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  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.Enumeration;
 import java.util.Hashtable;
  * By default does NOT handle cookies.  This is a simple extension
  * that allows us to persist cookies in the VM during runtime.
  * FIXME: How can we make sure to delete older sites...?!  no need for this to
  * grow to infinite size.
  * @author <a href="">Kevin A. Burton</a>
 32  0
 public class URLCookieManager {
 34  0
     static Hashtable cookies = new Hashtable();
      * Get the cookies for a site.  When none are available return null.
     public static Hashtable getCookies( String site ) {
 43  0
         return (Hashtable)cookies.get( site );
      * Add cookies to this request and perform any other init.
     public static void init( ResourceRequest request ) {
 54  0
         String site = getSite( request );
 56  0
         Hashtable cookies = getCookies( site );
 58  0
         if ( cookies == null )
 59  0
 61  0
         String header = getCookiesHeader( cookies );
 63  0
         request.setRequestHeaderField( "Cookies", header );
 65  0
     public static String getSite( ResourceRequest request ) {
 69  0
         String resource = request.getResource();
 71  0
         int end = resource.indexOf( "://" );
 72  0
         end = resource.indexOf( "/", end );
 74  0
         if ( end == -1 )
 75  0
             end = resource.length();
 77  0
         return resource.substring( 0, end );
      * Save the cookies FROM this request.
     public static void save( ResourceRequest request ) {
 88  0
         String header = request.getHeaderField( "Set-Cookie" );
 90  0
         Hashtable cookies = parseCookieHeader( header );
 92  0
         String site = getSite( request );
         //FIXME: merge these... new cookies into the site cookies 
 96  0
      * Parse a given Cookie header into a hashtable.
     public static String getCookiesHeader( Hashtable cookies ) {
 105  0
         Enumeration keys = cookies.keys();
 107  0
         StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer( 1024 );
 109  0
         while ( keys.hasMoreElements() ) {
 111  0
             String name = (String)keys.nextElement();
 112  0
             String value = (String)cookies.get( name );
 114  0
             if ( buff.length() > 0 )
 115  0
                 buff.append( "; " );
 117  0
             buff.append( name );
 118  0
             buff.append( "=" );
 119  0
             buff.append( value );
 121  0
 123  0
         return buff.toString();
      * Parse a given Cookie header into a hashtable.
     public static Hashtable parseCookieHeader( String header ) {
         //this is a simple format and easy to parse
         //Cookie: password=HvS11dffnlD50bOLZYgG4oZFA-U
          * Where should we read the cookie name from
 141  0
         int begin = 0;
          * Where do we spit into the variable
 146  0
         int split = 0;
          * Where is the end of the cookie.
 151  0
         int end = 0;
 153  0
         Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
 155  0
         while ( (split = header.indexOf( "=", begin )) != -1 ) {
 157  0
             end = header.indexOf( ";", split );
 159  0
             if ( end == -1 )
 160  0
                 end = header.length();
 162  0
             String name = header.substring( begin, split );
 163  0
             String value = header.substring( split+1, end );
             //move to the next one.
 166  0
             begin = end + 2;
 168  0
             result.put( name, value );
 170  0
 172  0
         return result;
     public static void main( String[] args ) {
 178  0
         parseCookieHeader( "password=HvS11dffnlD50bOLZYgG4oZFA-U; username=burtonator; rojoWeb=; JSESSIONID=B1245A7FEB43537E994324A157330F3A" );
 180  0