Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.jjar.RepositoryXML
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.jjar;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Stack;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import org.xml.sax.*;
  *  Repository implementation that supports XML repository
  *  definitions.  Uses a great small little lightweight SAX
  *  parser - but it's not clear what it doesn't support, so
  *  be careful
  *  @author <a href="">Geir Magnusson Jr.</a>
  *  @version $Id: 155454 2005-02-26 13:23:34Z dirkv $
 50  0
 public class RepositoryXML extends MinML2 implements Repository
         /** list of packages */
 53  0
     private HashMap packageMap = new HashMap();
 54  0
         int packageCount = 0;
         /** handles package dependency generation */
 57  0
         private static DependencyEngine de = new DependencyEngine();
         /** root of our document tree */
 60  0
     private Node root = null;
         /** stack used for SAX parsing */
 63  0
     private Stack  stack = new Stack();
         /** user for SAX parsing to avoid character events */
 66  0
     private StringWriter saxWriter = null;
     /** string constants for use in data structure */
 69  0
         private static String PACKAGENAME = "packagename";
 70  0
         private static String DEFAULTVERSION = "defaultversion";
 71  0
         private static String NODE = "node";
 72  0
         private static String DESCRIPTION = "description";
 73  0
         private static String HREF = "href";
 74  0
         private static String VERSION = "version";  
 75  0
     private static String VERSION_INFO = "version_info";
 76  0
     private static String VERSION_JAR = "version_jar";
 77  0
     private static String DEP_PACKAGE = "dep_package";
 78  0
     private static String DEP_VERSION = "dep_version";
 79  0
     private static String VERSION_DEPS = "version_deps";
 80  0
     private static String VERSION_ARRAY = "version_array";
          *  loads the object with the XML data from the
          *  passed in URL.  Invokes the SAX parser.
          *  @param url location of the repository.xml
     public void load( URL url )
 90  0
         load( url, packageMap );
 91  0
     public void load( URL url, Map pkgMap )
 97  0
             URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
 98  0
             InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
 100  0
             parse(new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream( is)));
 101  0
             process( pkgMap );
 103  0
         catch ( IOException e) 
 105  0
             System.out.println("IOException: " + e);
 106  0
 108  0
         catch ( SAXException e) 
 110  0
             System.out.println("SAXException: " + e);
 111  0
 113  0
         catch ( Throwable e) 
 115  0
             System.out.println("Other Exception: " + e);
 116  0
 117  0
 118  0
          *  returns a list of dependencies for
          *  a given package.  The list contains
          *  Maps, with 'package' and 'version'
          *  as the keys for the necessary info.
          *  @param pkg package to get dep list for
          *  @return List of Maps
         public List getDependencyList( String pkg, String version )
 131  0
         if( isPackage( pkg ))
 132  0
             return de.getDependencies( pkg + ":" + version );
 134  0
         return new ArrayList();
      *  returns an iterator over the
      *   list of package names
     public Iterator getPackageListIter()
 143  0
         return  packageMap.keySet().iterator();
      *  returns the number of packages known to
      *  the repository
     public int getPackageCount()
 152  0
         return packageMap.size();
      *  returns the default version of the package to the caller
     public String getPackageDefaultVersion( String pkg )
 160  0
         if (isPackage( pkg ) )
 162  0
             HashMap hpack = (HashMap) packageMap.get( pkg );
 163  0
             return (String) hpack.get( DEFAULTVERSION);
 166  0
         return null;
      *  returns the info/desc string to the caller
     public String getPackageDescription( String pkg )
 174  0
         if (isPackage( pkg ) )
 176  0
             HashMap hpack = (HashMap) packageMap.get( pkg );
 177  0
             return (String) hpack.get( DESCRIPTION);
 180  0
         return "";
      *  returns the 'fetch' target (jarname) for the 
      *  given package : version
     public String getFetchTarget( String pkg, String version )
          *  first see if we know about this package.
