Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.feedparser.AtomFeedParser
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.feedparser;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.commons.feedparser.locate.EntityDecoder;
 import org.jaxen.jdom.JDOMXPath;
 import org.jdom.Attribute;
 import org.jdom.CDATA;
 import org.jdom.Comment;
 import org.jdom.Element;
 import org.jdom.Text;
 import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
  * @author <a href="">Kevin A. Burton (burtonator)</a>
  * @version $Id: 373614 2006-01-30 22:31:21Z mvdb $
 47  0
 public class AtomFeedParser extends BaseParser {
      * Parse this feed.
     public static void parse( FeedParserListener listener,
                               org.jdom.Document doc ) throws Exception {
 57  0
         FeedParserState state = new FeedParserState( listener );
 59  0
         FeedVersion v = new FeedVersion();
 60  0
         v.isAtom = true;
 61  0
         listener.onFeedVersion( v );
 63  0
 65  0
         Element root = doc.getRootElement();
 67  0
         doLocale( state, listener, root );
 69  0
         doChannel( state, listener, doc );
 70  0
         doEntry( state, listener, doc );
 72  0
         doLocaleEnd( state, listener, root );
 74  0
 76  0
     private static void doChannel( FeedParserState state,
                                    FeedParserListener listener,
                                    org.jdom.Document doc ) throws Exception {
 82  0
         Element root = doc.getRootElement();
         //perform onChannel method...  (title, link, description)
 85  0
         String title = selectText( "/atom:feed/atom:title", root );
         //xpath = new XPath( "/atom:feed/atom:link[atom:rel='alternate']" );
         //perform onChannel method...  (title, link, description)
 90  0
         String link = selectSingleAttribute( "/atom:feed/atom:link[@rel='alternate'][@type='text/html']/@href", root );
         //String description = selectText( "/atom:feed/atom:summary[@rel='text/plain']", doc );
 94  0
         String tagline = selectText( "/atom:feed/atom:tagline", root );
         //state.current = title;
 97  0
         listener.onChannel( state, title, link, tagline );
 99  0
 101  0
     private static void doEntry( FeedParserState state,
                                  FeedParserListener listener,
                                  org.jdom.Document doc ) throws Exception {
 107  0
         JDOMXPath xpath = new JDOMXPath( "/atom:feed/atom:entry" );
 108  0
         xpath.setNamespaceContext( NS.context );
 110  0
         List items = xpath.selectNodes( doc );
 112  0
         Iterator i = items.iterator();
         //update items.
 115  0
         while ( i.hasNext() ) {
 117  0
             Element child = (Element);
 119  0
             doLocale( state, listener, child );
 121  0
             String title = selectText( "atom:title", child );
             // The "atom:link" element is a Link construct that conveys a URI
             // associated with the entry. The nature of the relationship as well
             // as the link itself is determined by the element's content.
             // atom:entry elements MUST contain at least one atom:link element
             // with a rel attribute value of "alternate".
             // atom:entry elements MUST NOT contain more than one atom:link
             // element with a rel attribute value of "alternate" that has the
             // same type attribute value.
             // atom:entry elements MAY contain additional atom:link elements
             // beyond those described above.
 137  0
             String link = selectSingleAttribute( "atom:link[@rel='alternate'][@type='text/html']/@href",
                                                  child );
             // The "atom:summary" element is a Content construct that conveys a
             // short summary, abstract or excerpt of the entry. atom:entry
             // elements MAY contain an atom:created element, but MUST NOT
             // contain more than one.
             //FIXME: what if there is no type attribute specified?  Whats the default?
             // Content constructs MAY have a "type" attribute, whose value
             // indicates the media type of the content.  When present, this
             // attribute's value MUST be a media type [RFC2045].  If this
             // attribute is not present, processors MUST behave as if it were
             // present with a value of "text/ plain".
 153  0
             String description = null;
 155  0
             Element summary = child.getChild( "summary", NS.ATOM );
 157  0
             if ( summary != null ) {
 159  0
                 String type = summary.getAttributeValue( "type", NS.ATOM );
 161  0
                 if ( type == null || "text/plain".equals( type ) )
 162  0
                     description = summary.getText();
 166  0
             state.current = child;
 168  0
             listener.onItem( state, title, link, description, link );
 170  0
             doLink( state, listener, child );
 172  0
             doMeta( state, listener, child );
 174  0
             doContent( state, listener, child );
 176  0
             MetaFeedParser.parse( listener, state );
 177  0
             TagFeedParser.parse( listener, state );
 179  0
 180  0
             doLocale( state, listener, child );
 182  0
 184  0
     private static void doLink( FeedParserState state,
                                 FeedParserListener listener,
                                 Element current ) throws Exception {
 190  0
         if ( listener instanceof LinkFeedParserListener == false )
 191  0
 193  0
         LinkFeedParserListener lfpl = (LinkFeedParserListener)listener;
 195  0
         JDOMXPath xpath = new JDOMXPath( "atom:link" );
 196  0
         xpath.setNamespaceContext( NS.context );
 198  0
         List items = xpath.selectNodes( current );
 200  0
         Iterator it = items.iterator();
         //update items.
