Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.ognl.ASTCtor
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.commons.ognl;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.commons.ognl.enhance.ExpressionCompiler;
 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
 import java.util.List;
  * $Id: 1194869 2011-10-29 11:10:16Z mcucchiara $
  * @author Luke Blanshard (
  * @author Drew Davidson (
 public class ASTCtor
     extends SimpleNode
     private String className;
     private boolean isArray;
     public ASTCtor( int id )
 43  96
         super( id );
 44  96
     public ASTCtor( OgnlParser p, int id )
 48  0
         super( p, id );
 49  0
     /** Called from parser action. */
     void setClassName( String className )
 54  96
         this.className = className;
 55  96
      * Get the class name for this constructor.
      * @return the class name.
      * @since 4.0
     String getClassName()
 65  0
         return className;
     void setArray( boolean value )
 71  53
         isArray = value;
 72  53
     public boolean isArray()
 76  20
         return isArray;
     protected Object getValueBody( OgnlContext context, Object source )
         throws OgnlException
 82  111
         Object result, root = context.getRoot();
 83  111
         int count = jjtGetNumChildren();
 84  111
         Object[] args = OgnlRuntime.getObjectArrayPool().create( count );
 88  254
             for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
 90  143
                 args[i] = children[i].getValue( context, root );
 92  111
             if ( isArray )
 94  33
                 if ( args.length == 1 )
 98  33
                         Class componentClass = OgnlRuntime.classForName( context, className );
 99  33
                         List sourceList = null;
                         int size;
 102  33
                         if ( args[0] instanceof List )
 104  20
                             sourceList = (List) args[0];
 105  20
                             size = sourceList.size();
 109  13
                             size = (int) OgnlOps.longValue( args[0] );
 111  33
                         result = Array.newInstance( componentClass, size );
 112  33
                         if ( sourceList != null )
 114  20
                             TypeConverter converter = context.getTypeConverter();
 116  62
                             for ( int i = 0, icount = sourceList.size(); i < icount; i++ )
 118  42
                                 Object o = sourceList.get( i );
 120  42
                                 if ( ( o == null ) || componentClass.isInstance( o ) )
 122  17
                                     Array.set( result, i, o );
 126  25
                                     Array.set( result, i,
                                                converter.convertValue( context, null, null, null, o, componentClass ) );
 132  0
                     catch ( ClassNotFoundException ex )
 134  0
                         throw new OgnlException( "array component class '" + className + "' not found", ex );
 135  33
 139  0
                     throw new OgnlException( "only expect array size or fixed initializer list" );
 144  78
                 result = OgnlRuntime.callConstructor( context, className, args );
 147  111
             return result;
 151  111
             OgnlRuntime.getObjectArrayPool().recycle( args );
     public String toGetSourceString( OgnlContext context, Object target )
 158  53
         String result = "new " + className;
 160  53
         Class clazz = null;
 161  53
         Object ctorValue = null;
 165  53
             clazz = OgnlRuntime.classForName( context, className );
 167  53
             ctorValue = this.getValueBody( context, target );
 168  53
             context.setCurrentObject( ctorValue );
 170  53
             if ( clazz != null && ctorValue != null )
 173  53
                 context.setCurrentType( ctorValue.getClass() );
 174  53
                 context.setCurrentAccessor( ctorValue.getClass() );
 177  53
             if ( isArray )
 179  26
                 context.put( "_ctorClass", clazz );
 182  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
 184  0
             throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );
 185  53
 190  53
             if ( isArray )
 192  26
                 if ( children[0] instanceof ASTConst )
 195  7
                     result = result + "[" + children[0].toGetSourceString( context, target ) + "]";
 197  19
                 else if ( ASTProperty.class.isInstance( children[0] ) )
 200  1
                     result =
                         result + "[" + ExpressionCompiler.getRootExpression( children[0], target, context )
                             + children[0].toGetSourceString( context, target ) + "]";
 204  18
                 else if ( ASTChain.class.isInstance( children[0] ) )
 207  1
                     result = result + "[" + children[0].toGetSourceString( context, target ) + "]";
 212  17
                     result = result + "[] " + children[0].toGetSourceString( context, target );
 218  27
                 result = result + "(";
 220  27
                 if ( ( children != null ) && ( children.length > 0 ) )
 223  21
                     Object[] values = new Object[children.length];
 224  21
                     String[] expressions = new String[children.length];
 225  21
