Design Changes


Betwixt used to analyse the bound class type at mapping time. Those regarded as primitives were recognized and a different mapping algorithm used.

This is inefficient and also leads to greater complexity in the mapping algorithm. Primitives should be recognized at introspection time and the Descriptors produced should reflect these changes.

The first work should be to change how the primitive mapping to elements works. The introspector should recognize primitives at Introspection time and create an appropriate ElementDescriptor containing a TextDescriptor with an appropriate Updator. This updator should be called in the same way as any other.

Mapping Collectives

This means mapping such collectives as Maps and Collections.

Previously, this has been done through special algorithms at binding time.

In particular, the isWrapCollectionsInElement needs to be decrepated and all calls removed.

Hollow Elements

A hollow element is an element which is one that is mapped to the root of a newly bean instance. A hollow element may correspond to a singular or collective property.

Frame Element

A frame element is present in the xml and is unbound to any