Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlOps
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.commons.ognl;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.UnsupportedCompilationException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
 import java.math.BigDecimal;
 import java.math.BigInteger;
 import java.util.Enumeration;
  * This is an abstract class with static methods that define the operations of OGNL.
  * @author Luke Blanshard (
  * @author Drew Davidson (
 35  0
 public abstract class OgnlOps
     implements NumericTypes
      * Compares two objects for equality, even if it has to convert one of them to the other type. If both objects are
      * numeric they are converted to the widest type and compared. If one is non-numeric and one is numeric the
      * non-numeric is converted to double and compared to the double numeric value. If both are non-numeric and
      * Comparable and the types are compatible (i.e. v1 is of the same or superclass of v2's type) they are compared
      * with Comparable.compareTo(). If both values are non-numeric and not Comparable or of incompatible classes this
      * will throw and IllegalArgumentException.
      * @param v1 First value to compare
      * @param v2 second value to compare
      * @return integer describing the comparison between the two objects. A negative number indicates that v1 < v2.
      *         Positive indicates that v1 > v2. Zero indicates v1 == v2.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the objects are both non-numeric yet of incompatible types or do not
      *             implement Comparable.
     public static int compareWithConversion( Object v1, Object v2 )
         int result;
 58  176
         if ( v1 == v2 )
 60  2
             result = 0;
 64  174
             int t1 = getNumericType( v1 ), t2 = getNumericType( v2 ), type = getNumericType( t1, t2, true );
 66  174
             switch ( type )
                 case BIGINT:
 69  30
                     result = bigIntValue( v1 ).compareTo( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
 70  30
                 case BIGDEC:
 73  1
                     result = bigDecValue( v1 ).compareTo( bigDecValue( v2 ) );
 74  1
                 case NONNUMERIC:
 77  31
                     if ( ( t1 == NONNUMERIC ) && ( t2 == NONNUMERIC ) )
 79  14
                         if ( ( v1 instanceof Comparable ) && v1.getClass().isAssignableFrom( v2.getClass() ) )
 81  14
                             result = ( (Comparable) v1 ).compareTo( v2 );
 82  14
 84  0
                         throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid comparison: " + v1.getClass().getName()
                             + " and " + v2.getClass().getName() );
                     // else fall through
                 case FLOAT:
                 case DOUBLE:
 90  21
                     double dv1 = doubleValue( v1 ),
 91  21
                     dv2 = doubleValue( v2 );
 93  21
                     return ( dv1 == dv2 ) ? 0 : ( ( dv1 < dv2 ) ? -1 : 1 );
 96  108
                     long lv1 = longValue( v1 ),
 97  108
                     lv2 = longValue( v2 );
 99  108
                     return ( lv1 == lv2 ) ? 0 : ( ( lv1 < lv2 ) ? -1 : 1 );
 102  47
         return result;
      * Returns true if object1 is equal to object2 in either the sense that they are the same object or, if both are
      * non-null if they are equal in the <CODE>equals()</CODE> sense.
      * @param object1 First object to compare
      * @param object2 Second object to compare
      * @return true if v1 == v2
     public static boolean isEqual( Object object1, Object object2 )
 115  66
         boolean result = false;
 117  66
         if ( object1 == object2 )
 119  0
             result = true;
 123  66
             if ( ( object1 != null ) && object1.getClass().isArray() )
 125  0
                 if ( ( object2 != null ) && object2.getClass().isArray() && ( object2.getClass()
                     == object1.getClass() ) )
 128  0
                     result = ( Array.getLength( object1 ) == Array.getLength( object2 ) );
 129  0
                     if ( result )
 131  0
                         for ( int i = 0, icount = Array.getLength( object1 ); result && ( i < icount ); i++ )
 133  0
                             result = isEqual( Array.get( object1, i ), Array.get( object2, i ) );
                 // Check for converted equivalence first, then equals() equivalence
 141  66
                 result =
                     ( object1 != null ) && ( object2 != null )
                         && ( object1.equals( object2 ) || ( compareWithConversion( object1, object2 ) == 0 ) );
 146  66
         return result;
     public static boolean booleanValue( boolean value )
 151  30
         return value;
     public static boolean booleanValue( int value )
 156  5
         return value > 0;
     public static boolean booleanValue( float value )
 161  0
         return value > 0;
     public static boolean booleanValue( long value )
 166  0
         return value > 0;
     public static boolean booleanValue( double value )
 171  0
         return value > 0;
      * Evaluates the given object as a boolean: if it is a Boolean object, it's easy; if it's a Number or a Character,
      * returns true for non-zero objects; and otherwise returns true for non-null objects.
      * @param value an object to interpret as a boolean
      * @return the boolean value implied by the given object
     public static boolean booleanValue( Object value )
 183  252
         if ( value == null )
 185  16
             return false;
 187  236
         Class<?> c = value.getClass();
 189  236
         if ( c == Boolean.class )
 191  194
             return (Boolean) value;
         // if ( c == String.class )
         // return ((String)value).length() > 0;
 196  42
         if ( c == Character.class )
 198  1
             return (Character) value != 0;
 200  41
         return !( value instanceof Number ) || ( (Number) value ).doubleValue() != 0;
      * Evaluates the given object as a long integer.
      * @param value an object to interpret as a long integer
      * @return the long integer value implied by the given object
      * @throws NumberFormatException if the given object can't be understood as a long integer
     public static long longValue( Object value )
 213  804
         if ( value == null )
 215  0
             return 0L;
 217  804
         Class<?> c = value.getClass();
 218  804
         if ( c.getSuperclass() == Number.class )
 220  757
             return ( (Number) value ).longValue();
 222  47
         if ( c == Boolean.class )
 224  9
             return (Boolean) value ? 1 : 0;
 226  38
         if ( c == Character.class )
 228  6
             return (Character) value;
 230  32
         return Long.parseLong( stringValue( value, true ) );
      * Evaluates the given object as a double-precision floating-point number.
      * @param value an object to interpret as a double
      * @return the double value implied by the given object
      * @throws NumberFormatException if the given object can't be understood as a double
     public static double doubleValue( Object value )
 242  89
         if ( value == null )
 244  0
             return 0.0;
 246  89
         Class<?> c = value.getClass();
 247  89
         if ( c.getSuperclass() == Number.class )
 249  63
             return ( (Number) value ).doubleValue();
 251  26
         if ( c == Boolean.class )
 253  2
             return (Boolean) value ? 1 : 0;
 255  24
         if ( c == Character.class )
 257  2
             return (Character) value;
 259  22
         String s = stringValue( value, true );
 261  22
         return ( s.length() == 0 ) ? 0.0 : Double.parseDouble( s );
      * Evaluates the given object as a BigInteger.
      * @param value an object to interpret as a BigInteger
      * @return the BigInteger value implied by the given object
      * @throws NumberFormatException if the given object can't be understood as a BigInteger
     public static BigInteger bigIntValue( Object value )
 273  349
         if ( value == null )
 275  0
             return BigInteger.valueOf( 0L );
 277  349
         Class<?> c = value.getClass();
 278  349
         if ( c == BigInteger.class )
 280  227
             return (BigInteger) value;
 282  122
         if ( c == BigDecimal.class )
 284  2
             return ( (BigDecimal) value ).toBigInteger();
 286  120
         if ( c.getSuperclass() == Number.class )
 288  115
             return BigInteger.valueOf( ( (Number) value ).longValue() );
 290  5
         if ( c == Boolean.class )
 292  1
             return BigInteger.valueOf( (Boolean) value ? 1 : 0 );
 294  4
         if ( c == Character.class )
 296  1
             return BigInteger.valueOf( (Character) value );
 298  3
         return new BigInteger( stringValue( value, true ) );
      * Evaluates the given object as a BigDecimal.
