Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.feedparser.FeedFilter
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.feedparser;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
  * @author <a href="">Kevin A. Burton (burtonator)</a>
  * @version $Id: 373614 2006-01-30 22:31:21Z mvdb $
 30  0
 public class FeedFilter {
 32  0
     private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( FeedFilter.class );
 34  0
     public static boolean DO_REMOVE_LEADING_PROLOG = true;
 35  0
     public static boolean DO_DECODE_ENTITIES = true;
 37  0
     public static HashMap LATIN1_ENTITIES = new HashMap();
 39  0
     private static Pattern entity_pattern = Pattern.compile( "&([a-zA-Z]+);" );
      * This is probably the wrong behavior.  I shouldn't call this method I
      * think because assuming a content type is bad form.
      * @deprecated Specify an encoding with #parse( bytes[], encoding )
     public static byte[] parse( byte[] bytes )
         throws Exception {
 51  0
         return parse( bytes, "UTF-8" );
     public static byte[] parse( byte[] bytes, String encoding )
         throws Exception {
 58  0
         String content = new String( bytes, encoding );
 60  0
         return parse( content, encoding );
      * Parse out an input string of content.
     public static byte[] parse( String content, String encoding )
         throws Exception {
         //FIXME: return an object here so that I can flag a bozo bit.
         //remove leading prolog...
 77  0
 78  0
             content = doRemoveLeadingProlog( content, encoding );
         //decode HTML entities that are referenced.
 81  0
         if ( DO_DECODE_ENTITIES )
 82  0
             content = doDecodeEntities( content );
         //TODO: undeclared namespace prefixes should be expanded to their common
         //form. 'rdf, 'atom', 'xhtml' etc. Considering that they're will only be
         //a handful H and then 4^36 different possibilities the probability will
         //only be H in 4^36 which is pretty good that we won't have a false
 90  0
         return content.getBytes( encoding );
      * Removing prolog whitespace, comments, and other garbage from the
      * beginning of a feed.
     private static String doRemoveLeadingProlog( String content, String encoding ) {
         // if we're a UTF-16 or UTF-32 feed we need to LEAVE the prolog because
         // it triggers a UTF-16 parse due to the BOM.
         // FIXME: this isn't actually true.  We should leave the BOM and remove
         // the prolog anyway due to the fact that this will still break the
         // parser.  Come up with some tests for UTF-16 to see if I can get it to
         // break and then update this method.
 110  0
         if ( "UTF-16".equals( encoding ) ||
              "UTF-32".equals( encoding ) )
 112  0
             return content;
         //move to the beginning of the first element or comment.  When this is a
         //processing instruction we will move to that
 116  0
         int begin = content.indexOf( "<" );
 118  0
         if ( begin > 0 ) {
 119  0
             content = content.substring( begin, content.length() );
 120  0
             log.warn( "Skipped whitespace in prolog and moved towards first element." );
         //now skip to the XML processing instruction when necessary.  This is
         //used to remove comments prior to <?xml which are not allowed.
 126  0
         begin = content.indexOf( "<?xml" );
 128  0
         if ( begin > 0 ) {
 129  0
             content = content.substring( begin, content.length() );
 130  0
             log.warn( "Removed prolog towards first processing instruction." );
 133  0
         content = doRemoveElementProlog( content );
 135  0
         return content;
      * Remove element content between:
      * <?xml version="1.0"?>
      * <foo>
     private static String doRemoveElementProlog( String content ) {
 152  0
         int end = content.lastIndexOf( "?>", 100 );
 154  0
         if ( end == -1 )
 155  0
             return content;
 157  0
         StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer( content.length() );
 158  0
         end = end + 2;
 159  0
         buff.append( content.substring( 0, end ) );
 161  0
         int begin = content.indexOf( "<", end );
 163  0
         if ( begin != -1 ) {
 165  0
             buff.append( "\n" );
 166  0
             buff.append( content.substring( begin, content.length() ) );
 170  0
         return buff.toString();
     private static String doDecodeEntities( String content ) {
 176  0
         StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer( content.length() + 1000 );
 178  0
         Matcher m = entity_pattern.matcher( content );
 180  0
         int begin = 0;
 182  0
         boolean hasFilterDecodedEntities = false;
 183  0
         boolean hasFilterFoundUnknownEntity = false;
         //FIXME: note that when I was benchmarking this code that this showed up
         //as a MAJOR bottleneck so we might want to optimize it a little more.
 188  0
         while ( m.find() ) {
 190  0
             buff.append( content.substring( begin, m.start() ) );
 192  0
             String entity = 1 );
 194  0
             String value = (String)LATIN1_ENTITIES.get( entity );
 196  0
             if ( value != null ) {
 197  0
                 buff.append( "&#" );
 198  0
                 buff.append( value );
 199  0
                 buff.append( ";" );
 201  0
                 hasFilterDecodedEntities = true;
             } else {
                 //This is not a known entity so we have no way to correct it.
