Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.launcher.Launcher
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.launcher;
 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
 import org.apache.commons.launcher.types.ArgumentSet;
 import org.apache.commons.launcher.types.JVMArgumentSet;
 import org.apache.commons.launcher.types.SysPropertySet;
  * A class that is used to launch a Java process. The primary purpose of this
  * class is to eliminate the need for a batch or shell script to launch a Java
  * process. Some situations where elimination of a batch or shell script may be 
  * desirable are:
  * <ul>
  * <li>You want to avoid having to determining where certain application paths
  *  are e.g. your application's home directory, etc. Determining this
  *  dynamically in a Windows batch scripts is very tricky on some versions of
  *  Windows or when softlinks are used on Unix platforms.
  * <li>You need to enforce certain properties e.g. java.endorsed.dirs when
  *  running with JDK 1.4.
  * <li>You want to allow users to pass in custom JVM arguments or system
  *  properties without having to parse and reorder arguments in your script.
  *  This can be tricky and/or messy in batch and shell scripts.
  * <li>You want to bootstrap Java properties from a configuration file instead
  *  hard-coding them in your batch and shell scripts.
  * <li>You want to provide localized error messages which is very tricky to do
  *  in batch and shell scripts.
  * </ul>
  * @author Patrick Luby
 75  0
 public class Launcher implements Runnable {
     //----------------------------------------------------------- Static Fields
      * Cached bootstrap file.
 83  0
     private static File bootstrapFile = null;
      * Cached java command
 88  0
     private static String javaCmd = null;
      * Cached JDB command
 93  0
     private static String jdbCmd = null;
      * Default XML file name
     private final static String DEFAULT_XML_FILE_NAME = "launcher.xml";
      * Shared lock.
 103  0
     private static Object lock = new Object();
      * Cached log
 108  0
     private static PrintStream log = System.err;
      * Cached resourceBundle
 113  0
     private static ResourceBundle resourceBundle = null;
      * The started status flag.
 118  0
     private static boolean started = false;
      * The stopped status flag.
 123  0
     private static boolean stopped = false;
      * List of supported Ant tasks.
 128  0
     public final static Object[] SUPPORTED_ANT_TASKS = new Object[] {
 129  0
             LaunchTask.TASK_NAME, LaunchTask.class,
             "ant", Ant.class,
             "antcall", CallTarget.class,
             "available", Available.class,
             "condition", ConditionTask.class,
             "fail", Exit.class,
             "property", Property.class,
             "mkdir", Mkdir.class,
             "delete", Delete.class,
             "copy", Copy.class,
             "exec", ExecTask.class,
             "waitfor", WaitFor.class,
             "taskdef", Taskdef.class
      * List of supported Ant types.
 147  0
     public final static Object[] SUPPORTED_ANT_TYPES = new Object[] {
             ArgumentSet.TYPE_NAME, ArgumentSet.class,
             JVMArgumentSet.TYPE_NAME, JVMArgumentSet.class,
             SysPropertySet.TYPE_NAME, SysPropertySet.class,
             "description", Description.class,
             "fileset", FileSet.class,
             "filelist", FileList.class,
             "path", Path.class,
             "patternset", PatternSet.class
      * Cached tools classpath.
 161  0
     private static String toolsClasspath = null;
      * The verbose flag
 166  0
     private static boolean verbose = false;
     //---------------------------------------------------------- Static Methods
      * Get the started flag.
      * @return the value of the started flag
     public static synchronized boolean isStarted() {
 178  0
         return Launcher.started;
      * Get the stopped flag.
      * @return the value of the stopped flag
     public static synchronized boolean isStopped() {
 189  0
         return Launcher.stopped;
      * Start the launching process. This method is essential the
      * <code>main(String[])<code> method for this class except that this method
      * never invokes {@link System#exit(int)}. This method is designed for
      * applications that wish to invoke this class directly from within their
      * application's code.
