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Class org.apache.commons.betwixt.ElementDescriptor

Changed Constructors
ElementDescriptor(boolean) Now deprecated.
PrimitiveType property has been removed

Added Methods
ElementDescriptor findParent(ElementDescriptor) @todo is this really a good design
ElementDescriptor getElementDescriptor(String) Gets a child ElementDescriptor matching the given name if one exists.
boolean isCollective() TODO is this implementation correct maybe this method is unnecessary
boolean isHollow() Is this decriptor hollow A hollow descriptor is one which gives only the class that the subgraph is mapped to rather than describing the entire subgraph.
boolean isSimple() Is this a simple element A simple element is one without child elements or attributes.
void setHollow(boolean) Sets whether this descriptor is hollow.

Changed Methods
boolean isPrimitiveType() Now deprecated.
moved to a declarative style of descriptors where the alrogithmic should be done during introspection
boolean isWrapCollectionsInElement() Now deprecated.
moved to a declarative style of descriptors where the alrogithmic should be done during introspection
void setPrimitiveType(boolean) Now deprecated.
moved to a declarative style of descriptors where the alrogithmic should be done during introspection
void setWrapCollectionsInElement(boolean) Now deprecated.
moved to a declarative style of descriptors where the alrogithmic should be done during introspection