Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.feedparser.locate.AnchorParser
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.feedparser.locate;
 import java.util.HashMap;
  * Given a string of HTML content, parse out anchors and fire events with all
  * the data when they are found.
  * @author <a href="">Kevin A. Burton</a>
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 public class AnchorParser {
     public static void parse( String content,
                               AnchorParserListener listener )
         throws AnchorParserException {
         //FIXME: we do NOT obey base right now and this is a BIG problem!
 35  0
         parseAnchors( content, listener );
 37  0
      * Get links from the given html with included titles and other metainfo.
      * @deprecated use HTParser
     public static void parseAnchors( String content,
                                      AnchorParserListener listener )
         throws AnchorParserException {
 49  0
         int index = 0;
 50  0
         int begin = 0;
 51  0
         int end = 0;
         //FIXME: what if there are HTML comments here?  We would parse links
         //within comments which isn't what we want.
         // FIXME: how do we pass back the content of the href?
         // <a href=''> this is the content </a>
         // which would pass a string "this is the content"
         //Matcher m = pattern.matcher( content );
 64  0
         while ( (begin = content.indexOf( "<a", index )) != -1 ) {
 66  0
             index = begin;
 68  0
             end = content.indexOf( "</a>", index );
 69  0
             if ( end == -1 )
 70  0
 71  0
             index = end + 1;
 73  0
             String match =  content.substring( begin, end );
 75  0
             HashMap map = DiscoveryLocator.getAttributes( match );
             //String resource = EntityDecoder.decode( 1 ) );
             //FIXME: we SHOULD be using this but its not working right now.
 79  0
             String resource = (String)map.get( "href" );
 81  0
             if ( resource == null || resource.equals( "" ) ) {
 82  0
 85  0
             String title = (String)map.get( "title" );
 87  0
             if ( title != null )
 88  0
                 title = EntityDecoder.decode( title );
 90  0
             String rel = (String)map.get( "rel" );
 92  0
             if ( ! listener.onAnchor( resource, rel, title ) )
 93  0
 95  0
 97  0
     public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
 101  0
         AnchorParserListener listener = new AnchorParserListener() {
                 public boolean onAnchor( String href, String rel, String title ) {
 105  0
                     System.out.println( "href: " + href );
 106  0
                     System.out.println( "rel: " + rel );
 107  0
                     System.out.println( "title: " + title );
 108  0
                     return true;
                 public Object getResult() {
 112  0
                     return null;
 114  0
                 public void setContext( Object context ) {}
         //FIXME: won't work with single quotes
         //FIXME: won't work with <a />
         //parse( "<a href=\"\" rel=\"linux\" title=\"linux\" >adf</a>", listener );
         //parse( "<a rel=\"linux\" href=\"\" title=\"linux\" >adf</a>", listener );
         //parse( "<a title=\"linux\" rel=\"linux\" href=\"\" >adf</a>", listener );
         //parse( "<a href='' rel='linux' title='linux' >adf</a>", listener );
 127  0
         parse( "<a href='' rel='linux' title='linux' ><img src='' /></a>", listener );
 129  0