      * @param args command line arguments
      * @return the exit value of the last synchronous child JVM that was
      *  launched or 1 if any other error occurs
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any error parsing the args parameter
      *  occurs
     public static int start(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException {
         // Check make sure that neither this method or the stop() method is
         // already running since we do not support concurrency
 210  0
         synchronized (Launcher.lock) {
 211  0
             if (Launcher.isStarted() || Launcher.isStopped())
 212  0
                 return 1;
 213  0
 214  0
 216  0
         int returnValue = 0;
 217  0
         ClassLoader parentLoader = null;
 218  0
         Thread shutdownHook = new Thread(new Launcher());
 219  0
         Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
         try {
             // Cache the current class loader for this thread and set the class
             // loader before running Ant. Note that we only set the class loader
             // if we are running a Java version earlier than 1.4 as on 1.4 this
             // causes unnecessary loading of the XML parser classes.
 227  0
             parentLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
 228  0
             boolean lessThan14 = true;
             try {
 230  0
 231  0
                 lessThan14 = false;
 232  0
             } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                 // If this class does not exist, then we are not running Java 1.4
 234  0
 235  0
             if (lessThan14)
 236  0
 238  0
             Project project = new Project();
             // Set the project's class loader
 241  0
             // Initialize the project. Note that we don't invoke the
             // Project.init() method directly as this will cause all of
             // the myriad of Task subclasses to load which is a big
             // performance hit. Instead, we load only the
             // Launcher.SUPPORTED_ANT_TASKS and Launcher.SUPPORTED_ANT_TYPES
             // into the project that the Launcher supports.
 249  0
             for (int i = 0; i < Launcher.SUPPORTED_ANT_TASKS.length; i++) {
                 // The even numbered elements should be the task name
 251  0
                 String taskName = (String)Launcher.SUPPORTED_ANT_TASKS[i];
                 // The odd numbered elements should be the task class
 253  0
                 Class taskClass = (Class)Launcher.SUPPORTED_ANT_TASKS[++i];
 254  0
                 project.addTaskDefinition(taskName, taskClass);
 256  0
             for (int i = 0; i < Launcher.SUPPORTED_ANT_TYPES.length; i++) {
                 // The even numbered elements should be the type name
 258  0
                 String typeName = (String)Launcher.SUPPORTED_ANT_TYPES[i];
                 // The odd numbered elements should be the type class
 260  0
                 Class typeClass = (Class)Launcher.SUPPORTED_ANT_TYPES[++i];
 261  0
                 project.addDataTypeDefinition(typeName, typeClass);
             // Add all system properties as project properties
 265  0
             // Parse the arguments
 268  0
             int currentArg = 0;
             // Set default XML file
 271  0
             File launchFile = new File(Launcher.getBootstrapDir(), Launcher.DEFAULT_XML_FILE_NAME);
             // Get standard launcher arguments
 274  0
             for ( ; currentArg < args.length; currentArg++) {
                 // If we find a "-" argument or an argument without a
                 // leading "-", there are no more standard launcher arguments
 277  0
                 if ("-".equals(args[currentArg])) {
 278  0
 279  0
 280  0
                 } else if (args[currentArg].length() > 0 && !"-".equals(args[currentArg].substring(0, 1))) {
 281  0
 282  0
                 } else if ("-help".equals(args[currentArg])) {
 283  0
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException();
 284  0
                 } else if ("-launchfile".equals(args[currentArg])) {
 285  0
                     if (currentArg + 1 < args.length){
 286  0
                         String fileArg = args[++currentArg];
 287  0
                         launchFile = new File(fileArg);
 288  0
                         if (!launchFile.isAbsolute())
 289  0
                             launchFile = new File(Launcher.getBootstrapDir(), fileArg);
 290  0
                     } else {
 291  0
                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(args[currentArg] + " " + Launcher.getLocalizedString("missing.arg"));
 293  0
                 } else if ("-executablename".equals(args[currentArg])) {
 294  0
                     if (currentArg + 1 < args.length)
 295  0
                         System.setProperty(ChildMain.EXECUTABLE_PROP_NAME, args[++currentArg]);
 297  0
                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(args[currentArg] + " " + Launcher.getLocalizedString("missing.arg"));
 298  0
                 } else if ("-verbose".equals(args[currentArg])) {
 299  0
                 } else {
 301  0
