Coverage Report -
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
  * @author <a href="">Kevin A. Burton</a>
  * @version $Id: 373622 2006-01-30 22:53:00Z mvdb $
 33  0
 public abstract class BaseResourceRequest implements ResourceRequest {
 35  0
     public static boolean FOLLOW_REDIRECTS = true;
 37  0
     private String resource = null;
 39  0
     private DataEvent event = new DataEvent();
 41  0
     private long _ifModifiedSince = -1;
 43  0
     private long _responseCode = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK;
 45  0
     private String _etag = null;
 47  0
     private byte[] data = new byte[0];
 49  0
     private boolean localCache = false;
 51  0
     private boolean followRedirects = FOLLOW_REDIRECTS;
      * A single resource request can now have a given event listener.
 56  0
     private NetworkEventListener eventListener = null;
 58  0
     private HashMap requestHeaders = new HashMap();
      * Get the value of <code>resource</code>.
     public String getResource() { 
 68  0
         return this.resource;
      * Set the value of <code>resource</code>.
     public void setResource( String resource ) { 
 80  0
         this.resource = resource;
 82  0
      * Fire a new ArchiveEvent
     public void fireDataEvent( long count ) {
 91  0
         event.count = count;
 92  0
         event.resource = resource;
 94  0
         fireDataEvent( event );
 96  0
     public void fireInit() {
 100  0
         DataEvent event = new DataEvent();
 101  0
         event.request = this;
 103  0
         Iterator i = ResourceRequestFactory.getNetworkEventListeners();
 105  0
         while ( i.hasNext() ) {
 106  0
             ((NetworkEventListener) event );
 109  0
         if ( eventListener != null )
 110  0
             eventListener.init( event );
 111  0
      * Fire a new ArchiveEvent
     public void fireDataEvent( DataEvent event ) {
 120  0
         event.request = this;
 122  0
         Iterator i = ResourceRequestFactory.getNetworkEventListeners();
 124  0
         while ( i.hasNext() ) {
 125  0
             ((NetworkEventListener) event );
 128  0
         if ( eventListener != null )
 129  0
             eventListener.dataEvent( event );
 130  0
     public void fireOnClosed() {
 134  0
         Iterator i = ResourceRequestFactory.getNetworkEventListeners();
 136  0
         while ( i.hasNext() ) {
 137  0
 140  0
         if ( eventListener != null )
 141  0
 142  0
      * @see ResourceRequest
     public String getInputStreamAsString() throws IOException {
 149  0
         return new String( getInputStreamAsByteArray() );
      * @see ResourceRequest
     public byte[] getInputStreamAsByteArray() throws IOException {
 158  0
         InputStream is = getInputStream();
 160  0
         int contentLength = -1;
         try {
 164  0
             contentLength = getContentLength() + 5000;
 166  0
         } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); }
 168  0
         if ( contentLength == -1  ) {
             //use a larger default than what's provided with the
 173  0
             contentLength = 100000;
         //include length of content from the original site with contentLength
 177  0
         ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream( contentLength );
         //now process the Reader...
 180  0
         byte data[] = new byte[200];
 182  0
         int readCount = 0;
 184  0
         while( ( readCount = data )) > 0 ) {
 185  0
             bos.write( data, 0, readCount );
 188  0
 189  0
 191  0
         return bos.toByteArray();
      * @see ResourceRequest
     public InputStream getLocalInputStream() throws NetworkException {
         try { 
             byte[] data;
 205  0
             if ( > 0 ) {
                 //we have cached this... return the cached value.
 208  0
                 data =;
             } else {
 212  0
                 data = getInputStreamAsByteArray();
 214  0
                 if ( localCache )
 215  0
            = data;
 219  0
             return new ByteArrayInputStream( data );
 221  0
         } catch ( NetworkException n ) {
 222  0
             throw n;
 223  0
         } catch ( Throwable t ) {
 224  0
             throw new NetworkException( t );
     public byte[] getLocalInputStreamAsByteArray() throws IOException {
         //FIXME: this needs to use the cache.
 231  0
     public void setLocalCache( boolean v ) {
 235  0
         this.localCache = v;
 236  0
      * Copy this resource request to the given OutputStream
     public void toOutputStream( OutputStream out ) throws IOException {
 245  0
         InputStream is = getInputStream();
         //now process the Reader...
 248  0
         byte data[] = new byte[200];
 250  0
         int readCount = 0;
 252  0
         while( ( readCount = data )) > 0 ) {
 254  0
             out.write( data, 0, readCount );
 257  0
 259  0
     public long getIfModifiedSince() {
 262  0
         return _ifModifiedSince;
     public void setIfModifiedSince( long ifModifiedSince ) {
 266  0
         this._ifModifiedSince = ifModifiedSince;
 267  0
     public String getEtag() {
 270  0
         return _etag;
     public void setEtag( String etag ) {
 274  0
         this._etag = etag;
 275  0
      * Get and set an HTTP style response code.  Only used with HTTP URLs.
     public long getResponseCode() {
 283  0
         return this._responseCode;
     public void setResponseCode( int responseCode ) {
 287  0
         this._responseCode = responseCode;
 288  0
     public int getContentLength() throws IOException {
 291  0
         return -1;
     public void setEventListener( NetworkEventListener eventListener ) {
 295  0
         this.eventListener = eventListener;
 296  0
    public String getHeaderField( String name ) {
        //default impl always returns null
 300  0
        return  null;
     public void setRequestHeaderField( String name, String value ) {
 304  0
         requestHeaders.put( name, value );
 305  0
     public Iterator getRequestHeaderFields() {
 308  0
         return requestHeaders.keySet().iterator();
     public String getRequestHeaderField( String name ) {
 312  0
         return (String)requestHeaders.get( name );
     public void setRequestMethod( String method ) throws NetworkException {
 316  0
         throw new NetworkException( "not implemented" );
     public boolean getFollowRedirects() {
 320  0
         return followRedirects;
     public void setFollowRedirects( boolean v ) {
 324  0
         this.followRedirects = v;
 325  0
     public String getResourceFromRedirect() {
 328  0
         return getResource();