On The Apache Wiki

The Apache Wiki is a Wiki run by Apache for the Apache community. The Betwixt Wiki home page is here .

Anyone is welcome to create new content about Betwixt providing that they observe the usual rules of netiquette.


The Werken Company runs an IRC server with a permenant Betwixt channel. (Thanks Bob !)

To access the IRC server, point an appropriate IRC client at:

             server: irc.werken.com
               port: 6667
            channel: #betwixt

For those who use Mozilla , here's a quick link to #betwixt .

Most business is still conducted on the commons-dev mailing list. (And so it should be!) But project members find IRC useful to roll around ideas, discuss designs - or just hang out. You're welcome to join us.


Many of the channels hosted by The Werken Company are archived and available through the Werken IRC Archives .

Here's the Betwixt archive