Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.jjar.DependencyEngine
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  * Copyright 2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.jjar;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.lang.Thread;
  *  <p>
  *  Simple class to figure out ordered dependency lists.  Basic
  *  idea is that you load it with datum consisting of a set 
  *  consisting of  a package name and list of packages that 
  *  it's dependent upon.
  *  </p>
  *  <p>
  *  Then, you should be able to ask for the dependencies for any
  *  package placed in there.
  *  </p>
  *  <p> will detect loops at 'runtime', not loadtime.  Just punts
  *  when that happens
  *  </p>
  *  <p>
  *  This thing isn't close to threadsafe :)
  *  </p>
  *  @author <a href="">Geir Magnusson Jr.</a>
  *  @version $Id: 155454 2005-02-26 13:23:34Z dirkv $ 
 public class DependencyEngine
 51  0
     private HashMap projects = new HashMap();
 52  0
     private ArrayList buildList = null;
      *  this is a real sucky solution to something I don't want to 
      *  think about right now...  we use this to ensure that
      *  the information in our graph is fresh
 59  0
     private long currentTimestamp = -1;
      *  CTOR 
     public DependencyEngine()
 65  0
 66  0
      * Reset the dependency engine, clear all entries
      * and start from scratch.
     public void reset()
 74  0
         projects = new HashMap();
 75  0
      *  returns a list of dependencies for a given package
      *  with the target being excluded from the list.
      *  @param pkg package to get dependency list for
      *  @return List list of dependencies, in order
     public List getDependencies( String pkg )
 86  0
         return getDependencies(pkg, true);
      *  returns a list of dependencies for a given package
      *  allowing the exclusion/inclusion of the target package.
      *  @param pkg package to get dependency list for
      *  @param excludeTarget boolean to control exclusion of target package
      *  @return List list of dependencies, in order
     public List getDependencies( String pkg, boolean excludeTarget )
 99  0
         buildList = new ArrayList();
              *  if we are called in the same millisecond as our 
              *  last trip through, sleep as the sucky 'fresh graph'
              *  solution depends on this, and this would be quite
              *  an interesting time-dependent thing to debug :)
 109  0
             if (System.currentTimeMillis() == currentTimestamp)
 111  0
              *  set the current time so we can see if our graph node
              *  state is for this trip, or a previous trip.
 118  0
             currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
              *  now, just do it
 123  0
             doIt( pkg );
 125  0
         catch( Exception e )
 127  0
             System.out.println("DE.getDependencies() : " + pkg + " : "  + e);
 128  0
         // The the multi project dep list this code is lopping
         // off the package stated as the target. Need a flag to
         // indicated whether you want the target included or
         // or. For a multi-project build like maven you need
         // the target because you actually want to build the
         // target. For the JJAR task you don't want the target
         // because you're just downloading JARs.
 137  0
         if( excludeTarget && buildList.size() > 0)
 139  0
             buildList.remove( buildList.size() - 1 );
 142  0
         return buildList;
      *  Generates a dependency list for a set of packages.
      *  @param packages List of strings, each string is a package name
      *  @return list of dependencies, in order
     public List getDependencies(List packages)
 153  0
         return getDependencies(packages, true);
      *  Generates a dependency list for a set of packages
      *  where there is the option to exclude/include the
      *  target packages.
      *  @param packages List of strings, each string is a package name
      *  @param excludeTarget boolean to exclude target
      *  @return List list of dependencies, in order
     public List getDependencies( List packages, boolean excludeTarget )
 167  0
         HashMap h = new HashMap();
 168  0
         ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
          *  for each package, get the dependency list
          *  and drop them into the list if it's not already 
          *  in there
 176  0
         for( Iterator i = packages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 178  0
             String pkg = (String);
 180  0
             List deps = getDependencies( pkg, excludeTarget );
 182  0
             for (Iterator ii = deps.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
 184  0
                 String dep = (String);
 186  0
                 if ( h.get( dep ) == null)
 188  0
                     h.put(dep, dep);
 189  0
 191  0
 192  0
 194  0
         return l;
      *  from previous use - generates a dependency list
      *  spanning the entire tree.  Returns a list
      *  of names.
     public List generateNamelist()
         throws Exception
          *  get the project list
 210  0
         buildList = new ArrayList();
 212  0
         Iterator i = projects.keySet().iterator();
 214  0
 216  0
             String s = (String);
              *  make them by name
 222  0
             doIt( s );
 223  0
 225  0
         return buildList;
      *  from previous use - generates a dependency list
      *  spanning the entire tree.  Returns a list
      *  of cookies.
     public List generateCookielist()
         throws Exception
          *  get the project list
 240  0
         List list = generateNamelist();
 241  0
         ArrayList cookies = new ArrayList();
 243  0
         Iterator i = list.iterator();
 245  0
 247  0
             String s = (String);
 248  0
             Node n = (Node) projects.get( s );
 250  0
             cookies.add( n.getCookie() );
 251  0
 253  0
         return cookies;
      *  The recursive worker...
     void doIt( String current )
         throws Exception
 262  0
         Node project = (Node) projects.get(current);
 264  0
         if (project == null)
              *  we may have a dependency that isn't a project.  
              *  so what... (This shouldn't happen)
 271  0
             buildList.add( current );
 272  0
          *  get the timestamp and compare.  If not the same, reset
 279  0
         if ( project.getTimestamp() != currentTimestamp)
 281  0
             project.setStatus( Node.ZILCH );
 284  0
         project.setTimestamp( currentTimestamp );
          *  check status of this one
 290  0
         int status = project.getStatus();
 292  0
         if ( status == Node.WORKING )
 294  0
            throw new Exception("Detected loop while trying to build " + current);
 296  0
         else if ( status == Node.ZILCH )
              *   not working - so mark as working and start on the dependencies
 301  0
             project.setStatus( Node.WORKING );
              *  do we have any dependencies?
 306  0
             Iterator deps =  project.getDeps();
              *  if so, work on each
 312  0
             while( deps.hasNext() )
 314  0
                 String dep = (String);
 315  0
                 Node depnode = (Node) projects.get( dep );
 317  0
                 if (depnode == null)
                      *  we don't have this as a project, so 
                      *  let the client try to build it...
                     // System.out.println("Adding non-project dep  build list : " + current );
 326  0
                     buildList.add( dep );
 327  0
                  *  get the timestamp and compare.  If not the same, reset
 334  0
                 if ( depnode.getTimestamp() != currentTimestamp)
 336  0
                     depnode.setStatus( Node.ZILCH );
 339  0
                 depnode.setTimestamp( currentTimestamp );
                  * now, look at the status of this dependency
 345  0
                 int depstatus = depnode.getStatus();
 347  0
                 if ( depstatus == Node.WORKING )
                      *  gaak. loop!
 352  0
                     throw new Exception("LOOP : checking dep " + dep + " for current = " + current );
 354  0
                 else if (  depstatus == Node.ZILCH )
                     //                    System.out.println(" trying to build " + current + " : need to build dep " + dep );
                      *  recurse
 362  0
                     doIt( dep );
 364  0
                 else if(  depstatus == Node.DONE ) 
                     // can skip
 368  0
              *  if all clear, can build and mark as done.  We don't care
              *  if the client couldn't do it for now.  That may change.
              *  the client can tell
             //System.out.println("Adding to build list : " + current );
 378  0
             buildList.add( current );
 379  0
             project.setStatus( Node.DONE );
 381  0
          *   node is done
 388  0
     public void addProject(String project, List dependencies)
         throws Exception
 394  0
         addProject(project, dependencies, project);
 395  0
      *  Adds a project and it's associated dependencies.  The dependencies
      *  currently do not have to be projects themselves.
      *  @param project  Name of project to add
      *  @param dependencies  java.util.List of project dependencies
      *  @throws Exception in the even that it already has the project in the list
     public void addProject( String project, List dependencies, Object cookie )
         throws Exception
          *  first, see if we have it
 411  0
         Node n = (Node) projects.get( project );
 413  0
         if (n != null)
             //System.out.println(" addProject() : rejecting duplicate : " + project );
 416  0
             throw new Exception("already have it...");
         // System.out.println(" addProject() : adding project : " + project );
          *  make a new one and add the dependencies
 424  0
         n = new Node( project, cookie );
 426  0
         Iterator i = dependencies.iterator();
 428  0
         while( i.hasNext() )
 430  0
             String dep = (String);
 432  0
             if ( dep.equals( project ) )
                 // System.out.println(" addProject() : rejecting self- dependency : " + project );
                 // System.out.println(" addProject() :  adding dependency : " + dep + " for project : "  + project );
 439  0
                 n.addDep(  dep  );
 441  0
          * add to the pile
 447  0
         projects.put( project, n );
 449  0
 class Node
 455  0
     public static  int ZILCH = 0;
 456  0
     public static  int WORKING = 1;
 457  0
     public static  int DONE = 2;
 459  0
     private int status = ZILCH;
 460  0
     private ArrayList deps = new ArrayList();
 461  0
     private String name = "";
 462  0
     private Object cookie = null;
 463  0
     private long timestamp = 0;
     public Node( String name, Object cookie)
 466  0
 467  0 = name;
 468  0
         this.cookie = cookie;
 469  0
     public Object getCookie()
 473  0
         return cookie;
     public void addDep( String dep )
 478  0
         deps.add( dep );
 479  0
     public Iterator getDeps()
 483  0
         return deps.iterator();
     public void setStatus( int i )
 488  0
         status = i;
 489  0
     public int getStatus()
 493  0
         return status;
     public long getTimestamp()
 498  0
         return timestamp;
     public void setTimestamp( long t)
 503  0
         timestamp = t;
 504  0