Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.launcher.LaunchTask
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.launcher;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
 import org.apache.commons.launcher.types.ArgumentSet;
 import org.apache.commons.launcher.types.ConditionalArgument;
 import org.apache.commons.launcher.types.ConditionalVariable;
 import org.apache.commons.launcher.types.JVMArgumentSet;
 import org.apache.commons.launcher.types.SysPropertySet;
  * A class that eliminates the need for a batch or shell script to launch a Java
  * class. Some situations where elimination of a batch or shell script may be 
  * desirable are:
  * <ul>
  * <li>You want to avoid having to determining where certain application paths
  *  are e.g. your application's home directory, etc. Determining this
  *  dynamically in a Windows batch scripts is very tricky on some versions of
  *  Windows or when softlinks are used on Unix platforms.
  * <li>You want to avoid having to handle native file and path separators or
  *  native path quoting issues.
  * <li>You need to enforce certain system properties e.g.
  *  <code>java.endorsed.dirs</code> when running with JDK 1.4.
  * <li>You want to allow users to pass in custom JVM arguments or system
  *  properties without having to parse and reorder arguments in your script.
  *  This can be tricky and/or messy in batch and shell scripts.
  * <li>You want to bootstrap system properties from a configuration file instead
  *  hard-coding them in your batch and shell scripts.
  * <li>You want to provide localized error messages which is very tricky to do
  *  in batch and shell scripts.
  * </ul>
  * @author Patrick Luby
 63  0
 public class LaunchTask extends Task {
     //----------------------------------------------------------- Static Fields
      * The argument property name.
     public final static String ARG_PROP_NAME = "launch.arg.";
      * The name of this task.
     public final static String TASK_NAME = "launch";
      * Cached synchronous child processes for all instances of this class.
 80  0
     private static ArrayList childProcesses = new ArrayList();
     //------------------------------------------------------------------ Fields
      * Cached appendOutput flag.
 87  0
     private boolean appendOutput = false;
      * Cached synchronously executing child process.
 92  0
     private Process childProc = null;
      * Cached classpath.
 97  0
     private Path classpath = null;
      * Cached debug flag.
 102  0
     private boolean debug = false;
      * Cached displayMinimizedWindow flag.
 107  0
     private boolean displayMinimizedWindow = false;
      * Cached disposeMinimizedWindow flag.
 112  0
     private boolean disposeMinimizedWindow = true;
      * Cached failOnError flag.
 117  0
     private boolean failOnError = false;
      * Cached filter instance.
 122  0
     private LaunchFilter filter = null;
      * Cached filterClassName.
 127  0
     private String filterClassName = null;
      * Cached filterClasspath.
 132  0
     private Path filterClasspath = null;
      * Cached main class name.
 137  0
     private String mainClassName = null;
      * Cached minimizedWindowIcon.
 142  0
     private File minimizedWindowIcon = null;
      * Cached minimizedWindowTitle.
 147  0
     private String minimizedWindowTitle = null;
      * Cached output file.
 152  0
     private File outputFile = null;
      * Cached print flag.
 157  0
     private boolean print = false;
      * Cached redirect flag.
 162  0
     private boolean redirect = false;
      * Cached requireTools flag.
 167  0
     private boolean requireTools = false;
      * Cached arg elements
 172  0
     private ArgumentSet taskArgumentSet = new ArgumentSet();
      * Cached jvmarg elements
 177  0
     private JVMArgumentSet taskJVMArgumentSet = new JVMArgumentSet();
      * Cached sysproperty elements
 182  0
     private SysPropertySet taskSysPropertySet = new SysPropertySet();
      * Cached useArgs flag.
 187  0
     private boolean useArgs = true;
      * Cached useSystemIn flag.
 192  0
     private boolean useSystemIn = true;
      * Cached waitForChild flag.
 197  0
     private boolean waitForChild = true;
     //---------------------------------------------------------- Static Methods
      * Get the synchronous child processes for all instances of this class.
      * @return the instances of this class.
     public static Process[] getChildProcesses() {
 208  0
         return (Process[])childProcesses.toArray(new Process[childProcesses.size()]);
     //----------------------------------------------------------------- Methods
      * Add a nested arg element. Note that Ant will not invoke the specified
      * arg object's setter methods until after Ant invokes this method so
      * processing of the specified arg object is handled in the
      * {@link #execute()} method.
