Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.ExpressionCompiler
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import javassist.CannotCompileException;
 import javassist.ClassPool;
 import javassist.CtClass;
 import javassist.CtField;
 import javassist.CtMethod;
 import javassist.CtNewConstructor;
 import javassist.CtNewMethod;
 import javassist.LoaderClassPath;
 import javassist.NotFoundException;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTAnd;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTChain;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTConst;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTCtor;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTList;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTMethod;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTOr;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTProperty;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTRootVarRef;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTStaticField;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTStaticMethod;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTThisVarRef;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTVarRef;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ClassResolver;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.ExpressionNode;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.Node;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlContext;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlRuntime;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
 import static java.lang.String.format;
  * Responsible for managing/providing functionality related to compiling generated java source expressions via bytecode
  * enhancements for a given ognl expression.
 65  62
 public class ExpressionCompiler
     implements OgnlExpressionCompiler
      * Key used to store any java source string casting statements in the {@link OgnlContext} during class compilation.
     public static final String PRE_CAST = "_preCast";
      * {@link ClassLoader} instances.
 77  62
     protected Map<ClassResolver, EnhancedClassLoader> loaders = new HashMap<ClassResolver, EnhancedClassLoader>();
      * Javassist class definition poool.
     protected ClassPool pool;
 84  62
     protected int classCounter = 0;
      * Used by {@link #castExpression(org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlContext, org.apache.commons.ognl.Node, String)} to
      * store the cast java source string in to the current {@link org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlContext}. This will either
      * add to the existing string present if it already exists or create a new instance and store it using the static
      * key of {@link #PRE_CAST}.
      * @param context The current execution context.
      * @param cast The java source string to store in to the context.
     public static void addCastString( OgnlContext context, String cast )
 97  196
         String value = (String) context.get( PRE_CAST );
 99  196
         if ( value != null )
 101  18
             value = cast + value;
 105  178
             value = cast;
 108  196
         context.put( PRE_CAST, value );
 109  196
      * Returns the appropriate casting expression (minus parens) for the specified class type.
      * <p/>
      * For instance, if given an {@link Integer} object the string <code>"java.lang.Integer"</code> would be returned.
      * For an array of primitive ints <code>"int[]"</code> and so on..
      * </p>
      * @param type The class to cast a string expression for.
      * @return The converted raw string version of the class name.
     public static String getCastString( Class<?> type )
 123  972
         if ( type == null )
 125  0
             return null;
 128  972
         return type.isArray() ? type.getComponentType().getName() + "[]" : type.getName();
      * Convenience method called by many different property/method resolving AST types to get a root expression
      * resolving string for the given node. The callers are mostly ignorant and rely on this method to properly
      * determine if the expression should be cast at all and take the appropriate actions if it should.
      * @param expression The node to check and generate a root expression to if necessary.
      * @param root The root object for this execution.
      * @param context The current execution context.
      * @return Either an empty string or a root path java source string compatible with javassist compilations from the
      *         root object up to the specified {@link Node}.
     public static String getRootExpression( Node expression, Object root, OgnlContext context )
 144  1184
         String rootExpr = "";
 146  1184
         if ( !shouldCast( expression ) )
 148  380
             return rootExpr;
 151  804
         if ( ( !ASTList.class.isInstance( expression ) && !ASTVarRef.class.isInstance( expression )
             && !ASTStaticMethod.class.isInstance( expression ) && !ASTStaticField.class.isInstance( expression )
             && !ASTConst.class.isInstance( expression ) && !ExpressionNode.class.isInstance( expression )
             && !ASTCtor.class.isInstance( expression ) && !ASTStaticMethod.class.isInstance( expression )
             && root != null ) || ( root != null && ASTRootVarRef.class.isInstance( expression ) ) )
 158  526
             Class<?> castClass = OgnlRuntime.getCompiler( context ).getRootExpressionClass( expression, context );
 160  526
             if ( castClass.isArray() || ASTRootVarRef.class.isInstance( expression ) || ASTThisVarRef.class.isInstance(
                 expression ) )
 163  17
                 rootExpr = "((" + getCastString( castClass ) + ")$2)";
 165  17
                 if ( ASTProperty.class.isInstance( expression ) && !( (ASTProperty) expression ).isIndexedAccess() )
 167  2
                     rootExpr += ".";
 170  509
             else if ( ( ASTProperty.class.isInstance( expression ) && ( (ASTProperty) expression ).isIndexedAccess() )
                 || ASTChain.class.isInstance( expression ) )
 173  217
                 rootExpr = "((" + getCastString( castClass ) + ")$2)";
 177  292
                 rootExpr = "((" + getCastString( castClass ) + ")$2).";
 181  804
         return rootExpr;
      * Used by {@link #getRootExpression(org.apache.commons.ognl.Node, Object, org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlContext)} to
      * determine if the expression needs to be cast at all.
