Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.resources.impl.JDBCResources
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  * $Id: 354539 2005-12-06 20:40:16Z niallp $
  * $Revision: 354539 $
  * $Date: 2005-12-06 20:40:16 +0000 (Tue, 06 Dec 2005) $
  * ====================================================================
  *  Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  *  limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.resources.impl;
 import java.sql.Connection;
 import java.sql.DriverManager;
 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
 import java.sql.ResultSet;
 import java.sql.SQLException;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
  * <p>Concrete implementation of 
  * {@link org.apache.commons.resources.Resources} that retrieves message
  * key value pairs using JDBC. For this specific implementation, database
  * connection properties and <code>Locale</code> for which the document's
  * messages apply are specified via property files. Resources are looked up in
  * a hierarchy of database values in a manner identical to that 
  * performed by <code>java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle().</code>.
  * </p>
  * <p>The base URL passed to our constructor must contain the base name
  * of a properties file that holds the JDBC datasource configuration.</p>
  * <p>
  * The expected format of the required properties file might look like this:<br>
  * <code><pre>
  * jdbc.connect.driver               =
  * jdbc.connect.url                  = jdbc:mysql://localhost/resources
  * jdbc.connect.login                = resourcesTest
  * jdbc.connect.password             = resourcesTest
  * jdbc.sql.db                       = resources
  * jdbc.sql.table                    = resources
  * jdbc.sql.locale.column            = locale
  * jdbc.sql.key.column               = msgKey
  * jdbc.sql.val.column               = val
  * org.apache.commons.resource.CACHE = true
  * </pre></code>
  * </p>
  * @author James Mitchell
  * @version $Revision: 354539 $ $Date: 2005-12-06 20:40:16 +0000 (Tue, 06 Dec 2005) $
 public class JDBCResources extends CollectionResourcesBase {
      * <p>The <code>Log</code> instance for this class.</p>
 84  0
     private transient Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JDBCResources.class);
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
      * <p>Create a new 
      * {@link org.apache.commons.resources.Resources} instance with the specified
      * logical name and base resource URL.</p>
      * @param name Logical name of the new instance
      * @param base Base URL of the JDBC configuration properties.
     public JDBCResources(String name, String base) {
 97  0
         super(name, base);
 98  0
     // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods
      * <p>Return a <code>Map</code> containing the name-value mappings for
      * the specified base URL and requested <code>Locale</code>, if there
      * are any.  If there are no defined mappings for the specified
      * <code>Locale</code>, return an empty <code>Map</code> instead.</p>
      * <p>Concrete subclasses must override this method to perform the
      * appropriate lookup.  A typical implementation will construct an
      * absolute URL based on the specified base URL and <code>Locale</code>,
      * retrieve the specified resource file (if any), and parse it into
      * a <code>Map</code> structure.</p>
      * <p>Caching of previously retrieved <code>Map</code>s (if any) should
      * be performed by callers of this method.  Therefore, this method should
      * always attempt to retrieve the specified resource and load it
      * appropriately.</p>
      * @param baseUrl Base URL of the resource files for this 
      * {@link org.apache.commons.resources.Resources} instance
      * @param locale <code>Locale</code> for which name-value mappings
      *  are requested
      * @return A name-value Map for the specified URL and locale.
