Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.ognl.ObjectPropertyAccessor
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 package org.apache.commons.ognl;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.ExpressionCompiler;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.OgnlExpressionCompiler;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.UnsupportedCompilationException;
 import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.util.Map;
  * Implementation of PropertyAccessor that uses reflection on the target object's class to find a field or a pair of
  * set/get methods with the given property name.
  * @author Luke Blanshard (
  * @author Drew Davidson (
 38  31
 public class ObjectPropertyAccessor
     implements PropertyAccessor
      * Returns OgnlRuntime.NotFound if the property does not exist.
     public Object getPossibleProperty( Map<String, Object> context, Object target, String name )
         throws OgnlException
         Object result;
 49  1273
         OgnlContext ognlContext = (OgnlContext) context;
 53  1273
             result = OgnlRuntime.getMethodValue( ognlContext, target, name, true );
 54  1273
             if ( result == OgnlRuntime.NotFound )
 56  114
                 result = OgnlRuntime.getFieldValue( ognlContext, target, name, true );
 59  0
         catch ( IntrospectionException ex )
 61  0
             throw new OgnlException( name, ex );
 63  0
         catch ( OgnlException ex )
 65  0
             throw ex;
 67  0
         catch ( Exception ex )
 69  0
             throw new OgnlException( name, ex );
 70  1273
 72  1273
         return result;
      * Returns OgnlRuntime.NotFound if the property does not exist.
     public Object setPossibleProperty( Map<String, Object> context, Object target, String name, Object value )
         throws OgnlException
 81  16
         Object result = null;
 82  16
         OgnlContext ognlContext = (OgnlContext) context;
 86  16
             if ( !OgnlRuntime.setMethodValue( ognlContext, target, name, value, true ) )
 88  5
                 result = OgnlRuntime.setFieldValue( ognlContext, target, name, value ) ? null : OgnlRuntime.NotFound;
 91  15
             if ( result == OgnlRuntime.NotFound )
 93  0
                 Method m = OgnlRuntime.getWriteMethod( target.getClass(), name );
 94  0
                 if ( m != null )
 96  0
                     result = m.invoke( target, new Object[] { value } );
 100  0
         catch ( IntrospectionException ex )
 102  0
             throw new OgnlException( name, ex );
 104  1
         catch ( OgnlException ex )
 106  1
             throw ex;
 108  0
         catch ( Exception ex )
 110  0
             throw new OgnlException( name, ex );
 111  15
 113  15
         return result;
     public boolean hasGetProperty( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object oname )
         throws OgnlException
 121  0
             return OgnlRuntime.hasGetProperty( context, target, oname );
 123  0
         catch ( IntrospectionException ex )
 125  0
             throw new OgnlException( "checking if " + target + " has gettable property " + oname, ex );
     public boolean hasGetProperty( Map<String, Object> context, Object target, Object oname )
         throws OgnlException
 132  0
         return hasGetProperty( (OgnlContext) context, target, oname );
     public boolean hasSetProperty( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object oname )
         throws OgnlException
 140  0
             return OgnlRuntime.hasSetProperty( context, target, oname );
 142  0
         catch ( IntrospectionException ex )
 144  0
             throw new OgnlException( "checking if " + target + " has settable property " + oname, ex );
     public boolean hasSetProperty( Map<String, Object> context, Object target, Object oname )
         throws OgnlException
 151  0
         return hasSetProperty( (OgnlContext) context, target, oname );
     public Object getProperty( Map<String, Object> context, Object target, Object oname )
         throws OgnlException
 157  1273
         String name = oname.toString();
 159  1273
         Object result = getPossibleProperty( context, target, name );
 161  1273
         if ( result == OgnlRuntime.NotFound )
 163  101
             throw new NoSuchPropertyException( target, name );
 166  1172
         return result;
     public void setProperty( Map<String, Object> context, Object target, Object oname, Object value )
         throws OgnlException
 172  16
         String name = oname.toString();
 174  16
         Object result = setPossibleProperty( context, target, name, value );
 176  15
         if ( result == OgnlRuntime.NotFound )
 178  0
             throw new NoSuchPropertyException( target, name );
 180  15
     public Class<?> getPropertyClass( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object index )
 186  0
             Method m = OgnlRuntime.getReadMethod( target.getClass(), index.toString() );
 188  0
             if ( m == null )
 191  0
                 if ( String.class.isAssignableFrom( index.getClass() ) && !target.getClass().isArray() )
 193  0
                     String key = ( (String) index ).replaceAll( "\"", "" );
 196  0
                         Field f = target.getClass().getField( key );
 197  0
