Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.ognl.SimpleNode
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.commons.ognl;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.ExpressionAccessor;
  * @author Luke Blanshard (
  * @author Drew Davidson (
 public abstract class SimpleNode
     implements Node, Serializable
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 8305393337889433901L;
     protected Node parent;
     protected Node[] children;
     protected int id;
     protected OgnlParser parser;
     private boolean constantValueCalculated;
     private volatile boolean hasConstantValue;
     private Object constantValue;
     private ExpressionAccessor accessor;
     public SimpleNode( int i )
 54  5598
 55  5598
         id = i;
 56  5598
     public SimpleNode( OgnlParser p, int i )
 60  0
         this( i );
 61  0
         parser = p;
 62  0
     public void jjtOpen()
 66  5580
     public void jjtClose()
 70  4667
     public void jjtSetParent( Node n )
 74  4443
         parent = n;
 75  4443
     public Node jjtGetParent()
 79  317
         return parent;
     public void jjtAddChild( Node n, int i )
 84  4446
         if ( children == null )
 86  2921
             children = new Node[i + 1];
 88  1525
         else if ( i >= children.length )
 90  0
             Node c[] = new Node[i + 1];
 91  0
             System.arraycopy( children, 0, c, 0, children.length );
 92  0
             children = c;
 94  4446
         children[i] = n;
 95  4446
     public Node jjtGetChild( int i )
 99  698
         return children[i];
     public int jjtGetNumChildren()
 104  1477
         return ( children == null ) ? 0 : children.length;
      * You can override these two methods in subclasses of SimpleNode to customize the way the node appears when the
      * tree is dumped. If your output uses more than one line you should override toString(String), otherwise overriding
      * toString() is probably all you need to do.
     public String toString()
 116  4
         final StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
 119  4
             accept( ToStringVisitor.INSTANCE, data );
 121  0
         catch ( OgnlException e )
             // ignored.
 124  4
 125  4
         return data.toString();
     // OGNL additions
     public String toString( String prefix )
 132  0
         return prefix + OgnlParserTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[id] + " " + toString();
     public String toGetSourceString( OgnlContext context, Object target )
 137  0
         return toString();
     public String toSetSourceString( OgnlContext context, Object target )
 142  2
         return toString();
      * Override this method if you want to customize how the node dumps out its children.
     public void dump( PrintWriter writer, String prefix )
 151  0
         writer.println( toString( prefix ) );
 153  0
         if ( children != null )
 155  0
             for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i )
 157  0
                 SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) children[i];
 158  0
                 if ( n != null )
 160  0
                     n.dump( writer, prefix + "  " );
 164  0
     public int getIndexInParent()
 168  0
         int result = -1;
 170  0
         if ( parent != null )
 172  0
             int icount = parent.jjtGetNumChildren();
 174  0
             for ( int i = 0; i < icount; i++ )
 176  0
                 if ( parent.jjtGetChild( i ) == this )
 178  0
                     result = i;
 179  0
 184  0
         return result;
     public Node getNextSibling()
 189  0
         Node result = null;
 190  0
         int i = getIndexInParent();
 192  0
         if ( i >= 0 )
 194  0
             int icount = parent.jjtGetNumChildren();
 196  0
             if ( i < icount )
 198  0
                 result = parent.jjtGetChild( i + 1 );
 201  0
         return result;
     protected Object evaluateGetValueBody( OgnlContext context, Object source )
         throws OgnlException
 207  7342
         context.setCurrentObject( source );
 208  7342
         context.setCurrentNode( this );
 210  7342
         if ( !constantValueCalculated )
 212  2171
             constantValueCalculated = true;
 213  2171
             boolean constant = isConstant( context );
 215  2171
             if ( constant )
 217  1198
                 constantValue = getValueBody( context, source );
 220  2171
             hasConstantValue = constant;
 223  7342
         return hasConstantValue ? constantValue : getValueBody( context, source );
     protected void evaluateSetValueBody( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value )
         throws OgnlException
 229  94
         context.setCurrentObject( target );
 230  94
         context.setCurrentNode( this );
 231  94
         setValueBody( context, target, value );
 232  93
     public final Object getValue( OgnlContext context, Object source )
         throws OgnlException
 237  7342
         Object result = null;
 239  7342
         if ( context.getTraceEvaluations() )
 242  0
             EvaluationPool pool = OgnlRuntime.getEvaluationPool();
 243  0
             Throwable evalException = null;
 244  0
             Evaluation evaluation = pool.create( this, source );
 246  0
             context.pushEvaluation( evaluation );
 249  0
                 result = evaluateGetValueBody( context, source );
 251  0
             catch ( OgnlException ex )
 253  0
                 evalException = ex;
 254  0
                 throw ex;
 256  0
             catch ( RuntimeException ex )
 258  0
                 evalException = ex;
 259  0
                 throw ex;
 263  0
                 Evaluation eval = context.popEvaluation();
 265  0
                 eval.setResult( result );
 266  0
                 if ( evalException != null )
 268  0
                     eval.setException( evalException );
 270  0
                 if ( ( evalException == null ) && ( context.getRootEvaluation() == null )
                     && !context.getKeepLastEvaluation() )
 273  0
                     pool.recycleAll( eval );
 275  0
 276  0
 279  7342
             result = evaluateGetValueBody( context, source );
 282  7212
         return result;
      * Subclasses implement this method to do the actual work of extracting the appropriate value from the source
      * object.