      * @param expression The node to check against.
      * @return Yes if the node type should be cast - false otherwise.
     public static boolean shouldCast( Node expression )
 193  1393
         if ( ASTChain.class.isInstance( expression ) )
 195  249
             Node child = expression.jjtGetChild( 0 );
 196  249
             if ( ASTConst.class.isInstance( child ) || ASTStaticMethod.class.isInstance( child )
                 || ASTStaticField.class.isInstance( child ) || ( ASTVarRef.class.isInstance( child )
                 && !ASTRootVarRef.class.isInstance( child ) ) )
 200  17
                 return false;
 204  1376
         return !ASTConst.class.isInstance( expression );
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public String castExpression( OgnlContext context, Node expression, String body )
         //TODO: ok - so this looks really f-ed up ...and it is if you can do it better I'm all for it :)
 214  702
         if ( context.getCurrentAccessor() == null || context.getPreviousType() == null
             || context.getCurrentAccessor().isAssignableFrom( context.getPreviousType() ) || (
             context.getCurrentType() != null && context.getCurrentObject() != null
                 && context.getCurrentType().isAssignableFrom( context.getCurrentObject().getClass() )
                 && context.getCurrentAccessor().isAssignableFrom( context.getPreviousType() ) ) || body == null
             || body.trim().length() < 1 || ( context.getCurrentType() != null && context.getCurrentType().isArray() && (
             context.getPreviousType() == null || context.getPreviousType() != Object.class ) )
             || ASTOr.class.isInstance( expression ) || ASTAnd.class.isInstance( expression )
             || ASTRootVarRef.class.isInstance( expression ) || context.getCurrentAccessor() == Class.class || (
             context.get( ExpressionCompiler.PRE_CAST ) != null && ( (String) context.get(
                 ExpressionCompiler.PRE_CAST ) ).startsWith( "new" ) ) || ASTStaticField.class.isInstance( expression )
             || ASTStaticMethod.class.isInstance( expression ) || ( OrderedReturn.class.isInstance( expression )
             && ( (OrderedReturn) expression ).getLastExpression() != null ) )
 228  520
             return body;
          * System.out.println("castExpression() with expression " + expression + " expr class: " + expression.getClass()
          * + " currentType is: " + context.getCurrentType() + " previousType: " + context.getPreviousType() +
          * "\n current Accessor: " + context.getCurrentAccessor() + " previous Accessor: " +
          * context.getPreviousAccessor() + " current object " + context.getCurrentObject());
 238  182
         ExpressionCompiler.addCastString( context,
                                           "((" + ExpressionCompiler.getCastString( context.getCurrentAccessor() )
                                               + ")" );
 242  182
         return ")" + body;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public String getClassName( Class<?> clazz )
 250  0
         if ( "java.util.AbstractList$Itr".equals( clazz.getName() ) )
 252  0
             return Iterator.class.getName();
 255  0
         if ( Modifier.isPublic( clazz.getModifiers() ) && clazz.isInterface() )
 257  0
             return clazz.getName();
 260  0
         Class<?>[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();
 262  0
         for ( Class<?> intface : interfaces )
 264  0
             if ( intface.getName().indexOf( "util.List" ) > 0 )
 266  0
                 return intface.getName();
 268  0
             else if ( intface.getName().indexOf( "Iterator" ) > 0 )
 270  0
                 return intface.getName();
 274  0
         if ( clazz.getSuperclass() != null && clazz.getSuperclass().getInterfaces().length > 0 )
 276  0
             return getClassName( clazz.getSuperclass() );
 279  0
         return clazz.getName();
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public Class<?> getSuperOrInterfaceClass( Method m, Class<?> clazz )
