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Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity

  * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
 import org.apache.commons.betwixt.XMLUtils;
 import org.apache.commons.betwixt.strategy.MixedContentEncodingStrategy;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
 /** <p><code>BeanWriter</code> outputs beans as XML to an io stream.</p>
   * <p>The output for each bean is an xml fragment
   * (rather than a well-formed xml-document).
   * This allows bean representations to be appended to a document 
   * by writing each in turn to the stream.
   * So to create a well formed xml document, 
   * you'll need to write the prolog to the stream first.
   * If you append more than one bean to the stream, 
   * then you'll need to add a wrapping root element as well.
   * <p> The line ending to be used is set by {@link #setEndOfLine}. 
   * <p> The output can be formatted (with whitespace) for easy reading 
   * by calling {@link #enablePrettyPrint}. 
   * The output will be indented. 
   * The indent string used is set by {@link #setIndent}.
   * <p> Bean graphs can sometimes contain cycles. 
   * Care must be taken when serializing cyclic bean graphs
   * since this can lead to infinite recursion. 
   * The approach taken by <code>BeanWriter</code> is to automatically
   * assign an <code>ID</code> attribute value to beans.
   * When a cycle is encountered, 
   * an element is written that has the <code>IDREF</code> attribute set to the 
   * id assigned earlier.
   * <p> The names of the <code>ID</code> and <code>IDREF</code> attributes used 
   * can be customized by the <code>XMLBeanInfo</code>.
   * The id's used can also be customized by the user 
   * via <code>IDGenerator</code> subclasses.
   * The implementation used can be set by the <code>IdGenerator</code> property.
   * BeanWriter defaults to using <code>SequentialIDGenerator</code> 
   * which supplies id values in numeric sequence.
   * <p>If generated <code>ID</code> attribute values are not acceptable in the output,
   * then this can be disabled by setting the <code>WriteIDs</code> property to false.
   * If a cyclic reference is encountered in this case then a
   * <code>CyclicReferenceException</code> will be thrown. 
   * When the <code>WriteIDs</code> property is set to false,
   * it is recommended that this exception is caught by the caller.
   * @author <a href="">James Strachan</a>
   * @author <a href="">Martin van den Bemt</a>
 79  695
 public class BeanWriter extends AbstractBeanWriter {
      * Gets the default EOL string. 
      * @return EOL string, not null
     private static final String getEOL() {
         // just wraps call in an exception check for access restricted environments
 87  695
         String result = "\n";
         try {
 89  695
             result = System.getProperty( "line.separator", "\n" );
 90  0
         } catch (SecurityException se) {
 91  0
             Log log = LogFactory.getLog( BeanWriter.class );
 92  0
             log.warn("Cannot load line separator property: " + se.getMessage());
 93  0
             log.trace("Caused by: ", se);
 95  695
         return result;
     /** Where the output goes */
     private Writer writer;    
     /** text used for end of lines. Defaults to <code>\n</code>*/
 102  695
     private static final String EOL = getEOL();
     /** text used for end of lines. Defaults to <code>\n</code>*/
 104  1943
     private String endOfLine = EOL;
     /** Initial level of indentation (starts at 1 with the first element by default) */
 106  1943
     private int initialIndentLevel = 1;
     /** indentation text */
     private String indent;
     /** should we flush after writing bean */
     private boolean autoFlush;
     /** Log used for logging (Doh!) */
 113  1943
     private Log log = LogFactory.getLog( BeanWriter.class );
     /** Has any content (excluding attributes) been written to the current element */
 115  1943
     private boolean currentElementIsEmpty = false;
     /** Has the current element written any body text */
 117  1943
     private boolean currentElementHasBodyText = false;
     /** Has the last start tag been closed */
 119  1943
     private boolean closedStartTag = true;
     /** Should an end tag be added for empty elements? */
 121  1943
     private boolean addEndTagForEmptyElement = false;
     /** Current level of indentation */
     private int indentLevel;
     /** USed to determine how body content should be encoded before being output*/
 125  1943
     private MixedContentEncodingStrategy mixedContentEncodingStrategy 
 126  1943
         = MixedContentEncodingStrategy.DEFAULT;
      * <p> Constructor uses <code>System.out</code> for output.</p>
     public BeanWriter() {
 132  39
         this( System.out );
 133  39
      * <p> Constuctor uses given <code>OutputStream</code> for output.</p>
      * @param out write out representations to this stream
 140  52
     public BeanWriter(OutputStream out) {
 141  52
         this.writer = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( out ) );
 142  52
         this.autoFlush = true;
 143  52
      * <p>Constuctor uses given <code>OutputStream</code> for output 
      * and allows encoding to be set.</p>
      * @param out write out representations to this stream
      * @param enc the name of the encoding to be used. This should be compatible
      * with the encoding types described in <code></code>
      * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the given encoding is not supported
 154  0
     public BeanWriter(OutputStream out, String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
 155  0
         this.writer = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( out, enc ) );
 156  0
         this.autoFlush = true;
 157  0
      * <p> Constructor sets writer used for output.</p>
      * @param writer write out representations to this writer
 164  1891
     public BeanWriter(Writer writer) {
 165  1891
         this.writer = writer;
 166  1891
      * A helper method that allows you to write the XML Declaration.