      * @param arg the arg element
     public void addArg(ConditionalArgument arg) {
 224  0
 226  0
      * Add a nested argset element.
      * @param set the argset element
     public void addArgset(ArgumentSet set) {
 235  0
 237  0
      * Add a nested jvmarg element. Note that Ant will not invoke the specified
      * jvmarg object's setter methods until after Ant invokes this method so
      * processing of the specified jvmarg object is handled in the
      * {@link #execute()} method.
      * @param jvmArg the jvmarg element
     public void addJvmarg(ConditionalArgument jvmArg) {
 249  0
 251  0
      * Add a nested jvmargset element.
      * @param set the jvmargset element
     public void addJvmargset(JVMArgumentSet set) {
 260  0
 262  0
      * Add a nested sysproperty element. Note that Ant will not invoke the
      * specified sysproperty object's setter methods until after Ant invokes
      * this method so processing of the specified sysproperty object is handled
      * in the {@link #execute()} method.
      * @param var the sysproperty element
     public void addSysproperty(ConditionalVariable var) {
 274  0
 276  0
      * Add a nested syspropertyset element.
      * @param set the syspropertyset element
     public void addSyspropertyset(SysPropertySet set) {
 285  0
 287  0
      * Create a nested classpath element.
      * @return the Path object that contains all nested classpath elements
     public Path createClasspath() {
 296  0
         if (classpath == null)
 297  0
             classpath = new Path(project);
 298  0
         return classpath;
      * Create a nested filter classpath element.
      * @return the Path object that contains all nested filter classpath
      *  elements
     public Path createFilterclasspath() {
 310  0
         if (filterClasspath == null)
 311  0
             filterClasspath = new Path(project);
 312  0
         return filterClasspath;
      * Construct a Java command and execute it using the settings that Ant
      * parsed from the Launcher's XML file. This method is called by the Ant
      * classes.
      * @throws BuildException if there is a configuration or other error
     public void execute() throws BuildException {
         try {
             // Check that the Launcher class was used to start Ant as this
             // task is not designed to use in a standalone Ant installation
 329  0
             if (!Launcher.isStarted())
 330  0
                 throw new BuildException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("", this.getClass().getName()));
             // Don't do anything if the launching process has been stopped
 333  0
             if (Launcher.isStopped())
 334  0
                 throw new BuildException();
 336  0
             if (mainClassName == null)
 337  0
                 throw new BuildException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("classname.null", this.getClass().getName()));
             // Copy all of the nested jvmarg elements into the jvmArgs object
 340  0
             ArrayList taskJVMArgs = taskJVMArgumentSet.getList();
 341  0
             ArrayList jvmArgs = new ArrayList(taskJVMArgs.size());
 342  0
             for (int i = 0; i < taskJVMArgs.size(); i++) {
 343  0
                 ConditionalArgument value = (ConditionalArgument)taskJVMArgs.get(i);
                 // Test "if" and "unless" conditions
 345  0
                 if (testIfCondition(value.getIf()) && testUnlessCondition(value.getUnless())) {
 346  0
                     String[] list = value.getParts();
 347  0
                     for (int j = 0; j < list.length; j++)
 348  0
             // Copy all of the nested sysproperty elements into the sysProps
             // object
 354  0
             ArrayList taskSysProps = taskSysPropertySet.getList();
 355  0
             HashMap sysProps = new HashMap(taskSysProps.size());
 356  0
             for (int i = 0; i < taskSysProps.size(); i++) {
 357  0
                 ConditionalVariable variable = (ConditionalVariable)taskSysProps.get(i);
                 // Test "if" and "unless" conditions
 359  0
                 if (testIfCondition(variable.getIf()) && testUnlessCondition(variable.getUnless()))
 360  0
                     sysProps.put(variable.getKey(), variable.getValue());
             // Copy all of the nested arg elements into the appArgs object
 364  0
             ArrayList taskArgs = taskArgumentSet.getList();
 365  0
             ArrayList appArgs = new ArrayList(taskArgs.size());
 366  0
             for (int i = 0; i < taskArgs.size(); i++) {
 367  0
                 ConditionalArgument value = (ConditionalArgument)taskArgs.get(i);
                 // Test "if" and "unless" conditions
 369  0
                 if (testIfCondition(value.getIf()) && testUnlessCondition(value.getUnless())) {
 370  0