 287  1767
         if ( clazz.getInterfaces() != null && clazz.getInterfaces().length > 0 )
 289  94
             Class<?>[] intfs = clazz.getInterfaces();
             Class<?> intClass;
 292  218
             for ( Class<?> intf : intfs )
 294  165
                 intClass = getSuperOrInterfaceClass( m, intf );
 296  165
                 if ( intClass != null )
 298  41
                     return intClass;
 301  124
                 if ( Modifier.isPublic( intf.getModifiers() ) && containsMethod( m, intf ) )
 303  0
                     return intf;
 308  1726
         if ( clazz.getSuperclass() != null )
 310  798
             Class<?> superClass = getSuperOrInterfaceClass( m, clazz.getSuperclass() );
 312  798
             if ( superClass != null )
 314  9
                 return superClass;
 318  1717
         if ( Modifier.isPublic( clazz.getModifiers() ) && containsMethod( m, clazz ) )
 320  804
             return clazz;
 323  913
         return null;
      * Helper utility method used by compiler to help resolve class->method mappings during method calls to
      * {@link OgnlExpressionCompiler#getSuperOrInterfaceClass(java.lang.reflect.Method, Class)}.
      * @param m The method to check for existance of.
      * @param clazz The class to check for the existance of a matching method definition to the method passed in.
      * @return True if the class contains the specified method, false otherwise.
     public boolean containsMethod( Method m, Class<?> clazz )
 336  1840
         Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
 338  1840
         if ( methods == null )
 340  0
             return false;
 343  19554
         for ( Method method : methods )
 345  18518
             if ( method.getName().equals( m.getName() ) && method.getReturnType() == m.getReturnType() )
 347  817
                 Class<?>[] parms = m.getParameterTypes();
 348  817
                 if ( parms == null )
 350  0
 353  817
                 Class<?>[] mparms = method.getParameterTypes();
 354  817
                 if ( mparms == null || mparms.length != parms.length )
 356  6
 359  811
                 boolean parmsMatch = true;
 360  1017
                 for ( int p = 0; p < parms.length; p++ )
 362  213
                     if ( parms[p] != mparms[p] )
 364  7
                         parmsMatch = false;
 365  7
 369  811
                 if ( !parmsMatch )
 371  7
 374  804
                 Class<?>[] exceptions = m.getExceptionTypes();
 375  804
                 if ( exceptions == null )
 377  0
 380  804
                 Class<?>[] mexceptions = method.getExceptionTypes();
 381  804
                 if ( mexceptions == null || mexceptions.length != exceptions.length )
 383  0
 386  804
                 boolean exceptionsMatch = true;
 387  810
                 for ( int e = 0; e < exceptions.length; e++ )
 389  6
                     if ( exceptions[e] != mexceptions[e] )
 391  0
                         exceptionsMatch = false;
 392  0
 396  804
                 if ( !exceptionsMatch )
 398  0
 401  804
                 return true;
 405  1036
         return false;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public Class<?> getInterfaceClass( Class<?> clazz )
 413  1241
         if ( "java.util.AbstractList$Itr".equals( clazz.getName() ) )
 415  4
             return Iterator.class;
 418  1237
         if ( Modifier.isPublic( clazz.getModifiers() ) && clazz.isInterface() || clazz.isPrimitive() )
 420  0
             return clazz;
 423  1237
         Class<?>[] intf = clazz.getInterfaces();
 425  1399
         for ( Class<?> anIntf : intf )
 427  290
             if ( List.class.isAssignableFrom( anIntf ) )
 429  21
                 return List.class;
 431  269
             else if ( Iterator.class.isAssignableFrom( anIntf ) )
 433  0
                 return Iterator.class;
 435  269
             else if ( Map.class.isAssignableFrom( anIntf ) )
 437  105
                 return Map.class;
 439  164
             else if ( Set.class.isAssignableFrom( anIntf ) )
 441  2
                 return Set.class;
 443  162
             else if ( Collection.class.isAssignableFrom( anIntf ) )
 445  0
                 return Collection.class;
 449  1109
         if ( clazz.getSuperclass() != null && clazz.getSuperclass().getInterfaces().length > 0 )
 451  40
             return getInterfaceClass( clazz.getSuperclass() );
 454  1069
         return clazz;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public Class<?> getRootExpressionClass( Node rootNode, OgnlContext context )
 462  526
         if ( context.getRoot() == null )
 464  0
             return null;
 467  526
         Class<?> ret = context.getRoot().getClass();
 469  526
         if ( context.getFirstAccessor() != null && context.getFirstAccessor().isInstance( context.getRoot() ) )
 471  448
             ret = context.getFirstAccessor();
 474  526
         return ret;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public void compileExpression( OgnlContext context, Node expression, Object root )
         throws Exception
         // System.out.println("Compiling expr class " + expression.getClass().getName() + " and root " + root);
 485  568
         if ( expression.getAccessor() != null )
 487  0
         String getBody, setBody;
 492  568
         EnhancedClassLoader loader = getClassLoader( context );
 493  568
         ClassPool classPool = getClassPool( context, loader );
 495  568
         CtClass newClass = classPool.makeClass(
             expression.getClass().getName() + expression.hashCode() + classCounter++ + "Accessor" );
 497  568
         newClass.addInterface( getCtClass( ExpressionAccessor.class ) );
 499  568
         CtClass ognlClass = getCtClass( OgnlContext.class );
 500  568
         CtClass objClass = getCtClass( Object.class );
 502  568
         CtMethod valueGetter = new CtMethod( objClass, "get", new CtClass[] { ognlClass, objClass }, newClass );
 503  568
         CtMethod valueSetter =
             new CtMethod( CtClass.voidType, "set", new CtClass[] { ognlClass, objClass, objClass }, newClass );
 506  568
         CtField nodeMember = null; // will only be set if uncompilable exception is thrown
 508  568
         CtClass nodeClass = getCtClass( Node.class );
 509  568
         CtMethod setExpression = null;
 514  568
             getBody = generateGetter( context, newClass, objClass, classPool, valueGetter, expression, root );
 517  155
         catch ( UnsupportedCompilationException uc )
             // uc.printStackTrace();
 521  155
             nodeMember = new CtField( nodeClass, "_node", newClass );
 522  155
             newClass.addField( nodeMember );
 524  155
             getBody = generateOgnlGetter( newClass, valueGetter, nodeMember );
 526  155
             setExpression = CtNewMethod.setter( "setExpression", nodeMember );
 527  155
             newClass.addMethod( setExpression );
 528  412
 533  567
             setBody = generateSetter( context, newClass, objClass, classPool, valueSetter, expression, root );
 536  438
         catch ( UnsupportedCompilationException uc )
             // uc.printStackTrace();
 541  438
             if ( nodeMember == null )
 543  285
                 nodeMember = new CtField( nodeClass, "_node", newClass );
 544  285
                 newClass.addField( nodeMember );
 547  438
             setBody = generateOgnlSetter( newClass, valueSetter, nodeMember );
 549  438
             if ( setExpression == null )
 551  285
                 setExpression = CtNewMethod.setter( "setExpression", nodeMember );
 552  285
                 newClass.addMethod( setExpression );
 554  129
 558  567
             newClass.addConstructor( CtNewConstructor.defaultConstructor( newClass ) );
 560  567
             Class<?> clazz = classPool.toClass( newClass );
 561  567
 563  567
             expression.setAccessor( (ExpressionAccessor) clazz.newInstance() );
             // need to set expression on node if the field was just defined.
 567  567
             if ( nodeMember != null )
 569  440
                 expression.getAccessor().setExpression( expression );
 573  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
             // t.printStackTrace();
 577  0
             throw new RuntimeException( "Error compiling expression on object " + root + " with expression node "
                 + expression + " getter body: " + getBody + " setter body: " + setBody, t );
 579  567
 581  567
     protected String generateGetter( OgnlContext context, CtClass newClass, CtClass objClass, ClassPool classPool,
                                      CtMethod valueGetter, Node expression, Object root )
         throws Exception
 587  568
         String pre = "";
 588  568
         String post = "";
         String body;
 591  568
         context.setRoot( root );
         // the ExpressionAccessor API has to reference the generic Object class for get/set operations, so this sets up
         // that known
         // type beforehand
 597  568
         context.remove( PRE_CAST );
         // Recursively generate the java source code representation of the top level expression
 601  568
         String getterCode = expression.toGetSourceString( context, root );
 603  412
         if ( getterCode == null || getterCode.trim().length() <= 0
             && !ASTVarRef.class.isAssignableFrom( expression.getClass() ) )
 606  2
             getterCode = "null";
 609  412
         String castExpression = (String) context.get( PRE_CAST );
 611  412
         if ( context.getCurrentType() == null || context.getCurrentType().isPrimitive()
             || Character.class.isAssignableFrom( context.getCurrentType() )
             || Object.class == context.getCurrentType() )
 615  278
             pre = pre + " ($w) (";
 616  278
             post = post + ")";
 619  412
         String rootExpr = !"null".equals( getterCode ) ? getRootExpression( expression, root, context ) : "";
 621  412
         String noRoot = (String) context.remove( "_noRoot" );
 622  412
         if ( noRoot != null )
 624  11
             rootExpr = "";
 627  412
         createLocalReferences( context, classPool, newClass, objClass, valueGetter.getParameterTypes() );
 629  412
         if ( OrderedReturn.class.isInstance( expression )
             && ( (OrderedReturn) expression ).getLastExpression() != null )
 632  3
             body = "{ " + ( ASTMethod.class.isInstance( expression ) || ASTChain.class.isInstance( expression )
                 ? rootExpr
                 : "" ) + ( castExpression != null ? castExpression : "" )
                 + ( (OrderedReturn) expression ).getCoreExpression() + " return " + pre
                 + ( (OrderedReturn) expression ).getLastExpression() + post + ";}";
 642  409
             body =
                 "{  return " + pre + ( castExpression != null ? castExpression : "" ) + rootExpr + getterCode + post
                     + ";}";
 647  412
         body = body.replaceAll( "\\.\\.", "." );
         // System.out.println("Getter Body: ===================================\n" + body);
 650  412
         valueGetter.setBody( body );
 651  412
         newClass.addMethod( valueGetter );
 653  412
         return body;
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public String createLocalReference( OgnlContext context, String expression, Class<?> type )
 661  149
         String referenceName = "ref" + context.incrementLocalReferenceCounter();
 662  149
         context.addLocalReference( referenceName, new LocalReferenceImpl( referenceName, expression, type ) );
 664  149
         String castString = "";
 665  149
         if ( !type.isPrimitive() )
 667  107
             castString = "(" + ExpressionCompiler.getCastString( type ) + ") ";
 670  149
         return castString + referenceName + "($$)";
     void createLocalReferences( OgnlContext context, ClassPool classPool, CtClass clazz, CtClass unused,
                                 CtClass[] params )
         throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException
 677  541
         Map<String, LocalReference> referenceMap = context.getLocalReferences();
 678  541
         if ( referenceMap == null || referenceMap.isEmpty() )
 680  450
 683  91
         Iterator<LocalReference> it = referenceMap.values().iterator();
 684  237
         while( it.hasNext() )
 686  146
             LocalReference ref =;
 687  146
             String widener = ref.getType().isPrimitive() ? " " : " ($w) ";
 689  146
             String body = format( "{ return %s %s; }", widener, ref.getExpression() ).replaceAll( "\\.\\.", "." );
             // System.out.println("adding method " + ref.getName() + " with body:\n" + body + " and return type: " +
             // ref.getType());
 694  146
             CtMethod method =
                 new CtMethod( classPool.get( getCastString( ref.getType() ) ), ref.getName(), params, clazz );
 696  146
             method.setBody( body );
 698  146
             clazz.addMethod( method );
 699  146
 700  146
 701  91
     protected String generateSetter( OgnlContext context, CtClass newClass, CtClass objClass, ClassPool classPool,
                                      CtMethod valueSetter, Node expression, Object root )
         throws Exception
 707  567
         if ( ExpressionNode.class.isInstance( expression ) || ASTConst.class.isInstance( expression ) )
 709  230
             throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "Can't compile expression/constant setters." );
 712  337
         context.setRoot( root );
 713  337
         context.remove( PRE_CAST );
         String body;
 717  337
         String setterCode = expression.toSetSourceString( context, root );
 718  177
         String castExpression = (String) context.get( PRE_CAST );
 720  177
         if ( setterCode == null || setterCode.trim().length() < 1 )
 722  42
             throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "Can't compile null setter body." );
 725  135
         if ( root == null )
 727  6
             throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "Can't compile setters with a null root object." );
 730  129
         String pre = getRootExpression( expression, root, context );
 732  129
         String noRoot = (String) context.remove( "_noRoot" );
 733  129
         if ( noRoot != null )
 735  2
             pre = "";
 738  129
         createLocalReferences( context, classPool, newClass, objClass, valueSetter.getParameterTypes() );
 740  129
         body = "{" + ( castExpression != null ? castExpression : "" ) + pre + setterCode + ";}";
 742  129
         body = body.replaceAll( "\\.\\.", "." );
         // System.out.println("Setter Body: ===================================\n" + body);
 746  129
         valueSetter.setBody( body );
 747  129
         newClass.addMethod( valueSetter );
 749  129
         return body;
      * Fail safe getter creation when normal compilation fails.