      * @param value an object to interpret as a BigDecimal
      * @return the BigDecimal value implied by the given object
      * @throws NumberFormatException if the given object can't be understood as a BigDecimal
     public static BigDecimal bigDecValue( Object value )
 310  38
         if ( value == null )
 312  0
             return BigDecimal.valueOf( 0L );
 314  38
         Class<?> c = value.getClass();
 315  38
         if ( c == BigDecimal.class )
 317  13
             return (BigDecimal) value;
 319  25
         if ( c == BigInteger.class )
 321  1
             return new BigDecimal( (BigInteger) value );
 323  24
         if ( c == Boolean.class )
 325  1
             return BigDecimal.valueOf( (Boolean) value ? 1 : 0 );
 327  23
         if ( c == Character.class )
 329  1
             return BigDecimal.valueOf( ( (Character) value ).charValue() );
 331  22
         return new BigDecimal( stringValue( value, true ) );
      * Evaluates the given object as a String and trims it if the trim flag is true.
      * @param value an object to interpret as a String
      * @param trim if true trims the result
      * @return the String value implied by the given object as returned by the toString() method, or "null" if the
      *         object is null.
     public static String stringValue( Object value, boolean trim )
         String result;
 346  211
         if ( value == null )
 348  3
             result = OgnlRuntime.NULL_STRING;
 352  208
             result = value.toString();
 353  208
             if ( trim )
 355  79
                 result = result.trim();
 358  211
         return result;
      * Evaluates the given object as a String.
      * @param value an object to interpret as a String
      * @return the String value implied by the given object as returned by the toString() method, or "null" if the
      *         object is null.
     public static String stringValue( Object value )
 370  132
         return stringValue( value, false );
      * Returns a constant from the NumericTypes interface that represents the numeric type of the given object.
      * @param value an object that needs to be interpreted as a number
      * @return the appropriate constant from the NumericTypes interface
     public static int getNumericType( Object value )
 381  1373
         if ( value != null )
 383  1365
             Class<?> c = value.getClass();
 384  1365
             if ( c == Integer.class )
 386  719
                 return INT;
 388  646
             if ( c == Double.class )
 390  25
                 return DOUBLE;
 392  621
             if ( c == Boolean.class )
 394  8
                 return BOOL;
 396  613
             if ( c == Byte.class )
 398  0
                 return BYTE;
 400  613
             if ( c == Character.class )
 402  20
                 return CHAR;
 404  593
             if ( c == Short.class )
 406  0
                 return SHORT;
 408  593
             if ( c == Long.class )
 410  137
                 return LONG;
 412  456
             if ( c == Float.class )
 414  2
                 return FLOAT;
 416  454
             if ( c == BigInteger.class )
 418  229
                 return BIGINT;
 420  225
             if ( c == BigDecimal.class )
 422  19
                 return BIGDEC;
 425  214
         return NONNUMERIC;
     public static Object toArray( char value, Class<?> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 431  0
         return toArray( Character.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static Object toArray( byte value, Class<?> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 437  0
         return toArray( Byte.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static Object toArray( int value, Class<?> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 443  0
         return toArray( Integer.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static Object toArray( long value, Class<?> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 449  0
         return toArray( Long.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static Object toArray( float value, Class<?> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 455  0
         return toArray( Float.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static Object toArray( double value, Class<?> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 461  0
         return toArray( Double.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static Object toArray( boolean value, Class<?> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 467  0
         return toArray( Boolean.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( char value, Class<T> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 473  2
         return convertValue( Character.valueOf(value), toType );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( byte value, Class<T> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 479  0
         return convertValue( Byte.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( int value, Class<T> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 485  3
         return convertValue( Integer.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( long value, Class<T> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 491  0
         return convertValue( Long.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( float value, Class<T> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 497  0
         return convertValue( Float.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( double value, Class<T> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 503  0
         return convertValue( Double.valueOf( value ), toType );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( boolean value, Class<T> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 509  0
         return convertValue( Boolean.valueOf( value ), toType );
     // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     public static <T> Object convertValue( char value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 517  0
         return convertValue( Character.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( byte value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 523  0
         return convertValue( Byte.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( int value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 529  5
         return convertValue( Integer.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( long value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 535  0
         return convertValue( Long.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( float value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 541  0
         return convertValue( new Float( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( double value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 547  0
         return convertValue( new Double( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static <T> Object convertValue( boolean value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 553  0
         return convertValue( Boolean.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     public static Object toArray( char value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 561  0
         return toArray( Character.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static Object toArray( byte value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 567  0
         return toArray( Byte.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static Object toArray( int value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 573  1
         return toArray( Integer.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static Object toArray( long value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 579  0
         return toArray( Long.valueOf(value), toType, preventNull );
     public static Object toArray( float value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 585  0
         return toArray( Float.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
     public static Object toArray( double value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 591  0
         return toArray( Double.valueOf(value), toType, preventNull );
     public static Object toArray( boolean value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNull )
         throws OgnlException
 597  0
         return toArray( Boolean.valueOf( value ), toType, preventNull );
      * Returns the value converted numerically to the given class type This method also detects when arrays are being
      * converted and converts the components of one array to the type of the other.
