Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.jjar.Version
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  * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.jjar;
  *  simple class to handle JJAR version information
  *  should be of format 
  *     <major>.<minor>-<modifier>
  *  @author <a href="">Geir Magnusson Jr.</a>
  *  @version $Id: 155454 2005-02-26 13:23:34Z dirkv $
 public class Version
 30  0
         private static String VER_SEP = ".";
 31  0
         private static String MOD_SEP = "-";
 33  0
         private boolean proper = false;
         private String version;
 35  0
         private int major = -1;
 36  0
         private int minor = -1;
 37  0
         private String modifier = "";
         public Version( String version )
 40  0
 41  0
                 this.version = version;
 42  0
 43  0
         public boolean isProper()
 47  0
         return proper;
     public String toString()
 52  0
         return version;
     public int getMajor()
 57  0
         return this.major;
     public int getMinor()
 62  0
         return this.minor;
     public String getModifier()
 67  0
         return this.modifier;
     public boolean equals( String version )
 72  0
         Version v = new Version( version );
 74  0
         return equals( v );
     public boolean equals( Version v )
 79  0
         return (v.getMajor() == major  && v.getMinor() == minor && v.getModifier().equals( modifier));
         private void parse()
                  *  first, look for the separators
 88  0
                 int wherever = version.indexOf( VER_SEP );
 89  0
                 int wheremod = version.indexOf( MOD_SEP );
                  *  we must have the VER_SEP or it's not 
                  *  properly formatted
 96  0
                 if (wherever != -1 )
                          *  major : get the 'left' of VER_SEP
 102  0
                         String maj = version.substring( 0,wherever);
 106  0
                                 major = Integer.parseInt( maj );
 107  0
                                 proper = true;
 109  0
                         catch( Exception e )
 110  0
              *  minor :
 116  0
                         String min = version.substring( wherever + 1, 
                                                                                         (wheremod == -1 ? version.length() :  wheremod ) );
 121  0
                                 minor = Integer.parseInt( min );
 122  0
                                 proper = true;
 124  0
                         catch( Exception e )
 125  0
 128  0
         if ( wheremod != -1 )
              *  now the modifier
 134  0
             modifier = version.substring( wheremod + 1 );
 137  0
     public static void main( String args[])
 141  0
         Version jv = new Version( "1.1");
 142  0
         System.out.println( jv.getMajor() + " : " + jv.getMinor() + " : " + jv.getModifier());
 144  0
         jv = new Version( "2.1-rc1");
 145  0
         System.out.println( jv.getMajor() + " : " + jv.getMinor() + " : " + jv.getModifier());
 146  0