                     String[] list = value.getParts();
 371  0
                     for (int j = 0; j < list.length; j++)
 372  0
             // Add the Launcher's command line arguments to the appArgs object
 377  0
             if (useArgs) {
 378  0
                 int currentArg = 0;
 379  0
                 String arg = null;
 380  0
                 while ((arg = project.getUserProperty(LaunchTask.ARG_PROP_NAME + Integer.toString(currentArg++))) != null)
 381  0
             // Make working copies of some of the flags since they may get
             // changed by a filter class
 386  0
             String filteredClasspath = null;
 387  0
             if (classpath != null)
 388  0
                 filteredClasspath = classpath.toString();
 389  0
             String filteredMainClassName = mainClassName;
 390  0
             boolean filteredRedirect = redirect;
 391  0
             File filteredOutputFile = outputFile;
 392  0
             boolean filteredAppendOutput = appendOutput;
 393  0
             boolean filteredDebug = debug;
 394  0
             boolean filteredDisplayMinimizedWindow = displayMinimizedWindow;
 395  0
             boolean filteredDisposeMinimizedWindow = disposeMinimizedWindow;
 396  0
             boolean filteredFailOnError = failOnError;
 397  0
             String filteredMinimizedWindowTitle = minimizedWindowTitle;
 398  0
             File filteredMinimizedWindowIcon = minimizedWindowIcon;
 399  0
             boolean filteredPrint = print;
 400  0
             boolean filteredRequireTools = requireTools;
 401  0
             boolean filteredUseSystemIn = useSystemIn;
 402  0
             boolean filteredWaitForChild = waitForChild;
             // If there is a filter in the filterclassname attribute, let it
             // evaluate and edit the attributes and nested elements before we
             // start evaluating them
 407  0
             if (filterClassName != null) {
 408  0
                  if (filter == null) {
                      try {
 410  0
                          ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
 411  0
                          if (filterClasspath != null) {
                              // Construct a class loader to load the class
 413  0
                              String[] fileList = filterClasspath.list();
 414  0
                              URL[] urls = new URL[fileList.length];
 415  0
                              for (int i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++)
 416  0
                                  urls[i] = new File(fileList[i]).toURL();
 417  0
                              loader = new URLClassLoader(urls, loader);
 419  0
                          Class filterClass = loader.loadClass(filterClassName);
 420  0
                          filter = (LaunchFilter)filterClass.newInstance();
                          // Execute filter and save any changes
 422  0
                          LaunchCommand command = new LaunchCommand();
 423  0
 424  0
 425  0
 426  0
 427  0
 428  0
 429  0
 430  0
 431  0
 432  0
 433  0
 434  0
 435  0
 436  0
 437  0
 438  0
 439  0
 440  0
 441  0
 442  0
                          jvmArgs = command.getJvmargs();
 443  0
                          sysProps = command.getSysproperties();
 444  0
                          appArgs = command.getArgs();
 445  0
                          filteredClasspath = command.getClasspath();
 446  0
                          filteredMainClassName = command.getClassname();
 447  0
                          filteredRedirect = command.getRedirectoutput();
 448  0
                          filteredOutputFile = command.getOutput();
 449  0
                          filteredAppendOutput = command.getAppendoutput();
 450  0
                          filteredDebug = command.getDebug();
 451  0
                          filteredDisplayMinimizedWindow = command.getDisplayminimizedwindow();
 452  0
                          filteredDisposeMinimizedWindow = command.getDisposeminimizedwindow();
 453  0
                          filteredFailOnError = command.getFailonerror();
 454  0
                          filteredMinimizedWindowTitle = command.getMinimizedwindowtitle();
 455  0
                          filteredMinimizedWindowIcon = command.getMinimizedwindowicon();
 456  0
                          filteredPrint = command.getPrint();
 457  0
                          filteredRequireTools = command.getRequiretools();
 458  0
                          filteredUseSystemIn = command.getUsesystemin();
 459  0
                          filteredWaitForChild = command.getWaitforchild();
                          // Check changes
 461  0
                          if (filteredMainClassName == null)
 462  0
                              throw new BuildException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("classname.null", this.getClass().getName()));