      * @param value an object to be converted to the given type
      * @param toType class type to be converted to
      * @return converted value of the type given, or value if the value cannot be converted to the given type.
     public static Object convertValue( Object value, Class<?> toType )
 610  193
         return convertValue( value, toType, false );
     public static Object toArray( Object value, Class<?> toType )
         throws OgnlException
 616  2
         return toArray( value, toType, false );
     public static Object toArray( Object value, Class<?> toType, boolean preventNulls )
         throws OgnlException
 622  3
         if ( value == null )
 624  0
             return null;
         Object result;
 629  3
         Class<?> aClass = value.getClass();
 630  3
         if ( aClass.isArray() && toType.isAssignableFrom( aClass.getComponentType() ) )
 632  1
             return value;
 635  2
         if ( !aClass.isArray() )
 638  1
             if ( toType == Character.TYPE )
 640  0
                 return stringValue( value ).toCharArray();
 643  1
             Object arr = Array.newInstance( toType, 1 );
 644  1
             Array.set( arr, 0, convertValue( value, toType, preventNulls ) );
 646  1
             return arr;
 649  1
         result = Array.newInstance( toType, Array.getLength( value ) );
 650  3
         for ( int i = 0, icount = Array.getLength( value ); i < icount; i++ )
 652  2
             Array.set( result, i, convertValue( Array.get( value, i ), toType ) );
 655  1
         if ( result == null && preventNulls )
 657  0
             return value;
 660  1
         return result;
     public static <T> Object convertValue( Object value, Class<T> toType, boolean preventNulls )
 665  218
         Object result = null;
 667  218
         if ( value != null && toType.isAssignableFrom( value.getClass() ) )
 669  35
             return value;
 672  183
         if ( value != null )
             /* If array -> array then convert components of array individually */
 675  180
             boolean classIsArray = value.getClass().isArray();
 676  180
             boolean toTypeIsArray = toType.isArray();
 677  180
             if ( classIsArray && toTypeIsArray)
 679  1
                 Class<?> componentType = toType.getComponentType();
 681  1
                 result = Array.newInstance( componentType, Array.getLength( value ) );
 682  4
                 for ( int i = 0, icount = Array.getLength( value ); i < icount; i++ )
 684  3
                     Array.set( result, i, convertValue( Array.get( value, i ), componentType ) );
 686  1
 687  179
             else if ( classIsArray && !toTypeIsArray)
 690  2
                 return convertValue( Array.get( value, 0 ), toType );
 692  177
             else if ( toTypeIsArray )
 695  0
                 if ( toType.getComponentType() == Character.TYPE )
 698  0
                     result = stringValue( value ).toCharArray();
 700  0
                 else if ( toType.getComponentType() == Object.class )
 702  0
                     return new Object[] { value };
 707  177
                 if ( ( toType == Integer.class ) || ( toType == Integer.TYPE ) )
 709  37
                     result = (int) longValue( value );
 711  140
                 else if ( ( toType == Double.class ) || ( toType == Double.TYPE ) )
 713  12
                     result = doubleValue( value );
 715  128
                 else if ( ( toType == Boolean.class ) || ( toType == Boolean.TYPE ) )
 717  15
                     result = booleanValue( value ) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
 719  113
                 else if ( ( toType == Byte.class ) || ( toType == Byte.TYPE ) )
 721  12
                     result = (byte) longValue( value );
 723  101
                 else if ( ( toType == Character.class ) || ( toType == Character.TYPE ) )
 725  14
                     result = (char) longValue( value );