 194  0
         if (!isPackage( pkg ))
 195  0
             return null;
          * next, get the package info and see if we have this version
 201  0
         Map hp = (HashMap) packageMap.get( pkg );
 202  0
         Iterator i =((ArrayList) hp.get( VERSION_ARRAY )).iterator();        
 204  0
         while( i.hasNext() )
 206  0
             HashMap vi = (HashMap);
 207  0
             String ver = (String) vi.get( VERSION );
 209  0
             if (ver != null)
 211  0
                 if (version.equals( ver ) )
 213  0
                     String out = (String) vi.get(VERSION_JAR);
 214  0
                     return out;
 217  0
 219  0
         return null;
      *  determines if something is a known package
     public boolean isPackage( String pkg )
 227  0
                 Object o = packageMap.get( pkg );
 229  0
                 if( o != null)
 230  0
                         return true;
 232  0
                 return false;
      *  returns a given property 
      *  not implemented
     public String getProp( String s )
 241  0
         return s;
      *  returns a list of the know versions available
      *  for this package
     public List getPackageVersionList( String pkg )
 250  0
         if(!isPackage( pkg ))
 251  0
            return null;
 253  0
         Map hp = (HashMap) packageMap.get( pkg );
 255  0
         ArrayList verlist = new ArrayList();
 257  0
         Iterator i =((ArrayList) hp.get( VERSION_ARRAY )).iterator();
 259  0
         while( i.hasNext() )
 261  0
             verlist.add( ( (HashMap) ).get( VERSION ) );
 264  0
         return verlist;
     private List makeList( String thing )
 269  0
         StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( thing, ", ");
 271  0
         List list = new ArrayList();
 273  0
         while(st.hasMoreTokens() )
 275  0
             list.add( st.nextToken().trim() );
 278  0
         return list;
          *  takes the intermediary form of input data, and loads the
          *  internal data structures for use later.  This needs to be
          *  called right after parsing, and before use.
     private void process( Map pkgMap )
          *  need to build a package list.  Get the package groups.
 292  0
                 List packagegroup = getDocNodeList( root, "packagegroup");
 294  0
         if (packagegroup == null)
 295  0
             System.out.println("Packagegroup == null");
         //System.out.println("packagegroup has " + packagegroup.size() + "elements");
 299  0
         Iterator i = packagegroup.iterator();
 301  0
         while( i.hasNext() )
 303  0
             Node pkggrp = (Node);
             //System.out.println("Processing packagegroup : " + pkggrp.getAttribute("name") );
 307  0
                         List packages = getDocNodeList( pkggrp, "package");
                          * for each package...
 313  0
                         Iterator ii = packages.iterator();
 315  0
                         while( ii.hasNext() )
 317  0
                                 processPackageNode( (Node), pkgMap );
 319  0
 320  0
         private void processPackageNode( Node pkg, Map pkgMap )
 324  0
                 HashMap pkginfo = new HashMap();
                  *  start with the basics
 330  0
                 pkginfo.put( PACKAGENAME, pkg.getAttribute("name") );
 331  0
                 pkginfo.put( DEFAULTVERSION, pkg.getAttribute("default"));
 332  0
                 pkginfo.put( NODE, pkg );
          *  does this have a definition here or remote?
