Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.messagelet.impl.ServletResponseImpl
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.messagelet.impl;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
 import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
  * Based on the ResponseBase code from Catalina.
  * @author Craig R. McClanahan
  * @author James Strachan
  * @version $Revision: 155459 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 13:24:44 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
 39  0
 public class ServletResponseImpl implements ServletResponse {
     // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
      * The buffer through which all of our output bytes are passed.
 48  0
     protected byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
      * The number of data bytes currently in the buffer.
 54  0
     protected int bufferCount = 0;
      * Has this response been committed yet?
 60  0
     protected boolean committed = false;
      * The actual number of bytes written to this Response.
 66  0
     protected int contentCount = 0;
      * The content length associated with this Response.
 72  0
     protected int contentLength = -1;
      * The content type associated with this Response.
 78  0
     protected String contentType = null;
      * The character encoding associated with this Response.
 84  0
     protected String encoding = null;
      * Are we currently processing inside a RequestDispatcher.include()?
 90  0
     protected boolean included = false;
      * The Locale associated with this Response.
 96  0
     protected Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
      * The output stream associated with this Response.
 102  0
     protected OutputStream output = null;
      * The ServletOutputStream that has been returned by
      * <code>getOutputStream()</code>, if any.
 109  0
     protected ServletOutputStream stream = null;
      * The PrintWriter that has been returned by
      * <code>getWriter()</code>, if any.
 116  0
     protected PrintWriter writer = null;
      * Error flag. True if the response is an error report.
 122  0
     protected boolean error = false;
     // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties
      * Return the number of bytes actually written to the output stream.
     public int getContentCount() {
 134  0
         return (this.contentCount);
      * Return the output stream associated with this Response.
     public OutputStream getStream() {
 146  0
         return (this.output);
      * Set the output stream associated with this Response.
      * @param stream The new output stream
     public void setStream(OutputStream stream) {
 158  0
         this.output = stream;
 160  0
     // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
      * Create and return a ServletOutputStream to write the content
      * associated with this Response.
      * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
     public ServletOutputStream createOutputStream() throws IOException {
         //return (new ResponseStream(this));
 176  0
         return new BufferedServletOutputStream();
      * Perform whatever actions are required to flush and close the output
      * stream or writer, in a single operation.
      * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
     public void finishResponse() throws IOException {
         // If no stream has been requested yet, get one so we can
         // flush the necessary headers
 190  0
         if ( == null) {
 191  0
             ServletOutputStream sos = getOutputStream();
 192  0
 193  0
 194  0
         // If our stream is closed, no action is necessary
         if ( ((ResponseStream) stream).closed() )
         // Flush and close the appropriate output mechanism
 204  0
         if (writer != null) {
 205  0
 206  0
         } else {
 208  0
 209  0
         // The underlying output stream (perhaps from a socket)
         // is not our responsibility
 215  0
      * Return the content length that was set or calculated for this Response.
     public int getContentLength() {
 223  0
         return (this.contentLength);
      * Return the content type that was set or calculated for this response,
      * or <code>null</code> if no content type was set.
     public String getContentType() {
 234  0
         return (this.contentType);
     // -------------------------------------------------------- Package Methods
     // ------------------------------------------------ ServletResponse Methods
      * Flush the buffer and commit this response.
      * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
     public void flushBuffer() throws IOException {
 254  0
         committed = true;
 255  0
         if (bufferCount > 0) {
             try {
 257  0
                 output.write(buffer, 0, bufferCount);
             } finally {
 259  0
                 bufferCount = 0;
 260  0
 263  0
      * Return the actual buffer size used for this Response.
     public int getBufferSize() {
 271  0
         return (buffer.length);
      * Return the character encoding used for this Response.
     public String getCharacterEncoding() {
 281  0
         if (encoding == null)
 282  0
             return ("ISO-8859-1");
 284  0
             return (encoding);
      * Return the servlet output stream associated with this Response.