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(args[currentArg] + " " + Launcher.getLocalizedString("invalid.arg"));
             // Get target
 306  0
             String target = null;
 307  0
             if (currentArg < args.length)
 308  0
                 target = args[currentArg++];
 310  0
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(Launcher.getLocalizedString(""));
             // Get user properties 
 313  0
             for ( ; currentArg < args.length; currentArg++) {
                 // If we don't find any more "-" or "-D" arguments, there are no
                 // more user properties
 316  0
                 if ("-".equals(args[currentArg])) {
 317  0
 318  0
 319  0
                 } else if (args[currentArg].length() <= 2 || !"-D".equals(args[currentArg].substring(0, 2))) {
 320  0
 322  0
                 int delimiter = args[currentArg].indexOf('=', 2);
 323  0
                 String key = null;
 324  0
                 String value = null;
 325  0
                 if (delimiter >= 2) {
 326  0
                     key = args[currentArg].substring(2, delimiter);
 327  0
                     value = args[currentArg].substring(delimiter + 1);
                 } else {
                     // Unfortunately, MS-DOS batch scripts will split an
                     // "-Dname=value" argument into "-Dname" and "value"
                     // arguments. So, we need to assume that the next
                     // argument is the property value unless it appears
                     // to be a different type of argument.
 334  0
                     key = args[currentArg].substring(2);
 335  0
                     if (currentArg + 1 < args.length &&
                         !"-D".equals(args[currentArg + 1].substring(0, 2)))
 338  0
                         value = args[++currentArg];
                     } else {
 340  0
                         value = "";
 343  0
                 project.setUserProperty(key, value);
             // Treat all remaining arguments as application arguments
 347  0
             String[] appArgs = new String[args.length - currentArg];
 348  0
             for (int i = 0; i < appArgs.length; i++) {
 349  0
                 appArgs[i] = args[i + currentArg];
 350  0
                 project.setUserProperty(LaunchTask.ARG_PROP_NAME + Integer.toString(i), appArgs[i]);
             // Set standard Ant user properties
 354  0
             project.setUserProperty("ant.version", Main.getAntVersion());
 355  0
             project.setUserProperty("ant.file", launchFile.getCanonicalPath());
 356  0
             project.setUserProperty("", System.getProperty("java.specification.version"));
             // Set the buildfile
 359  0
             ProjectHelper.configureProject(project, launchFile);
             // Check that the target exists
 362  0
             if (!project.getTargets().containsKey(target))
 363  0
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(target + " " + Launcher.getLocalizedString(""));
             // Execute the target
             try {
 367  0
 368  0
             } catch (NoSuchMethodError nsme) {
                 // Early JVMs do not support this method
 370  0
 371  0
 373  0
         } catch (Throwable t) {
             // Log any errors
 375  0
             returnValue = 1;
 376  0
             String message = t.getMessage();
 377  0
             if (t instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
 378  0
                 Launcher.error(message, true);
             } else {
 380  0
                 if (Launcher.verbose)
 381  0
 383  0
                     Launcher.error(message, false);
         } finally {
 386  0
             synchronized (Launcher.lock) {
                 // Remove the shutdown hook
                 try {
 389  0
 390  0
                 } catch (NoSuchMethodError nsme) {
                     // Early JVMs do not support this method
 392  0
                 // Reset the class loader after running Ant
 394  0
                 // Reset stopped flag
 396  0
                 // Notify the stop() method that we have set the class loader
 398  0
 399  0
 400  0
         // Override return value with exit value of last synchronous child JVM
 403  0
         Process[] childProcesses = LaunchTask.getChildProcesses();
 404  0
         if (childProcesses.length > 0)
 405  0
             returnValue = childProcesses[childProcesses.length - 1].exitValue();
 407  0
         return returnValue;
      * Interrupt the {@link #start(String[])} method. This is done
      * by forcing the current or next scheduled invocation of the
      * {@link LaunchTask#execute()} method to throw an exception. In addition,
      * this method will terminate any synchronous child processes that any
      * instances of the {@link LaunchTask} class have launched. Note, however,
      * that this method will <b>not</b> terminate any asynchronous child
      * processes that have been launched. Accordingly, applications that use
      * this method are encouraged to always set the LaunchTask.TASK_NAME task's
      * "waitForChild" attribute to "true" to ensure that the
      * application that you want to control can be terminated via this method.
