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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
3    * 
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    * 
8    *
9    * 
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */ 
16  package;
18  import org.apache.commons.betwixt.ElementDescriptor;
19  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
21  /***  
22    * Group of factory methods for <code>ChainedBeanCreator</code>'s.
23    * The standard implementations used by Betwixt are present here.
24    *
25    * @author Robert Burrell Donkin
26    * @since 0.5
27    */
28  public class ChainedBeanCreatorFactory {
30      /*** Singleton instance for creating derived beans */
31      private static final ChainedBeanCreator derivedBeanCreator 
32          = new ChainedBeanCreator() {
33              public Object create(
34                                  ElementMapping elementMapping, 
35                                  ReadContext context, 
36                                  BeanCreationChain chain) {
38                  String className 
39                      = elementMapping
40                          .getAttributes().getValue( context.getClassNameAttribute() );
41                  if ( className != null ) {
42                      try {
43                          // load the class we should instantiate
44                          ClassLoader classLoader = context.getClassLoader();
45                          if ( classLoader == null ) {
46                              context.getLog().warn( 
47              "Could not create derived instance: read context classloader not set." );
48                          }
49                          Class clazz = classLoader.loadClass( className );
50                          return clazz.newInstance();
52                      } catch (Exception e) {
53                          // it would be nice to have a pluggable strategy for exception management
54                          context.getLog().warn( "Could not create instance of type: " + className );
55                          context.getLog().debug( "Create new instance failed: ", e );
56                          return null;
57                      }
59                  } else {
60                      // pass responsibility down the chain
61                      return chain.create( elementMapping, context );
62                  }
63              }
64          };
66      /***
67        * Creates a <code>ChainedBeanCreator</code> that constructs derived beans.
68        * These have their classname set by an xml attribute.
69        * @return <code>ChainedBeanCreator</code> that implements Derived beans logic, not null
70        */
71      public static final ChainedBeanCreator createDerivedBeanCreator() {
72          return derivedBeanCreator;
73      }
75      /*** Singleton instance that creates beans based on type */
76      private static final ChainedBeanCreator elementTypeBeanCreator 
77          = new ChainedBeanCreator() {
78              public Object create(
79                                  ElementMapping element, 
80                                  ReadContext context, 
81                                  BeanCreationChain chain) {
83                  Log log = context.getLog();
84                  Class theClass = null;
86                  ElementDescriptor descriptor = element.getDescriptor();
87                  if ( descriptor != null ) {
88                      // created based on implementation class
89                      theClass = descriptor.getImplementationClass();
90                  }
92                  if ( theClass == null ) {
93                      // create based on type
94                      theClass = element.getType();
95                  }
97                  if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) {
98                      log.trace(
99                          "Creating instance of class " + theClass.getName() 
100                         + " for element " + element.getName());
101                 }
103                 try {
105                     return theClass.newInstance();
107                 } catch (Exception e) {
108                     // it would be nice to have a pluggable strategy for exception management
109                     context.getLog().warn( 
110                         "Could not create instance of type: " + theClass.getName() );
111                     context.getLog().debug( "Create new instance failed: ", e );
112                     return null;
113                 }
114             }
115         }; 
117     /***
118       * Creates a <code>ChainedBeanCreator</code> that constructs beans based on element type.
119       * @return <code>ChainedBeanCreator</code> that implements load by type beans logic, not null
120       */
121     public static final ChainedBeanCreator createElementTypeBeanCreator() {
122         return elementTypeBeanCreator;
123     }
125     /*** Singleton instance that creates beans based on IDREF */
126     private static final ChainedBeanCreator idRefBeanCreator 
127         = new ChainedBeanCreator() {
128             public Object create(
129                                 ElementMapping elementMapping, 
130                                 ReadContext context, 
131                                 BeanCreationChain chain) {
132                 if ( context.getMapIDs() ) {
133                     String idref = elementMapping.getAttributes().getValue( "idref" );
134                     if ( idref != null ) {
135                         // XXX need to check up about ordering
136                         // XXX this is a very simple system that assumes that 
137                         // XXX id occurs before idrefs
138                         // XXX would need some thought about how to implement a fuller system
139                         context.getLog().trace( "Found IDREF" );
140                         Object bean = context.getBean( idref );
141                         if ( bean != null ) {
142                             if ( context.getLog().isTraceEnabled() ) {
143                                 context.getLog().trace( "Matched bean " + bean );
144                             }
145                             return bean;
146                         }
147                         context.getLog().trace( "No match found" );
148                     }
149                 }
150                 return chain.create( elementMapping, context );
151             }
152         }; 
154     /***
155       * Creates a <code>ChainedBeanCreator</code> that finds existing beans based on their IDREF.
156       * @return <code>ChainedBeanCreator</code> that implements IDREF beans logic, not null
157       */
158     public static final ChainedBeanCreator createIDREFBeanCreator() {
159         return idRefBeanCreator;
160     }
161 }