Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.feedparser.RSSFeedParser
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.feedparser;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.jaxen.jdom.JDOMXPath;
 import org.jdom.Attribute;
 import org.jdom.Element;
  * Handles parsing RSS .
  * @author <a href="">Kevin A. Burton (burtonator)</a>
  * @version $Id: 373614 2006-01-30 22:31:21Z mvdb $
 32  0
 public class RSSFeedParser extends BaseParser {
      * Parse the given document as an OPML document.
     public static void parse( FeedParserListener listener,
                               org.jdom.Document doc ) throws Exception {
 42  0
         FeedParserState state = new FeedParserState( listener );
 44  0
         FeedVersion v = new FeedVersion();
 46  0
         v.isRSS = true;
 47  0
         v.version = doc.getRootElement().getAttributeValue( "version" );
 49  0
         listener.onFeedVersion( v );
 51  0
         //*** now process the channel. ***
 54  0
         JDOMXPath xpath = new JDOMXPath( "/descendant::*[local-name() = 'channel']" );
 55  0
         Element channel = (Element)xpath.selectSingleNode( doc );
 56  0
         state.current = channel;
 58  0
         doLocale( state, listener, channel );
 59  0
         doChannel( listener, state );
 60  0
         doLocaleEnd( state, listener, channel );
         //*** now process the image. ***
 63  0
         xpath = new JDOMXPath( "/descendant::*[local-name() = 'image']" );
 64  0
         List images = xpath.selectNodes( doc );
 65  0
         Iterator i = images.iterator();
         //update items.
 67  0
         while ( i.hasNext() ) {
 69  0
             Element child = (Element);
 70  0
             state.current = child;
 71  0
             doParseImage( listener, state );
 73  0
         //*** now process all items. ***
 76  0
         xpath = new JDOMXPath( "/descendant::*[local-name() = 'item']" );
 78  0
         List items = xpath.selectNodes( doc );
 80  0
         i = items.iterator();
         //update items.
 83  0
         while ( i.hasNext() ) {
 85  0
             Element item = (Element);
 87  0
             state.current = item;
 89  0
             doLocale( state, listener, item );
 90  0
             doItem( listener, state );
 91  0
             doLocaleEnd( state, listener, item );
 93  0
 95  0
 97  0
      * Parse the given channel 
     private static void doChannel( FeedParserListener listener,
                                    FeedParserState state ) throws Exception {
 107  0
         String link = getChildElementTextByName( state, "link" );
 109  0
         if ( link != null )
 110  0
             link = link.trim();
 112  0
         listener.onChannel( state, 
                             getChildElementTextByName( state, "title" ),
                             getChildElementTextByName( state, "description" ) );
 117  0
 119  0
      * Parse the given channel 
     private static void doParseImage( FeedParserListener listener,
                                       FeedParserState state ) throws Exception {
 129  0
         String title = getChildElementTextByName( state, "title" );
 130  0
         String link = getChildElementTextByName( state, "link" );
 131  0
         String url = getChildElementTextByName( state, "url" );
 133  0
         if ( url != null ) {
 134  0
             listener.onImage( state, title, link, url );
 135  0
 139  0
     private static void doItem( FeedParserListener listener,
                                 FeedParserState state ) throws Exception {
 149  0
         String resource = null;
         //FIXME: migrate this to XPath
 153  0
         JDOMXPath xpath = new JDOMXPath( "@rdf:resource|guid|descendant::*[local-name() = 'link']" );
 154  0
         xpath.addNamespace( NS.RDF.getPrefix(), NS.RDF.getURI() );
 155  0
         Object node = xpath.selectSingleNode( state.current );
         //FIXME: if this is a GUID and isPermalink=false don't use it as the
 160  0
         if ( node instanceof Element ) {
 162  0
             Element element = (Element)node;
 163  0
             resource = element.getText();
 165  0
             if ( "guid".equals( element.getName() ) ) {
 167  0
                 boolean isPermaLink =
                     "true".equals( element.getAttributeValue( "isPermaLink" ) );
 170  0
                 if ( isPermaLink == false ) {
                     //resort to the 'link'
 173  0
                     Element link = state.current.getChild( "link" );
 175  0
                     if ( link != null ) {
 176  0
                         resource = link.getText();
 183  0
         } else if ( node instanceof Attribute ) {
 184  0
             resource = ((Attribute)node).getValue();
 187  0
         if ( resource == null )
 188  0
         //title, link, description
 192  0
         listener.onItem( state,
                          getChildElementTextByName( state, "title" ),
                          getChildElementTextByName( state, "link" ),
                          getChildElementTextByName( state, "description" ),
                          resource );
         //see if we have content encoded and if we need to report these events.
 200  0
         if ( listener instanceof ModContentFeedParserListener ) {
 202  0
             ModContentFeedParserListener mcpl = (ModContentFeedParserListener)listener;
 204  0
             Element encoded = state.current.getChild( "encoded", NS.CONTENT );
 206  0
             if ( encoded != null ) {
                 //FIXME: move to the onContent API defined within the
                 //AtomFeedParser and deprecated this body handling.
 211  0
                 mcpl.onContentEncoded( new FeedParserState( encoded ),
                                        encoded.getText() );
 214  0
             } else {
 218  0
                 Element items = state.current.getChild( "items", NS.CONTENT );
 220  0
                 if ( items != null ) {
                     //FIXME: with malformed XML this could throw an NPE. Luckly
                     //this format is rare now.
 224  0
                     Element value =
                         items.getChild( "Bag", NS.RDF )
                             .getChild( "li", NS.RDF )
                                 .getChild( "item", NS.CONTENT )
                                     .getChild( "value", NS.RDF );
                     //FIXME: move to the onContent API defined within the
                     //AtomFeedParser and deprecated this body handling.
 233  0
                     mcpl.onContentItem( new FeedParserState( value ),
                                         value );
 238  0
         //process xhtml:body
 248  0
         if ( listener instanceof XHTMLFeedParserListener ) {
 250  0
             XHTMLFeedParserListener xfp = (XHTMLFeedParserListener)listener;
 252  0
             Element body = state.current.getChild( "body", NS.XHTML );
             //FIXME: move to the onContent API defined within the AtomFeedParser
             //and deprecated this body handling.
 257  0
             if ( body != null ) {
 258  0
                 xfp.onXHTMLBody( new FeedParserState( body ),
                                  body );
 260  0
 265  0
         MetaFeedParser.parse( listener, state );
 266  0
         TagFeedParser.parse( listener, state );
 268  0
         doEnclosures( listener, state );
 270  0
 272  0
     private static void doEnclosures( FeedParserListener listener,
                                       FeedParserState state ) throws Exception {
 277  0
         if ( listener instanceof LinkFeedParserListener == false )
 278  0
 280  0
         Element element = state.current.getChild( "enclosure" );
 282  0
         if ( element == null )
 283  0
 285  0
         LinkFeedParserListener linkFeedParserListener = (LinkFeedParserListener)listener;
 287  0
         String rel = null;
 288  0
         String type = element.getAttributeValue( "type" );
 289  0
         String href = element.getAttributeValue( "url" );
 290  0
         String title = null;
 291  0
         long length = 0;
 292  0
         if (element.getAttributeValue("length") != null)
 293  0
                 length = Integer.parseInt( element.getAttributeValue( "length" ) );
 295  0
         linkFeedParserListener.onLink( state,
                                        length );
 302  0