      * After this method has been executed, it will not return until is safe to
      * execute the {@link #start(String[])} method.
      * @return true if this method completed without error and false if an
      *  error occurred or the launch process is already stopped
     public static boolean stop() {
 430  0
         synchronized (Launcher.lock) {
             // Check the stopped flag to avoid concurrent execution of this
             // method
 433  0
             if (Launcher.isStopped())
 434  0
                 return false;
             // Make sure that the start() method is running. If not, just
             // return as there is nothing to do.
 438  0
             if (Launcher.isStarted())
 439  0
 441  0
                 return false;
 442  0
 444  0
         boolean returnValue = true;
         try {
             // Kill all of the synchronous child processes
 449  0
             // Wait for the start() method to reset the start flag
 452  0
             synchronized (Launcher.lock) {
 453  0
                 if (Launcher.isStarted())
 454  0
 455  0
             // Make sure that the start() method has really finished
 458  0
             if (Launcher.isStarted())
 459  0
                 returnValue = true;
 461  0
         } catch (Throwable t) {
             // Log any errors
 463  0
             returnValue = false;
 464  0
             String message = t.getMessage();
 465  0
             if (Launcher.verbose)
 466  0
 468  0
                 Launcher.error(message, false);
         } finally {
             // Reset stopped flag
 471  0
 472  0
 474  0
         return returnValue;
      * Print a detailed error message and exit.
      * @param message the message to be printed
      * @param usage if true, print a usage statement after the message
     public static void error(String message, boolean usage) {
 486  0
         if (message != null)
 487  0
             Launcher.getLog().println(Launcher.getLocalizedString("error") + ": " + message);
 488  0
         if (usage)
 489  0
 491  0
      * Print a detailed error message and exit.
      * @param t the exception whose stack trace is to be printed.
     public static void error(Throwable t) {
 500  0
         String message = t.getMessage();
 501  0
         if (!Launcher.verbose && message != null)
 502  0
             Launcher.getLog().println(Launcher.getLocalizedString("error") + ": " + message);
 504  0
 506  0
      * Get the canonical directory of the class or jar file that this class was
      * loaded. This method can be used to calculate the root directory of an
      * installation.
      * @return the canonical directory of the class or jar file that this class
      *  file was loaded from
      * @throws IOException if the canonical directory or jar file
      *  cannot be found
     public static File getBootstrapDir() throws IOException {
 520  0
         File file = Launcher.getBootstrapFile();
 521  0
         if (file.isDirectory())
 522  0
             return file;
 524  0
             return file.getParentFile();
      * Get the canonical directory or jar file that this class was loaded
      * from.