      * This should only be called once before you output any beans.
      * @param xmlDeclaration is the XML declaration string typically of
      *  the form "&lt;xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?&gt;
      * @throws IOException when declaration cannot be written
     public void writeXmlDeclaration(String xmlDeclaration) throws IOException {
 178  52
         writer.write( xmlDeclaration );
 179  52
 180  52
      * Allows output to be flushed on the underlying output stream
      * @throws IOException when the flush cannot be completed
     public void flush() throws IOException {
 188  130
 189  130
      * Closes the underlying output stream
      * @throws IOException when writer cannot be closed
     public void close() throws IOException {
 197  0
 198  0
      * Write the given object to the stream (and then flush).
      * @param bean write this <code>Object</code> to the stream
      * @throws IOException if an IO problem causes failure
      * @throws SAXException if a SAX problem causes failure
      * @throws IntrospectionException if bean cannot be introspected
     public void write(Object bean) throws IOException, SAXException, IntrospectionException  {
 210  1722
 212  1696
         if ( autoFlush ) {
 213  104
 215  1696
      * <p> Switch on formatted output.
      * This sets the end of line and the indent.
      * The default is adding 2 spaces and a newline
     public void enablePrettyPrint() {
 224  507
         endOfLine = EOL;
 225  507
         indent = "  ";
 226  507
      * Gets the string used to mark end of lines.
      * @return the string used for end of lines 
     public String getEndOfLine() {
 234  26
         return endOfLine;
      * Sets the string used for end of lines 
      * Produces a warning the specified value contains an invalid whitespace character
      * @param endOfLine the <code>String</code to use 
     public void setEndOfLine(String endOfLine) {
 244  702
         this.endOfLine = endOfLine;
 245  1391
         for (int i = 0; i < endOfLine.length(); i++) {
 246  715
             if (!Character.isWhitespace(endOfLine.charAt(i))) {
 247  26
                 log.warn("Invalid EndOfLine character(s)");
 248  26
 252  702
      * Gets the initial indent level 
      * @return the initial level for indentation 
     public int getInitialIndentLevel() {
 260  0
         return initialIndentLevel;
      * Sets the initial indent level used for pretty print indents  
      * @param initialIndentLevel use this <code>int</code> to start with
     public void setInitialIndentLevel(int initialIndentLevel) {
 268  0
         this.initialIndentLevel = initialIndentLevel;
 269  0
      * Gets the indent string 
      * @return the string used for indentation 
     public String getIndent() {
 278  27820
         return indent;
      * Sets the string used for pretty print indents  
      * @param indent use this <code>string</code> for indents
     public void setIndent(String indent) {
 286  65
         this.indent = indent;
 287  65
      * <p> Set the log implementation used. </p>
      * @return a <code>org.apache.commons.logging.Log</code> level constant
     public Log getLog() {
 295  0
         return log;
      * <p> Set the log implementation used. </p>
      * @param log <code>Log</code> implementation to use
     public void setLog( Log log ) {
 304  13
         this.log = log;
 305  13
      * Gets the encoding strategy for mixed content.
      * This is used to process body content 
      * before it is written to the textual output.
      * @return the <code>MixedContentEncodingStrategy</code>, not null
      * @since 0.5
     public MixedContentEncodingStrategy getMixedContentEncodingStrategy() {
 315  0
         return mixedContentEncodingStrategy;
      * Sets the encoding strategy for mixed content.
      * This is used to process body content 
      * before it is written to the textual output.
      * @param strategy the <code>MixedContentEncodingStrategy</code>
      * used to process body content, not null
      * @since 0.5
     public void setMixedContentEncodingStrategy(MixedContentEncodingStrategy strategy) {
 327  26
         mixedContentEncodingStrategy = strategy;
 328  26
      * <p>Should an end tag be added for each empty element?
      * </p><p>
      * When this property is false then empty elements will
      * be written as <code>&lt;<em>element-name</em>/gt;</code>.