     protected Map getLocaleMap(String baseUrl, Locale locale) {
 129  0
         if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
 130  0
             getLog().debug("Loading database configuration'" + locale + "' resources from base '" +
                     baseUrl + "'");
 134  0
         Properties props = new Properties();
         //getLocaleSuffix(locale) + 
 136  0
         String name = baseUrl + ".properties";
 137  0
         InputStream stream = null;
         try {
             // Open an input stream to the URL for this locale (if any)
 142  0
             if (getLog().isTraceEnabled()) {
 143  0
                 getLog().trace("Absolute URL is '" + name + "'");
 145  0
             URL url = new URL(name);
 146  0
             stream = url.openStream();
             // Parse the input stream and populate the name-value mappings map
 149  0
             if (getLog().isTraceEnabled()) {
 150  0
                 getLog().trace("Parsing input resource");
 152  0
 154  0
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
             // Log and swallow this exception
 157  0
             if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
 158  0
                 getLog().debug("No resources for locale '" + locale +
                           "' from base '" + baseUrl + "'");
 161  0
 163  0
         } catch (IOException e) {
 165  0
             getLog().warn("IOException loading locale '" + locale +
                      "' from base '" + baseUrl + "'", e);
 167  0
         } finally {
             // Close the input stream that was opened earlier
 172  0
             if (stream != null) {
                 try {
 174  0
 175  0
                 } catch (IOException e) {
 176  0
                     getLog().error("Error closing stream.", e);
 177  0
 178  0
                 stream = null;
         // Return the populated (or empty) properties
 184  0
         Properties properties = new Properties();
         try {
 186  0
             properties = loadData(locale, props);
 188  0
         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
 189  0
             getLog().warn("InstantiationException: locale= '" + locale +
                      "' base= '" + baseUrl + "'", e);
 191  0
         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 192  0
             getLog().warn("IllegalAccessException: locale= '" + locale +
                     "' base= '" + baseUrl + "'", e);
 194  0
         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
 195  0
             getLog().warn("Specified Driver not found, make sure it is on " +
                     "the classpath: locale= '" + locale +
                     "' base= '" + baseUrl + "'", e);
 198  0
         } catch (SQLException e) {
 199  0
             getLog().warn("SQLException: locale= '" + locale +
                     "' base= '" + baseUrl + "'", e);
 201  0
 202  0
         return properties;
      * @param locale <code>Locale</code> for which name-value mappings
      *  are requested
      * @param connectionProps The connection properties used to instantiate
      * a JDBC connection.
     private Properties loadData(Locale locale, Properties connectionProps) 
         throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, 
         ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
 218  0
         String driver = connectionProps.getProperty("jdbc.connect.driver");
 219  0
         String url    = connectionProps.getProperty("jdbc.connect.url");
 220  0
         String user = connectionProps.getProperty("jdbc.connect.login");
 221  0
         String pass = connectionProps.getProperty("jdbc.connect.password");
 223  0
         String table = connectionProps.getProperty("jdbc.sql.table");
 224  0
         String localeColumn = connectionProps.getProperty("jdbc.sql.locale.column");
 225  0
         String keyColumn    = connectionProps.getProperty("jdbc.sql.key.column");
 226  0
         String valColumn    = connectionProps.getProperty("jdbc.sql.val.column");
 227  0
         Properties pairs = new Properties();
 229  0
         Connection con = null;
 230  0
         PreparedStatement stmt = null;
 231  0
         ResultSet rs = null;
         try {
 233  0
 234  0
             con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass);
 236  0
             String query = "SELECT " + keyColumn + ", " + valColumn + 
                     " FROM " + table + " where " + localeColumn + "= '" + locale + "'";
 238  0
             stmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
 239  0
             rs = stmt.executeQuery();
 241  0
             while ( {
 242  0
                 pairs.put(rs.getString(keyColumn), rs.getString(valColumn));
 244  0
         } finally {
 245  0
             try {
 246  0
                 if (rs != null) {
 247  0
 249  0
             } catch(Exception e) {
 250  0
                 getLog().warn("Error closing ResultSet: " + e);
 251  0
             try {
 253  0
                 if (stmt != null) {
 254  0
 256  0
             } catch(Exception e) {
 257  0
                 getLog().warn("Error closing Statement: " + e);
 258  0
             try {
 260  0
                 if (con != null) {
 261  0
 263  0
             } catch(Exception e) {
 264  0
                 getLog().warn("Error closing Connection: " + e);
 265  0
 266  0
 268  0
         return pairs;
      * Accessor method for Log instance.
      * The Log instance variable is transient and
      * accessing it through this method ensures it
      * is re-initialized when this instance is
      * de-serialized.
      * @return The Log instance.
     private Log getLog() {
 282  0
         if (log == null) {
 283  0
             log =  LogFactory.getLog(JDBCResources.class);
 285  0
         return log;