      * @return the canonical directory or jar file that this class
      *  file was loaded from
      * @throws IOException if the canonical directory or jar file
      *  cannot be found
     public static File getBootstrapFile() throws IOException {
 539  0
         if (bootstrapFile == null) {
             // Get a URL for where this class was loaded from
 542  0
             String classResourceName = "/" + Launcher.class.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class";
 543  0
             URL resource = Launcher.class.getResource(classResourceName);
 544  0
             if (resource == null)
 545  0
                 throw new IOException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("bootstrap.file.not.found") + ": " + Launcher.class.getName());
 546  0
             String resourcePath = null;
 547  0
             String embeddedClassName = null;
 548  0
             boolean isJar = false;
 549  0
             String protocol = resource.getProtocol();
 550  0
             if ((protocol != null) &&
                 (protocol.indexOf("jar") >= 0)) {
 552  0
                 isJar = true;
 554  0
             if (isJar) {
 555  0
                 resourcePath = URLDecoder.decode(resource.getFile());
 556  0
                 embeddedClassName = "!" + classResourceName;
             } else {
 558  0
                 resourcePath = URLDecoder.decode(resource.toExternalForm());
 559  0
                 embeddedClassName = classResourceName;
 561  0
             int sep = resourcePath.lastIndexOf(embeddedClassName);
 562  0
             if (sep >= 0)
 563  0
                 resourcePath = resourcePath.substring(0, sep);
             // Now that we have a URL, make sure that it is a "file" URL
             // as we need to coerce the URL into a File object
 567  0
             if (resourcePath.indexOf("file:") == 0)
 568  0
                 resourcePath = resourcePath.substring(5);
 570  0
                 throw new IOException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("bootstrap.file.not.found") + ": " + Launcher.class.getName());
             // Coerce the URL into a file and check that it exists. Note that
             // the JVM <code>File(String)</code> constructor automatically
             // flips all '/' characters to '\' on Windows and there are no
             // valid escape characters so we sould not have to worry about
             // URL encoded slashes.
 577  0
             File file = new File(resourcePath);
 578  0
             if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead())
 579  0
                 throw new IOException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("bootstrap.file.not.found") + ": " + Launcher.class.getName());
 580  0
             bootstrapFile = file.getCanonicalFile();
 584  0
         return bootstrapFile;
      * Get the full path of the Java command to execute.
      * @return a string suitable for executing a child JVM
     public static synchronized String getJavaCommand() {
 595  0
         if (javaCmd == null) {
 597  0
             String osname = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
 598  0
             String commandName = null;
 599  0
             if (osname.indexOf("windows") >= 0) {
                 // Always use javaw.exe on Windows so that we aren't bound to an
                 // MS-DOS window
 602  0
                 commandName = "javaw.exe";
             } else {
 604  0
                 commandName = "java";
 606  0
             javaCmd = System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + commandName;
 610  0
         return javaCmd;
      * Get the full path of the JDB command to execute.
      * @return a string suitable for executing a child JDB debugger
     public static synchronized String getJDBCommand() {
 621  0
         if (jdbCmd == null) {
 623  0
             String osname = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
 624  0
             String commandName = null;
 625  0
             if (osname.indexOf("windows") >= 0)
 626  0
                 commandName = "jdb.exe";
 628  0
                 commandName = "jdb";
 629  0
             jdbCmd = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")).getParent() + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + commandName;
 633  0
         return jdbCmd;
      * Get the PrintStream that all output should printed to. The default
      * PrintStream returned in System.err.
      * @return the PrintStream instance to print output to
     public static synchronized PrintStream getLog() {
 645  0
         return Launcher.log;
      * Set the classpath to the current JVM's tools classes.
