Class HyphenatedNameMapper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HyphenatedNameMapper
extends java.lang.Object
implements NameMapper

A name mapper which converts types to a hypenated String. So a bean type of FooBar will be converted to the element name "foo-bar". The name mapper can be configured to convert to upper case and to use a different separator via the separator and upperCase properties, so that FooBar can be converted to FOO_BAR if needed, by calling the constructor new HyphenatedNameMapper(true, "_").

$Revision: 1.11 $
Jason van Zyl, James Strachan

Constructor Summary
          Construct a hyphenated name mapper that converts the name to lower case and uses the default separator.
HyphenatedNameMapper(boolean upperCase)
          Construct a hyphenated name mapper with default separator.
HyphenatedNameMapper(boolean upperCase, java.lang.String separator)
          Construct a hyphenated name mapper.
Method Summary
protected  char convertChar(char ch)
          Performs type conversion on the given character based on whether upper or lower case conversions are being used
 java.lang.String getSeparator()
          This separator will be inserted between the words in the bean name.
 boolean isUpperCase()
          Should the bean name be converted to upper case? Otherwise, it will be converted to lower case.
 java.lang.String mapTypeToElementName(java.lang.String typeName)
          The words within the bean name are deduced assuming the first-letter-capital (e.g.
 void setSeparator(java.lang.String separator)
          Sets the separator used to seperate words, which defaults to '-'
 void setUpperCase(boolean upperCase)
          Sets whether upper or lower case conversions should be performed, which defaults to false for lower case.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HyphenatedNameMapper()
Construct a hyphenated name mapper that converts the name to lower case and uses the default separator.


public HyphenatedNameMapper(boolean upperCase)
Construct a hyphenated name mapper with default separator.

upperCase - should the type name be converted (entirely) to upper case


public HyphenatedNameMapper(boolean upperCase,
                            java.lang.String separator)
Construct a hyphenated name mapper.

upperCase - should the type name be converted (entirely) to upper case
separator - use this string to separate the words in the name returned. The words in the bean name are deduced by relying on the standard camel's hump property naming convention.
Method Detail


public java.lang.String mapTypeToElementName(java.lang.String typeName)

The words within the bean name are deduced assuming the first-letter-capital (e.g. camel's hump) naming convention. For example, the words in FooBar are foo and bar.

Next convert all letter in the bean name to either upper case or lower case based on the isUpperCase() property value.

Then the getSeparator() property value is inserted so that it separates each word.

Specified by:
mapTypeToElementName in interface NameMapper
typeName - The name string to convert. If a JavaBean class name, should included only the last part of the name rather than the fully qualified name (e.g. FooBar rather than org.example.FooBar).
the bean name converted to either upper or lower case with words separated by the separator.


public java.lang.String getSeparator()
This separator will be inserted between the words in the bean name.

the separator used to seperate words, which defaults to '-'


public void setSeparator(java.lang.String separator)
Sets the separator used to seperate words, which defaults to '-'

separator - the string inserted to separate words


public boolean isUpperCase()
Should the bean name be converted to upper case? Otherwise, it will be converted to lower case.

whether upper or lower case conversions should be performed, which defaults to false for lower case


public void setUpperCase(boolean upperCase)
Sets whether upper or lower case conversions should be performed, which defaults to false for lower case.

upperCase - whether the name is to be converted to upper case


protected char convertChar(char ch)
Performs type conversion on the given character based on whether upper or lower case conversions are being used

ch - the character to be converted
converted to upper case if isUpperCase() otherwise to lower case

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