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  * Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.Collection;
  * Defines a handler for collection modification events.
  * <p>
  * This class defines the event handling methods, following the 
  * <code>preXxx</code> and <code>postXxx</code> naming convention.
  * It also provides a default implementation that forwards to single methods.
  * <p>
  * To write your own handler, you will normally subclass and override the
  * <code>preEvent</code> and <code>postEvent</code> methods. However, you
  * could choose to override any individual event method.
  * <p>
  * This class could have been implemented as an interface, however to do so
  * would prevent the addition of extra events in the future. It does mean
  * that if you subclass this class, you must check it when you upgrade to a
  * later release.
  * @since Commons Events 1.0
  * @version $Revision: 155443 $ $Date: 2005-02-26 13:19:51 +0000 (Sat, 26 Feb 2005) $
  * @author Stephen Colebourne
 public class ModificationHandler {
     /** Singleton factory */
 44  0
     static final ModificationHandlerFactory FACTORY = new Factory();
     /** The collection being observed */
 47  0
     private ObservableCollection obsCollection = null;
     /** The underlying base collection being decorated */
 49  0
     private Collection baseCollection = null;
     /** The root handler */
     private final ModificationHandler rootHandler;
     /** The view offset, 0 if not a view */
     private final int viewOffset;
     // Constructors
      * Constructor.
     protected ModificationHandler() {
 61  0
 62  0
         this.rootHandler = this;
 63  0
         this.viewOffset = 0;
 64  0
      * Constructor.
      * @param rootHandler  the base underlying handler
      * @param viewOffset  the offset on the base collection
     protected ModificationHandler(ModificationHandler rootHandler, int viewOffset) {
 73  0
 74  0
         this.rootHandler = rootHandler;
 75  0
         this.viewOffset = viewOffset;
 76  0
      * Initialize the handler.
      * <p>
      * The handler cannot be used until this method is called.
      * However, the handler's setup methods can be called.
      * All other methods will throw NullPointerException until then.
      * @param coll  the observed collection, must not be null
      * @param baseColl  the base collection, must not be null
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the collection is null
      * @throws IllegalStateException if init has already been called
     void init(final ObservableCollection coll, Collection baseColl) {
 91  0
         if (coll == null) {
 92  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collection must not be null");
 94  0
         if (baseColl == null) {
 95  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base Collection must not be null");
 97  0
         if (this.obsCollection != null) {
 98  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("init() has already been called");
 100  0
         this.obsCollection = coll;
 101  0
         this.baseCollection = baseColl;
 102  0
     // Field access
      * Gets the observed collection.
      * @return the observed collection
     public ObservableCollection getObservedCollection() {
 112  0
         return obsCollection;
      * Gets the base collection.
      * @return the base collection
     protected Collection getBaseCollection() {
 121  0
         return baseCollection;
      * Gets the root handler.
      * @return the root handler
     protected ModificationHandler getRootHandler() {
 130  0
         return rootHandler;
      * Gets the view offset.
      * @return the view offset
     protected int getViewOffset() {
 139  0
         return viewOffset;
     // PreListeners
      * Gets an array of all the pre listeners active in the handler.
      * <p>
      * This implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.
      * @return the listeners
      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the handler does not support listeners
     public Object[] getPreModificationListeners() {
 153  0
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Listeners not supported by " + getClass().getName());
      * Adds a pre listener to the list held in the handler.
      * <p>
      * No error occurs if the listener is <code>null</code>.
      * <p>
      * The listener does not necessarily have to be a listener in the classic
      * JavaBean sense. It is entirely up to the handler as to how it interprets
      * the listener parameter. A ClassCastException is thrown if the handler
      * cannot interpret the parameter.
      * <p>
      * This implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.
      * @param listener  the listener to add, may be null (ignored)
      * @throws ClassCastException if the listener is not of the correct type
      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the handler does not support listeners
     public void addPreModificationListener(Object listener) {
 173  0
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Listeners not supported by " + getClass().getName());
      * Removes a pre listener to the list held in the handler.
      * <p>
      * No error occurs if the listener is not in the list or the type
      * of the listener is incorrect.
      * <p>
      * This implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.
      * @param listener  the listener to remove, may be null (ignored)
      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the handler does not support listeners
     public void removePreModificationListener(Object listener) {
 188  0
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Listeners not supported by " + getClass().getName());
     // PostListeners
      * Gets an array of all the post listeners active in the handler.
      * <p>
      * This implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.
      * @return the listeners
      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the handler does not support listeners
     public Object[] getPostModificationListeners() {
 202  0
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Listeners not supported by " + getClass().getName());
      * Adds a post listener to the list held in the handler.
      * <p>
      * No error occurs if the listener is <code>null</code>.
      * <p>
      * The listener does not necessarily have to be a listener in the classic
      * JavaBean sense. It is entirely up to the handler as to how it interprets
      * the listener parameter. A ClassCastException is thrown if the handler
      * cannot interpret the parameter.
      * <p>
      * This implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.
      * @param listener  the listener to add, may be null (ignored)
      * @throws ClassCastException if the listener is not of the correct type
      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the handler does not support listeners
     public void addPostModificationListener(Object listener) {
 222  0
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Listeners not supported by " + getClass().getName());
      * Removes a post listener to the list held in the handler.
      * <p>
      * No error occurs if the listener is not in the list or the type
      * of the listener is incorrect.
      * <p>
      * This implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.
      * @param listener  the listener to remove, may be null (ignored)
      * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the handler does not support listeners
     public void removePostModificationListener(Object listener) {
 237  0
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Listeners not supported by " + getClass().getName());
     // Event sending
      * Handles the pre event.
      * <p>
      * This implementation does nothing.
      * @param type  the event type to send
      * @param index  the index where the change starts, the method param or derived
      * @param object  the object that will be added/removed/set, the method param or derived
      * @param repeat  the number of repeats of the add/remove, the method param or derived
      * @param previous  the previous value that will be removed/replaced, must exist in coll
      * @param view  the view collection that the change was actioned on, null if no view
      * @param viewOffset  the offset of the subList view, -1 if unknown
     protected boolean preEvent(
             int type, int index, Object object, int repeat,
             Object previous, ObservableCollection view, int viewOffset) {
 258  0
         return true;
      * Handles the post event.
      * <p>
      * This implementation does nothing.
      * @param modified  true if the method succeeded in changing the collection
      * @param type  the event type to send
      * @param index  the index where the change starts, the method param or derived
      * @param object  the object that was added/removed/set, the method param or derived
      * @param repeat  the number of repeats of the add/remove, the method param or derived
      * @param previous  the previous value that was removed/replace, must have existed in coll
      * @param view  the view collection that the change was actioned on, null if no view
      * @param viewOffset  the offset of the subList view, -1 if unknown
     protected void postEvent(
             boolean modified, int type, int index, Object object, int repeat,
             Object previous, ObservableCollection view, int viewOffset) {
 278  0
     // Event handling
      * Store data and send event before add(obj) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * It does not set the index for List implementations.
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preAdd(Object object) {
 292  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.ADD, -1, object, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after add(obj) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * It does not set the index for List implementations.