      * @exception IllegalStateException if <code>getWriter</code> has
      *  already been called for this response
      * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
     public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
 298  0
         if (writer != null) {
 299  0
             throw new IllegalStateException( "getWriter() has already been called" );
 302  0
         if (stream == null)
 303  0
             stream = createOutputStream();
         ((ResponseStream) stream).setCommit(true);
 307  0
         return (stream);
      * Return the Locale assigned to this response.
     public Locale getLocale() {
 317  0
         return (locale);
      * Return the writer associated with this Response.
      * @exception IllegalStateException if <code>getOutputStream</code> has
      *  already been called for this response
      * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
     public PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException {
 331  0
         if (writer != null)
 332  0
             return (writer);
 334  0
         if (stream != null) {
 335  0
             throw new IllegalStateException( "getOutputStream() has already been called" );
 338  0
         stream = createOutputStream();
         // a slight hack which slightly breaks the Servlet contract...
         // see commented out section below for what it should be...
 342  0
         writer =  new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(stream, getCharacterEncoding()) );
 343  0
         return writer;
         ((ResponseStream) stream).setCommit(false);
         OutputStreamWriter osr =
           new OutputStreamWriter(stream, getCharacterEncoding());
         writer = new ResponseWriter(osr, (ResponseStream) stream);
         return (writer);
      * Has the output of this response already been committed?
     public boolean isCommitted() {
 360  0
         return (committed);
      * Clear any content written to the buffer.
      * @exception IllegalStateException if this response has already
      *  been committed
     public void reset() {
 373  0
         if (committed) {
 374  0
             throw new IllegalStateException( "response has already been committed" );
 377  0
         if (included)
 378  0
             return;     // Ignore any call from an included servlet
         if (stream != null)
             ((ResponseStream) stream).reset();
 384  0
         bufferCount = 0;
 385  0
         contentLength = -1;
 386  0
         contentType = null;
 388  0
      * Reset the data buffer but not any status or header information.
      * @exception IllegalStateException if the response has already
      *  been committed
     public void resetBuffer() {
 399  0
         if (committed) {
 400  0
             throw new IllegalStateException( "response has already been committed" );
 403  0
         bufferCount = 0;
 405  0
      * Set the buffer size to be used for this Response.
      * @param size The new buffer size
      * @exception IllegalStateException if this method is called after
      *  output has been committed for this response
     public void setBufferSize(int size) {
 418  0
         if (committed || (bufferCount > 0)) {
 419  0
             throw new IllegalStateException( "Output has already been committed" );
 422  0
         if (buffer.length >= size)
 423  0
 424  0
         buffer = new byte[size];
 426  0
      * Set the content length (in bytes) for this Response.
      * @param length The new content length
     public void setContentLength(int length) {
 436  0
         if (isCommitted())
 437  0
 439  0
         if (included)
 440  0
             return;     // Ignore any call from an included servlet
 442  0
         this.contentLength = length;
 444  0
      * Set the content type for this Response.
      * @param type The new content type
     public void setContentType(String type) {
 454  0
         if (isCommitted())
 455  0
 457  0
         if (included)
 458  0
             return;     // Ignore any call from an included servlet
 460  0
         this.contentType = type;
         if (type.indexOf(';') >= 0) {
             encoding = RequestUtil.parseCharacterEncoding(type);
             if (encoding == null)
                 encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
 468  0
      * Set the Locale that is appropriate for this response, including
      * setting the appropriate character encoding.
      * @param locale The new locale
     public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
 479  0
         if (isCommitted())
 480  0
 482  0
         if (included)
 483  0
             return;     // Ignore any call from an included servlet
 485  0
         this.locale = locale;
         if ((this.encoding == null) && (this.context != null)) {
             CharsetMapper mapper = context.getCharsetMapper();
             this.encoding = mapper.getCharset(locale);
 492  0