Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTMethod
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.commons.ognl;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.ExpressionCompiler;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.OgnlExpressionCompiler;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.OrderedReturn;
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.UnsupportedCompilationException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
  * $Id: 1198659 2011-11-07 09:12:44Z mcucchiara $
  * @author Luke Blanshard (
  * @author Drew Davidson (
 public class ASTMethod
     extends SimpleNode
     implements OrderedReturn, NodeType
     private String methodName;
     private String lastExpression;
     private String coreExpression;
     private Class getterClass;
     public ASTMethod( int id )
 50  192
         super( id );
 51  192
     public ASTMethod( OgnlParser p, int id )
 55  0
         super( p, id );
 56  0
      * Called from parser action.
      * @param methodName sets the name of the method
     public void setMethodName( String methodName )
 65  192
         this.methodName = methodName;
 66  192
      * Returns the method name that this node will call.
      * @return the method name
     public String getMethodName()
 75  0
         return methodName;
     protected Object getValueBody( OgnlContext context, Object source )
         throws OgnlException
 81  219
         Object[] args = OgnlRuntime.getObjectArrayPool().create( jjtGetNumChildren() );
 85  219
             Object result, root = context.getRoot();
 87  353
             for ( int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i )
 89  134
                 args[i] = children[i].getValue( context, root );
 92  219
             result = OgnlRuntime.callMethod( context, source, methodName, args );
 94  211
             if ( result == null )
 96  24
                 NullHandler nullHandler = OgnlRuntime.getNullHandler( OgnlRuntime.getTargetClass( source ) );
 97  24
                 result = nullHandler.nullMethodResult( context, source, methodName, args );
 100  211
             return result;
 105  211
             OgnlRuntime.getObjectArrayPool().recycle( args );
     public String getLastExpression()
 111  176
         return lastExpression;
     public String getCoreExpression()
 116  1
         return coreExpression;
     public Class getGetterClass()
 121  131
         return getterClass;
     public Class getSetterClass()
 126  46
         return getterClass;
     public String toGetSourceString( OgnlContext context, Object target )
          * System.out.println("methodName is " + methodName + " for target " + target + " target class: " + (target !=
          * null ? target.getClass() : null) + " current type: " + context.getCurrentType());
 135  109
         if ( target == null )
 137  1
             throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "Target object is null." );
 140  108
         String post = "";
         StringBuilder sourceStringBuilder;
         Method method;
 144  108
         OgnlExpressionCompiler compiler = OgnlRuntime.getCompiler( context );
 148  108
             method = OgnlRuntime.getMethod( context, context.getCurrentType() != null
                 ? context.getCurrentType()
                 : target.getClass(), methodName, children, false );
 151  108
             if ( method == null )
 153  35
                 method = OgnlRuntime.getReadMethod( target.getClass(), methodName,
                                                     children != null ? children.length : -1 );
 157  108
             if ( method == null )
 159  2
                 method = OgnlRuntime.getWriteMethod( target.getClass(), methodName,
                                                      children != null ? children.length : -1 );
 162  2
                 if ( method != null )
 165  2
                     context.setCurrentType( method.getReturnType() );
 166  2
                         compiler.getSuperOrInterfaceClass( method, method.getDeclaringClass() ) );
 169  2
                     coreExpression = toSetSourceString( context, target );
 170  0
                     if ( coreExpression == null || coreExpression.length() < 1 )
 172  0
                         throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "can't find suitable getter method" );
 175  0
                     coreExpression += ";";
 176  0
                     lastExpression = "null";
 178  0
                     return coreExpression;
 181  0
                 return "";
 185  106
                 getterClass = method.getReturnType();
             // TODO: This is a hacky workaround until javassist supports varargs method invocations
 189  106
             boolean varArgs = method.isVarArgs();
 191  106
             if ( varArgs )
 193  2
                 throw new UnsupportedCompilationException(
                     "Javassist does not currently support varargs method calls" );
 197  104
             sourceStringBuilder = new StringBuilder().append( "." ).append( method.getName() ).append( "(" );
 199  104
             if ( ( children != null ) && ( children.length > 0 ) )
 201  53
                 Class[] parms = method.getParameterTypes();
 202  53
                 String prevCast = (String) context.remove( ExpressionCompiler.PRE_CAST );
                  * System.out.println("before children methodName is " + methodName + " for target " + target +
                  * " target class: " + (target != null ? target.getClass() : null) + " current type: " +
                  * context.getCurrentType() + " and previous type: " + context.getPreviousType());
 209  116
                 for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
 211  63
                     if ( i > 0 )
 213  10
                         sourceStringBuilder.append( ", " );
 216  63
                     Class prevType = context.getCurrentType();
 218  63
                     Object root = context.getRoot();
 219  63
                     context.setCurrentObject( root );
 220  63
                     context.setCurrentType( root != null ? root.getClass() : null );
 221  63
                     context.setCurrentAccessor( null );
 222  63
                     context.setPreviousType( null );
 224  63
                     Node child = children[i];
 226  63
                     String parmString = ASTMethodUtil.getParmString( context, root, child, prevType );
 228  63
                     Class valueClass = ASTMethodUtil.getValueClass( context, root, child );
 230  63
                     if ( ( !varArgs || varArgs && ( i + 1 ) < parms.length ) && valueClass != parms[i] )
 232  24
                         parmString = ASTMethodUtil.getParmString( context, parms[i], parmString, child, valueClass,
                                                                   ".class, true)" );
 236  63