 203  0
         while ( it.hasNext() ) {
 205  0
             Element link = (Element);
 207  0
             String href = link.getAttributeValue( "href" );
 208  0
             String rel = link.getAttributeValue( "rel" );
 209  0
             String type = link.getAttributeValue( "type" );
 211  0
             String title = null;
 212  0
             long length = -1;
 214  0
             lfpl.onLink( state, rel, type, href, title, length );
 216  0
 218  0
     private static void doContent( FeedParserState state,
                                    FeedParserListener listener,
                                    Element current ) throws Exception {
 224  0
         if ( ! (listener instanceof ContentFeedParserListener) )
 225  0
 227  0
         ContentFeedParserListener clistener = (ContentFeedParserListener)listener;
 229  0
         JDOMXPath xpath = new JDOMXPath( "atom:content" );
 230  0
         xpath.setNamespaceContext( NS.context );
 232  0
         List items = xpath.selectNodes( current );
 234  0
         Iterator i = items.iterator();
         //update items.
 237  0
         while ( i.hasNext() ) {
 239  0
             Element content = (Element);
 241  0
             doLocale( state, listener, content );
 243  0
             String type = content.getAttributeValue( "type", "text/plain" );
 244  0
             String mode = content.getAttributeValue( "mode" );
 246  0
             String format = null;
 247  0
             String encoding = null;
 249  0
             String value = null;
 252  0
             if ( "xml".equals( mode ) ) {
 253  0
                 value = content.getText();
 254  0
             } else if ( "escaped".equals( mode ) ) {
                 //need to decode the content here &lt; -> < etc.
 257  0
                 value = getXMLOfContent( content.getContent() );
 258  0
                 value = EntityDecoder.decode( value );
             } else {
 260  0
                 mode = "xml";
 261  0
                 value = getXMLOfContent( content.getContent() );
 264  0
             boolean isSummary = false;
 266  0
             clistener.onContent( state, type, format, encoding, mode, value, isSummary );
 268  0
             doLocaleEnd( state, listener, content );
 270  0
 272  0
         xpath = new JDOMXPath( "atom:summary[@type='application/xhtml+xml']" );
 273  0
         xpath.setNamespaceContext( NS.context );
 274  0
         Element e = (Element)xpath.selectSingleNode( current );
 276  0
         if ( e != null ) {
 278  0
             String type = "text/html";
 279  0
             String format = "application/xhtml+xml";
 280  0
             String encoding = null;
 281  0
             String mode = "xml";
             //FIXME: get xml:base to expand the URIs.
 285  0
             String value = getXMLOfContent( e );
 286  0
             boolean isSummary = true;
 288  0
             clistener.onContent( state, type, format, encoding, mode, value, isSummary );
 292  0
     private static String getXMLOfContent( Element element ) {
 295  0
         return getXMLOfContent( element.getContent() );
      * Get the content of the given element.
     private static String getXMLOfContent( List content ) {
         //NOTE: Fri Mar 04 2005 03:59 PM ( in my profiling I
         //found that this is a BIG memory allocater.  FIXME: We SHOULD be able
         //to do the same thing we do for xhtml:body RIGHT?
 309  0
         StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer( 10000 ); 
         // NOTE: Changed this constructor to use the default Format. Since the
         // constructor used no longer exists in jdom 1.0.
 313  0
         XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
 315  0
         Iterator it = content.iterator();
 317  0
         while ( it.hasNext() ) {
 319  0
             Object next =;
 321  0
             if ( next instanceof String ) {
 322  0
                 buff.append( (String)next );
 323  0
             } else if ( next instanceof Element ) {
 324  0
                 buff.append( outputter.outputString( (Element)next ) );
 325  0
             } else if ( next instanceof CDATA ) {
 326  0
                 buff.append( ((CDATA)next).getText() );
 327  0
             } else if ( next instanceof Comment ) {
 328  0
                 buff.append( outputter.outputString( (Comment)next ) );
 329  0
             } else if ( next instanceof Text ) {
 330  0
                 buff.append( outputter.outputString( (Text)next ) );
 333  0
 335  0
         return buff.toString();
     private static void doMeta( FeedParserState state,
                                 FeedParserListener listener,
                                 Element element ) throws Exception {
         //FIXME: move this code to MetaFeedParser...
 345  0
         if ( ! (listener instanceof MetaFeedParserListener) ) 
 346  0
 348  0
         MetaFeedParserListener mlistener = (MetaFeedParserListener)listener;
         //handle issued, created, and then dublin core..
 351  0
         String subject = selectText( "dc:subject", element);
 353  0
         if ( subject != null ) {
 354  0
             mlistener.onSubject( state, subject );
 355  0
 358  0
     private static Element selectSingleElement( String query, org.jdom.Document doc ) throws Exception {
 362  0
         JDOMXPath xpath = new JDOMXPath( query );
 363  0
         xpath.setNamespaceContext( NS.context );
         //perform onChannel method...  (title, link, description)
 366  0
         return (Element)xpath.selectSingleNode( doc );
     private static String selectSingleAttribute( String query, Element element ) throws Exception {
 372  0
         JDOMXPath xpath = new JDOMXPath( query );
 373  0
         xpath.setNamespaceContext( NS.context );
         //perform onChannel method...  (title, link, description)
 376  0
         Attribute a = (Attribute)xpath.selectSingleNode( element );
 377  0
         if ( a == null )
 378  0
             return null;
 380  0
         return a.getValue();