Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.clazz.bean.BeanClazzConstructorInstanceFactory
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  * Copyright 2002-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.clazz.bean;
 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
 import org.apache.commons.clazz.Clazz;
 import org.apache.commons.clazz.ClazzAccessException;
 import org.apache.commons.clazz.ClazzInstanceFactory;
 import org.apache.commons.clazz.ClazzLoader;
 import org.apache.commons.clazz.common.ClazzFeatureSupport;
  * An instance factory based on a Constructor. The first argument of the
  * Constructor is always of type <code>Clazz</code>. This parameter is not
  * included in the factory signature.
  * @author <a href="">Dmitri Plotnikov</a>
  * @version $Id: 155436 2005-02-26 13:17:48Z dirkv $
 public class BeanClazzConstructorInstanceFactory extends ClazzFeatureSupport
        implements ClazzInstanceFactory 
     // Though this class is very similar to ReflectedConstructorInstanceFactory,
     // we have a separate implementation because the first parameter (Clazz) of
     // the constructor is ignored here and that affects almost every method.
     private Constructor constructor;
     private Class visibleParameterTypes[];
     private String signature;
     private Clazz[] parameterClazzes;
      * Constructor for ReflectedClazzProperty.
     public BeanClazzConstructorInstanceFactory(
             Clazz declaringClazz,
             Constructor constructor)
 54  0
 55  0
         this.constructor = constructor;
 56  0
     public Constructor getConstructor() {
 59  0
         return constructor;
     public String getName() {
 63  0
         return null;
      * @see org.apache.commons.clazz.ClazzOperation#getSignature()
     public String getSignature() {
 70  0
         if (signature == null) {
 71  0
             signature =
                 Clazz.constructSignature(null, getVisibleParameterTypes());
 74  0
         return signature;
      * @see org.apache.commons.clazz.ClazzOperation#getParameterClazzes()
     public Clazz[] getParameterClazzes() {
 81  0
         if (parameterClazzes == null) {
 82  0
             Class paramClasses[] = getVisibleParameterTypes();
 83  0
             parameterClazzes = new Clazz[paramClasses.length];
 84  0
             ClazzLoader loader = getDeclaringClazz().getClazzLoader();
 85  0
             for (int i = 0; i < paramClasses.length; i++) {
 86  0
                 String name = Clazz.getCanonicalClassName(paramClasses[i]);
 87  0
                 parameterClazzes[i] = loader.getClazzForName(name);
 90  0
         return parameterClazzes;
     private Class[] getVisibleParameterTypes() {
 94  0
         Class parameterTypes[] = constructor.getParameterTypes();
 95  0
         visibleParameterTypes = new Class[parameterTypes.length - 1];
 96  0
         for (int i = 1; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
 97  0
             visibleParameterTypes[i - 1] = parameterTypes[i];
 99  0
         return visibleParameterTypes;
     public Object newInstance(Object[] parameters) {
         try {
             // Insert the declaring clazz as the invisible first parameter
 105  0
             int length = (parameters == null ? 0 : parameters.length);
 106  0
             Object allParameters[] = new Object[length + 1];
 107  0
             allParameters[0] = getDeclaringClazz();
 108  0
             for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 109  0
                 allParameters[i + 1] = parameters[i];
 111  0
             return constructor.newInstance(allParameters);
 113  0
         catch (Throwable e) {
 114  0
             throw new ClazzAccessException(
                 "Cannot invoke constructor " + getSignature(),
     public String toString() {
 121  0
         return getSignature();