      * When this property is true then empty elements will
      * be written as <code>&lt;<em>element-name</em>gt;
      * &lt;/<em>element-name</em>gt;</code>.
      * </p>
      * @return true if an end tag should be added
     public boolean isEndTagForEmptyElement() {
 342  0
         return addEndTagForEmptyElement;
      * Sets when an an end tag be added for each empty element.
      * When this property is false then empty elements will
      * be written as <code>&lt;<em>element-name</em>/gt;</code>.
      * When this property is true then empty elements will
      * be written as <code>&lt;<em>element-name</em>gt;
      * &lt;/<em>element-name</em>gt;</code>.
      * @param addEndTagForEmptyElement true if an end tag should be 
      * written for each empty element, false otherwise
     public void setEndTagForEmptyElement(boolean addEndTagForEmptyElement) {
 356  39
         this.addEndTagForEmptyElement = addEndTagForEmptyElement;
 357  39
     // New API
      * Writes the start tag for an element.
      * @param uri the element's namespace uri
      * @param localName the element's local name 
      * @param qualifiedName the element's qualified name
      * @param attr the element's attributes
      * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs during writing 
      * @throws SAXException if an SAX problem occurs during writing 
      * @since 0.5
     protected void startElement(
                                 WriteContext context,
                                 String uri, 
                                 String localName, 
                                 String qualifiedName, 
                                 Attributes attr)
                                         SAXException {
 385  17217
         if ( !closedStartTag ) {
 386  6350
             writer.write( '>' );
 387  6350
 390  17217
 392  17217
 393  17217
         writer.write( '<' );
 394  17217
         writer.write( qualifiedName );
 396  25368
         for ( int i=0; i< attr.getLength(); i++ ) {
 397  8151
             writer.write( ' ' );
 398  8151
             writer.write( attr.getQName(i) );
 399  8151
             writer.write( "=\"" );
 400  8151
             writer.write( XMLUtils.escapeAttributeValue( attr.getValue(i) ) );
 401  8151
             writer.write( '\"' );
 403  17217
         closedStartTag = false;
 404  17217
         currentElementIsEmpty = true;
 405  17217
         currentElementHasBodyText = false;
 406  17217
      * Writes the end tag for an element
      * @param uri the element's namespace uri
      * @param localName the element's local name 
      * @param qualifiedName the element's qualified name
      * @throws IOException if an IO problem occurs during writing 
      * @throws SAXException if an SAX problem occurs during writing 
      * @since 0.5
     protected void endElement(
                                 WriteContext context,
                                 String uri, 
                                 String localName, 
                                 String qualifiedName)
                                         SAXException {
         if ( 
 428  17035
 429  17009
             && !closedStartTag 
 430  3886
             && currentElementIsEmpty ) {
 432  3886
             writer.write( "/>" );
 433  3886
             closedStartTag = true;
         } else {
             if (
 438  13149
 439  26
                     && !closedStartTag ) {
 440  26
                  writer.write( ">" );
 441  26
                  closedStartTag = true;                 
 443  13123
             else if (!currentElementHasBodyText) {
 444  6194
 446  13149
             writer.write( "</" );
 447  13149
             writer.write( qualifiedName );
 448  13149
             writer.write( '>' );
 452  17035
 453  17035
 455  17035
         currentElementHasBodyText = false;
 456  17035
      * Write element body text 
      * @param text write out this body text
      * @throws IOException when the stream write fails
      * @since 0.5
     protected void bodyText(WriteContext context, String text) throws IOException {
 466  6942
         if ( text == null ) {
             // XXX This is probably a programming error
 468  0
             log.error( "[expressBodyText]Body text is null" );
         } else {
 471  6942
             if ( !closedStartTag ) {
 472  6929
                 writer.write( '>' );
 473  6929
                 closedStartTag = true;
 475  13884
 476  13884
 477  6942
 478  6942
                     context.getCurrentDescriptor()) );
 479  6942
             currentElementIsEmpty = false;
 480  6942
             currentElementHasBodyText = true;
 482  6942
     /** Writes out an empty line.
      * Uses current <code>endOfLine</code>.
      * @throws IOException when stream write fails
     private void printLine() throws IOException {
 490  23437
         if ( endOfLine != null ) {
 491  23437
             writer.write( endOfLine );
 493  23437
      * Writes out <code>indent</code>'s to the current <code>indentLevel</code>
      * @throws IOException when stream write fails
     private void indent() throws IOException {
 501  23411
         if ( indent != null ) {
 502  37076
             for ( int i = 1 - initialIndentLevel; i < indentLevel; i++ ) {
 503  27820
                 writer.write( getIndent() );
 506  23411
     /** Writes out an empty line.
