Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.ognl.ListPropertyAccessor
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.commons.ognl;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.*;
  * Implementation of PropertyAccessor that uses numbers and dynamic subscripts as properties to index into Lists.
  * @author Luke Blanshard (
  * @author Drew Davidson (
 30  4
 public class ListPropertyAccessor
     extends ObjectPropertyAccessor
     implements PropertyAccessor
     public Object getProperty( Map<String, Object> context, Object target, Object name )
         throws OgnlException
 39  77
         List<?> list = (List<?>) target;
 41  77
         if ( name instanceof String )
             Object result;
 45  29
             if ( "size".equals( name ) )
 47  8
                 result = list.size();
 51  21
                 if ( "iterator".equals( name ) )
 53  6
                     result = list.iterator();
 57  15
                     if ( "isEmpty".equals( name ) || "empty".equals( name ) )
 59  4
                         result = list.isEmpty() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
 63  11
                         result = super.getProperty( context, target, name );
 68  29
             return result;
 71  48
         if ( name instanceof Number )
 73  38
             return list.get( ( (Number) name ).intValue() );
 76  10
         if ( name instanceof DynamicSubscript )
 78  10
             int len = list.size();
 79  10
             switch ( ( (DynamicSubscript) name ).getFlag() )
                 case DynamicSubscript.FIRST:
 82  3
                     return len > 0 ? list.get( 0 ) : null;
                 case DynamicSubscript.MID:
 84  4
                     return len > 0 ? list.get( len / 2 ) : null;
                 case DynamicSubscript.LAST:
 86  3
                     return len > 0 ? list.get( len - 1 ) : null;
                 case DynamicSubscript.ALL:
 88  0
                     return new ArrayList<Object>( list );
 94  0
         throw new NoSuchPropertyException( target, name );
     public void setProperty( Map<String, Object> context, Object target, Object name, Object value )
         throws OgnlException
 101  4
         if ( name instanceof String && !( (String) name ).contains( "$" ) )
 103  0
             super.setProperty( context, target, name, value );
 104  0
         @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) // check performed by the invoker
 108  4
             List<Object> list = (List<Object>) target;
 110  4
         if ( name instanceof Number )
 112  1
             list.set( ( (Number) name ).intValue(), value );
 113  1
 116  3
         if ( name instanceof DynamicSubscript )
 118  3
             int len = list.size();
 119  3
             switch ( ( (DynamicSubscript) name ).getFlag() )
                 case DynamicSubscript.FIRST:
 122  1
                     if ( len > 0 )
 124  1
                         list.set( 0, value );
 126  1
                 case DynamicSubscript.MID:
 128  1
                     if ( len > 0 )
 130  1
                         list.set( len / 2, value );
 132  1
                 case DynamicSubscript.LAST:
 134  1
                     if ( len > 0 )
 136  1
                         list.set( len - 1, value );
 138  1
                 case DynamicSubscript.ALL:
 140  0
                     if ( !( value instanceof Collection ) )
 142  0
                         throw new OgnlException( "Value must be a collection" );
 144  0
 145  0
                     list.addAll( (Collection<?>) value );
 146  0
 148  0
 152  0
         throw new NoSuchPropertyException( target, name );
     public Class<?> getPropertyClass( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object index )
 158  0
         if ( index instanceof String )
 160  0
             String key = ( (String) index ).replaceAll( "\"", "" );
 161  0
             if ( "size".equals( key ) )
 163  0
                 return int.class;
 165  0
             if ( "iterator".equals( key ) )
 167  0
                 return Iterator.class;
 169  0
             if ( "isEmpty".equals( key ) || "empty".equals( key ) )
 171  0
                 return boolean.class;
 173  0
             return super.getPropertyClass( context, target, index );
 176  0
         if ( index instanceof Number )
 178  0
             return Object.class;
 181  0
         return null;
     public String getSourceAccessor( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object index )
 187  37
         String indexStr = index.toString().replaceAll( "\"", "" );
 189  37
         if ( String.class.isInstance( index ) )
 191  37
             if ( "size".equals( indexStr ) )
 193  4
                 context.setCurrentAccessor( List.class );
 194  4
                 context.setCurrentType( int.class );
 195  4
                 return ".size()";
 197  33
             if ( "iterator".equals( indexStr ) )
 199  4
                 context.setCurrentAccessor( List.class );
 200  4
                 context.setCurrentType( Iterator.class );
 201  4
                 return ".iterator()";
 203  29
             if ( "isEmpty".equals( indexStr ) || "empty".equals( indexStr ) )
 205  2
                 context.setCurrentAccessor( List.class );
 206  2
                 context.setCurrentType( boolean.class );
 207  2
                 return ".isEmpty()";
         // TODO: This feels really inefficient, must be some better way
         // check if the index string represents a method on a custom class implementing java.util.List instead..
 213  27
         return getSourceBeanMethod( context, target, index, indexStr, false );
     public String getSourceSetter( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object index )
 219  18
         String indexStr = index.toString().replaceAll( "\"", "" );
         // TODO: This feels really inefficient, must be some better way
         // check if the index string represents a method on a custom class implementing java.util.List instead..
          * System.out.println("Listpropertyaccessor setter using index: " + index + " and current object: " +
          * context.getCurrentObject() + " number is current object? " +
          * Number.class.isInstance(context.getCurrentObject()));
 229  18
         return getSourceBeanMethod( context, target, index, indexStr, true );
     private String getSourceBeanMethod( OgnlContext context, Object target, Object index, String indexStr,
                                         boolean isSetter )
 235  45
         Object currentObject = context.getCurrentObject();
 236  45
         Class<?> currentType = context.getCurrentType();
 237  45
         if ( currentObject != null && !Number.class.isInstance( currentObject ) )
 241  10
                 if ( isSetter )
 243  6
                     if ( OgnlRuntime.getWriteMethod( target.getClass(), indexStr ) != null
                         || !currentType.isPrimitive() )
 246  6
                         return super.getSourceSetter( context, target, index );
 251  4
                     if ( OgnlRuntime.getReadMethod( target.getClass(), indexStr ) != null )
 253  2
                         return super.getSourceAccessor( context, target, index );
 257  6
             catch ( Throwable t )
 259  6
                 throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );
 260  2
          * if (String.class.isInstance(index)) { context.setCurrentAccessor(List.class); return ""; }
 267  37
         context.setCurrentAccessor( List.class );
         // need to convert to primitive for list index access
 271  37
         if ( !currentType.isPrimitive() && Number.class.isAssignableFrom( currentType ) )
 273  3
             indexStr += "." + OgnlRuntime.getNumericValueGetter( currentType );
 275  34
         else if ( currentObject != null && Number.class.isAssignableFrom( currentObject.getClass() )
             && !currentType.isPrimitive() )
             // means it needs to be cast first as well
 280  1
             String toString = String.class.isInstance( index ) && currentType != Object.class ? "" : ".toString()";
 282  1
             indexStr = "org.apache.commons.ognl.OgnlOps#getIntValue(" + indexStr + toString + ")";
 285  37
         context.setCurrentType( Object.class );
 287  37
         return isSetter ? ".set(" + indexStr + ", $3)" : ".get(" + indexStr + ")";