Package org.apache.camel.core.xml

The classes for working with Camel and XML along with the primary factory beans.


Class Summary
AbstractCamelConsumerTemplateFactoryBean A factory for creating a new ConsumerTemplate instance with a minimum of XML
AbstractCamelContextFactoryBean<T extends ModelCamelContext> A factory to create and initialize a CamelContext and install routes either explicitly configured or found by searching the classpath for Java classes which extend RouteBuilder.
AbstractCamelProducerTemplateFactoryBean A factory for creating a new ProducerTemplate instance with a minimum of XML
AbstractCamelRedeliveryPolicyFactoryBean A factory which instantiates RedeliveryPolicy objects
AbstractCamelThreadPoolFactoryBean A factory which instantiates ExecutorService objects
CamelJMXAgentDefinition The JAXB type class for the configuration of jmxAgent
CamelPropertyPlaceholderDefinition PropertyPlaceholderDefinition represents a <propertyPlaceholder/> element.
CamelProxyFactoryDefinition The <proxy> tag element.
CamelServiceExporterDefinition The <export> tag element.

Package org.apache.camel.core.xml Description

The classes for working with Camel and XML along with the primary factory beans.

Apache CAMEL