 463  0
                          if (jvmArgs == null)
 464  0
                              jvmArgs = new ArrayList();
 465  0
                          if (sysProps == null)
 466  0
                              sysProps = new HashMap();
 467  0
                          if (appArgs == null)
 468  0
                              appArgs = new ArrayList();
 469  0
                      } catch (BuildException be) {
 470  0
                          throw new BuildException(filterClassName + " " + Launcher.getLocalizedString("filter.exception", this.getClass().getName()), be);
 471  0
                      } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
 472  0
                          throw new BuildException(filterClassName + " " + Launcher.getLocalizedString("filter.not.filter", this.getClass().getName()));
 473  0
                      } catch (Exception e) {
 474  0
                          throw new BuildException(e);
 475  0
             // Force child JVM into foreground if running using JDB
 480  0
             if (filteredDebug) {
 481  0
                 filteredWaitForChild = true;
 482  0
                 filteredUseSystemIn = true;
             // Prepend standard paths to classpath
 486  0
             StringBuffer fullClasspath = new StringBuffer(Launcher.getBootstrapFile().getPath());
 487  0
             if (filteredRequireTools) {
 488  0
 489  0
 491  0
             if (filteredClasspath != null) {
 492  0
 493  0
             // Set ChildMain.WAIT_FOR_CHILD_PROP_NAME property for child JVM
 497  0
 498  0
             if (filteredWaitForChild)
 499  0
                 sysProps.put(ChildMain.WAIT_FOR_CHILD_PROP_NAME, "");
             // Set minimized window properties for child JVM
 502  0
 503  0
 504  0
 505  0
 506  0
             if (!filteredWaitForChild && filteredDisplayMinimizedWindow) {
 507  0
                 sysProps.put(ChildMain.DISPLAY_MINIMIZED_WINDOW_PROP_NAME, "");
 508  0
                 if (filteredMinimizedWindowTitle != null)
 509  0
                     sysProps.put(ChildMain.MINIMIZED_WINDOW_TITLE_PROP_NAME, filteredMinimizedWindowTitle);
 511  0
                     sysProps.put(ChildMain.MINIMIZED_WINDOW_TITLE_PROP_NAME, getOwningTarget().getName());
 512  0
                 if (filteredMinimizedWindowIcon != null)
 513  0
                     sysProps.put(ChildMain.MINIMIZED_WINDOW_ICON_PROP_NAME, filteredMinimizedWindowIcon.getCanonicalPath());
                 // Set ChildMain.DISPOSE_MINIMIZED_WINDOW_PROP_NAME property
 515  0
                 if (filteredDisposeMinimizedWindow)
 516  0
                     sysProps.put(ChildMain.DISPOSE_MINIMIZED_WINDOW_PROP_NAME, "");
             // Set ChildMain.OUTPUT_FILE_PROP_NAME property for child JVM
 520  0
 521  0
             if (!filteredWaitForChild && filteredRedirect) {
 522  0
                 if (filteredOutputFile != null) {
 523  0
                     String outputFilePath = filteredOutputFile.getCanonicalPath();
                     // Verify that we can write to the output file
                     try {
 526  0
                         File parentFile = new File(filteredOutputFile.getParent());
                         // To take care of non-existent log directories
 528  0
                         if ( !parentFile.exists() ) {
                             //Trying to create non-existent parent directories
 530  0
                             //If this fails createNewFile also fails
                             //We can give more exact error message, if we choose
 534  0
 535  0
                     } catch (IOException ioe) {
 536  0
                         throw new BuildException(outputFilePath + " " + Launcher.getLocalizedString("output.file.not.creatable", this.getClass().getName()));
 537  0
 538  0
                     if (!filteredOutputFile.canWrite())
 539  0
                         throw new BuildException(outputFilePath + " " + Launcher.getLocalizedString("output.file.not.writable", this.getClass().getName()));
 540  0
                     sysProps.put(ChildMain.OUTPUT_FILE_PROP_NAME, outputFilePath);
 541  0
                     if (filteredAppendOutput)
 542  0
                         sysProps.put(ChildMain.APPEND_OUTPUT_PROP_NAME, "");
 543  0
                     Launcher.getLog().println(Launcher.getLocalizedString("redirect.notice", this.getClass().getName()) + " " + outputFilePath);
 544  0
                 } else {
 545  0
                     throw new BuildException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("output.file.null", this.getClass().getName()));
             // Create the heartbeatFile. This file is needed by the
             // ParentListener class on Windows since the entire child JVM
             // process will block on Windows machines using some versions of
             // Unix shells such as MKS, etc.
 553  0
             File heartbeatFile = null;
 554  0
             FileOutputStream heartbeatOutputStream = null;
 555  0
             if (filteredWaitForChild) {
 556  0
                 File tmpDir = null;
 557  0
                 String tmpDirName = (String)sysProps.get("");
 558  0
                 if (tmpDirName != null)
 559  0
                     tmpDir = new File(tmpDirName);
 560  0
                 heartbeatFile = File.createTempFile(ChildMain.HEARTBEAT_FILE_PROP_NAME + ".", "", tmpDir);
                 // Open the heartbeat file for writing so that it the child JVM
                 // will not be able to delete it while this process is running
 563  0
                 heartbeatOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(heartbeatFile);
 564  0
                 sysProps.put(ChildMain.HEARTBEAT_FILE_PROP_NAME, heartbeatFile.getCanonicalPath());
             // Assemble child command
 568  0
             String[] cmd = new String[5 + jvmArgs.size() + sysProps.size() + appArgs.size()];
 569  0
             int nextCmdArg = 0;
 570  0
             if (filteredDebug)
 571  0
                 cmd[nextCmdArg++] = Launcher.getJDBCommand();
 573  0
                 cmd[nextCmdArg++] = Launcher.getJavaCommand();
             // Add jvmArgs to command
 575  0
             for (int i = 0; i < jvmArgs.size(); i++)
 576  0
                 cmd[nextCmdArg++] = (String)jvmArgs.get(i);
             // Add properties to command
 578  0
             Iterator sysPropsKeys = sysProps.keySet().iterator();
 579  0
             while (sysPropsKeys.hasNext()) {
 580  0
                 String key = (String);
 581  0
                 if (key == null)
 582  0
 583  0
                 String value = (String)sysProps.get(key);
 584  0
                 if (value == null)
 585  0
                     value = "";
 586  0
                 cmd[nextCmdArg++] = "-D" + key + "=" + value;
 587  0
             // Add classpath to command. Note that it is after the jvmArgs
             // and system properties to prevent the user from sneaking in an
             // alterate classpath through the jvmArgs.
 591  0
             cmd[nextCmdArg++] = "-classpath";
 592  0
             cmd[nextCmdArg++] = fullClasspath.toString();
             // Add main class to command
 594  0
             int mainClassArg = nextCmdArg;
 595  0
             cmd[nextCmdArg++] = ChildMain.class.getName();
 596  0
             cmd[nextCmdArg++] = filteredMainClassName;
             // Add args to command
 598  0
             for (int i = 0; i < appArgs.size(); i++)
 600  0
                 cmd[nextCmdArg++] = (String)appArgs.get(i);
             // Print command
 603  0
             if (filteredPrint) {
                 // Quote the command arguments
 605  0
                 String osname = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
 606  0
                 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(cmd.length * 100);
 607  0
                 String quote = null;
 608  0
                 String replaceQuote = null;
 609  0
                 if (osname.indexOf("windows") >= 0) {
                     // Use double-quotes to quote on Windows
 611  0
                     quote = "\"";
 612  0
                     replaceQuote = quote + quote + quote;
                 } else {
                     // Use single-quotes to quote on Unix
 615  0
                     quote = "'";
 616  0
                     replaceQuote = quote + "\\" + quote + quote;
 618  0
                 for (int i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) {
                     // Pull ChildMain out of command as we want to print the
                     // real JVM command that can be executed by the user
 621  0
                     if (i == mainClassArg)
 622  0
 623  0
                     if (i > 0)
 624  0
                         buf.append(" ");
 625  0
 626  0
                     StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(cmd[i], quote, true);
 627  0
                     while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
 628  0
                         String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
 629  0
                         if (quote.equals(token))
 630  0
 632  0
 633  0
 634  0
                 // Print the quoted command
 637  0
                 System.err.println(Launcher.getLocalizedString("executing.child.command", this.getClass().getName()) + ":");
 638  0
             // Create a child JVM
 642  0
             if (Launcher.isStopped())
 643  0
                 throw new BuildException();
 644  0
             Process proc = null;
 645  0
             synchronized (LaunchTask.childProcesses) {
 646  0
                 proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
                 // Add the synchronous child process
 648  0
                 if (filteredWaitForChild) {
 649  0
                     childProc = proc;
 650  0
 652  0
 653  0
             if (filteredWaitForChild) {
 654  0
                 StreamConnector stdout =
                     new StreamConnector(proc.getInputStream(), System.out);
 656  0
                 StreamConnector stderr =
                     new StreamConnector(proc.getErrorStream(), System.err);
 658  0
 659  0
 660  0
                 if (filteredUseSystemIn) {
 661  0
                     StreamConnector stdin =
                         new StreamConnector(, proc.getOutputStream());
 663  0
 665  0
                 // Let threads flush any unflushed output
 667  0
 668  0
 669  0
                 if (heartbeatOutputStream != null)
 670  0
 671  0
                 if (heartbeatFile != null)
 672  0
 673  0
                 int exitValue = proc.exitValue();
 674  0
                 if (filteredFailOnError && exitValue != 0)
 675  0
                     throw new BuildException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("child.failed", this.getClass().getName()) + " " + exitValue);
             // Need to check if the launching process has stopped because
             // processes don't throw exceptions when they are terminated
 679  0
             if (Launcher.isStopped())
 680  0
                 throw new BuildException();
 682  0
         } catch (BuildException be) {
 683  0
             throw be;
 684  0
         } catch (Exception e) {
 685  0
             if (Launcher.isStopped())
 686  0
                 throw new BuildException(Launcher.getLocalizedString("launch.task.stopped", this.getClass().getName()));
 688  0
                 throw new BuildException(e);
 689  0
 691  0
      * Set the useArgs flag. Setting this flag to true will cause this
      * task to append all of the command line arguments used to start the
      * {@link Launcher#start(String[])} method to the arguments
      * passed to the child JVM.