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @param result  the result from the add method
     protected void postAdd(Object object, boolean result) {
 305  0
         postEvent(result, ModificationEventType.ADD, -1, object, 1, null, null, -1);
 306  0
      * Store data and send event before add(int,obj) is called on a List.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to add at
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preAddIndexed(int index, Object object) {
 319  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.ADD_INDEXED, index + viewOffset, object, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after add(int,obj) is called on a List.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to add at
      * @param object  the object being added
     protected void postAddIndexed(int index, Object object) {
 331  0
         postEvent(true, ModificationEventType.ADD_INDEXED, index + viewOffset, object, 1, null, null, -1);
 332  0
      * Store data and send event before add(obj,int) is called on a Bag.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @param nCopies  the number of copies being added
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preAddNCopies(Object object, int nCopies) {
 345  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.ADD_NCOPIES, -1, object, nCopies, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after add(obj,int) is called on a Bag.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * The method result is not used by this implementation (Bag violates the
      * Collection contract)
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @param nCopies  the number of copies being added
      * @param result  the method result
     protected void postAddNCopies(Object object, int nCopies, boolean result) {
 360  0
         postEvent(true, ModificationEventType.ADD_NCOPIES, -1, object, nCopies, null, null, -1);
 361  0
      * Store data and send event before add(obj) is called on a ListIterator.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param index  the index of the iterator
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preAddIterated(int index, Object object) {
 374  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.ADD_ITERATED, index + viewOffset, object, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after add(obj) is called on a ListIterator.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param index  the index of the iterator
      * @param object  the object being added
     protected void postAddIterated(int index, Object object) {
         // assume collection changed
 387  0
         postEvent(true, ModificationEventType.ADD_ITERATED, index + viewOffset, object, 1, null, null, -1);
 388  0
      * Store data and send event before addAll(coll) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param coll  the collection being added
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preAddAll(Collection coll) {
 400  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.ADD_ALL, -1, coll, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after addAll(coll) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param coll  the collection being added
      * @param collChanged  the result from the addAll method
     protected void postAddAll(Collection coll, boolean collChanged) {
 412  0
         postEvent(collChanged, ModificationEventType.ADD_ALL, -1, coll, 1, null, null, -1);
 413  0
      * Store data and send event before addAll(int,coll) is called on a List.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to addAll at
      * @param coll  the collection being added
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preAddAllIndexed(int index, Collection coll) {
 426  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.ADD_ALL_INDEXED, index + viewOffset, coll, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after addAll(int,coll) is called on a List.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to addAll at
      * @param coll  the collection being added
      * @param collChanged  the result from the addAll method
     protected void postAddAllIndexed(int index, Collection coll, boolean collChanged) {
 439  0
         postEvent(collChanged, ModificationEventType.ADD_ALL_INDEXED, index + viewOffset, coll, 1, null, null, -1);
 440  0
      * Store data and send event before clear() is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preClear() {
 451  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.CLEAR, -1, null, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after clear() is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
     protected void postClear() {
         // assumes a modification occurred
 461  0
         postEvent(true, ModificationEventType.CLEAR, -1, null, 1, null, null, -1);
 462  0
      * Store data and send event before remove(obj) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param object  the object being removed
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preRemove(Object object) {
 474  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.REMOVE, -1, object, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after remove(obj) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param object  the object being removed
      * @param collChanged  the result from the remove method
     protected void postRemove(Object object, boolean collChanged) {
 486  0
         postEvent(collChanged, ModificationEventType.REMOVE, -1, object, 1, (collChanged ? object : null), null, -1);
 487  0
      * Store data and send event before remove(int) is called on a List.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to remove at
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preRemoveIndexed(int index) {
         // could do a get(index) to determine previousValue
         // we don't for performance, but subclass may override
 501  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.REMOVE_INDEXED, index + viewOffset, null, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after remove(int) is called on a List.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to remove at
      * @param previousValue  the result from the remove method
     protected void postRemoveIndexed(int index, Object previousValue) {
 513  0
         postEvent(true, ModificationEventType.REMOVE_INDEXED, index + viewOffset, null, 1, previousValue, null, -1);
 514  0
      * Store data and send event before remove(obj,int) is called on a Bag.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param object  the object being removed
      * @param nCopies  the number of copies being removed
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preRemoveNCopies(Object object, int nCopies) {
 527  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.REMOVE_NCOPIES, -1, object, nCopies, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after remove(obj,int) is called on a Bag.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param object  the object being removed
      * @param nCopies  the number of copies being removed
      * @param collChanged  the result from the remove method
     protected void postRemoveNCopies(Object object, int nCopies, boolean collChanged) {
 540  0
         postEvent(collChanged, ModificationEventType.REMOVE_NCOPIES, -1, object, nCopies, (collChanged ? object : null), null, -1);
 541  0
      * Store data and send event before remove() is called on a Buffer.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preRemoveNext() {
 552  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.REMOVE_NEXT, -1, null, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after remove() is called on a Buffer.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param removedValue  the previous value at this index
     protected void postRemoveNext(Object removedValue) {
         // assume collection changed
 564  0
         postEvent(true, ModificationEventType.REMOVE_NEXT, -1, removedValue, 1, removedValue, null, -1);
 565  0
      * Store data and send event before remove(obj) is called on an Iterator.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param index  the index of the iterator
      * @param removedValue  the object being removed
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preRemoveIterated(int index, Object removedValue) {
 578  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.REMOVE_ITERATED, index + viewOffset, removedValue, 1, removedValue, null, -1);
      * Send an event after remove(obj) is called on an Iterator.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param index  the index of the iterator
      * @param removedValue  the previous value at this index
     protected void postRemoveIterated(int index, Object removedValue) {
         // assume collection changed
 591  0
         postEvent(true, ModificationEventType.REMOVE_ITERATED, index + viewOffset, removedValue, 1, removedValue, null, -1);
 592  0
      * Store data and send event before removeAll(coll) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param coll  the collection being removed
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preRemoveAll(Collection coll) {
 604  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.REMOVE_ALL, -1, coll, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after removeAll(coll) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param coll  the collection being removed
      * @param collChanged  the result from the removeAll method
     protected void postRemoveAll(Collection coll, boolean collChanged) {
 616  0
         postEvent(collChanged, ModificationEventType.REMOVE_ALL, -1, coll, 1, null, null, -1);
 617  0
      * Store data and send event before retainAll(coll) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param coll  the collection being retained
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preRetainAll(Collection coll) {
 629  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.RETAIN_ALL, -1, coll, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after retainAll(coll) is called.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param coll  the collection being retained
      * @param collChanged  the result from the retainAll method
     protected void postRetainAll(Collection coll, boolean collChanged) {
 641  0
         postEvent(collChanged, ModificationEventType.RETAIN_ALL, -1, coll, 1, null, null, -1);
 642  0
      * Store data and send event before set(int,obj) is called on a List.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to add at
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preSetIndexed(int index, Object object) {
         // could do a get(index) to determine previousValue
         // we don't for performance, but subclass may override
 657  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.SET_INDEXED, index + viewOffset, object, 1, null, null, -1);
      * Send an event after set(int,obj) is called on a List.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to add at
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @param previousValue  the result from the set method
     protected void postSetIndexed(int index, Object object, Object previousValue) {
         // reference check for modification, in case equals() has issues (eg. performance)
 671  0
         postEvent((object != previousValue), ModificationEventType.SET_INDEXED, index + viewOffset, object, 1, previousValue, null, -1);
 672  0
      * Store data and send event before set(obj) is called on a ListIterator.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #preEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to set at
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @param previousValue  the previous value at this index
      * @return true to process modification
     protected boolean preSetIterated(int index, Object object, Object previousValue) {
 686  0
         return preEvent(ModificationEventType.SET_ITERATED, index + viewOffset, object, 1, previousValue, null, -1);
      * Send an event after set(obj) is called on a ListIterator.
      * <p>
      * This implementation forwards to {@link #postEvent}.
      * @param index  the index to set at
      * @param object  the object being added
      * @param previousValue  the previous value at this index
     protected void postSetIterated(int index, Object object, Object previousValue) {
         // reference check for modification, in case equals() has issues (eg. performance)
 700  0
         postEvent((object != previousValue), ModificationEventType.SET_ITERATED, index + viewOffset, object, 1, previousValue, null, -1);
 701  0
     // SortedSet Views
      * Creates a new handler for SortedSet subSet.