 727  87
                 else if ( ( toType == Short.class ) || ( toType == Short.TYPE ) )
 729  12
                     result = (short) longValue( value );
 731  75
                 else if ( ( toType == Long.class ) || ( toType == Long.TYPE ) )
 733  15
                     result = longValue( value );
 735  60
                 else if ( ( toType == Float.class ) || ( toType == Float.TYPE ) )
 737  15
                     result = new Float( doubleValue( value ) );
 739  45
                 else if ( toType == BigInteger.class )
 741  12
                     result = bigIntValue( value );
 743  33
                 else if ( toType == BigDecimal.class )
 745  12
                     result = bigDecValue( value );
 747  21
                 else if ( toType == String.class )
 749  20
                     result = stringValue( value );
 752  170
 755  3
             if ( toType.isPrimitive() )
 757  0
                 result = OgnlRuntime.getPrimitiveDefaultValue( toType );
 759  3
             else if ( preventNulls && toType == Boolean.class )
 761  0
                 result = Boolean.FALSE;
 763  3
             else if ( preventNulls && Number.class.isAssignableFrom( toType ) )
 765  0
                 result = OgnlRuntime.getNumericDefaultValue( toType );
 769  173
         if ( result == null && preventNulls )
 771  0
             return value;
 774  173
         if ( value != null && result == null )
 777  1
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to convert type " + value.getClass().getName() + " of " + value
                 + " to type of " + toType.getName() );
 781  172
         return result;
      * Converts the specified value to a primitive integer value.
      * <ul>
      * <li>Null values will cause a -1 to be returned.</li>
      * <li>{@link Number} instances have their intValue() methods invoked.</li>
      * <li>All other types result in calling Integer.parseInt(value.toString());</li>
      * </ul>
      * @param value The object to get the value of.
      * @return A valid integer.
     public static int getIntValue( Object value )
 799  1
             if ( value == null )
 801  0
                 return -1;
 804  1
             if ( Number.class.isInstance( value ) )
 807  0
                 return ( (Number) value ).intValue();
 810  1
             String str = String.class.isInstance( value ) ? (String) value : value.toString();
 812  1
             return Integer.parseInt( str );
 814  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
 816  0
             throw new RuntimeException( "Error converting " + value + " to integer:", t );
      * Returns the constant from the NumericTypes interface that best expresses the type of a numeric operation on the
      * two given objects.
      * @param v1 one argument to a numeric operator
      * @param v2 the other argument
      * @return the appropriate constant from the NumericTypes interface
     public static int getNumericType( Object v1, Object v2 )
 830  306
         return getNumericType( v1, v2, false );
      * Returns the constant from the NumericTypes interface that best expresses the type of an operation, which can be
      * either numeric or not, on the two given types.
      * @param t1 type of one argument to an operator
      * @param t2 type of the other argument
      * @param canBeNonNumeric whether the operator can be interpreted as non-numeric
      * @return the appropriate constant from the NumericTypes interface
     public static int getNumericType( int t1, int t2, boolean canBeNonNumeric )
 844  618
         if ( t1 == t2 )
 846  367
             return t1;
 849  251
         if ( canBeNonNumeric && ( t1 == NONNUMERIC || t2 == NONNUMERIC || t1 == CHAR || t2 == CHAR ) )
 851  44
             return NONNUMERIC;
 854  207
         if ( t1 == NONNUMERIC )
 856  0
             t1 = DOUBLE; // Try to interpret strings as doubles...
