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  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
  * Get a ResourceRequest for a given URL.  The request is handled based on the
  * URL.
  * @author <a href="">Kevin A. Burton</a>
  * @version $Id: 373622 2006-01-30 22:53:00Z mvdb $
 33  0
 public class ResourceRequestFactory {
 35  0
     private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( ResourceRequestFactory.class.getName() );
      * Specified in to indicate the caching policy for successful
      * name lookups from the name service.. The value is specified as as integer
      * to indicate the number of seconds to cache the successful lookup.
      * This is a sun private system property which corresponds to
      * networkaddress.cache.ttl. It takes the same value and has the same meaning,
      * but can be set as a command-line option. However, the preferred way is to
      * use the security property mentioned above.
      * A value of -1 indicates "cache forever".
 52  0
     public static int NETWORKADDRESS_CACHE_TTL = 5 * 60;
      * These properties specify the default connect and read timeout (resp.) for
      * the protocol handler used by
      * specifies the timeout (in
      * milliseconds) to establish the connection to the host. For example for
      * http connections it is the timeout when establishing the connection to
      * the http server. For ftp connection it is the timeout when establishing
      * the connection to ftp servers.
      * specifies the timeout (in milliseconds)
      * when reading from input stream when a connection is established to a
      * resource.
 68  0
     public static int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 1 * 60 * 1000;
 70  0
      * Specify the maximum number of redirects to use.
 75  0
     public static int DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS = 5;
     //FIXME: (should this be a linked list?)
 78  0
     private static ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList( 30 );
 80  0
     private static HashMap schemeMap = null;
 82  0
     private static boolean transparentHTCacheEnabled = false;
      * When offline we either throw an exception or return content from the
      * cache directly.  This can be used to run code that does not depend on the
      * network.
 89  0
     private static boolean offline = false;
     public static ResourceRequest getResourceRequest( String resource,
                                                       long ifModifiedSince ) throws NetworkException {
 94  0
         return getResourceRequest( resource, ifModifiedSince, null );
      * Get a ResourceRequest for the protocol represented in the resource URL.
      * It is important that we use a ResourceRequest implementation that supports
      * fetching the URL.
     public static ResourceRequest getResourceRequest( String resource,
                                                       long ifModifiedSince,
                                                       String etag ) throws NetworkException {
         //log.debug( resource );
         //make sure we are initialized correctly.
 112  0
         //make sure we have an index..
 116  0
         int schemeIndex = resource.indexOf( ":" );
 118  0
         if ( schemeIndex == -1 )
 119  0
             throw new NetworkException( "Unknown scheme: '" + resource + "'" );
 121  0
         String scheme = resource.substring( 0, schemeIndex );
 123  0
         if ( scheme == null || scheme.equals( "" ) )
 124  0
             throw new MalformedResourceException( "Not supported: " + resource );
 126  0
         Class clazz = (Class)schemeMap.get( scheme );
 128  0
         if ( clazz == null ) {
 129  0
             throw new MalformedResourceException( "Scheme not supported: " + scheme );
         try { 
 134  0
             ResourceRequest request = (ResourceRequest)clazz.newInstance();
 136  0
             request.setResource( resource );
             //setup resource request options.
 139  0
             request.setIfModifiedSince( ifModifiedSince );
             //set the etag... when its null nothing will happen
 142  0
             request.setEtag( etag );
 144  0
 146  0
             return request;
 148  0
         } catch ( Throwable t ) {
 149  0
             throw new NetworkException( t );
      * @see #getResourceRequest( String )
     public static ResourceRequest getResourceRequest( String resource ) throws NetworkException {
 160  0
         return getResourceRequest( resource, -1 );
      * @see #getResourceRequest( String )
     public static ResourceRequest getResourceRequest( URL resource ) throws NetworkException {
 169  0
         return getResourceRequest( resource.toString() );
      * Add an event listener to this instance of the factory.  This provides a
      * mechanism to give default listeners to each new ResourceRequest.
     public static void addEventListener( NetworkEventListener listener ) {
 180  0
         listeners.add( listener );
 182  0
      * Get all event listeners.
     public static Iterator getNetworkEventListeners() {
 191  0
         return listeners.iterator();
      * Make sure the factory is initialized.  Called once per JVM instance.
     private synchronized static void init() {
         //set the authenticator to use
         //FIXME: remove this until we figure out how to do proxy authentication.
         // ( new Authenticator() );
         // A full list of properties is available here:
 211  0
         System.setProperty( "",
                             Integer.toString( NETWORKADDRESS_CACHE_TTL ) );
 214  0
         System.setProperty( "networkaddress.cache.ttl",
                             Integer.toString( NETWORKADDRESS_CACHE_TTL ) );
 217  0
         System.setProperty( "",
                             Integer.toString( DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT ) );
 220  0
         System.setProperty( "",
                             Integer.toString( DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) );
 223  0
         System.setProperty( "http.maxRedirects",
                             Integer.toString( DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS ) );
 226  0
         if ( schemeMap == null ) {
 228  0
             schemeMap = new HashMap();
 230  0
             schemeMap.put( "file", URLResourceRequest.class );
 231  0
             schemeMap.put( "http", URLResourceRequest.class );
 232  0
             schemeMap.put( "https", URLResourceRequest.class );
 233  0
             schemeMap.put( BlockingResourceRequest.SCHEME, BlockingResourceRequest.class );
 237  0
      * Return true if we support fetching content with the given scheme.
      * Examples would be "http" and "file"
     public static boolean isSupportedScheme( String scheme ) {
 247  0
         return schemeMap.get( scheme ) != null;
      * When the transparent HTCache is enabled we will keep content local
      * similar to the Mozilla cache and return the cached copy and use
      * if-Modified-Since when necessary.
     public static void setTransparentHTCacheEnabled( boolean enabled ) {
 259  0
         transparentHTCacheEnabled = enabled;
 260  0
      * Return true if we can enable the htcache.
     public static boolean isTransparentHTCacheEnabled() {
 268  0
         return transparentHTCacheEnabled;
      * Enable/disable offline operation.
     public static void setOffline( boolean offline ) {
 277  0
         ResourceRequestFactory.offline = offline;
 278  0
     public static boolean isOffline() {
 286  0
         return offline;