Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.launcher.types.ConditionalVariable
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 package org.apache.commons.launcher.types;
  * A class that represents nested <sysproperty> or <env> elements. This class
  * provides the same functionality as the class that represents these same
  * elements in a "java" task. In addition, this class supports conditional "if" 
  * and "unless" attributes.
  * @author Patrick Luby
 34  0
 public class ConditionalVariable extends DataType {
     //------------------------------------------------------------------ Fields
      * Cached "if" condition flag.
 41  0
     private String ifCondition = null;
      * Cached key.
 46  0
     private String key = null;
      * Cached "unless" condition flag.
 51  0
     private String unlessCondition = null;
      * Cached value.
 56  0
     private String value = null;
     //----------------------------------------------------------------- Methods
      * Get the "if" condition flag.
      * @return the "if" condition flag
     public String getIf() {
 67  0
         return ProjectHelper.replaceProperties(project, ifCondition, project.getProperties());
      * Get the key.
      * @return the key for this variable
     public String getKey() {
 78  0
         return ProjectHelper.replaceProperties(project, key, project.getProperties());
      * Get the "unless" condition flag.
      * @return the "unless" condition flag
     public String getUnless() {
 89  0
         return ProjectHelper.replaceProperties(project, unlessCondition, project.getProperties());
      * Get the value.
      * @return the value for this variable
     public String getValue() {
 100  0
         return ProjectHelper.replaceProperties(project, value, project.getProperties());
      * Set the value to a {@link File}.
      * @param file the {@link File} for this variable
     public void setFile(File file) {
 111  0
         this.value = file.getAbsolutePath();
 113  0
      * Set the value to a {@link Path}.
      * @param path the {@link Path} for this variable
     public void setPath(Path path) {
 122  0
         this.value = path.toString();
 124  0
      * Set the "if" condition. Tasks that nest this class as an element
      * should evaluate this flag in their {@link} method. If the
      * following conditions are true, the task should process this element:
      * <ul>
      * <ol>The flag is neither null nor a empty string
      * <ol>The property that the flag resolves to after macro substitution
      *  is defined
      * </ul>
      * @param property a property name or macro
     public void setIf(String property) {
 140  0
         this.ifCondition = property;
 142  0
      * Set the key.
      * @param key the key for this variable
     public void setKey(String key) {
 151  0
         this.key = key;
 153  0
      * Set the value to a {@link Path}.
      * @param path the {@link Path} for this variable
     public void setFile(Path path) {
 162  0
         this.value = path.toString();
 164  0
      * Set the "unless" condition. Tasks that nest this class as an element
      * should evaluate this flag in their {@link} method. If the
      * following conditions are true, the task should ignore this element:
      * <ul>
      * <ol>The flag is neither null nor a empty string
      * <ol>The property that the flag resolves to after macro substitution
      *  is defined
      * </ul>
      * @param property a property name or macro
     public void setUnless(String property) {
 180  0
         this.unlessCondition = property;
 182  0
      * Set the value.
      * @param value the value for this variable
     public void setValue(String value) {
 191  0
         this.value = value;
 193  0