  0
 900  0
         return new ProcessResultBase(result);
      * Retrieve a collection of objects from storage.
      * The objects retrieved is determined by what command 
      * has been set to the parameter property.
      * <P>
      * This signature is designed for compatibilty with
      * the Executable interface.
     public Object collection(Object parameters) throws Exception {
 915  0
         populate((Map) parameters);
 917  0
         return collectionResult(getParameter());
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------- store
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
 926  0
     public static String KEYS_NEXT = "";
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
 932  0
     public static String KEYS_INC = "";
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public boolean isNew() {
 937  0
         Object key = getStorageKey();
 938  0
         return ((null==key) || (blankValue(key.toString())));
         // See interface for JavaDoc
         // @todo Refactor to use fixed-length high/low String as key.
     public Object createKey(String keyName)
             throws ResourceException {
 947  0
         Object result = null;
         try {
 951  0
             result = StatementUtils.createKey(
 960  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 961  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 962  0
 964  0
         return result;
     } // end createKey()
         // See interface for JavaDoc
     public void allocateKey() throws Exception {
 972  0
 974  0
         // see interface for Javadoc
         // INSERT The name of the insert command
         // UPDATE The name of the delete command
     public void store() throws Exception {
 982  0
         boolean isInsert = isNew();
 983  0
         String token = null;
 984  0
         if (isInsert) { 
 985  0
             token = INSERT; 
 986  0
         else {
 989  0
             token = UPDATE;
 992  0
         String command = lookup(token);
 994  0
         Timestamp modified = getModified();
 995  0
         if ((null==modified) || (ConvertUtils.NULL_TIMESTAMP==modified)) {
 996  0
             setModified(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
         // :FIXME: Way to get remoteNode
 1001  0
         int result = 0;
         try {
 1004  0
             result = StatementUtils.executeUpdate(
 1008  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 1009  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 1010  0
 1011  0
 1013  0
      * Commit record to storage.
      * If storageKey is null, new storage for this object is created.
      * Otherwise, an existing object is updated.
      * @return ProcessResult with messages and this object as data
      * @exception ResourceException if data access error occurs
      @ @parameters The properties to use with operation
     public Object store(Object parameters) throws Exception {
 1027  0
         populate((Map) parameters);
 1029  0
         String message = null;
 1030  0
         if (isNew()) message = Tokens.DATA_RECORD_INSERTED;
 1031  0
         else message = Tokens.DATA_RECORD_UPDATED;
 1033  0
 1035  0
         ProcessResult result = new ProcessResultBase(getResult());
 1036  0
 1037  0
 1038  0
 1039  0
         return result;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------ retrieve
         // see interface for Javadoc
     public void retrieve() throws Exception {
 1048  0
         boolean found = findElement(this,RETRIEVE,getStorageKey());
 1050  0
         if (found) {
 1052  0
 1053  0
         else {
 1057  0
 1060  0
         // see interface for Javadoc
     public Object retrieve(Object parameters) throws Exception {
 1065  0
         populate((Map) parameters);
 1066  0
         Object key = getStorageKey();
 1067  0
         if (null==key) {
 1068  0
             throw new ParameterException();
 1071  0
 1072  0
         int resultCode = getResultCode();
 1074  0
         ProcessResult result = new ProcessResultBase(this);
 1075  0
             if (0==resultCode) {
 1076  0
             else {
 1079  0
 1081  0
 1082  0
 1084  0
         return result;
     } // end retrieve
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------- delete
         // see interface for Javadoc
     public void delete() throws Exception {
 1095  0
 1096  0
         int result = getResultCode();
 1098  0
         if (0!=result) {
             try {
                 // Mark as deleted
 1103  0
                 result = StatementUtils.executeUpdate(null,
 1107  0
             catch (SQLException e) {
 1108  0
                 throw new ResourceException(e);
 1109  0
 1111  0
 1114  0
      * [:TODO: Javadoc]
     public Object delete(Object parameters) throws Exception {
 1122  0
         populate((Map) parameters);
 1123  0
         Object key = getStorageKey();
 1124  0
         if (null==key) {
 1125  0
             throw new ParameterException();
 1128  0
 1129  0
         int resultCode = getResultCode();
 1131  0
         ProcessResult result = new ProcessResultBase(this);
 1132  0
            if (0==resultCode) {
 1133  0
             else {
 1136  0
 1138  0
 1139  0
 1141  0
         return result;
     } // end delete
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------- recycle
         // see interface for Javadoc
     public void recycle() throws Exception {
 1152  0
 1153  0
         int result = getResultCode();
 1155  0
         if (0!=result) {
             try {
                 // Mark as recycled
 1160  0
                 result = StatementUtils.executeUpdate(null,
 1164  0
             catch (SQLException e) {
 1165  0
                 throw new ResourceException(e);
 1166  0
 1168  0
 1171  0
         // see interface for Javadoc
     public Object recycle(Object parameters) throws Exception {
 1177  0
         populate((Map) parameters);
 1178  0
         Object key = getStorageKey();
 1179  0
         if (null==key) {
 1180  0
             throw new ParameterException();
 1183  0
 1184  0
         int resultCode = getResultCode();
 1186  0
         ProcessResult result = new ProcessResultBase(this);
 1187  0
            if (resultCode==0) {
 1188  0
             else {
 1191  0
 1193  0
 1194  0
 1196  0
         return result;
     } // end recycle
 // ------------------------------------------------------------------- restore
      * Unmark entry for deletion.
      * Returns copy of restored entry in target parameter.
      * @return 0 if fails
      * @exception ResourceException if data access error occurs
      * @param target Bean to hold copy of record being unmarked
      * @param article Primary key of record to unmark
     public void restore() throws Exception {
 1214  0
         int result = 0;
         try {
 1218  0
             result = StatementUtils.executeUpdate(null,
 1222  0
         catch (SQLException e) {
 1223  0
             throw new ResourceException(e);
 1224  0
 1226  0
 1228  0
     } // end restore
      * Update indicated entry in data storage.
      * Return confirmation message in a ProcessResult object.
      * @param parameters The map or other object to use with this
      * operation
      * @throws ParameterException if article not found in parameters
      * @throws ResourceException if SQLException or other data exception
     public Object restore(Object parameters) throws Exception {
 1242  0
         populate((Map) parameters);
 1243  0
         Object key = getStorageKey();
 1244  0
         if (null==key) {
 1245  0
             throw new ParameterException();
 1248  0
 1249  0
         int resultCode = getResultCode();
 1251  0
         ProcessResult result = new ProcessResultBase(this);
 1252  0
            if (0==resultCode) {
 1253  0
             else {
 1256  0
 1258  0
 1259  0
 1261  0
         return result;
     } // end restore
 } // end StorageBeanBase