      * @return a string suitable for use as a JVM's -classpath argument
      * @throws IOException if the tools classes cannot be found
     public static synchronized String getToolsClasspath() throws IOException {
 657  0
         if (toolsClasspath == null) {
 659  0
             File javaHome = null;
 660  0
             javaHome = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")).getCanonicalFile();
 661  0
             Class clazz = null;
 662  0
             String[] toolsPaths = new String[2];
 663  0
             toolsPaths[0] = javaHome.getParent() + File.separator +
                 "lib" + File.separator + "tools.jar";
 665  0
             toolsPaths[1] = javaHome.getPath() + File.separator +
                 "lib" + File.separator + "tools.jar";
 667  0
             File toolsFile = null;
 668  0
             for (int i = 0; i < toolsPaths.length; i++) {
 669  0
                 ClassLoader loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
 670  0
                 toolsFile = new File(toolsPaths[i]);
                 // Check if the jar file exists and is readable
 672  0
                 if (!toolsFile.isFile() || !toolsFile.canRead())
 673  0
                     toolsFile = null;
 674  0
                 if (toolsFile != null) {
                     try {
 676  0
                         URL toolsURL = toolsFile.toURL();
 677  0
                         loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{toolsURL}, loader);
 678  0
                     } catch (Exception e) {
 679  0
                         toolsFile = null;
 680  0
                 // Try to load the javac class just to be sure. Note that we
                 // use the system class loader if the file does not exist to
                 // handle cases like Mac OS X where the tools.jar classes are
                 // loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
                 try {
 687  0
                     clazz = loader.loadClass("");
 688  0
                     if (clazz != null)
 689  0
 690  0
                 } catch (Exception e) {}
 693  0
             if (clazz == null)
 694  0
                 throw new IOException(Launcher.getLocalizedString(""));
             // Save classpath.
 697  0
             if (toolsFile != null)
 698  0
                 toolsClasspath = toolsFile.getPath();
 700  0
                 toolsClasspath = "";
 704  0
         return toolsClasspath;
      * Get a localized property. This method will search for localized
      * properties and will resolve ${...} style macros in the localized string.
      * @param key the localized property to retrieve
      * @return the localized and resolved property value
     public static String getLocalizedString(String key) {
 717  0
         return Launcher.getLocalizedString(key, Launcher.class.getName());
      * Get a localized property. This method will search for localized
      * properties and will resolve ${...} style macros in the localized string.
      * @param key the localized property to retrieve
      * @param className the name of the class to retrieve the property for
      * @return the localized and resolved property value
     public static String getLocalizedString(String key, String className) {
         try {
 732  0
             ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(className);
 733  0
             return Launcher.resolveString(resourceBundle.getString(key));
 734  0
         } catch (Exception e) {
             // We should at least make it clear that the property is not
             // defined in the properties file 
 737  0
             return "<" + key + " property>";
      * Resolve ${...} style macros in strings. This method will replace any
      * embedded ${...} strings in the specified unresolved parameter with the
      * value of the system property in the enclosed braces. Note that any '$'
      * characters can be escaped by putting '$$' in the specified parameter.
      * In additional, the following special macros will be resolved:
      * <ul>
      * <li><code>${}</code> will be substituted with the
      * value of the "org.apache.commons.launcher.executableName" system
      * property, the "-executablename" command line argument, or, if both of
      * those are undefined, with the absolute path to the Java executable plus
      * its classpath and main class name arguments
      * <li><code>${launcher.bootstrap.file}</code> will get substituted with
      * the value returned by {@link #getBootstrapFile()}
      * <li><code>${launcher.bootstrap.dir}</code> will get substituted with
      * the value returned by {@link #getBootstrapDir()}
      * @param unresolved the string to be resolved
      * @return the resolved String
      * @throws IOException if any error occurs
     private static String resolveString(String unresolved) throws IOException {
 765  0
         if (unresolved == null)
 766  0
             return null;
         // Substitute system property strings
 769  0
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