 858  207
         if ( t2 == NONNUMERIC )
 860  5
             t2 = DOUBLE; // Try to interpret strings as doubles...
 863  207
         if ( t1 >= MIN_REAL_TYPE )
 865  22
             if ( t2 >= MIN_REAL_TYPE )
 867  8
                 return Math.max( t1, t2 );
 869  14
             if ( t2 < INT )
 871  0
                 return t1;
 873  14
             if ( t2 == BIGINT )
 875  0
                 return BIGDEC;
 877  14
             return Math.max( DOUBLE, t1 );
 879  185
         else if ( t2 >= MIN_REAL_TYPE )
 881  10
             if ( t1 < INT )
 883  0
                 return t2;
 885  10
             if ( t1 == BIGINT )
 887  0
                 return BIGDEC;
 889  10
             return Math.max( DOUBLE, t2 );
 893  175
             return Math.max( t1, t2 );
      * Returns the constant from the NumericTypes interface that best expresses the type of an operation, which can be
      * either numeric or not, on the two given objects.
      * @param v1 one argument to an operator
      * @param v2 the other argument
      * @param canBeNonNumeric whether the operator can be interpreted as non-numeric
      * @return the appropriate constant from the NumericTypes interface
     public static int getNumericType( Object v1, Object v2, boolean canBeNonNumeric )
 908  444
         return getNumericType( getNumericType( v1 ), getNumericType( v2 ), canBeNonNumeric );
      * Returns a new Number object of an appropriate type to hold the given integer value. The type of the returned
      * object is consistent with the given type argument, which is a constant from the NumericTypes interface.
      * @param type the nominal numeric type of the result, a constant from the NumericTypes interface
      * @param value the integer value to convert to a Number object
      * @return a Number object with the given value, of type implied by the type argument
     public static Number newInteger( int type, long value )
 921  304
         switch ( type )
             case BOOL:
             case CHAR:
             case INT:
 926  172
                 return (int) value;
             case FLOAT:
 929  0
                 if ( (long) (float) value == value )
 931  0
                     return (float) value;
                 // else fall through:
             case DOUBLE:
 935  6
                 if ( (long) (double) value == value )
 937  6
                     return (double) value;
                 // else fall through:
             case LONG:
 941  96
                 return value;
             case BYTE:
 944  0
                 return (byte) value;
             case SHORT:
 947  0
                 return (short) value;
 950  30
                 return BigInteger.valueOf( value );
      * Returns a new Number object of an appropriate type to hold the given real value. The type of the returned object
      * is always either Float or Double, and is only Float if the given type tag (a constant from the NumericTypes
      * interface) is FLOAT.
      * @param type the nominal numeric type of the result, a constant from the NumericTypes interface
      * @param value the real value to convert to a Number object
      * @return a Number object with the given value, of type implied by the type argument
     public static Number newReal( int type, double value )
 965  10
         if ( type == FLOAT )
 967  1
             return (float) value;
 969  9
         return value;
     public static Object binaryOr( Object v1, Object v2 )
 974  7
         int type = getNumericType( v1, v2 );
 975  7
         if ( type == BIGINT || type == BIGDEC )
 977  1
             return bigIntValue( v1 ).or( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
 979  6
         return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) | longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object binaryXor( Object v1, Object v2 )
 984  11
         int type = getNumericType( v1, v2 );
 985  11
         if ( type == BIGINT || type == BIGDEC )
 987  1
             return bigIntValue( v1 ).xor( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
 989  10
         return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) ^ longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object binaryAnd( Object v1, Object v2 )
 994  9
         int type = getNumericType( v1, v2 );
 995  9
         if ( type == BIGINT || type == BIGDEC )
 997  4
             return bigIntValue( v1 ).and( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
 999  5
         return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) & longValue( v2 ) );
     public static boolean equal( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1004  87
         if ( v1 == null )
 1006  16
             return v2 == null;
 1008  71
         if ( v1 == v2 || isEqual( v1, v2 ) )
 1010  28
             return true;
 1012  43
         if ( v1 instanceof Number && v2 instanceof Number )
 1014  7
             return ( (Number) v1 ).doubleValue() == ( (Number) v2 ).doubleValue();
 1016  36
         return false;
     public static boolean less( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1021  21
         return compareWithConversion( v1, v2 ) < 0;
     public static boolean greater( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1026  128
         return compareWithConversion( v1, v2 ) > 0;
     public static boolean in( Object v1, Object v2 )
         throws OgnlException
 1032  6
         if ( v2 == null ) // A null collection is always treated as empty
 1034  0
             return false;
 1037  6
         ElementsAccessor elementsAccessor = OgnlRuntime.getElementsAccessor( OgnlRuntime.getTargetClass( v2 ) );
         // FIXME O(n) is there a better way?!