 338  0
         Node def = getDocNode( pkg, "definition");
 340  0
         if (def != null)
              * now get the information node
 346  0
             Node info = getDocNode( def, "info/desc");
 348  0
             if( info != null)
 349  0
                 pkginfo.put( DESCRIPTION, info.getValue());
 351  0
             info = getDocNode( def, "info/href");
 353  0
             if( info != null)
 354  0
                 pkginfo.put( HREF, info.getValue());
              *  process version info
 360  0
             List  versionlist = getDocNodeList( def, "versionset/version");
 361  0
             ArrayList versionArray = new ArrayList();
 363  0
             Iterator v = versionlist.iterator();
 365  0
             while( v.hasNext() )
 367  0
                 Node n = (Node);
 369  0
                 HashMap vi = new HashMap();
 371  0
                 vi.put( VERSION, n.getAttribute("version") );
 373  0
                 Node nn = getDocNode( n, "note");
 374  0
                 vi.put( VERSION_INFO, nn.getValue() );
 376  0
                 nn = getDocNode( n, "jar");
 377  0
                 vi.put( VERSION_JAR, nn.getValue() );
                 /*  the dependencies */
 381  0
                 ArrayList deplist = new ArrayList();
 383  0
                 List deps = getDocNodeList( n, "dependencies/dep");
 385  0
                 if (deps != null)
 387  0
                     Iterator ii = deps.iterator();
 389  0
                     while( ii.hasNext() )
 391  0
                         HashMap h = new HashMap();
 392  0
                         Node ndep = (Node);
 394  0
                         h.put( DEP_PACKAGE, ndep.getAttribute("package") );
 395  0
                         h.put( DEP_VERSION, ndep.getAttribute("version") );
 397  0
                         deplist.add( h );
 398  0
 400  0
                     vi.put( VERSION_DEPS, deplist );
 403  0
                 versionArray.add( vi );
                  *  add the package:version to the dependency engine
 409  0
                 String token = pkginfo.get( PACKAGENAME ) + ":" +  (String) vi.get( VERSION );
                 // System.out.println("Adding " + token + " to dependency engine.");
 413  0
                 ArrayList depar = new ArrayList();
 415  0
                 Iterator depiter = deplist.iterator();
 417  0
                 while( depiter.hasNext() )
 419  0
                     HashMap h = (HashMap);
 421  0
                     String deptoken = (String) h.get(DEP_PACKAGE) + ":" +  (String) h.get(DEP_VERSION);
 422  0
                     depar.add( deptoken );
 423  0
 427  0
                     de.addProject( token, depar, token );
 429  0
                 catch( Exception e )
 430  0
 432  0
 434  0
             pkginfo.put( VERSION_ARRAY, versionArray );
              *  add the info to the packageMap
 440  0
             pkgMap.put( pkginfo.get( PACKAGENAME ), pkginfo );
             //                dumpPackageInfo( pkginfo );
 443  0
              * is this a remote repository? 
 450  0
             Node remote = getDocNode( pkg, "remotedefinition");
 452  0
             if (remote != null)
 454  0
                 System.out.println( "Note package '" + ( (String) pkginfo.get( PACKAGENAME ) ) 
                                     + "' defining repository is remote, coming from " + remote.getValue() );
                  *  now recursively get the info
 463  0
                     RepositoryXML rep = new RepositoryXML();
 464  0
                     rep.load( new URL( remote.getValue() ), pkgMap );
 466  0
                 catch( Exception ee )
 467  0
 471  0
                 System.out.println("Malformed repository : neither <definition> or <remotedefinition>");
 476  0
      *  simple dumper for debugging
     private void dumpPackageInfo( Map h )
 483  0
                 System.out.println("Package : " + h.get( PACKAGENAME ) );
 484  0
                 System.out.println("  default version : " + h.get(DEFAULTVERSION ));
 485  0
                 System.out.println("     description  : " + h.get(DESCRIPTION ));
 486  0
                 System.out.println("             href : " + h.get(HREF ));
 488  0
         System.out.println("      version info -> " );
 490  0
         ArrayList vl = (ArrayList) h.get( VERSION_ARRAY );
 491  0
         Iterator i = vl.iterator();
 493  0
         while( i.hasNext() )
 495  0
             HashMap vi = (HashMap);
 497  0
             System.out.println("      ver : " + vi.get( VERSION ) );
 498  0
             System.out.println("     info : " + vi.get( VERSION_INFO ) );
 499  0
             System.out.println("      jar : " + vi.get( VERSION_JAR ) );
 500  0
 501  0
      *  Returns a given node from the document tree.
      *  if a multivalued node, will return the first
      *  @param root  node to start seaching on
      *  @param path node path, a la "foo/bar/woogie"
      *  @return node or null
         private Node getDocNode( Node root, String path )
 514  0
                 List ar = getDocNodeList(root, path );
 516  0
                 if (ar == null || ar.size() == 0)
 517  0
                         return null;
 519  0
                 return (Node) ar.get(0);
      *  returns the node list for a given path relative to the
      *  passed in node
      *  @param root node to start from
      *  @param path note path
      *  @return List of nodes that match
         private List getDocNodeList( Node root, String path)
 532  0
                 StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( path, "/");
 534  0
                 Node n = root;
 535  0
                 ArrayList ar = null;
 537  0
                 while( st.hasMoreTokens() )
 539  0
                         String token = st.nextToken();
 541  0
                         ar = n.getChildren(token);
 543  0
                         if (ar == null || ar.size() == 0)
 544  0
                                 return null;
 546  0
                         n = (Node) ar.get(0);
 547  0
 549  0
                 return ar;
      *  start element event handler for SAX.  