 770  0
         int tokenEnd = 0;
 771  0
         int tokenStart = 0;
 772  0
         char token = '$';
 773  0
         boolean escapeChar = false;
 774  0
         boolean firstToken = true;
 775  0
         boolean lastToken = false;
 777  0
         while (!lastToken) {
 779  0
             tokenEnd = unresolved.indexOf(token, tokenStart);
             // Determine if this is the first token
 782  0
             if (firstToken) {
 783  0
                 firstToken = false;
                 // Skip if first token is zero length
 785  0
                 if (tokenEnd - tokenStart == 0) {
 786  0
                     tokenStart = ++tokenEnd;
 787  0
             // Determine if this is the last token
 791  0
             if (tokenEnd < 0) {
 792  0
                 lastToken = true;
 793  0
                 tokenEnd = unresolved.length();
 796  0
             if (escapeChar) {
                 // Don't parse the string
 799  0
                 buf.append(token + unresolved.substring(tokenStart, tokenEnd));
 800  0
                 escapeChar = !escapeChar;
             } else {
                 // Parse the string
 805  0
                 int openProp = unresolved.indexOf('{', tokenStart);
 806  0
                 int closeProp = unresolved.indexOf('}', tokenStart + 1);
 807  0
                 String prop = null;
                 // We must have a '{' in the first character and a closing
                 // '}' after that
 811  0
                 if (openProp != tokenStart ||
                     closeProp < tokenStart + 1 ||
                     closeProp >= tokenEnd)
 815  0
                     buf.append(unresolved.substring(tokenStart, tokenEnd));
                 } else {
                     // Property found
 818  0
                     String propName = unresolved.substring(tokenStart + 1, closeProp);
 819  0
                     if ("".equals(propName)) {
 820  0
                         prop = System.getProperty(ChildMain.EXECUTABLE_PROP_NAME);
 821  0
                         if (prop != null) {
                             // Quote the property
 823  0
                             prop = "\"" + prop + "\"";
                         } else {
                             // Set property to fully quoted Java command line
 826  0
                             String classpath = Launcher.getBootstrapFile().getPath();
 827  0
                             prop = "\"" + System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java\" -classpath \"" + classpath + "\" LauncherBootstrap";
 828  0
 829  0
                     } else if ("launcher.bootstrap.file".equals(propName)) {
 830  0
                         prop = Launcher.getBootstrapFile().getPath();
 831  0
                     } else if ("launcher.bootstrap.dir".equals(propName)) {
 832  0
                         prop = Launcher.getBootstrapDir().getPath();
                     } else {
 834  0
                         prop = System.getProperty(unresolved.substring(tokenStart + 1, closeProp));
 836  0
                     if (prop == null)
 837  0
                         prop = "";
 838  0
                     buf.append(prop + unresolved.substring(++closeProp, tokenEnd));
             // If this is a blank token, then the next starts with the
             // token character. So, treat this token as an escape
             // character for the next token.
 846  0
             if (tokenEnd - tokenStart == 0)
 847  0
                 escapeChar = !escapeChar;
 849  0
             tokenStart = ++tokenEnd;
 853  0
         return buf.toString();
      * Set the PrintStream that all output should printed to.
      * @param log PrintStream instance to print output to
     public static synchronized void setLog(PrintStream log) {
 864  0
         if (log != null)
 865  0
             Launcher.log = log;
 867  0
             Launcher.log = System.err;
 869  0
      * Set the started flag.
      * @param started the value of the started flag
     private static synchronized void setStarted(boolean started) {
 878  0
         Launcher.started = started;
 880  0
      * Set the stopped flag.
      * @param stopped the value of the stopped flag
     private static synchronized void setStopped(boolean stopped) {
 889  0
         Launcher.stopped = stopped;
 891  0
      * Set the verbose flag.
      * @param verbose the value of the verbose flag
     public static synchronized void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
 900  0
         Launcher.verbose = verbose;
 902  0
      * Iterate through the list of synchronous child process launched by
      * all of the {@link LaunchTask} instances.
     public static void killChildProcesses() {
 910  0
         Process[] procs = LaunchTask.getChildProcesses();
 911  0
         for (int i = 0; i < procs.length; i++)
 912  0
 914  0
     //----------------------------------------------------------------- Methods
      * Wrapper to allow the {@link #killChildProcesses()} method to be
      * invoked in a shutdown hook.
     public void run() {
 924  0
 926  0