                     sourceStringBuilder.append( parmString );
 239  53
                 if ( prevCast != null )
 241  1
                     context.put( ExpressionCompiler.PRE_CAST, prevCast );
 246  4
         catch ( Throwable t )
 248  4
             throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );
 249  104
 253  104
             Object contextObj = getValueBody( context, target );
 254  103
             context.setCurrentObject( contextObj );
 256  1
         catch ( Throwable t )
 258  1
             throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );
 259  103
 261  103
         sourceStringBuilder.append( ")" ).append( post );
 263  103
         if ( method.getReturnType() == void.class )
 265  1
             coreExpression = sourceStringBuilder.toString() + ";";
 266  1
             lastExpression = "null";
 269  103
         context.setCurrentType( method.getReturnType() );
 270  103
         context.setCurrentAccessor( compiler.getSuperOrInterfaceClass( method, method.getDeclaringClass() ) );
 272  103
         return sourceStringBuilder.toString();
     public String toSetSourceString( OgnlContext context, Object target )
          * System.out.println("current type: " + context.getCurrentType() + " target:" + target + " " +
          * context.getCurrentObject() + " last child? " + lastChild(context));
 281  52
         Method method =
             OgnlRuntime.getWriteMethod( context.getCurrentType() != null ? context.getCurrentType() : target.getClass(),
                                         methodName, children != null ? children.length : -1 );
 284  52
         if ( method == null )
 286  31
             throw new UnsupportedCompilationException(
                 "Unable to determine setter method generation for " + methodName );
 290  21
         String post = "";
 291  21
         String result = "." + method.getName() + "(";
 293  21
         if ( method.getReturnType() != void.class && method.getReturnType().isPrimitive() && ( parent == null
             || !ASTTest.class.isInstance( parent ) ) )
 296  11
             Class wrapper = OgnlRuntime.getPrimitiveWrapperClass( method.getReturnType() );
 298  11
             ExpressionCompiler.addCastString( context, "new " + wrapper.getName() + "(" );
 299  11
             post = ")";
 300  11
             getterClass = wrapper;
 303  21
         boolean varArgs = method.isVarArgs();
 305  21
         if ( varArgs )
 307  0
             throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "Javassist does not currently support varargs method calls" );
 310  21
         OgnlExpressionCompiler compiler = OgnlRuntime.getCompiler( context );
              * if (lastChild(context) && method.getParameterTypes().length > 0 && _children.length <= 0) throw new
              * UnsupportedCompilationException("Unable to determine setter method generation for " + method);
 318  21
             if ( ( children != null ) && ( children.length > 0 ) )
 320  16
                 Class[] parms = method.getParameterTypes();
 321  16
                 String prevCast = (String) context.remove( ExpressionCompiler.PRE_CAST );
 323  36
                 for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
 325  25
                     if ( i > 0 )
 327  9
                         result += ", ";
 330  25
                     Class prevType = context.getCurrentType();
 332  25
                     context.setCurrentObject( context.getRoot() );
 333  25
                     context.setCurrentType( context.getRoot() != null ? context.getRoot().getClass() : null );
 334  25
                     context.setCurrentAccessor( null );
 335  25
                     context.setPreviousType( null );
 337  25
                     Node child = children[i];
 338  25
                     Object value = child.getValue( context, context.getRoot() );
 339  25
                     String parmString = child.toSetSourceString( context, context.getRoot() );
 341  20
                     if ( context.getCurrentType() == Void.TYPE || context.getCurrentType() == void.class )
 343  0
                         throw new UnsupportedCompilationException( "Method argument can't be a void type." );
 346  20
                     if ( parmString == null || parmString.trim().length() < 1 )
 348  3
                         if ( ASTProperty.class.isInstance( child ) || ASTMethod.class.isInstance( child )
                             || ASTStaticMethod.class.isInstance( child ) || ASTChain.class.isInstance( child ) )
 351  0
                             throw new UnsupportedCompilationException(
                                 "ASTMethod setter child returned null from a sub property expression." );
 354  3
                         parmString = "null";
                     // to undo type setting of constants when used as method parameters
 358  20
                     if ( ASTConst.class.isInstance( child ) )
 360  13
                         context.setCurrentType( prevType );
 363  20
                     parmString = ExpressionCompiler.getRootExpression( child, context.getRoot(), context ) + parmString;
 365  20
                     String cast = "";
 366  20
                     if ( ExpressionCompiler.shouldCast( child ) )
 368  7
                         cast = (String) context.remove( ExpressionCompiler.PRE_CAST );
 371  20
                     if ( cast == null )
 373  7
                         cast = "";
 376  20
                     parmString = cast + parmString;
 378  20
                     Class valueClass = value != null ? value.getClass() : null;
 379  20
                     if ( NodeType.class.isAssignableFrom( child.getClass() ) )
 381  18
                         valueClass = ( (NodeType) child ).getGetterClass();
 384  20
                     if ( valueClass != parms[i] )
 386  10
                         parmString =
                             ASTMethodUtil.getParmString( context, parms[i], parmString, child, valueClass, ".class)" );
 390  20
                     result += parmString;
 393  11
                 if ( prevCast != null )
 395  4
                     context.put( ExpressionCompiler.PRE_CAST, prevCast );
 400  5
         catch ( Throwable t )
 402  5
             throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );
 403  16
 407  16
             Object contextObj = getValueBody( context, target );
 408  16
             context.setCurrentObject( contextObj );
 410  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
             // ignore
 413  16
 415  16
         context.setCurrentType( method.getReturnType() );
 416  16
         context.setCurrentAccessor( compiler.getSuperOrInterfaceClass( method, method.getDeclaringClass() ) );
 418  16
         return result + ")" + post;
     public <R, P> R accept( NodeVisitor<? extends R, ? super P> visitor, P data )
         throws OgnlException
 424  0
         return visitor.visit( this, data );