      * @param useArgs the useArgs flag
     public void setUseargs(boolean useArgs) {
 703  0
         this.useArgs = useArgs;
 705  0
      * Set the useSystemIn flag. Setting this flag to false will cause this 
      * task to not read This will cause the child JVM to never
      * receive any bytes when it reads Setting this flag to false
      * is useful in some Unix environments where processes cannot be put in
      * the background when they read
      * @param useSystemIn the useSystemIn flag
     public void setUsesystemin(boolean useSystemIn) {
 718  0
         this.useSystemIn = useSystemIn;
 720  0
      * Set the waitForChild flag. Setting this flag to true will cause this
      * task to wait for the child JVM to finish executing before the task
      * completes. Setting this flag to false will cause this task to complete
      * immediately after it starts the execution of the child JVM. Setting it
      * false emulates the "&" background operator in most Unix shells and is
      * most of set to false when launching server or GUI applications.
      * @param waitForChild the waitForChild flag
     public void setWaitforchild(boolean waitForChild) {
 734  0
         this.waitForChild = waitForChild;
 736  0
      * Set the class name.
      * @param mainClassName the class to execute <code>main(String[])</code>
     public void setClassname(String mainClassName) {
 745  0
         this.mainClassName = mainClassName;
 747  0
      * Set the classpath.
      * @param classpath the classpath
     public void setClasspath(Path classpath) {
 756  0
 758  0
      * Adds a reference to a classpath defined elsewhere.
      * @param ref reference to the classpath
     public void setClasspathref(Reference ref) {
 767  0
 769  0
      * Set the debug flag. Setting this flag to true will cause this
      * task to run the child JVM using the JDB debugger.
      * @param debug the debug flag
     public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
 779  0
         this.debug = debug;
 781  0
      * Set the displayMinimizedWindow flag. Note that this flag has no effect
      * on non-Windows platforms. On Windows platform, setting this flag to true
      * will cause a minimized window to be displayed in the Windows task bar
      * while the child process is executing. This flag is usually set to true
      * for server applications that also have their "waitForChild" attribute
      * set to false via the {@link #setWaitforchild(boolean)} method.
      * @param displayMinimizedWindow true if a minimized window should be
      *  displayed in the Windows task bar while the child process is executing 
     public void setDisplayminimizedwindow(boolean displayMinimizedWindow) {
 796  0
         this.displayMinimizedWindow = displayMinimizedWindow;
 798  0
      * Set the disposeMinimizedWindow flag. Note that this flag has no effect
      * on non-Windows platforms. On Windows platform, setting this flag to true
      * will cause any minimized window that is display by setting the
      * "displayMinimizedWindow" attribute to true via the
      * {@link #setDisplayminimizedwindow(boolean)} to be automatically
      * disposed of when the child JVM's <code>main(String[])</code> returns.
      * This flag is normally used for applications that don't explicitly call
      * {@link System#exit(int)}. If an application does not explicitly call
      * {@link System#exit(int)}, an minimized windows need to be disposed of
      * for the child JVM to exit.
