Constant Field Values


protected static final String ERR_GAUGE_NOTIFY "One or both of NotifyHigh and NotifyLow must be true when monitoring a gauge attribute."
protected static final String ERR_OBSERVED_ATTRIBUTE "Observed attribute must be specified"
protected static final String ERR_PLATFORM_SERVER "Monitor type consumer only supported on platform server."
protected static final String ERR_STRING_NOTIFY "One or both of NotifyDiffer and NotifyMatch must be true when monitoring a string attribute."
protected static final String ERR_STRING_TO_COMPARE "StringToCompare must be specified when monitoring a string attribute."
protected static final String ERR_THRESHOLD_HIGH "ThresholdHigh must be set when monitoring a gauge attribute."
protected static final String ERR_THRESHOLD_LOW "ThresholdLow must be set when monitoring a gauge attribute."

Apache CAMEL