                         if ( f != null )
 200  0
                             return f.getType();
 203  0
                     catch ( NoSuchFieldException e )
 205  0
                         return null;
 206  0
 209  0
                 return null;
 212  0
             return m.getReturnType();
 215  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
 217  0
             throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );
     public String getSourceAccessor( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object index )
 226  112
             String methodName = index.toString().replaceAll( "\"", "" );
 227  112
             Method m = OgnlRuntime.getReadMethod( target.getClass(), methodName );
             // try last ditch effort of checking if they were trying to do reflection via a return method value
 231  112
             if ( m == null && context.getCurrentObject() != null )
 233  7
                 m =
                     OgnlRuntime.getReadMethod( target.getClass(),
                                                context.getCurrentObject().toString().replaceAll( "\"", "" ) );
             // System.out.println("tried to get read method from target: " + target.getClass() + " with methodName:" +
             // methodName + " result: " + m);
             // try to get field if no method could be found
 241  112
             if ( m == null )
 245  6
                     if ( String.class.isAssignableFrom( index.getClass() ) && !target.getClass().isArray() )
 247  6
                         Field f = target.getClass().getField( methodName );
 249  6
                         if ( f != null )
 251  6
                             context.setCurrentType( f.getType() );
 252  6
                             context.setCurrentAccessor( f.getDeclaringClass() );
 254  6
                             return "." + f.getName();
 258  0
                 catch ( NoSuchFieldException e )
                     // ignore
 261  0
 263  0
                 return "";
 266  106
             context.setCurrentType( m.getReturnType() );
 267  106
             final OgnlExpressionCompiler compiler = OgnlRuntime.getCompiler( context );
 268  106
             context.setCurrentAccessor( compiler.getSuperOrInterfaceClass( m, m.getDeclaringClass() ) );
 270  106
             return "." + m.getName() + "()";
 273  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
 275  0
             throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );
     public String getSourceSetter( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object index )
 284  82
             String methodName = index.toString().replaceAll( "\"", "" );
 285  82
             Method m = OgnlRuntime.getWriteMethod( target.getClass(), methodName );
 287  82
             if ( m == null && context.getCurrentObject() != null && context.getCurrentObject().toString() != null )
 289  28
                 m =
                     OgnlRuntime.getWriteMethod( target.getClass(),
                                                 context.getCurrentObject().toString().replaceAll( "\"", "" ) );
 294  82
             if ( m == null || m.getParameterTypes() == null || m.getParameterTypes().length <= 0 )
 296  36
                 throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "Unable to determine setting expression on "
                     + context.getCurrentObject() + " with index of " + index );
 300  46
             Class<?> parm = m.getParameterTypes()[0];
             String conversion;
 303  46
             if ( m.getParameterTypes().length > 1 )
 305  0
                 throw new UnsupportedCompilationException(
                     "Object property accessors can only support single parameter setters." );
 309  46
             final OgnlExpressionCompiler compiler = OgnlRuntime.getCompiler( context );
 310  46
             if ( parm.isPrimitive() )
 312  23
                 Class<?> wrapClass = OgnlRuntime.getPrimitiveWrapperClass( parm );
 313  23
                 conversion = compiler.createLocalReference( context, "((" + wrapClass.getName()
                     + ")org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlOps#convertValue($3," + wrapClass.getName() + ".class, true))."
                     + OgnlRuntime.getNumericValueGetter( wrapClass ), parm );
 317  23
 318  23
             else if ( parm.isArray() )
 320  3
                 conversion = compiler.createLocalReference( context, "(" + ExpressionCompiler.getCastString( parm )
                     + ")org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlOps#toArray($3," + parm.getComponentType().getName() + ".class)",
                                                             parm );
 327  20
                 conversion = compiler.createLocalReference( context, "(" + parm.getName()
                     + ")org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlOps#convertValue($3," + parm.getName() + ".class)", parm );
 331  46
             context.setCurrentType( m.getReturnType() );
 332  46
                 compiler.getSuperOrInterfaceClass( m, m.getDeclaringClass() ) );
 335  46
             return "." + m.getName() + "(" + conversion + ")";
 338  36
         catch ( Throwable t )
 340  36
             throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );