Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.latka.XMLReporter
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 1999-2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.latka;
 // java imports
 // latka imports
 import org.apache.commons.latka.event.LatkaEventListener;
 import org.apache.commons.latka.event.ReportMessageEvent;
 import org.apache.commons.latka.event.RequestErrorEvent;
 import org.apache.commons.latka.event.RequestEvent;
 import org.apache.commons.latka.event.RequestFailedEvent;
 import org.apache.commons.latka.event.SuiteEvent;
 import org.apache.commons.latka.http.Request;
 // dom4j imports
 import org.dom4j.Document;
 import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory;
 import org.dom4j.Element;
  * This LatkaEventListener will generate an XML report
  * of all tests run during an Latka XML suite.  XMLReporter
  * instances are NOT reusable for multiple invocations
  * of the {@link 
  * org.apache.commons.latka.Latka#runTests(org.apache.commons.latka.Suite,
  * org.apache.commons.latka.event.LatkaEventInfo) 
  * Latka#runTests(Suite, LatkaEventInfo)} method.
  * @author Morgan Delagrange
  * @author dIon Gillard
  * @version $Id: 155424 2005-02-26 13:09:29Z dirkv $
 public class XMLReporter extends AbstractReporter implements LatkaEventListener {
     /** dom4j document produced as output */
 53  0
     protected Document _doc         = null;
     /** top level element of dom4j document, a <report> element*/
 55  0
     protected Element  _rootElement = null;
     /** used for output as tests run */                   
 57  0
     protected PrintWriter _printWriter = new PrintWriter(System.out);
 59  0
     protected boolean _didSuiteSucceed = true;
 61  0
     protected DocumentFactory _factory = new DocumentFactory();
      * Create an XML Reporter, initialising document property, as a new empty
      * report with an unsuccessful suite
 67  0
     public XMLReporter() {
 68  0
         _rootElement = _factory.createElement("report");
         //defaults to false, until a SuiteSuccess event occurs
 70  0
         _doc = _factory.createDocument(_rootElement);
 71  0
         _rootElement.addAttribute("suiteSuccess", "false");
 72  0
      * Returns the XML Document produced by this listener
      * @return dom4j representation of the test report
     public Document getDocument() {
 80  0
         return _doc;
      * Returns the test report converted from dom4j to a
      * text string.
      * @return the test report as an XML string
      * @throws IOException if the XML formatter cannot convert the dom4j object
      *                     to text
     public String getDocumentAsString() throws IOException {
         // get the xml string from the listener
 93  0
         StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
 94  0
         XMLWriter outputter = new XMLWriter(writer, new OutputFormat("  ", true));
 96  0
 98  0
         String xmlDocument = writer.toString();
 100  0
         return xmlDocument;
      * @see AbstractReporter#requestError(RequestEvent) 
      * @param event the event detailing the request in error
     public void requestError(RequestEvent event) {
 108  0
         _didSuiteSucceed = false;
 110  0
 111  0
 113  0
         RequestErrorEvent errorEvent = (RequestErrorEvent) event;
         // <root><request><requestError><label>errortext</label>
         // </requestError></request></root>
 116  0
         Element label = _factory.createElement("label")
 118  0
         Element requestError = _factory.createElement("requestError");
 119  0
 121  0
         Element requestElement = createRequestElement(event);
 122  0
 123  0
 125  0
      * @see AbstractReporter#requestSucceeded(RequestEvent)
      * @param event the event detailing the request that succeeded
     public void requestSucceeded(RequestEvent event) {
 133  0
 134  0
 136  0
         Element requestElement = createRequestElement(event);
 137  0
 138  0
 139  0
      * @see AbstractReporter#requestFailed(RequestEvent)
      * @param event the event detailing the request that failed
     public void requestFailed(RequestEvent event) {
 146  0
         _didSuiteSucceed = false;
 148  0
 149  0
 151  0
         RequestFailedEvent failedEvent = (RequestFailedEvent) event;
         // <root><request><requestFailure responseId="xxx"><label>XXX</label>
         // </requestFailure></request></root>
 155  0
         Element label = _factory.createElement("label")
 159  0
         Element requestFailure = _factory.createElement("requestFailure")
 163  0
 165  0
         Element requestElement = createRequestElement(event);
 166  0
 167  0
 168  0
      * @see AbstractReporter#requestSkipped(RequestEvent)
      * @param event the event detailing the request that was skipped
     public void requestSkipped(RequestEvent event) {
 175  0
         _didSuiteSucceed = false;
 177  0
 178  0
 180  0
         Request request = event.getRequest();
         // <root><request><requestSkipped/></request></root>
 182  0
         Element requestElement = createRequestElement(event);
 183  0
 184  0
 186  0
      * Add the {@link ReportMessageEvent#getMessage() message} of the provided
      * event to the XML document as a &lt;reportMessage&gt; element with text
      * @param event a {@link ReportMessageEvent}
     public void reportMessage(ReportMessageEvent event) {
 195  0
         Element messageElement = _factory.createElement("reportMessage")
           .addAttribute("message", event.getMessage());
 197  0
 198  0
      * @see AbstractReporter#suiteCompleted(SuiteEvent)
      * @param event the event detailing the completing Suite
     public void suiteCompleted(SuiteEvent event) {
 205  0
 207  0
      * Utility method that converts a RequestEvent object to its
      * corresponding element in the dom4j object.
      * @param event the request event sent to the listener
      * @return the dom4j Element equivalent
     protected Element createRequestElement(RequestEvent event) {
         // the request object
 218  0
         Request request = event.getRequest();
 220  0
         Element requestElement = _factory.createElement("request")
             .addAttribute("url", request.getURL().toString());
 225  0
         String label = request.getLabel();
 226  0
         if (label != null) {
 227  0
             requestElement.addAttribute("label", label);
 230  0
         return requestElement;
      * During the execution, any diagnostic ouput will be sent
      * to the stream designated here.  If no PrintWriter
      * is set, output will be sent to standard out.
      * @param writer PrintWriter that will receive output generated during
      *               the test
     public void setPrintWriter(PrintWriter writer) {
 242  0
         _printWriter = writer;
 243  0