      * @param disposeMinimizedWindow true if a minimized window in the Windows
      *  taskbar should be automatically disposed of after the child JVM's
      *  <code>main(String[])</code> returns
     public void setDisposeminimizedwindow(boolean disposeMinimizedWindow) {
 818  0
         this.disposeMinimizedWindow = disposeMinimizedWindow;
 820  0
      * Set the failOnError flag.
      * @param failOnError true if the launch process should stop if the child
      *  JVM returns an exit value other than 0
     public void setFailonerror(boolean failOnError) {
 830  0
         this.failOnError = failOnError;
 832  0
      * Set the filter class name.
      * @param filterClassName the class that implements the
      *  {@link LaunchFilter} interface
     public void setFilterclassname(String filterClassName) {
 841  0
         this.filterClassName = filterClassName;
 843  0
      * Set the filter class' classpath.
      * @param filterClasspath the classpath for the filter class
     public void setFilterclasspath(Path filterClasspath) {
 852  0
 854  0
      * Set the title for the minimized window that will be displayed in the
      * Windows taskbar. Note that this property has no effect on non-Windows
      * platforms.
      * @param minimizedWindowTitle the title to set for any minimized window
      *  that is displayed in the Windows taskbar
     public void setMinimizedwindowtitle(String minimizedWindowTitle) {
 866  0
         this.minimizedWindowTitle = minimizedWindowTitle;
 868  0
      * Set the icon file for the minimized window that will be displayed in the
      * Windows taskbar. Note that this property has no effect on non-Windows
      * platforms.
      * @param minimizedWindowIcon the icon file to use for any minimized window
      *  that is displayed in the Windows taskbar
     public void setMinimizedwindowicon(File minimizedWindowIcon) {
 880  0
         this.minimizedWindowIcon = minimizedWindowIcon;
 882  0
      * Set the file that the child JVM's System.out and System.err will be
      * redirected to. Output will only be redirected if the redirect flag
      * is set to true via the {@link #setRedirectoutput(boolean)} method.
      * @param outputFile a File to redirect System.out and System.err to
     public void setOutput(File outputFile) {
 893  0
         this.outputFile = outputFile;
 895  0
      * Set the print flag. Setting this flag to true will cause the full child
      * JVM command to be printed to {@link System#out}.
      * @param print the print flag
     public void setPrint(boolean print) {
 905  0
         this.print = print;
 907  0
      * Set the appendOutput flag. Setting this flag to true will cause the child
      * JVM to append System.out and System.err to the file specified by the
      * {@link #setOutput(File)} method. Setting this flag to false will cause
      * the child to overwrite the file.
      * @param appendOutput true if output should be appended to the output file
     public void setAppendoutput(boolean appendOutput) {
 919  0
         this.appendOutput = appendOutput;
 921  0
      * Set the redirect flag. Setting this flag to true will cause the child
      * JVM's System.out and System.err to be redirected to file set using the
      * {@link #setOutput(File)} method. Setting this flag to false will
      * cause no redirection.
      * @param redirect true if System.out and System.err should be redirected
     public void setRedirectoutput(boolean redirect) {
 933  0
         this.redirect = redirect;
 935  0
      * Set the requireTools flag. Setting this flag to true will cause the
      * JVM's tools.jar to be added to the child JVM's classpath. This
      * sets an explicit requirement that the user use a JDK instead of a
      * JRE. Setting this flag to false explicitly allows the user to use
      * a JRE.
      * @param requireTools true if a JDK is required and false if only a JRE
      *  is required
     public void setRequiretools(boolean requireTools) {
 949  0
         this.requireTools = requireTools;
 951  0
      * Determine if the "if" condition flag for a nested element meets all
      * criteria for use.
      * @param ifCondition the "if" condition flag for a nested element
      * @return true if the nested element should be process and false if it
      *  should be ignored
     private boolean testIfCondition(String ifCondition) {
 963  0
         if (ifCondition == null || "".equals(ifCondition))
 964  0
             return true;
 965  0
         return project.getProperty(ifCondition) != null;
      * Determine if the "unless" condition flag for a nested element meets all
      * criteria for use.
      * @param unlessCondition the "unless" condition flag for a nested element
      * @return true if the nested element should be process and false if it
      *  should be ignored
     private boolean testUnlessCondition(String unlessCondition) {
 979  0
         if (unlessCondition == null || "".equals(unlessCondition))
 980  0
             return true;
 981  0
         return project.getProperty(unlessCondition) == null;