 1040  6
         for ( Enumeration<?> e = elementsAccessor.getElements( v2 ); e.hasMoreElements(); )
 1042  17
             Object o = e.nextElement();
 1044  17
             if ( equal( v1, o ) )
 1046  4
                 return true;
 1048  13
 1050  2
         return false;
     public static Object shiftLeft( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1055  3
         int type = getNumericType( v1 );
 1056  3
         if ( type == BIGINT || type == BIGDEC )
 1058  1
             return bigIntValue( v1 ).shiftLeft( (int) longValue( v2 ) );
 1060  2
         return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) << (int) longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object shiftRight( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1065  5
         int type = getNumericType( v1 );
 1066  5
         if ( type == BIGINT || type == BIGDEC )
 1068  2
             return bigIntValue( v1 ).shiftRight( (int) longValue( v2 ) );
 1070  3
         return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) >> (int) longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object unsignedShiftRight( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1075  5
         int type = getNumericType( v1 );
 1076  5
         if ( type == BIGINT || type == BIGDEC )
 1078  1
             return bigIntValue( v1 ).shiftRight( (int) longValue( v2 ) );
 1080  4
         if ( type <= INT )
 1082  3
             return newInteger( INT, ( (int) longValue( v1 ) ) >>> (int) longValue( v2 ) );
 1084  1
         return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) >>> (int) longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object add( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1089  138
         int type = getNumericType( v1, v2, true );
 1090  138
         switch ( type )
             case BIGINT:
 1093  34
                 return bigIntValue( v1 ).add( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
             case BIGDEC:
 1095  4
                 return bigDecValue( v1 ).add( bigDecValue( v2 ) );
             case FLOAT:
             case DOUBLE:
 1098  4
                 return newReal( type, doubleValue( v1 ) + doubleValue( v2 ) );
             case NONNUMERIC:
 1100  57
                 int t1 = getNumericType( v1 ),
 1101  57
                 t2 = getNumericType( v2 );
 1103  57
                 if ( ( ( t1 != NONNUMERIC ) && ( v2 == null ) ) || ( ( t2 != NONNUMERIC ) && ( v1 == null ) ) )
 1105  1
                     throw new NullPointerException( "Can't add values " + v1 + " , " + v2 );
 1108  56
                 return stringValue( v1 ) + stringValue( v2 );
 1110  39
                 return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) + longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object subtract( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1116  109
         int type = getNumericType( v1, v2 );
 1117  109
         switch ( type )
             case BIGINT:
 1120  30
                 return bigIntValue( v1 ).subtract( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
             case BIGDEC:
 1122  1
                 return bigDecValue( v1 ).subtract( bigDecValue( v2 ) );
             case FLOAT:
             case DOUBLE:
 1125  2
                 return newReal( type, doubleValue( v1 ) - doubleValue( v2 ) );
 1127  76
                 return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) - longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object multiply( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1133  139
         int type = getNumericType( v1, v2 );
 1134  139
         switch ( type )
             case BIGINT:
 1137  64
                 return bigIntValue( v1 ).multiply( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
             case BIGDEC:
 1139  5
                 return bigDecValue( v1 ).multiply( bigDecValue( v2 ) );
             case FLOAT:
             case DOUBLE:
 1142  2
                 return newReal( type, doubleValue( v1 ) * doubleValue( v2 ) );
 1144  68
                 return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) * longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object divide( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1150  9
         int type = getNumericType( v1, v2 );
 1151  9
         switch ( type )
             case BIGINT:
