Commons Chain 1.1 API

org.apache.commons.chain The fundamental API contracts for the Chain of Responsibilty Pattern as implemented in this package.
org.apache.commons.chain.config Optional package for configuring command chains in a catalog (using Digester) from an XML configuration file.
org.apache.commons.chain.generic Concrete implementations of generic Commands that are useful in many different environments, not tied to a particular tier such as Servlets).
org.apache.commons.chain.impl Convenient base implementations of Chain of Responsibility Pattern contracts from org.apache.commons.chain.
org.apache.commons.chain.web Basis for specialized Context implementations suitable for use in web applications, and generic Command implementations useful across web application environments.
org.apache.commons.chain.web.faces Specialized Context and Command implementations suitable for use in a JavaServer Faces API environment.
org.apache.commons.chain.web.portlet Specialized Context and Command implementations suitable for use in a Portlet API environment.
org.apache.commons.chain.web.servlet Specialized Context and Command implementations suitable for use in a Servlet API environment.


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