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  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.Iterator;
  * A ResourceRequest is a generic interface to a network resource such as an
  * @author <a href="">Kevin A. Burton</a>
  * @version $Id: 373622 2006-01-30 22:53:00Z mvdb $
 public interface ResourceRequest {
      * Perform all initialization and connection to the remote server.  This
      * should always be called BEFORE network getInputStream() if you want to
      * perform other operations first.  When using a HEAD request this must be
      * used and not getInputStream()
     public void init() throws IOException;
      * Get an input stream for this content.
     public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;
      * Set the resource for this request.
     public String getResource();
     public void setResource( String resource );
      * Get the resource but make sure all redirects are taken into
      * consideration.
     public String getResourceFromRedirect();
      * Get the given Input Stream as a String by calling read() until we have
      * all the data locally.
     public String getInputStreamAsString() throws IOException;
     public byte[] getInputStreamAsByteArray() throws IOException;
     public InputStream getLocalInputStream() throws NetworkException;
     public byte[] getLocalInputStreamAsByteArray() throws IOException;
      * When true we cache getLocalInputStream() so that multiple requests are
      * returned from local data.  Provides more flexibility but uses more
      * memory.
     public void setLocalCache( boolean v );
      * Copy this input stream to an OutputStream
     public void toOutputStream( OutputStream out ) throws IOException;
      * Set the If-Modified-Since header for HTTP URL connections and protocols
      * that support similar operation.
      * A value of -1 means do not use the If-Modified-Since header
      * Fri Jun 06 2003 08:34 PM ( Currently just URLResourceRequest     
     public long getIfModifiedSince();
     public void setIfModifiedSince( long ifModifiedSince );
      * The HTTP ETag to use with If-None-Match
     public String getEtag();
     public void setEtag( String etag );
      * Get and set an HTTP style response code.  Only used with HTTP URLs.
     public long getResponseCode();
     public void setResponseCode( int responseCode );
      * Return the conent length of this request or -1 if not known.
     public int getContentLength() throws IOException;
     public void setEventListener( NetworkEventListener eventListener );
      * Get a given response header.
     public String getHeaderField( String name );
      * Set a given request header such as UserAgent, ETag, etc.
     public void setRequestHeaderField( String name, String value );
      * Get the names of all set request headers.
     public Iterator getRequestHeaderFields();
     public String getRequestHeaderField( String name );
     public void setRequestMethod( String method ) throws NetworkException;
     public boolean getFollowRedirects();
     public void setFollowRedirects( boolean v );