Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.ognl.Evaluation
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 package org.apache.commons.ognl;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
  * An <code>Evaluation</code> is and object that holds a node being evaluated and the source from which that node will
  * take extract its value. It refers to child evaluations that occur as a result of the nodes' evaluation.
 public class Evaluation
     private SimpleNode node;
     private Object source;
     private boolean setOperation;
     private Object result;
     private Throwable exception;
     private Evaluation parent;
     private Evaluation next;
     private Evaluation previous;
     private Evaluation firstChild;
     private Evaluation lastChild;
      * Constructs a new "get" <code>Evaluation</code> from the node and source given.
     public Evaluation( SimpleNode node, Object source )
 53  0
 54  0
         this.node = node;
 55  0
         this.source = source;
 56  0
      * Constructs a new <code>Evaluation</code> from the node and source given. If <code>setOperation</code> is true
      * this <code>Evaluation</code> represents a "set" as opposed to a "get".
     public Evaluation( SimpleNode node, Object source, boolean setOperation )
 64  0
         this( node, source );
 65  0
         this.setOperation = setOperation;
 66  0
      * Returns the <code>SimpleNode</code> for this <code>Evaluation</code>
     public SimpleNode getNode()
 73  0
         return node;
      * Sets the node of the evaluation. Normally applications do not need to set this. Notable exceptions to this rule
      * are custom evaluators that choose between navigable objects (as in a multi-root evaluator where the navigable
      * node is chosen at runtime).
     public void setNode( SimpleNode value )
 83  0
         node = value;
 84  0
      * Returns the source object on which this Evaluation operated.
     public Object getSource()
 91  0
         return source;
      * Sets the source of the evaluation. Normally applications do not need to set this. Notable exceptions to this rule
      * are custom evaluators that choose between navigable objects (as in a multi-root evaluator where the navigable
      * node is chosen at runtime).
     public void setSource( Object value )
 101  0
         source = value;
 102  0
      * Returns true if this Evaluation represents a set operation.
     public boolean isSetOperation()
 109  0
         return setOperation;
      * Marks the Evaluation as a set operation if the value is true, else marks it as a get operation.
     public void setSetOperation( boolean value )
 117  0
         setOperation = value;
 118  0
      * Returns the result of the Evaluation, or null if it was a set operation.
     public Object getResult()
 125  0
         return result;
      * Sets the result of the Evaluation. This method is normally only used interally and should not be set without
      * knowledge of what you are doing.
     public void setResult( Object value )
 134  0
         result = value;
 135  0
      * Returns the exception that occurred as a result of evaluating the Evaluation, or null if no exception occurred.
     public Throwable getException()
 142  0
         return exception;
      * Sets the exception that occurred as a result of evaluating the Evaluation. This method is normally only used
      * interally and should not be set without knowledge of what you are doing.
     public void setException( Throwable value )
 151  0
         exception = value;
 152  0
      * Returns the parent evaluation of this evaluation. If this returns null then it is is the root evaluation of a
      * tree.
     public Evaluation getParent()
 160  0
         return parent;
      * Returns the next sibling of this evaluation. Returns null if this is the last in a chain of evaluations.
     public Evaluation getNext()
 168  0
         return next;
      * Returns the previous sibling of this evaluation. Returns null if this is the first in a chain of evaluations.
     public Evaluation getPrevious()
 176  0
         return previous;
      * Returns the first child of this evaluation. Returns null if there are no children.
     public Evaluation getFirstChild()
 184  0
         return firstChild;
      * Returns the last child of this evaluation. Returns null if there are no children.
     public Evaluation getLastChild()
 192  0
         return lastChild;
      * Gets the first descendent. In any Evaluation tree this will the Evaluation that was first executed.
     public Evaluation getFirstDescendant()
 200  0
         if ( firstChild != null )
 202  0
             return firstChild.getFirstDescendant();
 204  0
         return this;
      * Gets the last descendent. In any Evaluation tree this will the Evaluation that was most recently executing.
     public Evaluation getLastDescendant()
 212  0
         if ( lastChild != null )
 214  0
             return lastChild.getLastDescendant();
 216  0
         return this;
      * Adds a child to the list of children of this evaluation. The parent of the child is set to the receiver and the
      * children references are modified in the receiver to reflect the new child. The lastChild of the receiver is set
      * to the child, and the firstChild is set also if child is the first (or only) child.
     public void addChild( Evaluation child )
 226  0
         if ( firstChild == null )
 228  0
             firstChild = child;
 229  0
             lastChild = child;
 233  0
             if ( firstChild == lastChild )
 235  0
        = child;
 236  0
                 lastChild = child;
 237  0
                 lastChild.previous = firstChild;
 241  0
                 child.previous = lastChild;
 242  0
        = child;
 243  0
                 lastChild = child;
 246  0
         child.parent = this;
 247  0
      * Reinitializes this Evaluation to the parameters specified.
     public void init( SimpleNode node, Object source, boolean setOperation )
 254  0
         this.node = node;
 255  0
         this.source = source;
 256  0
         this.setOperation = setOperation;
 257  0
         result = null;
 258  0
         exception = null;
 259  0
         parent = null;
 260  0
         next = null;
 261  0
         previous = null;
 262  0
         firstChild = null;
 263  0
         lastChild = null;
 264  0
      * Resets this Evaluation to the initial state.
     public void reset()
 271  0
         init( null, null, false );
 272  0
      * Produces a String value for the Evaluation. If compact is true then a more compact form of the description only
      * including the node type and unique identifier is shown, else a full description including source and result are
      * shown. If showChildren is true the child evaluations are printed using the depth string given as a prefix.
     public String toString( boolean compact, boolean showChildren, String depth )
         String stringResult;
 283  0
         if ( compact )
 285  0
             stringResult = depth + "<" + node.getClass().getName() + " " + System.identityHashCode( this ) + ">";
 289  0
             String ss = ( source != null ) ? source.getClass().getName() : "null", rs =
                 ( result != null ) ? result.getClass().getName() : "null";
 292  0
             stringResult =
                 depth + "<" + node.getClass().getName() + ": [" + ( setOperation ? "set" : "get" ) + "] source = " + ss
                     + ", result = " + result + " [" + rs + "]>";
 296  0
         if ( showChildren )
 298  0
             Evaluation child = firstChild;
 300  0
             stringResult += "\n";
 301  0
             while ( child != null )
 303  0
                 stringResult += child.toString( compact, depth + "  " );
 304  0
                 child =;
 307  0
         return stringResult;
      * Produces a String value for the Evaluation. If compact is true then a more compact form of the description only
      * including the node type and unique identifier is shown, else a full description including source and result are
      * shown. Child evaluations are printed using the depth string given as a prefix.
     public String toString( boolean compact, String depth )
 317  0
         return toString( compact, true, depth );
      * Returns a String description of the Evaluation.
     public String toString()
 326  0
         return toString( false, "" );