      * @param clazz The javassist class the new method should be attached to.
      * @param valueGetter The method definition the generated code will be contained within.
      * @param node The root expression node.
      * @return The generated source string for this method, the method will still be added via the javassist API either
      *         way so this is really a convenience for exception reporting / debugging.
      * @throws Exception If a javassist error occurs.
     protected String generateOgnlGetter( CtClass clazz, CtMethod valueGetter, CtField node )
         throws Exception
 765  155
         String body = "return " + node.getName() + ".getValue($1, $2);";
 767  155
         valueGetter.setBody( body );
 768  155
         clazz.addMethod( valueGetter );
 770  155
         return body;
      * Fail safe setter creation when normal compilation fails.
      * @param clazz The javassist class the new method should be attached to.
      * @param valueSetter The method definition the generated code will be contained within.
      * @param node The root expression node.
      * @return The generated source string for this method, the method will still be added via the javassist API either
      *         way so this is really a convenience for exception reporting / debugging.
      * @throws Exception If a javassist error occurs.
     protected String generateOgnlSetter( CtClass clazz, CtMethod valueSetter, CtField node )
         throws Exception
 786  438
         String body = node.getName() + ".setValue($1, $2, $3);";
 788  438
         valueSetter.setBody( body );
 789  438
         clazz.addMethod( valueSetter );
 791  438
         return body;
      * Creates a {@link ClassLoader} instance compatible with the javassist classloader and normal OGNL class resolving
      * semantics.
      * @param context The current execution context.
      * @return The created {@link ClassLoader} instance.
     protected EnhancedClassLoader getClassLoader( OgnlContext context )
 803  568
         EnhancedClassLoader ret = loaders.get( context.getClassResolver() );
 805  568
         if ( ret != null )
 807  561
             return ret;
 810  7
         ClassLoader classLoader = new ContextClassLoader( OgnlContext.class.getClassLoader(), context );
 812  7
         ret = new EnhancedClassLoader( classLoader );
 813  7
         loaders.put( context.getClassResolver(), ret );
 815  7
         return ret;
      * Loads a new class definition via javassist for the specified class.
      * @param searchClass The class to load.
      * @return The javassist class equivalent.
      * @throws javassist.NotFoundException When the class definition can't be found.
     protected CtClass getCtClass( Class<?> searchClass )
         throws NotFoundException
 828  2272
         return pool.get( searchClass.getName() );
      * Gets either a new or existing {@link ClassPool} for use in compiling javassist classes. A new class path object
      * is inserted in to the returned {@link ClassPool} using the passed in <code>loader</code> instance if a new pool
      * needs to be created.
      * @param context The current execution context.
      * @param loader The {@link ClassLoader} instance to use - as returned by
      *            {@link #getClassLoader(org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlContext)}.
      * @return The existing or new {@link ClassPool} instance.
     protected ClassPool getClassPool( OgnlContext context, EnhancedClassLoader loader )
 843  568
         if ( pool != null )
 845  561
             return pool;
 848  7
         pool = ClassPool.getDefault();
 849  7
         pool.insertClassPath( new LoaderClassPath( loader.getParent() ) );
 851  7
         return pool;