                     Class[] types = new Class[children.length];
                     // first populate arrays with child values
 229  58
                     for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
 232  37
                         Object objValue = children[i].getValue( context, context.getRoot() );
 233  37
                         String value = children[i].toGetSourceString( context, target );
 235  37
                         if ( !ASTRootVarRef.class.isInstance( children[i] ) )
 237  36
                             value = ExpressionCompiler.getRootExpression( children[i], target, context ) + value;
 240  37
                         String cast = "";
 241  37
                         if ( ExpressionCompiler.shouldCast( children[i] ) )
 244  13
                             cast = (String) context.remove( ExpressionCompiler.PRE_CAST );
 246  37
                         if ( cast == null )
 248  12
                             cast = "";
 251  37
                         if ( !ASTConst.class.isInstance( children[i] ) )
 253  13
                             value = cast + value;
 256  37
                         values[i] = objValue;
 257  37
                         expressions[i] = value;
 258  37
                         types[i] = context.getCurrentType();
                     // now try and find a matching constructor
 263  21
                     Constructor[] cons = clazz.getConstructors();
 264  21
                     Constructor ctor = null;
 265  21
                     Class[] ctorParamTypes = null;
 267  75
                     for ( int i = 0; i < cons.length; i++ )
 269  54
                         Class[] ctorTypes = cons[i].getParameterTypes();
 271  54
                         if ( OgnlRuntime.areArgsCompatible( values, ctorTypes )
                             && ( ctor == null || OgnlRuntime.isMoreSpecific( ctorTypes, ctorParamTypes ) ) )
 274  21
                             ctor = cons[i];
 275  21
                             ctorParamTypes = ctorTypes;
 279  21
                     if ( ctor == null )
 281  0
                         ctor =
                             OgnlRuntime.getConvertedConstructorAndArgs( context, clazz,
                                                                         OgnlRuntime.getConstructors( clazz ), values,
                                                                         new Object[values.length] );
 287  21
                     if ( ctor == null ) 
 289  0
                         throw new NoSuchMethodException(
                             "Unable to find constructor appropriate for arguments in class: " + clazz );
 292  21
                     ctorParamTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes();
                     // now loop over child values again and build up the actual source string
 296  58
                     for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
 298  37
                         if ( i > 0 )
 300  16
                             result = result + ", ";
 303  37
                         String value = expressions[i];
 305  37
                         if ( types[i].isPrimitive() )
 308  6
                             String literal = OgnlRuntime.getNumericLiteral( types[i] );
 309  6
                             if ( literal != null )
 311  6
                                 value += literal;
 315  37
                         if ( ctorParamTypes[i] != types[i] )
 318  4
                             if ( values[i] != null && !types[i].isPrimitive() && !values[i].getClass().isArray()
                                 && !ASTConst.class.isInstance( children[i] ) )
 322  2
                                 value =
                                     "(" + OgnlRuntime.getCompiler( context ).getInterfaceClass( values[i].getClass() ).getName()
                                         + ")" + value;
 326  2
                             else if ( !ASTConst.class.isInstance( children[i] )
                                 || ( ASTConst.class.isInstance( children[i] ) && !types[i].isPrimitive() ) )
 330  2
                                 if ( !types[i].isArray() && types[i].isPrimitive() && !ctorParamTypes[i].isPrimitive() )
 332  1
                                     value =
                                         "new "
                                             + ExpressionCompiler.getCastString( 
                                                 OgnlRuntime.getPrimitiveWrapperClass( types[i] ) )
                                             + "(" + value + ")";
 340  1
                                     value = " ($w) " + value;
 345  37
                         result += value;
 349  27
                 result = result + ")";
 352  52
             context.setCurrentType( ctorValue != null ? ctorValue.getClass() : clazz );
 353  52
             context.setCurrentAccessor( clazz );
 354  52
             context.setCurrentObject( ctorValue );
 357  1
         catch ( Throwable t )
 359  1
             throw OgnlOps.castToRuntime( t );
 360  52
 362  52
         context.remove( "_ctorClass" );
 364  52
         return result;
     public String toSetSourceString( OgnlContext context, Object target )
 369  32
         return "";
     public <R, P> R accept( NodeVisitor<? extends R, ? super P> visitor, P data )
         throws OgnlException
 375  0
         return visitor.visit( this, data );