 1154  1
                 return bigIntValue( v1 ).divide( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
             case BIGDEC:
 1156  2
                 return bigDecValue( v1 ).divide( bigDecValue( v2 ), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN );
             case FLOAT:
             case DOUBLE:
 1159  2
                 return newReal( type, doubleValue( v1 ) / doubleValue( v2 ) );
 1161  4
                 return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) / longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object remainder( Object v1, Object v2 )
 1167  22
         int type = getNumericType( v1, v2 );
 1168  22
         switch ( type )
             case BIGDEC:
             case BIGINT:
 1172  1
                 return bigIntValue( v1 ).remainder( bigIntValue( v2 ) );
 1174  21
                 return newInteger( type, longValue( v1 ) % longValue( v2 ) );
     public static Object negate( Object value )
 1180  4
         int type = getNumericType( value );
 1181  4
         switch ( type )
             case BIGINT:
 1184  1
                 return bigIntValue( value ).negate();
             case BIGDEC:
 1186  0
                 return bigDecValue( value ).negate();
             case FLOAT:
             case DOUBLE:
 1189  0
                 return newReal( type, -doubleValue( value ) );
 1191  3
                 return newInteger( type, -longValue( value ) );
     public static Object bitNegate( Object value )
 1197  0
         int type = getNumericType( value );
 1198  0
         switch ( type )
             case BIGDEC:
             case BIGINT:
 1202  0
                 return bigIntValue( value ).not();
 1204  0
                 return newInteger( type, ~longValue( value ) );
     public static String getEscapeString( String value )
 1210  159
         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
 1212  159
         int length = value.length();
 1213  1335
         for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
 1215  1176
             result.append( getEscapedChar( value.charAt( i ) ) );
 1217  159
         return result.toString();
     public static String getEscapedChar( char ch )
         String result;
 1224  1194
         switch ( ch )
             case '\b':
 1227  1
                 result = "\b";
 1228  1
             case '\t':
 1230  1
                 result = "\\t";
 1231  1
             case '\n':
 1233  2
                 result = "\\n";
 1234  2
             case '\f':
 1236  1
                 result = "\\f";
 1237  1
             case '\r':
 1239  1
                 result = "\\r";
 1240  1
             case '\"':
 1242  4
                 result = "\\\"";
 1243  4
             case '\'':
 1245  2
                 result = "\\\'";
 1246  2
             case '\\':
 1248  1
                 result = "\\\\";
 1249  1
 1251  1181
                 if ( Character.isISOControl( ch ) )
 1254  0
                     String hc = Integer.toString( (int) ch, 16 );
 1255  0
                     int hcl = hc.length();
 1257  0
                     result = "\\u";
 1258  0
                     if ( hcl < 4 )
 1260  0
                         if ( hcl == 3 )
 1262  0
                             result = result + "0";
 1266  0
                             if ( hcl == 2 )
 1268  0
                                 result = result + "00";
 1272  0
                                 result = result + "000";
 1277  0
                     result = result + hc;
 1278  0
 1281  1181
                     result = ch + "";
 1285  1194
         return result;
     public static Object returnValue( Object ignore, Object returnValue )
 1290  1
         return returnValue;
      * Utility method that converts incoming exceptions to {@link RuntimeException} instances - or casts them if they
      * already are.
      * @param t The exception to cast.
      * @return The exception cast to a {@link RuntimeException}.
     public static RuntimeException castToRuntime( Throwable t )
 1302  285
         if ( RuntimeException.class.isInstance( t ) )
 1304  279
             return (RuntimeException) t;
 1307  6
         if ( OgnlException.class.isInstance( t ) )
 1309  6
             throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "Error evluating expression: " + t.getMessage(), t );
 1312  0
         return new RuntimeException( t );