     public Writer startElement( String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts,  Writer writer)
         throws SAXException
          *  get the top element on the list
 562  0
                 Node parent = null;
 563  0
                 Node element = new Node( qName );
 565  0
         if( root == null)
 567  0
             root = element;
              * get parent node
 577  0
                 parent = (Node) stack.peek();
 579  0
             catch(Exception e)
 580  0
          *  everything is a list
 587  0
         if (parent != null)
 589  0
                         parent.addChildNode( element);
          *  now add our attributes
 596  0
         for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++)
 598  0
             element.setAttribute( atts.getQName(i), atts.getValue(i) );
          *  now put this element on the stack for later
 605  0
 607  0
         saxWriter = new StringWriter();
 608  0
         return saxWriter;
      *  end element event handler for SAX parsing
     public void endElement( String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName)
         throws SAXException
 620  0
             Node element = (Node) stack.pop();
 622  0
             String s = saxWriter.toString();
 624  0
             if ( s.length() > 0)
 625  0
                 element.setValue( s );
 627  0
         catch( Exception e )
 629  0
             System.out.println("endElement : " + e );
 630  0
 631  0
     public void fatalError (SAXParseException e) 
       throws SAXException 
 636  0
         System.out.println("RepositoryXML.fatalError(): " + e);
 637  0
         throw e;
      *  used for debugging
     public static void main ( String[] args) 
 645  0
       RepositoryXML rep = new RepositoryXML();
 649  0
           rep.load( new URL("file://" + args[0] ));
 651  0
       catch( Exception e )
 652  0
           { System.out.println(e );}
 655  0
       List al = rep.getDependencyList( "ant", "1.3");
 657  0
       Iterator i = al.iterator();
 659  0
       System.out.println("dep for ant 1.3 ");
 661  0
       while( i.hasNext() )
 663  0
           System.out.println("  " + (String) );
 666  0
      *  meethod for debugging parsing
     private static  void show( String indent,  Map map )
 672  0
 674  0
         Iterator i = map.keySet().iterator();
 676  0
         while(i.hasNext() )
 678  0
             String s = (String);
 679  0
             Object o = map.get( s );
 680  0
             System.out.print( indent + "<" + s + ">");
 682  0
             if ( o instanceof Map )
 684  0
                 show( indent + "  ", (Map) o);
 686  0
             else if ( o instanceof List )
 688  0
                 Iterator j = ((List) o).iterator();
 690  0
                 while( j.hasNext() )
 692  0
                     Object oo =;
 694  0
                     if (oo instanceof Map)
 695  0
                         show( indent + "  ", (Map) oo);
 697  0
                         System.out.println("woo!" + oo.getClass());
 698  0
 699  0
 702  0
                 System.out.println( map.get( s ));
 705  0
 706  0
          *  small class to hold our node information for
          *  XML processing
 712  0
         class Node 
 714  0
                 String name = null;
 715  0
                 String value = "";
 717  0
                 HashMap attributes = new HashMap();
 718  0
                 HashMap children = new HashMap();
                 Node( String name )
 721  0
 722  0
                = name;
 723  0
                 void setValue( String val )
 727  0
                         value = val;
 728  0
                 String getValue()
 732  0
                         return value;
                 void setAttribute( String key, String val )
 737  0
                         attributes.put( key, val );
 738  0
                 String getAttribute( String key )
 742  0
                         return (String) attributes.get( key );
                 void addChildNode( Node node )
 747  0
                         ArrayList ar = (ArrayList) children.get( );
 749  0
                         if (ar == null)
 750  0
                                 ar = new ArrayList();
 752  0
                         ar.add( node );
 754  0
                         children.put(, ar );
 755  0
                 ArrayList getChildren( String name )
 759  0
                         return (ArrayList) children.get( name );