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Added Methods
MappingAction currentMappingAction() Gets the current mapping action
ActionMappingStrategy getActionMappingStrategy() Gets the strategy used to define default mappings actions for elements.
Object getBean()  
ElementDescriptor getCurrentDescriptor() Gets the ElementDescriptor that describes the mapping for the current element.
String getCurrentElement() Gets the element name for the currently mapped element.
Updater getCurrentUpdater() Gets the current Updater.
Class getLastMappedClass() Gets the Class that was last mapped if there is one.
Class getRootClass()  
XMLIntrospector getXMLIntrospector() Gets the XMLIntrospector to be used to create the mappings for the xml.
void markClassMap(Class) Marks the element name stack with a class mapping.
Object popBean() Pops the last mapping Object from the stack containing beans that have been mapped.
String popElement() Pops the top element from the element mapping stack.
MappingAction popMappingAction() Pops an action mapping from the stack
Updater popUpdater() Pops the top Updater from the stack.
void populateAttributes(AttributeDescriptor[], Attributes) Populates the object mapped by the AttributeDescriptors with the values in the given Attributes.
void pushBean(Object) Pushs a newly mapped Object onto the mapped bean stack.
void pushElement(String) Pushes the given element onto the element mapping stack.
void pushMappingAction(MappingAction) Pushs an action mapping onto the stack
void pushUpdater(Updater)

Pushes an Updater onto the stack.

void setRootClass(Class)  
void setXMLIntrospector(XMLIntrospector) Sets the XMLIntrospector to be used to create the mappings for the xml.

Changed Methods
void setBean(Object) Method was inherited from org.apache.commons.betwixt.expression.Context, but is now defined locally.