Javadoc Report

  [javadoc] Generating Javadoc
  [javadoc] Javadoc execution
  [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.apache.commons.betwixt...
  [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.apache.commons.betwixt.digester...
  [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.apache.commons.betwixt.expression...
  [javadoc] Loading source files for package
  [javadoc] Loading source files for package
  [javadoc] Loading source files for package org.apache.commons.betwixt.strategy...
  [javadoc] Constructing Javadoc information...
  [javadoc] Standard Doclet version 1.4.0
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\constant-values.html...
  [javadoc] Copying file C:\program files\maven\plugins\maven-javadoc-plugin-1.1-SNAPSHOT\stylesheet.css to file C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\stylesheet.css...
  [javadoc] Building tree for all the packages and classes...
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\class-use\PluralStemmer.html...
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   "
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what will be interpreted as the first sentence in the
  [javadoc] next major release (when that interpretation will be internationalized), which is:
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   </p>"
  [javadoc] To avoid this note, change the doc comment to make this a proper first sentence, then
  [javadoc] use -breakiterator from that point forward, which will output this new sentence.
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\class-use\NameMapper.html...
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   "
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   </p>"
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\package-use.html...
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   "
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   </p>"
  [javadoc] Building index for all the packages and classes...
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\index-all.html...
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\io\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] "Allows the navigation from a reference to a property object to the descriptor defining what 
  [javadoc]  the property is."
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\io\id\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] "Allows the navigation from a reference to a property object to the descriptor defining what 
  [javadoc]  the property is. i.e. doing the join from a reference to a type to lookup its descriptor.
  [javadoc]  "
  [javadoc] "<p>Provide a random <code>ID</code>"
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "<p>Provide a random <code>ID</code><p>
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc]  <p>If the <code>PositiveIds</code> property is true, 
  [javadoc]  then this method will recursively call itself if the random
  [javadoc]  <code>ID</code> is less than zero."
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   "
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   </p>"
  [javadoc] "Sets the singular property type (i.e."
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "Sets the singular property type (i.e. the type ignoring the Collection or Array"
  [javadoc] Building index for all classes...
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\overview-summary.html...
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   "
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   </p>"
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\commons\betwixt\strategy\package-summary.html...
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   "
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "<p>This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
  [javadoc]   default behaviour.of the XMLIntrospector
  [javadoc]   </p>"
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\commons\betwixt\NodeDescriptor.html...
  [javadoc] "Sets the singular property type (i.e."
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "Sets the singular property type (i.e. the type ignoring the Collection or Array"
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\io\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\commons\betwixt\io\BeanCreateRule.html...
  [javadoc] "Allows the navigation from a reference to a property object to the descriptor defining what 
  [javadoc]  the property is."
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "Allows the navigation from a reference to a property object to the descriptor defining what 
  [javadoc]  the property is. i.e. doing the join from a reference to a type to lookup its descriptor.
  [javadoc]  "
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\commons\betwixt\io\id\RandomIDGenerator.html...
  [javadoc] "<p>Provide a random <code>ID</code>"
  [javadoc] C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\src\java\org\apache\commons\betwixt\io\id\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be:
  [javadoc] This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: 
  [javadoc] "<p>Provide a random <code>ID</code><p>
  [javadoc]  <p>If the <code>PositiveIds</code> property is true, 
  [javadoc]  then this method will recursively call itself if the random
  [javadoc]  <code>ID</code> is less than zero."
  [javadoc] Generating C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-commons\betwixt\target\docs\apidocs\help-doc.html...
  [javadoc] 12 warnings