      * @param fromElement  the from element
      * @param toElement  the to element
     protected ModificationHandler createSubSetHandler(Object fromElement, Object toElement) {
 712  0
         return new SetViewHandler(rootHandler);
      * Creates a new handler for SortedSet headSet.
      * @param toElement  the to element
     protected ModificationHandler createHeadSetHandler(Object toElement) {
 721  0
         return new SetViewHandler(rootHandler);
      * Creates a new handler for SortedSet tailSet.
      * @param fromElement  the from element
     protected ModificationHandler createTailSetHandler(Object fromElement) {
 730  0
         return new SetViewHandler(rootHandler);
      * Inner class for views.
     protected static class SetViewHandler extends ModificationHandler {
          * Constructor.
          * @param rootHandler  the base underlying handler
         protected SetViewHandler(ModificationHandler rootHandler) {
 744  0
             super(rootHandler, 0);
 745  0
          * Override the preEvent method to forward all events to the 
          * underlying handler. This method also inserts details of the view
          * that caused the event.
         protected boolean preEvent(
                 int type, int index, Object object, int repeat,
                 Object previous, ObservableCollection ignoredView, int offset) {
 756  0
             return getRootHandler().preEvent(
                 type, index, object, repeat,
                 previous, getObservedCollection(), offset);
          * Override the postEvent method to forward all events to the 
          * underlying handler. This method also inserts details of the view
          * that caused the event.
         protected void postEvent(
                 boolean modified, int type, int index, Object object, int repeat,
                 Object previous, ObservableCollection ignoredView, int offset) {
 770  0
                 modified, type, index, object, repeat,
                 previous, getObservedCollection(), offset);
 773  0
     // List View
      * Creates a new handler for subLists that is aware of the offset.
      * @param fromIndex  the sublist fromIndex (inclusive)
      * @param toIndex  the sublist toIndex (exclusive)
     protected ModificationHandler createSubListHandler(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
 785  0
         return new SubListHandler(rootHandler, fromIndex + viewOffset);
      * Inner class for subLists.
     protected static class SubListHandler extends ModificationHandler {
          * Constructor.
          * @param rootHandler  the base underlying handler
          * @param viewOffset  the offset on the base collection
         protected SubListHandler(ModificationHandler rootHandler, int viewOffset) {
 800  0
             super(rootHandler, viewOffset);
 801  0
          * Override the preEvent method to forward all events to the 
          * underlying handler. This method also inserts details of the view
          * that caused the event.
         protected boolean preEvent(
                 int type, int index, Object object, int repeat,
                 Object previous, ObservableCollection ignoredView, int ignoredOffset) {
 812  0
             return getRootHandler().preEvent(
                 type, index, object, repeat,
                 previous, getObservedCollection(), getViewOffset());
          * Override the postEvent method to forward all events to the 
          * underlying handler. This method also inserts details of the view
          * that caused the event.
         protected void postEvent(
                 boolean modified, int type, int index, Object object, int repeat,
                 Object previous, ObservableCollection ignoredView, int ignoredOffset) {
 826  0
                 modified, type, index, object, repeat,
                 previous, getObservedCollection(), getViewOffset());
 829  0
     // toString
      * Gets a debugging string version of this object.
      * @return a debugging string
     public String toString() {
 840  0
         String name = getClass().getName();
 841  0
         int pos = name.lastIndexOf('.');
 842  0
         if (pos != -1) {
 843  0
             name = name.substring(pos + 1);
 845  0
         return name + '[' + (obsCollection == null ? "" : "initialised") + ']';
     // Factory to create handler from handler
      * Factory that casts the listener to a handler.
 853  0
     static class Factory implements ModificationHandlerFactory {
         public ModificationHandler createHandler(Collection coll, Object listener) {
 855  0
             if (listener instanceof ModificationHandler) {
 856  0
                 return (ModificationHandler) listener;
 858  0
             return null;