     protected abstract Object getValueBody( OgnlContext context, Object source )
         throws OgnlException;
     public final void setValue( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value )
         throws OgnlException
 295  94
         if ( context.getTraceEvaluations() )
 297  0
             EvaluationPool pool = OgnlRuntime.getEvaluationPool();
 298  0
             Throwable evalException = null;
 299  0
             Evaluation evaluation = pool.create( this, target, true );
 301  0
             context.pushEvaluation( evaluation );
 304  0
                 evaluateSetValueBody( context, target, value );
 306  0
             catch ( OgnlException ex )
 308  0
                 evalException = ex;
 309  0
                 ex.setEvaluation( evaluation );
 310  0
                 throw ex;
 312  0
             catch ( RuntimeException ex )
 314  0
                 evalException = ex;
 315  0
                 throw ex;
 319  0
                 Evaluation eval = context.popEvaluation();
 321  0
                 if ( evalException != null )
 323  0
                     eval.setException( evalException );
 325  0
                 if ( ( evalException == null ) && ( context.getRootEvaluation() == null )
                     && !context.getKeepLastEvaluation() )
 328  0
                     pool.recycleAll( eval );
 330  0
 331  0
 334  94
             evaluateSetValueBody( context, target, value );
 336  93
      * Subclasses implement this method to do the actual work of setting the appropriate value in the target object. The
      * default implementation throws an <code>InappropriateExpressionException</code>, meaning that it cannot be a set
      * expression.
     protected void setValueBody( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object value )
         throws OgnlException
 346  0
         throw new InappropriateExpressionException( this );
     /** Returns true iff this node is constant without respect to the children. */
     public boolean isNodeConstant( OgnlContext context )
         throws OgnlException
 353  979
         return false;
     public boolean isConstant( OgnlContext context )
         throws OgnlException
 359  2278
         return isNodeConstant( context );
     public boolean isNodeSimpleProperty( OgnlContext context )
         throws OgnlException
 365  13
         return false;
     public boolean isSimpleProperty( OgnlContext context )
         throws OgnlException
 371  22
         return isNodeSimpleProperty( context );
     public boolean isSimpleNavigationChain( OgnlContext context )
         throws OgnlException
 377  2
         return isSimpleProperty( context );
     public boolean isEvalChain( OgnlContext context )
         throws OgnlException
 383  0
         if ( children == null )
 385  0
             return false;
 387  0
         for ( Node child : children )
 389  0
             if ( child instanceof SimpleNode )
 391  0
                 if ( ( (SimpleNode) child ).isEvalChain( context ) )
 393  0
                     return true;
 397  0
         return false;
     protected boolean lastChild( OgnlContext context )
 402  449
         return parent == null || context.get( "_lastChild" ) != null;
      * This method may be called from subclasses' jjtClose methods. It flattens the tree under this node by eliminating
      * any children that are of the same class as this node and copying their children to this node.
     protected void flattenTree()
 411  913
         boolean shouldFlatten = false;
 412  913
         int newSize = 0;
 414  2739
         for ( Node aChildren : children )
 416  1826
             if ( aChildren.getClass() == getClass() )
 418  191
                 shouldFlatten = true;
 419  191
                 newSize += aChildren.jjtGetNumChildren();
 423  1635
 427  913
         if ( shouldFlatten )
 429  191
             Node[] newChildren = new Node[newSize];
 430  191
             int j = 0;
 432  573
             for ( Node c : children )
 434  382
                 if ( c.getClass() == getClass() )
 436  616
                     for ( int k = 0; k < c.jjtGetNumChildren(); ++k )
 438  425
                         newChildren[j++] = c.jjtGetChild( k );
 444  191
                     newChildren[j++] = c;
 448  191
             if ( j != newSize )
 450  0
                 throw new Error( "Assertion error: " + j + " != " + newSize );
 453  191
             children = newChildren;
 455  913
     public ExpressionAccessor getAccessor()
 459  2313
         return accessor;
     public void setAccessor( ExpressionAccessor accessor )
 464  567
         this.accessor = accessor;
 465  567