      * Uses current <code>endOfLine</code>.
      * @throws IOException when stream write fails
      * @deprecated 0.5 replaced by new SAX inspired API
     protected void writePrintln() throws IOException {
 519  0
         if ( endOfLine != null ) {
 520  0
             writer.write( endOfLine );
 522  0
      * Writes out <code>indent</code>'s to the current <code>indentLevel</code>
      * @throws IOException when stream write fails
      * @deprecated 0.5 replaced by new SAX inspired API
     protected void writeIndent() throws IOException {
 531  0
         if ( indent != null ) {
 532  0
             for ( int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++ ) {
 533  0
                 writer.write( getIndent() );
 536  0
      * <p>Escape the <code>toString</code> of the given object.
      * For use as body text.</p>
      * @param value escape <code>value.toString()</code>
      * @return text with escaped delimiters 
      * @deprecated 0.5 moved into utility class {@link XMLUtils#escapeBodyValue}
     protected String escapeBodyValue(Object value) {
 547  0
         return XMLUtils.escapeBodyValue(value);
      * <p>Escape the <code>toString</code> of the given object.
      * For use in an attribute value.</p>
      * @param value escape <code>value.toString()</code>
      * @return text with characters restricted (for use in attributes) escaped
      * @deprecated 0.5 moved into utility class {@link XMLUtils#escapeAttributeValue}
     protected String escapeAttributeValue(Object value) {
 560  0
         return XMLUtils.escapeAttributeValue(value);
      * Express an element tag start using given qualified name 
      * @param qualifiedName the fully qualified name of the element to write
      * @throws IOException when stream write fails
      * @deprecated 0.5 replaced by new SAX inspired API
     protected void expressElementStart(String qualifiedName) throws IOException {
 571  0
         if ( qualifiedName == null ) {
             // XXX this indicates a programming error
 573  0
             log.fatal( "[expressElementStart]Qualified name is null." );
 574  0
             throw new RuntimeException( "Qualified name is null." );
 577  0
 578  0
 579  0
         writer.write( '<' );
 580  0
         writer.write( qualifiedName );
 581  0
      * Write a tag close to the stream
      * @throws IOException when stream write fails
      * @deprecated 0.5 replaced by new SAX inspired API
     protected void expressTagClose() throws IOException {
 590  0
         writer.write( '>' );
 591  0
      * Write an element end tag to the stream
      * @param qualifiedName the name of the element
      * @throws IOException when stream write fails
      * @deprecated 0.5 replaced by new SAX inspired API
     protected void expressElementEnd(String qualifiedName) throws IOException {
 601  0
         if (qualifiedName == null) {
             // XXX this indicates a programming error
 603  0
             log.fatal( "[expressElementEnd]Qualified name is null." );
 604  0
             throw new RuntimeException( "Qualified name is null." );
 607  0
         writer.write( "</" );
 608  0
         writer.write( qualifiedName );
 609  0
         writer.write( '>' );
 610  0
      * Write an empty element end to the stream
      * @throws IOException when stream write fails
      * @deprecated 0.5 replaced by new SAX inspired API
     protected void expressElementEnd() throws IOException {
 619  0
         writer.write( "/>" );
 620  0
      * Write element body text 
      * @param text write out this body text
      * @throws IOException when the stream write fails
      * @deprecated 0.5 replaced by new SAX inspired API
     protected void expressBodyText(String text) throws IOException {
 630  0
         if ( text == null ) {
             // XXX This is probably a programming error
 632  0
             log.error( "[expressBodyText]Body text is null" );
         } else {
 635  0
             writer.write( XMLUtils.escapeBodyValue(text) );
 637  0
      * Writes an attribute to the stream.
      * @param qualifiedName fully qualified attribute name
      * @param value attribute value
      * @throws IOException when the stream write fails
      * @deprecated 0.5 replaced by new SAX inspired API
     protected void expressAttribute(
                                 String qualifiedName, 
                                 String value) 
 652  0
         if ( value == null ) {
             // XXX probably a programming error
 654  0
             log.error( "Null attribute value." );
 655  0
 658  0
         if ( qualifiedName == null ) {
             // XXX probably a programming error
 660  0
             log.error( "Null attribute value." );
 661  0
 664  0
         writer.write( ' ' );
 665  0
         writer.write( qualifiedName );
 666  0
         writer.write( "=\"" );
 667  0
         writer.write( XMLUtils.escapeAttributeValue(value) );
 668  0
         writer.write( '\"' );
 669  0