                 //If this is done then we have a problem and the feed probably
                 //still won't parse
 208  0
                 buff.append( "&" );
 209  0
                 buff.append( entity );
 210  0
                 buff.append( ";" );
 212  0
                 hasFilterFoundUnknownEntity = true;
 215  0
             begin = m.end( 0 );
 217  0
 219  0
         buff.append( content.substring( begin, content.length() ) );
 221  0
         if ( hasFilterFoundUnknownEntity ) 
 222  0
             log.warn( "Filter encountered unknown entities" );
 224  0
         if ( hasFilterDecodedEntities ) 
 225  0
             log.warn( "Filter has decoded latin1 entities." );
 227  0
         return buff.toString();
     public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
 233  0
         byte[] b = parse( "hello &eacute; world".getBytes() );
 235  0
         String v = new String( b );
 237  0
         System.out.println( "v: " + v );
 239  0
     static {
         // load the latin1 entity map.  We will replace latin1 entities with
         // their char references directly.  For example if someone incorrectly
         // references:
         // &auml;
         // we replace it with:
         // &#228;
         // Which is correct in Latin1
 257  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "nbsp",      "160" );
 258  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "iexcl",     "161" );
 259  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "cent",      "162" );
 260  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "pound",     "163" );
 261  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "curren",    "164" );
 262  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "yen",       "165" );
 263  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "brvbar",    "166" );
 264  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "sect",      "167" );
 265  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "uml",       "168" );
 266  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "copy",      "169" );
 267  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ordf",      "170" );
 268  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "laquo",     "171" );
 269  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "not",       "172" );
 270  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "shy",       "173" );
 271  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "reg",       "174" );
 272  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "macr",      "175" );
 273  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "deg",       "176" );
 274  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "plusmn",    "177" );
 275  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "sup2",      "178" );
 276  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "sup3",      "179" );
 277  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "acute",     "180" );
 278  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "micro",     "181" );
 279  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "para",      "182" );
 280  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "middot",    "183" );
 281  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "cedil",     "184" );
 282  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "sup1",      "185" );
 283  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ordm",      "186" );
 284  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "raquo",     "187" );
 285  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "frac14",    "188" );
 286  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "frac12",    "189" );
 287  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "frac34",    "190" );
 288  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "iquest",    "191" );
 289  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Agrave",    "192" );
 290  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Aacute",    "193" );
 291  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Acirc",     "194" );
 292  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Atilde",    "195" );
 293  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Auml",      "196" );
 294  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Aring",     "197" );
 295  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "AElig",     "198" );
 296  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Ccedil",    "199" );
 297  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Egrave",    "200" );
 298  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Eacute",    "201" );
 299  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Ecirc",     "202" );
 300  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Euml",      "203" );
 301  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Igrave",    "204" );
 302  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Iacute",    "205" );
 303  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Icirc",     "206" );
 304  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Iuml",      "207" );
 305  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ETH",       "208" );
 306  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Ntilde",    "209" );
 307  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Ograve",    "210" );
 308  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Oacute",    "211" );
 309  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Ocirc",     "212" );
 310  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Otilde",    "213" );
 311  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Ouml",      "214" );
 312  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "times",     "215" );
 313  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Oslash",    "216" );
 314  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Ugrave",    "217" );
 315  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Uacute",    "218" );
 316  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Ucirc",     "219" );
 317  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Uuml",      "220" );
 318  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "Yacute",    "221" );
 319  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "THORN",     "222" );
 320  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "szlig",     "223" );
 321  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "agrave",    "224" );
 322  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "aacute",    "225" );
 323  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "acirc",     "226" );
 324  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "atilde",    "227" );
 325  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "auml",      "228" );
 326  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "aring",     "229" );
 327  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "aelig",     "230" );
 328  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ccedil",    "231" );
 329  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "egrave",    "232" );
 330  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "eacute",    "233" );
 331  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ecirc",     "234" );
 332  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "euml",      "235" );
 333  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "igrave",    "236" );
 334  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "iacute",    "237" );
 335  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "icirc",     "238" );
 336  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "iuml",      "239" );
 337  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "eth",       "240" );
 338  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ntilde",    "241" );
 339  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ograve",    "242" );
 340  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "oacute",    "243" );
 341  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ocirc",     "244" );
 342  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "otilde",    "245" );
 343  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ouml",      "246" );
 344  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "divide",    "247" );
 345  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "oslash",    "248" );
 346  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ugrave",    "249" );
 347  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "uacute",    "250" );
 348  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "ucirc",     "251" );
 349  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "uuml",      "252" );
 350  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "yacute",    "253" );
 351  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "thorn",     "254" );
 352  0
         LATIN1_ENTITIES.put( "yuml",      "255" );
 354  0